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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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Isotov Irina and Lev

Iso's eyes opened slowly ... he knew he was with Katie. When he looked up he saw her staring down at him, and ... to the left ... Lev embracing someone. After a moment he could tell it was Irina, and he could also tell that they were kissing ...

Iso: W-what ... the ...?

Irina held on as tight as she could. She may have never gotten another moment like that throughout the journey, and she knew it so she held on. She had no way of knowing how much time had passed, it could have been full minutes for all she knew, but Lev was slowly starting to pull away, and she didn't want him to.

Irina: (Dammit ... does it ... have to end? >_< )

She quickly took her hands off of his sides and wrapped her arms around his neck holding him in!

Lev: (That's a good girl ... >:) )

Lev's left hand quickly let go of Irina's hips and a single drop of water flowed down to his finger tip! It gave off a bright shine that caught Meaghan's attention! When she looked over in his direction, the drop of water froze solid in his hand!

Lev: (Have fun, Megae ... heheh >:) )

Irina could feel the roof oof her mouth getting very cold all of a sudden, but all she saw when she opened her eyes were Lev's eyes. They were no longer deep blue, but now they were a strong azure blue with no pupils and an icy glow! As soon as she realized who the impostor was, everything went black and she lost consciousness, falling only to be caught in his arms!

Lev: I'm glad I gave you Proxima, Iso ... heheh ... I could have never tasted something so delicious if I had bound it to her instead hahah!

Iso: :wtf:

Lev, with Irina in his grasp leaped over twenty feet away from Iso and Katie and landed in the clearing! Kiev roared at him and quickly charged only to have his snout blasted with an ice ray! His entire mouth was left encased in a block of ice! He began rubbing his head against the ground and clawing at it to get it off, but he was already injured, and could barely breathe with it on his face! It would have taken a strong fire, or a full powered magic attack to shatter such a thick chunk of ice!

Lev and Viveka

Viveka was biding her time, waiting for the man to get too close! Suddenly, she saw an axe fly by her head! Lev had swung into the bush randomly, and it flushed her out! She stood there with her lance at the ready!

Lev: There you are :)

Viveka: You'll regret finding me, idiot.

Lev: Why's that?

Suddenly Susann burst out from her hidden cover under some foliage and started throwing her hooves at Lev trying to force him back! While he was distracted, Viveka made her move! She flanked him from his left side and swung her lance down slashing Lev's left eye!


He grabbed his bleeding face and fell back, only to be pinned by Susann's hooves! Viveka walked over him and put her lance to his throat. The eye he could see with was staring up at very determined woman.

Viveka: Still want your appetizer, wyvern jockey?

Lev: Urgh ... heheh ... wyvern jockey? Miss, you're too cruel XD

Viveka: What's so damn funny? :huh:

EDIT: For punctuation.

Edited by Phoenix
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"YOU---" Kelas snarled, sending three arrows in quick succession after Shanice. All missed their mark as the demon leapt away. "Dammit!" She charged after.

"Yay~! Signal!" Megae sang, as a pair of reddish-black blades materialized in her hands. She exploded into action. "Not red~" she chirped, flying at Tessa. Somehow Arrin managed to dodge between, and Megae skidded to a halt, a blade just nicking Arrin's arm. "Dammit, red." She spun. "Not red~" she cackled, pelting towards Charlotte.

"She won't attack me, I'm a Crimson wielder!" Arrin hissed to Tessa. "Stay close!"

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Charlotte had been tending to Eric's wounds when she noticed the supposed tactician was carrying blades and was headed towards her.

"Ahh!" she screamed. She took out her Lightning tome. "S...stay back or I'll blast you." she said with all the force she could muster.

Meanwhile, Morgan examined the scene between Lev and Irina. So that's why the animals were skittish... She focused the power of darkness on the block of ice encasing Kiev's mouth, shattering it. "Get it." she pointed in the direction of the ice demon, at Kiev and any others nearby. her wounds were too severe to take on such a foe.

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"Shrieking already!" Megae said with glee. She dodged under the tome and leapt, stabbing Charlotte through the shoulder. "Bye!" She landed and spun, looking for a target: "Red-red-red-NOT RED!" She lunged for Alferis, throwing one sword and following it with a stab from the other.

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Isotov and Irina

Suddenly, the impostor dropped Irina to the ground and sprouted massive purple wings! After another second, a mountain wyvern was standing over her! It grabbed her with its feet and began to fly up into the sky! Iso barely able to stand stumbled forward as Kiev who'd just been freed from the ice by Morgan, took off after them!

Iso: Urg ... KELAS!!! Shoot him doooown!! Hurryyy!!

Lev and Viveka

Viveka: If you'd just left, it wouldn't have come to this.

Lev: Come to what, me seeing up that skirt of yours?

