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Thor Odinson

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Nice phoenix. This might be personal preference, but it seems a little dark. Maybe add some more highlight layers.

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So I was on the school macs (of godliness) and playing with CS5, and well, I was too lazy to ask the teacher for a tablet.

So I decided to draw something with a mouse.


Haven't drawn anything with a mouse for four years. Nostalgia~

Also Photoshop CS5 is beast.

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Cool works as usual, Lumi...

And... Mouse drawings are for the WIN! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

P.S That facial expression is BADASS!

Edited by Frostbite
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I don't really mind the hands getting hurt, I have those soft & comfy armwrists to resolve it, or I might suggest

get one of those mousepads with the hand-resting pads to minimize the chances of having painful hands after

a mouse drawing.

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Naw. It was a spontaneous thing. I don't even have a mouse. Did this in school because they have CS5 and I only have CS4 so it was like wheeeee new PS.

Don't plan on doing shit with mouse long term.

I have a friggin' tablet.

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That's pretty good for a mouse drawing! I think his left eye may still be too big though--we're looking at it through a nearly head-on angle, yet the other one is closer to a 3/4-nearly-profile angle, if that makes sense.

And I'm surprised that your school has CS5 and extra tablets to hand out. Wow.

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I'll resize it sometimes when I get to it. aughmouse.

Our head of art department finally got the budget for new computers at the end of last year. So we got brand-new iMacs.

So much eyegasm.

Wish they'd do that to the rest of the computers in the school. They're crappy and slow and causes much rage.

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Wish they'd do that to the rest of the computers in the school. They're crappy and slow and causes much rage.

THIS... Apparently my PC suffers from the same issue!

Well, it's fairly old anyways, and I'm gonna get a new PC someday

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Wish they'd do that to the rest of the computers in the school. They're crappy and slow and causes much rage.

That paragraph reminded me of the computers at my old school. They gave me a horrible impression of Macs.

Eventually, they ended up getting good ones.

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The macs in our school

are simply epic.



Since I'm in a fair few hacks, all as female myrmidons, I decided to do a concept sketch thing of the three tiers of Lumi.

Armor because FE4 Myrms had them. Just look at Lakche's TCG art. Those pauldrons are huge.

Yeah I know. SM arm is kinda big compared to the other two. Was gonna go for a more muscular type arm (Echidna, anyone? Lumi's kinda the midway between Swordmaster and Hero anyway) but forgot to draw it on T3 and cbf to change it back. Oh well. will do that later.

So yeah.

Lines are totally sketchy because I'm too lazy to make it into clean lineart.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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