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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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(OOC: I have moved to Phoenix style posting. :mellow: )


"It would help if I increase your resistance. Some curses appear to dispell, but may return at a later date. You can't be too sure."

He focused his energy into his staff. A green ring enveloped Dani, slowly moving around her body. It landed at her feet and disappeared.

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"Sir Derek, why are you holding a staff?" Charlotte asked of him. "It doesn't look like a healing staff either, is something wrong?" she said with a frown.

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Derek and Eric

"... Not good," Eric said, eying his friend.

"She seemed fine when I left," Derek said to Helios. "But, just in case, I'll go run this back to them. See you there," he finished, sprinting back to the inn.


Feeling her magical field strengthen, Dani looked at the man. "Weren't you supposed to use a Restore Staff on me?" she asked.

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Travis woke up with a headache. "Did I get drunk and fondle Heart again?" he asked to no one in particular. He looked around the room, all the Traviteers were killed.

"Captain Travis, he's a hero. Number of Traviteers down to zero." he said, lacking his usual gusto.

"Damn that Derek! A Jerdonian, with all his little Jerdonian friends...I won't be ruined by the likes of them! I'm Captain Travis damn it! I'm a hero!"

"Yes you are baby." said a particularly fat courtesan, appearing from the shadows.

"Ah...maybe later." said Travis grabbing his stuff and heading out the brothel. "Guess I should head back to base...maybe Jace has a plan." he said, limping, bloodied but with renewed resolve back to his fortress.

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"Unfortunatly, I don't have a Restore staff, just this Barrier staff. I'm afraid you friend didn't realize that when he met me. But no matter, you resistance will help you avoid any curses, or cut down on how long they effect you."

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"Milady, did they get to do anything to you, besides tear your clothing?" Eric asked the cleric, concern in his eyes. "If they did, I am so sorry."

Dani and Derek

"Oh. Thanks!" Dani said, before looking at everyone else. "Can I get up yet?"

Derek rushed into the room, seeing a priest and a healthy Dani. Passing the Restore staff to Tessa, he turned to the shaman. "You're still paying for the staff, even though my sister seems to be fine," he said, glaring at the man.

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While Derek ran off to deliver the Restore staff, Eric carried Charlotte back to the room they were staying in. She hopped out of his arms.

"Oh no milord, you arrived before anything...more happened." Charlotte reassured him.

"Sir Eric, I...must apologize for what occured at the festhall, I was...improperly dressed for lady." she said averting his eyes. "Perhaps I can find you an extra shirt, or some more robes for me somewhere, this shirt is... a little large." she said with a nervous laugh.

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Cess took out three diamonds and handed them to Derek. "I'll say it again, I didn't do it on purpose. Are you okay Dani?"



Pary looked on. He went over to the counter, and got his key from earlier. He started to walk up the stairs.

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Reika looked at him quizzically. Dreams. She had dreams, lots of dreams. Everyone has dreams, but not lingering dreams. This man was clearly haunted. It aroused her curiosity, but she couldn't let him know that, he might take advantage of her.

"Dreams like that?" she laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. I don't dream like that. I happen to dream and think normally."

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"...Good, then," Eric said. "I would have never forgiven myself if you had been... Anyways," he said, looking away. "I'll go find one for you. And milady, no need to be sorry. You could not help it, in that case. If anything, it was my carelessness that let that happen. Now, let me find a robe for you, milady," the swordsman said quickly, before stepping out of the room. He managed to buy a spare robe slightly larger than Charlotte's old one, and brought it up. "Here you are, milady," he said, before quickly stepping out of the door and closing it, as to give the cleric some modesty.

Dani and Derek

"I guess this'll do," Derek said. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again, or pain will follow." He lifted a gauntlet, to emphasize the point.

As Cess inquired about her health, Dani said, "I'm fine! I'm just a bit tired, now."

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Charlotte noticed the note on her bed, read it, and took it into her hands. Then she changed into her new robe and opened the door. "My old one was getting a bit dingy anyway." she said with a smile.

"Did you think that I really wrote this note Sir Eric?" she asked, looking up at him.

