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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"You asked about...well...what I wanted to do...is there anything in particular you are curious about?" Damian replied quickly,as Esphyr took a seat beside him.

Noticing her remove her armour,he did the same,leaving only the tight white undershirt and soft leather pants he wore underneath.He then quickly released his braid,shaking his head to allow the newly freed hair to stream down his back,reaching toward the lower areas of his chest.


"Everyone makes mistakes,Irina.You couldn't do much without the money to but him food anyway.And the stall owner will get a cheque from the military,you're under our employ,so this is our responsibility,not yours.As for Viveka...I'll back you up if she causes any trouble,alright?"

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Heleios stepped quickly across the road, stepping into the shop. Inside, grass could be seen growing over the floor. Dust covered everything, and cobwebs were abundant. There where several holes in the ceiling, and moonlight was shining in.

Cess pushed passed Helios. "Th-this is impossible! The shop looked nothing like this when I was in here. What happened?"

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"Ahhh... Wait. I think I understand." said Esphyr, thinking she at last understood what Damian was doing. He was giving her the chance to learn more about what he and Aiya had managed to do in the privacy of a room. "Well... Ummm... For starters... Have you ever done anything to her?"

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It was bare. Nothing but grass and dirt. Helios could even see moonlight streaming through the ceiling. After closer inspection he still couldnt figure out what was going. He started growing more suspicious of the young man. "You mentioned Katie before". "Did she arrive here with you"?

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"Nothing aside from what I told you earlier.We've slept in the same bed for a good while now,and we've washed one another,massages,and that sort of thing.We haven't actually had sex yet,if that's what you are wondering."

Damian replied.It was still embarrassing to answer such questions,but with no one around to eavesdrop,he was more willing to accept it.

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"No, I went into the shop myself. I just found the three things inside. Since the book was empty, and her journal's been filling up lately, I thought she would appreciate it."

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"We need to retrieve that journal now" Helios said. "Hopefully Lady Katie hasnt wrote in it yet". He was about to walk out the shop when he realized. "Three items"? "What is the third"?

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"That box. Morgan should still have it. Again, I doubt it's cursed. The box and journal are so much different from the broach. Besides, it won't open. What use would a locked bock do it cursing someone?"

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"Looks like they're focused on something else, to say the least," Derek said of the wyverns, while taking the reins of the horse. Leading it back, he said, "I doubt you would, miss. Horses are pretty smart. This one was just walking around when I saw him. But, I'm going to have to ask you to be more careful next time you travel by horseback. There could have been a group of bandits that would have seen a beautiful woman, asleep on a horse. What could you have done, then?"

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The innkeeper had just sort of grunted noncommittally, and Kelas had gone out on her own, finding a church across the way. It had taken a lot of convincing, but she was finally heading back, a sleepy-looking healer ambling behind.

When they reached the common room, though, the intended patient was gone. "Dammit," Kelas muttered, closing her eyes as though it would make the irritation go away, "where'd he go now?"


When the unfamiliar girl had approached, Amari had told her in uncertain terms what would happen if she came near. The girl apparently had ignored all of the signals, though, as she'd ducked in and slashed the rope tying Amari to the pegasus. Amari had lunged, but the girl had skipped away before the attack could connect.

Trying to convince the ridiculous creature to stay put had similarly failed, as had her warnings to Kiev as he'd decided to go after Susann.

Amari would have to remind both of them about how to behave when they came back.


"Tessa? Did anyone see where Tessa went?" Arrin asked whoever was listening.


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Thanks for the support, Aiya. Hopefully she won't notice me and I can just forgo the apology altogether though. After all, she did hurt Lev ^_^


Viveka: I was only asleep because I haven't eaten in ... ... can't remember ... anyway ... if I was approached by bandits I would happily kick their asses, and be on my merry way.

She put on a heavily played confidence while cracking a sinister smile.

Viveka: Before I go, what's your name? Having a memorable face doesn't mean much without a name.

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As Helios and Cess arrived at the inn he felt as if he forgot something. "Dani" Helios said. "I doubt the archer is smart enough to help her". They made their way into the inn. "Cess help her up". Helios turned. "Can i get a healer over here" he yelled.

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"Derek," the merc said. "I'll probably be traveling with the group, at least, for a little while. So we may meet again. Bye for now," he said, leading the horse into the stable. Deciding to go in and check on Eric and Dani, Derek opened the door, to see his sister lying on the floor, motionless.

"Five seconds," Derek said, holding out an armored hand to everyone who was standing near her. "You have five seconds to tell me why Dani's on the floor, or heads will roll."

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"I see... Then... Have you... You know... Done it with another woman then?" asked Esphyr, biting her lip softly. "And is there anything you want to know or do to me?"

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Tessa had been wandering about the near vicinity of the inn for awhile. She'd asked Derek casually where she might find Dani, as it seemed they were quite close, what with the one having carried the other on his shoulders for a bit of the distance. He'd mentioned something about how he'd thought she'd been hanging around with Levski, the... controversial wyvern lord and Irina's friend.

