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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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Cess pondered a moment. "I'm not too sure. It looks nothing like any Dark tome I've ever seen, and it's empty. Typically, a tome would have at the very least, one page of incantations." Cess picked it up, and flipped through the pages. "I'll show it to Morgan, but if she doesn't think it's a tome, do you still want it?"

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"I guess whoever needs a place to stay,unless you have any suggestions of specific people." Damian replied,and spotted Aiya.

"Oi,Aiya.We are in room...twelve,alright?" Damian said,recalling the number the innkeeper had given him before following Esphyr.


"Okay then,lets get going,Irina.We should try to get back while the sun is still on our side."

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Reika shrugged her shoulders at the man and turned to leave "Anyone with money deserves their money stolen, whether they be pimp, child, or anyone else, I'd take your gold as well in your current state, shouldn't be too hard, but it wouldn't be any fun that way." taking a few steps away, she turned back as if she'd suddenly remembered something. "I would suggest you don't get too chummy with the group" she said before turning away and walking off, if it came down to it she'd kill him too, but the less people she had to assassinate, the easier her job would be.

Walking into the inn, she looked around unamused, "Now what to do, to buy a room, or to mooch of these fools" she said to herself looking at the members of the group still in the lobby/common room.

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Sure. A new tome would be very helpful no matter what. Thank you Cess. she wrote, smiling after she finished.


"I'm of the opinion it should be just the three of us actually; at least if we can get it like that." said Esphyr as the pair headed outside. Stopping by the pile of armor, she bent down to pick up a piece and handed it to Damian. "By the way, what happened last night after truth or dare?"

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After a few minutes, one of the healers noticed Heinz and walked over to him, healing his stab wound from the demon earlier. "It seemed we were in a hurry to travel here, and the bleeding had already stopped so I didn't worry about it," Heinz said apologetically. The cleric excused herself after healing him, looking a bit pale. She's probably tired herself from healing everyone, Heinz thought. "Thank you miss," he called, as the cleric went upstairs.

Seeing the others settling down to eat, Heinz grabbed a bowl and took some of the stew. He tasted the soup carefully, still remembering the drugged bread from before. Doesn't taste that bad though, the flavor's a little strong. Hearing the innkeeper state how much the rooms cost, Heinz twitched a bit. Don't know if I still have that much money because of that merchant, but maybe-

He felt a couple of coins in his pockets from when he went through the horse's saddlebags. Four people per room right? If we split the cost, I should have enough to pay.

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Ignored by Katie, Arrin wandered over to one of the chefs. "Er... could I get some food, please?"


"You idiot," Kelas sighed, taking Irina's recently vacated chair. "First you nearly get yourself killed, then you do it again, now you won't even get medical attention once we're in a town? With a church? Do you want to die or something?" She stared for a moment. "I didn't think you wanted to die, anyway...

"Look, what are you playing at? First you pulled that suicide attack, when the rest of us could have and were about to deal with those demons. It's literally a miracle that you got out of that, because Eric somehow recovered from having a tree fall on him and got you out of there when I couldn't. Then once you got patched up after that, first thing you do? Run into an axe." A sigh. "I know you're doing this to protect your sister, probably Katie too I guess, but you're not going to do them much good if you're dead." And I can't protect that many people at once, she tried to keep herself from thinking, let alone saying.

OOC: Please don't poison Arrin, if only because poison's getting old...

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"That would be best if we can get it that way,but you never know what might happen." Damian replied to her comment,before hearing her other question.

"After Truth or Dare?Well,we went out into the woods a ways,and I gave you a back massage.We both fell asleep soon after that,and then the demons appeared..." Damian stopped to think a little bit.

"You went after the succubus pretty aggressively.It's not a common tactic to use one's own armour as a bludgeon,atleast not with a sword so close by."

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"Huh?" said Esphyr, picking up her breastplate and spotting the damage from the fight Damian had mentioned. "I did what? I... You gave me a backrub? And I KILLED... Unggg... That's right. You did and I did. I'm sorry about that. Just some issues with my past once again. Nothing you need to know about. And I hope you didn't see anything when you gave me that backrub!"