Viveka: *gasp*

She took her leg off of his chest and then stepped back a bit.

Lev: Heh. I didn't mind actually.

Viveka: <_< ... don't make this awkward, just hold still so I don't miss and give you another injury. I want this to be clean and simple.

Lev: Uhhh ... no thanks.

Suddenly Krinkov lunged at them! Susann was blitzed and she fell into Viveka! The both of them were thrown about fifteen feet by the attack! Susann hit a tree and passed out, while Viveka rolled a few feet, then jumped to her feet! She just realized that she was injured! Her lance arm was in pain from the blow!

Lev: Now what, huh?

Viveka: This isn't over yet!

Lev: Come on, duty girl, you can't win'em all ^_^

She wasn't sure what to do now. She couldn't even retreat with a downed pegasus, and she wasn't even sure if her squad mates were still alive. Before she could decide what to do, Lev blitzed her the same as Krinkov! She tried to stop him with a kick, but he caught it, lifted her leg above his head, grabbed her other leg, hauled her off the ground, and slammed her onto her back! With the wind knocked out of her, she couldn't even speak!

Lev: That's how Ivanko's mercenaries do it B)

Viveka: I-Ivan-nko ...?

She quickly passed out a moment later.

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Before Heinz could fire off another knife, from behind the mercenary another member of the group attacked, finishing off the opponent. Heinz frowned slightly. I could've finished that off myself but at least I didn't get hit myself. Well, take what good you can I guess. The others were fighting off the rest of the mercenaries and fighters, successfully killing off what seemed to be just about all of them.

Just then Heinz heard one of the wyverns roar and turned towards the source of the noise. His eyes widened. Those blue eyes..... his eyes weren't that color before, it's that demon the group almost thought I was when I first ran into them! He was holding Irina in his arms while the woman who had been right next to him went on a stabbing spree, attacking both Charlotte and Alferis in short order. Hm, so she won't attack the Crimson Weapon wielders? I suppose that's the other one's job then. To his left he heard Morgan tell the wyvern to attack the demon. A wyvern should be able to handle even him, so I guess that leaves me with this one. More danger for me, but it's twice the fun if she attacks back!

Heinz grinned and shot two knives at the woman in quick succession. "One- two hits on you, let's see how much more metal I can stick into you today!" miming the demon's talk.

OOC: Yeah lame miming I know, it was the best I could think of.

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"<Four gods of the world, guide my bow against this demon!>" Kelas shouted, riding in the false wyvern's shadow. Arrows found their way into Shanice's wings: it dropped. Amari's teeth met through the thin membrane of one wing; her hooves pummeled the wyvern's legs. Its grip on Irina loosened. Kelas contined to shoot, going through most of her quiver at point-blank range. Now that Shanice was down, she wasn't actually doing much damage...

Megae removed her sword from Alferis' side and dodged a pair of knives. "Not red!" she sang, closing the distance between herself and the human who'd dared to fight back. He raised a hand to throw a knife: she threw aside a blade and caught the hand, sliding under to stab him through the side.

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Isotov and Irina

Shanice having been shot far too many times for its liking quickly transformed once again! This time it turned into a small purple turtle causing the arrows to fall out! Irina opened her eyes to see the turtle staring at her.

Irina: P-purple ... turtle ...?

She closed her eyes just as the demon took Damian's form! He stood mockingly in front of Kelas with his arms out, as if he wanted her to come closer and give him a hug!

Damian: Oh come on, Kelas! We don't have to be enemies >:)

His pupils were still gone, and his eyes were glowing blue, just like in the stables!

OOC: Decided to travel a different rout here :3

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As the last of the mercenaries fell to the ground, defeated by someone who sadly was not Esphyr herself, the mercenary almost thought that the fighting for the day was over. "Geez. You really are cursed sword." she said to no one, directing the comment instead at her blade. "Ever since we joined up with others like you, I've had to do more fighting and gotten hit more times in the past few days than I have in the past two months." she said with a sigh, leaning on her blade as she planted it into the ground and looked over at the man she had neutered.

"And stop being such a baby." she said at the bawling man as he lay down upon the ground before she walked over to his weeping form and delivered a swift kick to his gut. It was then that the mercenary spotted some woman holding Irina aloft, just before transforming into a giant turtle, then back into the form of a human being. But not the form she had seen, but rather the form of Damian. Esphyr could feel a bit of her blood boiling within her at the mockery of her employer. Her employer who was actually nice to her. Her employer whom she actually liked. She wasn't about to let this demon defile his image with her mockery of it!"

Without a word, she lowered her shoulder towards the demon and barreled forwards, seeking to knock her flat on her ass. She kept her blade back and at the ready, though not in active use. With a blade like hers, if this demon dodged, Esphyr could do a LOT of harm to Irina! She wasn't ready to risk that just yet.