However, when she'd made her way out to where he and his wyvern had been standing guard, there was no sign of the female thunder mage. Figuring she must have wandered off on some other business since the merc had last seen her, Tessa also wandered around a bit, but ended up deciding it was a waste of time, and returned to the inn.

Arrin had still been poring over some documents he'd taken out from his pack when she made her way past the common room, and was heading in the general direction of where the private rooms were. She once again didn't have a key herself, and wouldn't have really known how to get a room on her own, but Tessa figured that somebody had already probably planned things out for her. They always had so far, so she wasn't particularly bothered by it, and just followed a trail of conversation.

Reaching the trail's end, she found Helios, Cess, and Chase fiercely arguing over the slumped body of just the person she had been searching for. Morgan was off to the side, holding a tome of some sort, and a fancy jewelry box, or something similar. Helios and Cess suddenly pushed their way past her, back out to the front of the shop, leaving just Tessa, Chase, and Morgan. Nobody was moving to do anything about her, and this somehow really riled her up.

"Chase, Morgan! What are you doing, just standing around arguing instead of trying to find out what was wrong, or to treat the girl?" she exclaimed, with irritation clear in her voice. Calming slightly, as she crossed the final stretch and kneeled by the woman's crumpled body, she added, "I can appreciate that you may not be the best at diagnosing or treating problems, but you could have at least sent for help."

She paused here, suddenly realizing what she just said. "Oh... Is that where Helios and Cess were going? I'm sorry... Still, fill me in on what happened?"

Her initial check of the woman revealed that her vitals seemed to be regular. She was breathing, perhaps slightly shallowly, but with a steady rhythm, and her pulse was fine as well. However, it was apparent from the circumstances that something was unexpected, and had gone amiss.

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"Another woman...well..." Damian trailed off.

'I was hoping this wouldn't come up...I can't lie to her though...here goes.'

"Back in Military School,I was famous because of my father...plus,I was one of the top picks of my year to become a General...I was rather immature at the time...and ended up having a couple of flings..." Damian trailed off again nervously,hoping Esphyr wouldn't

press the issue.

"A couple?How many?"

'Damn!...'She had asked...an embarrassing question...to say the least.

"H-how many...?Oh,y-y'know...just a coupl-...*sigh*...f-forty-seven..."

He wasn't even gonna bother with her other question yet,waiting to see how she would react to his answer.


"It's no problem,Irina.Like I said,I'll help you out however I can."

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"She was given a cursed brooch, probably unintentionally, " Morgan said with an edge to her voice "It was however, removed rather quickly, so she should recover soon."

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After Tessa arrived and checked on Helios another man threatened them. Helios revealed the brooch. "Cess gave her this brooch Helios said. When she put it on, she fainted. Cess and i went to the shop but it was abandoned. Cess found three items that i suspect are cursed. This brooch. the box in Morgan's hand and a journal that Katie has. We were going to retrive them and bring them back".

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"Forty SEVEN?!" exclaimed Esphyr, laughing hard as she slapped her knee and fell to the floor, rolling in laughter. "F-Haha! Forty Se-Seven? H-how is that possible? Were you the only guy there or something? Hahaha! Ahhhh..." she sighed happily before rolling about onto her belly. "So... Forty Seven? You could have had me the moment you wanted me it sounds like. All that experience, you must be several levels over me at romance. This makes me, what, forty nine?"

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"I was...popular...to say the least...with the girls anyway...most of the guys in my year wanted to throttle me..." Damian said,glad that she wasn't angry,atleast.

"I haven't really had any since back then...so only forty-seven.Forty-nine if you wait for Aiya,yes,but forty-eight if you don't."

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"Curses..." Tessa muttered, "What I wouldn't give for an actual Restore staff about now. It was only on for a few moments though?"

Standing back up, she turned to the others. "Without the proper equipment, there's nothing I can do for her here. Her physical state is in fine shape, so the effect is either mental, or spiritual, and I don't have the proper medium to manipulate those aspects... nor do I have the experience of the confidence to say that I could handle the situation if I did."

Inclining her head in a slight bow, she apologized, "I'm sorry for my earlier outburst. Why don't we move her into a room, lay her on a bed, and at least make her comfortable, while we either look for someone who can help her, or for her to recover on her own."

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"If my knowledge of cursed items serves me correctly, she should be almost fully recovered after some hours of rest, so let's move her to a bed for now." Morgan grabbed Dani by the shoulders while Tessa grabbed her legs and the two of them moved Dani onto one of the unoccupied beds.

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Katie gave a quick look of guilt before she opened the tome, pen in hand. I lied. she wrote.


"I plan on waiting. I assume you've had a plethora of things then. Tell me... Was there anything you liked besides the outright sex? I... I want to do something with you, but I want to wait for that."

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