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Reika frowned at the man, unsure what he wanted "What's there to talk about? I haven't got much to say" she said in a slightly irritated tone. She didn't appreciate someone calling out her name out aloud, after all she was wanted criminal in Halton after all, though whether the authorities knew her name or not she didn't know. But that was important, she was confident she could get away if the need arised. What had irritated her was being ordered to "wait" by some strange man, and then asked if she wanted to talk.

She saw the man thinking it over and felt annoyed again, "Surely you didn't ask me whether I wanted to talk without having something in mind"

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Helios bought himself a room. The innkeeper gave him a key. "Room 7" Helios muttered to himself as he went back upstairs. He found a room with the number 7 written on crudely. He opened the door. The room was more cleaner this time. Like the last room there was X amounts of beds. He left the door open as he examined the room. There was a table and a chair. The window was clear. "Probably one of the better rooms" Helios said to himself. He had to admit he was a little bored. Then he realized he never went through his pack. He opened it and started rummaging through it hoping it had anything that would cease his boredom.

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"You had that things brains on the ground before I could even grab my weapon,it must have been something pretty significant..." Damian said,trailing off.He was curious,but she didn't seem to want to talk about it.

'She will tell me in time,if it's important.'

Then she started to speak again,her voice a bit more broken this time.She was blushing slightly,and Damian couldn't help but smile at her embarrassment.

"You don't need to worry,I didn't see anything...well,your back and stomach I guess,but I don't think that's what you meant..."

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"Good." said Esphyr, picking up another piece of armor. "Look. Damian, I like you... Heck. I like you a lot. You are the best employer I've ever had. If you ordered me to kiss Lev on the lips, I would ask for how long you wanted me to do so. But I... I'm... I don't think I'm ready for a relationship like that. Not yet at least. That's not to say I don't want one or one without you! Just... I'm not sure yet." she said before bending down again. "Hey. Have you seen my leg guard?" she asked. Indeed, despite the several pieces of armor that Damian held, one piece did indeed seem to be missing. Not just a simple misplacement either, for as she searched about, the piece seemed to be honestly gone. "Well damn it I've been robbed. Ah well... It was mostly worn anyways and I can do without." she said before approaching Damian and taking half his load. She stopped though as her arms looped around the piece of protection, simply looking into his eyes. "Don't you have Aiya as well anyways?"

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Leaning back defensively for the duration of Kelas' lecture, with Proxima in his lap, Iso's eye widened as she spoke. Eventually he came back down to normal.

Iso: *sigh* ... dying wasn't my intention, Kelas. Irina and Katie were too close by. I couldn't think of any other way to put distance between the incubi and the girls. As for taking an axe to the chest ... I wasn't fast enough that time. Live and learn ... heh ... and you're one to talk. This is the first time I've seen you in good health in awhile. There's only room for one suicidal person in this group.

He smirked hoping to go from a lecture to casual conversation.


After getting up to leave with Aiya, Irina began contemplating Kiev's condition again, but unlike usual, she was mumbling out loud.

Irina: I'm so stupid ... Kiev should be eating all the time, but I'm so distracted with my own problems that I've been neglecting him. My uncle would be so upset with me ....


Still sitting on the steps leading into the inn, Lev looked over his shoulder as Irina and Aiya came outside.

Lev: Where are you two going?

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She quickly grabbed her dagger and pointed it at Alferis, "Get to know me better? And sell me off to where?" she said with an angry scowl, "I'm here on a job, not to make silly little friends" she said harshly before walking over to the innkeep and tossing a man a gold coin, "Don't know how much you charge, don't care, if it's not enough bill him, she said indicating Alferis, before storming up the stairs and to the first vacant room she could find. Slamming the door closed behind her she hurried over and dived into one of the beds.

".....Get to know me....Heh, Haven't heard that one before" she said to herself angrily. She burried her head into the sheets and the jumped out of bed, "Smells like fish" she complained as she went over and tried to get some sleep in another bed which didn't smell as bad.

(@Sage: No, I'm not telling you to get lost, I need to go for a bit now, and this'd be a good time for you to interact with other people in the group.)