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Heinz choked slightly, coughing up the metallic taste of blood into his mouth. That's... probably what that damn sword would taste like. So this is what it feels like to be stuck like a pig, eh? Hopefully I can get someone to patch me up after this. "Say, why are you only going after the non Crimson Weapon wielders anyway? Are they too strong for you or something?" Hope that doesn't backfire... I need those wielders alive and you distracted.

Heinz struggled weakly to free himself from the blade. Argh.. feels like it stabbed something important. He stabbed the woman at point blank range with one more knife, embedding itself into the woman's chest. "Alright there's my hit," he muttered. Now let's try to get out of here.

Edit: Grammar/spelling

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"Silly," Megae muttered, letting the man fall, pulling the dagger out of her chest with her free hand before calling her other sword back to it. She hopped over the swordsman from before-- Evan or something-- dragging a blade across and laying a huge wound in his chest as she ran. Next was... shaman! There was a red one with knives in the way, but, well, she could dodge...

OOC: To clarify: she's slashing Eric, running at Cess; Reika's in the way.

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Isotov and Irina

With two women and a wyvern aiming to destroy it, Shanice quickly caught the arrow, before leaping back away from Irina! She was just starting to become coherent again! Rising to her feet, she saw the fake Damian back flipping away from her, and Esphyr quickly approaching from the opposite direction. Not far away either, Kelas still had some arrows left!

Damian: Grrrr!

His form quickly desolved and he turned into Lev again!

Lev: Irina, you don't know what you're missing ... heh.

Irina: You ... IMPOSTOR!!! >_<

She spit repeatedly onto the ground angered by what Shanice had made her confess to!

Lev: ... ... ....


As Shanice returned to its true form, it cracked an unusually satisfied smile. It had at least tormented the group. Though none of them died, its sadism and sexual desire were certainly quenched! Shanice quickly vanished right in front of them! Transforming into a tiny little bug hidden in the grass!

Irina: Where?! Where did that monster go?!!

By the time anyone had reached the location where Shanice was standing, it had already turned into something else, and slipped away unnoticed.

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OOC: Flavour, Phoenix-style, 'cuz it's boss-related.

Not far off, Travis had found his way to a ruined fortress, where several mercenaries were lousing about. One of them, standing out due to his blue coat, long green hair, and pale skin, walked over to the hero as he approached.

???: ..How'd the battle go?

Travis: Got bored. The boys won't hold out long, anyways. I'd rather lure them in here, than fight them out there. Choke points, y'know?

???: I see. Who's the girl, and why are you carrying her?

Travis: Bait. This little cutie tried to zap me, but forgot about my shield. And if the fire bandits don't come, booty's booty.

???: Heh, whatever you say, Boss. Anyways, after this next fight, I'm done, just to let you know.

Travis: Alright then. It's been fun, Derek. While you're a bit lazy, you have a sharp sword, and aren't brainless like the rest.

Derek: Yeah, yeah.

Passing by, the hero made his way through the fortress, eventually arriving at a cell. Then, Dani stirred.

Dani: Ugh... Where am I? Huh? Let me go!

Travis: Alright.

Granting her wish, he threw her into the cell and slammed the rusted door.

Travis: Just stay in there, sweetie, until I deal with your friends. You! Guard this door. Make sure noone gets into it.

Sellsword: Yes, Boss.

Travis: That means you too.

Sellsword: Aww...

Leaving the prison cell, Travis made his way to the center of the fortress, where he sat on the throne and kicked up his feet.

Travis: This is the life! Now I've got a place, a girl, and tons of Gald! What more could I want?

Entrance of the fortress

Derek:... Might as well go hunt some food.

Drawing his blade, the merc wandered away from the entrance, and into the woods.


Dani:... Ugh! The door's magic resistant! No fair!. Now, how am I going get out? Ugh, if only Eric or my brother were here...

Edit: Grammar fail.

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Amari reared and lunged, forehooves aimed for the demon's shoulders. Just as they were about to hit, though, Shanice was... gone.

Kelas let forth a string of curses as Amari dropped back to all fours. After a few seconds of fruitless searching, she slumped in the saddle. "...Damn."

She looked to Irina. "...I'm sorry."


"Oops--" Megae's blade nicked Reika's side as she dashed by, throwing a sword that barely missed Cess's neck. "Oh look--" she commented, spinning around as she called her sword back. "Not red!"

With that, she began to run towards Katie.


Arrin circled, making sure that he was always between Tessa and the demoness' blades. "Too fast... I can't cast, I might hit one of ours," he mumbled despairingly.

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Isotov and Irina

As hard as she tried, Kelas was unable to locate Shanice. The bastard had escaped. Irina held her head low, nearly crying.

Irina: What a ... joke ...

As her tears began to fall, Kelas told her that she was sorry.