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"Not at all. I mean, over half the group believes you are from Elysimia, and they also have no idea of your bloodline, milady. The letter did not make any sense, given those facts," Eric said, smiling. "Also, the handwriting is a bit rough. Not at all like what I would expect a princess to write like. Finally, there was the fact that it mentioned Captain Travis. Considering what he did earlier, I doubt you would go willingly with him."

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Charlotte smiled. "I am glad Sir Eric. I... do not want to leave your side. I know in my heart that Kingdom Hearts is light! that you will always be there to protect me from whatever may come."

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"I just want you to know this. I would never do anything to hurt you, or take advantage of you."

Reika grunted. At least she knew where this man stood.

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"An interesting choice, milady. After all, it was Derek who saved you," Eric noted, entering the room. "But, nonetheless, if that is what milady wishes, then I shall do my best." Finding his shirt on one of the beds, he picked it up and put it back on, before turning back to Charlotte. "Need anything else, milady?"

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"Well, then I'll sure to thank Sir Derek again tomorrow, though I am sure he appreciated the help. I am very lucky to have both of you and Lady Danielle by my side." Charlotte gave Eric a bright smile. "I am fine Sir Eric, Bonne Nuit" she said, laying herself down to sleep.

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Such a beautiful smile, Eric thought, as Charlotte gave him a bright smile, and said,"Bonne nuit".

"Bonne nuit, princesse," he said, laying down in the bed opposite to her. "Bonne nuit."

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A few minutes passed, and Reika frowned, why she had a stupid smile on her face, she didn't know, though she couldn't deny she was more then slightly interested in the mans dreams.

"Dreams huh" she quietly whispered. She'd come across alot of people in her past who suffered from these bad dreams, apparently they were called nightmares. She recalled reading about them when she was younger, something about a cloaked man riding a black horse who would visit people while they were sleeping, planting misfortune into the mind of children.

Shaking her head she smirked, yeah, a kids fairy tail, nothing she should take seriously.

She took another look over at Alferis, a woman and an infant.... she'd killed her fair share of those. All of Halton origin, she'd always kill the woman first, to make the soldier regret ever crossing her, that look of despair and rage always amused her, getting upset over another being, how stupid.

Usually such an act would drive her enemy in a crazed frenzy, a frenzy which made them stronger, but even the strongest attacks were useless if they didn't hit their target. Eventually the soldier would fall leaving her alone with a crying infant. She didn't have anything against children, but if she left it alive it'd most likely come back and try to kill her later in life, if not it'd live a miserable life on the streets. No matter how she thought, she'd always reach the same conclusion, and the child would end up in a puddle of it's own blood.

Shaking her head furiously, she cleared her mind. "Thinking too hard" she muttered, it never did her any good, best to stop here. She glanced over at Alferis again, she couldn't understand how nightmares could exist, dreams were seldom 'bad' for her. A bad dream was a happy dream, a dream which could never happen, one which would give her hope and disillude her. Any other dream was a good dream, when the dead tried to haunt her dreams she'd laugh at them, they'd died while she was alive. Proof that she was smarter and stronger then they were. And there was nothing more enjoyable then killing others in her dreams, minimum risk, minimum effort, and never a shortage, smirking she closed her eyes. She'd probably dream of killing tonight, another chance to beat her personal record.

As her mind slipped into unconsciousness, she made a mental note to herself, pry whatever information about dreams she could from the man, it'd be a fun exercise until something else if life came along and blew up around her.

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That night, Chase had his first clear dream in a long time... more specifically, a nightmare. A black haired woman in a thief's garb held a child in her arms, an infant, and was running from an unknown force at the opposite side of the cave. She turned around with wide violet eyes, then looked into those of a child, kissed its forehead, and slowly collapsed from an unknown ailment... A group of a dozen soldiers rushed up behind her.

Soldier: She's dead, sir...

Captain: No kidding.There's a child... bring it to one of the middle class families.

Soldier: Right away.

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Kelas sat, thinking, as Arrin told about his teacher. She didn't sound anything like a parent... on the other hand, it seemed like she had done her best, and Arrin had certainly turned out all right.

"...never even ate, did you?" Arrin was asking.