Edited by Kanami
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Chase payed the innkeeper for a room, and was handed a key with the number "11". He walked to where most of the group was talking, and asked, "All right, anyone wanna share, because I really don't think I need a whole room to myself," then muttered to himself "and I wanna split the cost too."

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Man. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. Pissed, Alferis went to the innkeeper.

"I'd like a key to my room."

"Ok. Here you go. You're room 3. The one up there." He pointed to the room where Reika went into.

Dammit. She'll probably tear me apart if I went in now.

"I'll come back later. Save the key for me ok?"

The innkeeper nodded. Alferis stormed out of the inn. Tonight was a bad night indeed. He needed to think for a bit. He cursed again. Why did he have to fight before as opposed to now, when he needed it?

OOC: Don't worry Kanami. Thanks for the info anyway.

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"Esphyr..." Damian began,wondering how to put it.How to make her understand.

"I'm glad you think that way of me.I can understand if you aren't ready for certain things,but I'm still going to try...if I ever start something you don't like,just tell me,okay?I'll stop if you aren't enjoying it Esphyr,I just want you to be happy,you deserve that much."

Damian replied to her statement on how she felt of him,pieces of armour piling up in his arms.

'Hey. Have you seen my leg guard?'

Looking around,he couldn't see it anywhere.

"That's odd...here" Damian said,slipping off his own.

"It's a little big,but it should do the job until I can get you a new one in the next town,the armourer here is a con-artist."

She then took his arm again,and looked up at him,doing the same thing she always did.

"I told you,didn't I?I want you to be happy,Esphyr.You deserve happiness more than anyone,after everything you went through.If you want to be with me,then just tell me that.You don't need to think about anyone else,not about Aiya,or anyone.It's alright to be selfish every once in a while Esphyr,you've earned that right."


"It's alright Irina.Raising an adolescent wyvern is tough,and it can slip your mind sometimes.You didn't mean any harm." Aiya said reassuringly,before Lev called out to them.

"Kiev is hungry,but can't hunt for himself,so we are getting him some food."

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OOC: Iso's in a support building convo atm

Irina and Lev

Lev: What? Why didn't you feed him?

Irina: I'm out of money.

Lev: Don't you work for Morgan?

Irina: <.< >.> Don't tell my uncle but I messed up.

Lev: ... ... ... I'm leestening.

Irina: I never negotiated a long term agreement with her. I forgot to do that so I'm basically working for a quarter of the usual rate.

Lev: DA FU-Ahem ...

He tried to hold back his shock and shook his head. Krinkov looked over wondering why his master had been stirred up. After realizing that it was probably just another human issue, he went back to staring into the distance.

Lev: Advice ... get another employer or straighten that shamaness out. I'd do it for you but this seems like one of those problems that you'll be made better by fixing yourself.

Irina: You're right.

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"W-What?" Aiya sputtered out when she heard why Kiev hadn't eaten.

"You can't afford to buy food for him?That's terrible!When we get back we'll go talk to Damian,he'll hire you for a normal pay rate,okay?" Aiya said,offering a solution to the problem.

OOC:Edited some errors.

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I wanna sleep so bad, but if I go in now, she'll kill me. But if I don't... Alferis continued to walk around town. He'd have to keep a low profile here after what happened at the festhouse.

He approached Esphyr.

"Hey Esphyr, I have a question."

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OOC: @ Ether sorry about the monologue, I should have given you a better opening for that.


Irina: Damian would pay me more?

Lev: Seems fair. Go for it.

Irina: Alright. Let's talk to him once we get Kiev something to eat :)


Having been riding for hours and hours without food or water, Viveka was getting extremely tired and eventually fell asleep on the cavalry horse. Still some miles away from Alburny, she dreamed and dreamed.

OOC: I'm probably going to retcon the Kiev vs Susann scene to just before Aiya and Irina get back. That'd be better for the scene anyway.

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"Oh,for sure.We both know how strong you are,and he has had good experiences working with Ivanko's mercenaries before." Aiya said with a smile.

"Now then,let's get going...Hop on!" Aiya said,running up to where Ulfhrahn had been lying,and getting up on his back,offering Irina a hand to pull herself up.

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