Irina: It's ... *sniff* ... ugh ... not your fault ... I should've known Lev wouldn't ... ug-

Not far away, Megae was bumrushing Katie! Iso was barely able to remain standing, and his injuries were very serious! Nonetheless he held out his crimson fire tome and prepared to defend Katie with his life!

Iso: No one else dies ... ... no one else! PROXIMAAAAA!!!

Irina looked up just in time to see Iso using the same technique he'd used on Ivanko! The fireball wasn't nearly as large as that time, but who knew what kind of damage it could cause!

Irina: Isoooo!! :o

Iso: Prepare to die!!

EDIT: For specifics

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Kelas' head whipped round at a familiar battlecry. "Not again--"

It was her second-to-last arrow, and it didn't make it, just snagging in the fabric of Megae's skirt. It did give the demoness pause, though, and she halted abruptly.

Megae looked around: the boss had fled, she'd stabbed some people, and the rest were all rather... armed. "Time to go!" She did an about-face, dodged past several of the group, and vanished after several strides.

Kelas nudged Amari into a walk, staying alongside Irina as they headed back to the group.


"Goddess that was so fast who was that who's hurt--" Arrin was saying, now that he had time to panic. Except he didn't, he reminded himself. "Who all did she get? Vulneraries... we need to stop the bleeding first thing, we can't afford to tire Tessa out--"

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Charlotte groaned as the sword sliced through her shoulder. She had never been hurt before, no more than a scraped knee anyway. This was...unpleasant.

She managed to forget her own injury though when she saw the demoness slice through the already unconscious Eric.

She looked at the wound. Not quite deep enough to kill, she was in a hurry to stab everyone it seemed. She applied her staff to the wound, and Eric at least stopped losing blood for the time being.

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Eric awoke to a start. The battle had ended, it seemed, and Charlotte was over him, healing a wound he had somehow gained. Something was off, however...

"Milady, you're bleeding," Eric said, sitting up. Receiving a blank stare in return, he got up and cut off a strip of cloth from his coattail. Before the princess could protest, he wrapped it around the cut on her shoulder tightly, and knotted it. "That should do, for now. Milady, please, if you get injured, heal yourself first. It would be a shame for us to lose you to simple blood loss."

While waiting for a response, he turned and surveyed the scene. All of the sell-swords were dead, and it appeared that several of the groups' members were hurt, as well. However, among the bodies and people, he could find no trace of Danielle. "...Anyone know what happened to Dani?"

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"I cannot heal myself Sir Eric. My staff only works on others." said Charlotte. "Your injuries are far more severe regardless, you should sit back down."

"As for Danielle...I think I saw their leader take her off after he knocked you unconscious." she said with a frown.

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"Then ask for Tessa to heal you, milady, or borrow a vulnerary. Those can be replaced. People cannot," Eric said. "And deal with the near-fatal ones first. I just got nailed on the head, and... cut, I guess. Isotov looks like he is about to die. Then there is that mercenary over there, and... Deal with them first, milady, before healing me. I can hold until then." Eric then frowned, upon hearing what happened to Dani. "... Derek is not going to be happy. I guess that will be my next destination then. Hunting down that 'hero'."

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Alferis awoke with a start and nearly fainted again from the intense pain in his side. He looked down at it and there was a large gash there.

I've lost a lot of blood here. I'll need a healer or a vulnerary.

Being careful not to move his body, Alferis pulled out a vulnerary and applied a portion of it to the wounds around his body, but especially his side. After a bit, he felt strong enough to stand. His sad hurt badly, though not as much as earlier. He would have to go a bit easy on himself.

"Dani. We've got to rescue Dani." he said aloud. He began to think of a plan.

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"So that's Shanice!" Chase exclaimed. "... Where'd he go? I was going to give him a taste of the Crimson Bow, but... gah... a little help would be appreciated..." he added. "Something's wrong, though. You never specified what color blue his eyes were. They're the same color as mine... is that just a coincidence?"

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Your ... eyes ...? Yeah ... it's just a coincidence ... and you'll most likely be the first person they hogtie when the horses acting up again ....

Before he could say anything else, he started coughing up blood and fell down to his knees! He dropped Proxima onto the ground in front of him and fell forward onto his hands!

Iso: ... damn ... I keep ... using the wrong tome ...

Irina didn't take long to reach him, but ... Katie was already there too.

Irina: (Dammit -_- ) Iso just hold on, okay? Don't move, and don't try to talk.

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"Okay. So... That Damian impostor just vanished on us?" said Esphyr, a wry look upon her face. "Sure. Alright. That seems near par for the course now."


As soon as Iso had been stabbed, Katie had come over to his side. No symbol or anything else of the sort this time though. In fact, she barely seemed to be crying at all. Instead, she had taken to cleaning the wound ever so carefully using Iso's own clothes to ensure it was not infected.

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