"You forgot to eat after you took that food."

"Well, I suppose I'll have to eat it then," Kelas shrugged, getting the now-cold plate and beginning to eat. "...What you laughing at?"

Arrin stifled his laughter. "Nothing. Just... I had to remind my teacher to eat, too."

"I reckon your teacher was a bit cracked. I'm merely preoccupied. Now it's rather late and we'll doubtless be run out of town or some such tomorrow, so get some sleep, insufferable child," Kelas grumped through the last of the food.

A few minutes later, she looked over to see her brother already asleep. "G'night, kid," Kelas muttered as she stretched out on the other bed.

OOC: aaaaand timeskip ready.

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IC: Far overhead, the moon wound its way about over the earth as the members of the party fell asleep one by one below. No howl of wolf or soldiers cry of the hunt for fire bandits filled the air as the stars glinted up above. Yet, all was not at peace. As the night wore on and all the citizens of the town at last found their rest, a thin shadow crossed down the streets. A tall woman, clad in a black dress and driving a cart, slowly wheeled her way into town. Two people sat within the cart. A tall man of bound muscle, axe held at his side with a calm and relaxed grip, and a green-haired woman in her early twenties.

"This where you going?" she called back to the two people. With a cheery tone, the green-haired woman turned to look at the cart driver. "Yup! Thanks Helen." she said with a smile as she dismounted, followed a moment later by the man as a gentle breeze flowed around the trio. "Okay then." replied Helen. "I'll spend the night at the inn. You do whatever you want Mr and Ms..."

"We don't have a last name." replied the man, shouldering his axe. "I never had one, and neither does she."

"Alright then. I'll pick you guys up tomorrow." replied Helen as she dismounted and stabled her horse before entering the inn and renting a room; right beside Damian, Esphyr, and Aiya's own.


Esphyr awoke the following morning with a rather luxurious yawn. The previous night had been... wonderful. The first night she considered to have been well spent. Her shirt lay upon the corner of the bedpost just over Damian's head, though thankfully her pants had remained on throughout the night. She could feel a lingering ecstatic sensation coursing through her chest as she rose up and turned to Damian. She wanted to kiss him on the head to let him know to wake up, but decided that was out of character for her. However she realized what was not out of character.

Walking over to Aiya, she nudged the woman softly. "Hey." she whispered. "Time to wake Damian up."


Meanwhile, down below in the kitchen, Katie was already wide awake. Before her lay twelve large dishes, each filled with various breakfast foods that she had spent the morning preparing. She wasn't sure she had enough, but people could share, right? A pre-made breakfast for the entire party, what could be better? She smiled gently as she lifted the plates up and carted them out to the main dining area.


At the sound of the voice, Katie stopped almost dead in her tracks. There, before her, was the green-haired woman, sitting up and drinking a small cup of water as she casually flipped through a small tome. Placing her food down on a table, Katie quickly rushed over to the woman and bowed at her feet, leaving a confused and baffled expression upon the woman's face.

"Ummm... Thank you?"

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Lev had dozed off outside next to Krinkov, and wasn't awake to see the travelers enter the inn. When Viveka woke up, she desperately searched for a place to bath, as we her custom. Isotov and Irina stuck together and made their way straight downstairs following the smell of food. Once they entered the dining area, they both saw Katie bowing before a young woman.

Iso: ... huh?

Irina: Did we ... miss something, Katie? Oh hey is that for us?!

Iso thought hard within the one second before Katie and the others noticed them. He'd never seen that woman before but someone he knew had, and he wasn't sure how he knew this. Lately his memories were getting distorted and some of them seemed like they'd been tampered with.

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"YAAAWWWWNN." Alferis woke up. He was glad he had a better dream when before. He saw Reika waking up as well.

"Good morning." he said to her.

"Mmmph." grunted Reika.

"You sleep well?"

"I dunno, you had that dream again."

"No. I slept pretty well afterward. You?"

She laughed. "Nothing out of the ordinary. I don't have insane dreams like you."

"I'm sorry you think they're insane," he said angrily. He got of bed, put on his shoes, picked up his axes, and went downstairs, leaving Reika alone.

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