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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"... Maybe" Chase replied. "Ugh... she's heavy... Kelas, can I temporarily borrow Francis?"

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"... So, you've known her for about two days, and you want to risk your life for her," Eric said. "I have things to say about that, but, in reality, it is my problem, and mine alone. If I die, so be it, but risking everyone else's life is not worth it. I'm going alone."

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"That's be suicide. Getting yourself killed won't help her at all. Split up or something," Chase suggested, and moved Viveka so she was leaning on his shoulder making her easier to carry.

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"Look. I know you're upset and I know I barely know her, but you think we'd just sit here and let her sit there. Letting you at the bandits alone, we might as well do that. Who knows what they'd do to her."

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"Again, I've been through worse. Remember the tree? Regardless, if those mercs are at the same skill level as the ones we just fought, I can handle them, even with my misfortune. Bandits are easier, in comparison. And believe me, I won't die, just yet. Not until my country's restored, at the least."

OOC: Sage, clarify, plz?

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"Oh! Oh! I know what they'll do to her!" said Esphyr, raising her hand. "First that monster who took her will gag her and bind her. I doubt she will just let him capture her and not give any resistance, so he will do his best to remove that. Then, once they're secluded enough and she's subdued, he'll likely throw her either against a tree or to the ground. Do I really need to continue after that?"

You sound like you speak from experience.

"Shut your tome Katie. I've fought bandits before. They're all the same."

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"Eric, you're being an idiot. if you get yourself killed it won't help anyone, so you're not going by yourself. Maybe you don't want him to go, but you can't force him from going," Chase added.

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"You're right that I can't stop him. I guess he can just take his chances And, uh, Chase, if I die, one less person for the healers to worry about. I'll repeat it again: My friend, my problem. I'm asking you guys to stay out of it, not because I want to die, but because I don't want the deaths of any over you burdening me," Eric said, beginning to head off. "Farewell, for now."

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"Hey. You don't even have to ask really. I'm all for helping someone out who's about to... well... You know... Not to mention all it would take is Damian's order for me to come regardless of opinion. So yea, I don't see why not."

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"Sir Eric, I refuse to let you go alone." said Charlotte adamantly. "Stop trying to play the hero all the time, you're going to get yourself killed and...leave me all alone. If you are going after Dani I am going with you."

Disninterested in what Eric was doing, Morgan turned her attention towards Viveka "Wouldn't it be better to simply kill her? We won't have her chasing after us anymore if she's dead."

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OOC: Recap post. It doesnt affect anything.

Helios turned around to see Irina captured by Lev. "I knew it" Helios yelled out throwing Elwind at the demon. It missed. Then Helios turned and saw another demon. He heard someone say that she wont attack the CW weilders. "That'll be fine for me" Helios said charging Hellsety and throwing it at her. He didnt know if it hit or not. The other demon then turned back from Lev to something else. He vanished. The other demon did too. Helios with nothing else to do other people with their wounds until a healer arrived. Then....................

OOC: Present

"I'll tag along" Helios said to Eric. "I was there when she was attacked and i couldnt help save her". "Maybe i could repent for that by helping you save her now".

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"...Milady, if you must," Eric said, stopping for a moment. "But, I do not plan on dying any time soon. Just stay close." To Helios, he said, "What sin have you committed? I messed up, so she got captured. No one else is in the wrong but me." Finally, hearing Morgan suggest killing the pegasus rider, he shot back, "Wouldn't it be better to just go take on the Lord yourself, since you're the only 'rational' Crimson wielder?"

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"Im going to think like you for a second and say that we can use her to get closer General Conrad Helios said to Morgan. Then he looked puzzled. "Who's Conrad"?

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"So that's Charlotte, Virgin, and me all going to help her out. Think that will be enough? Or do you suspect that he may have reinforcements somewhere with his group? If so, I would recommend we take Aiya or Irina or someone else mounted so we can call for the rest of the group. As-is though, I think we're fine."

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Morgan ignored Eric and turned to Alferis "You may have a point, if she can stop these attacks then that would be useful. I am not sure how to do this however, though since we have her under our control she can probably be convinced in time."

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"... You win. There's definitely reinforcements, wherever Travis holed up, but since it's Halton, they won't have too much of an advantage. A flier might be nice, but regardless, we can probably handle them," Eric said. "I guess I just need to find out where she's being held, that's all."

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