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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Lev: Another girl? What's wrong, little guy? Do you think she might actually open up to me? Heheh. You're too insecure, you know that?

He then face Danielle again after pulling back from Chase's ear.

Lev: Who needs more drama than these group already has? Not talking about the army of skeletons and the demon dragon after us either ...

Ivan: Lady Morgan should not have to deal with such things >_>

Lev: No sh*t. That's what I've been trying to do something about.

Susann continued to nervously follow Viveka around, and stayed very close.

Viveka: So ... Kelas ... right? She did it? And then that monster knocked her ou- ... *gasp* ... Oh ... my ... goddess ... ...

She put her hands together and began twisting lightly back and forth!

Viveka: Ivanko! :3

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Dani and Derek

"I guess you're right, but I don't see how things are going to get better about that," Dani pointed out. "There's no real leader, from what I've seen."

Derek simply stood there, amazed by the transformation Ivanko's appearance had done on Viveka.

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After Eric reassuring her he was OK he tries to srhug off wounds like they're nothing...but he gets so injured... Charlotte thought with worry, Charlotte rejoined the rest of the group.

She approached Tessa "Do you want to hold a ceremony for Gornald's mother soon? We will probably be leaving or going to sleep in the near future, and I want to pay my respects before we go. Perhaps we should do it in the church over there?"

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Levski quickly whispered into Danielle's ear!

Lev: You're right ... there is no leader. I plan to do something about that.

He gestured toward Morgan with an sinister grin on his face. Meanwhile Ivanko was surprised by the sudden mention of his name.

Ivanko: Hm? You look familiar.

Viveka: You're Ivanko! I would remember your face anywhere!

She leaned back and barely whispered something to Derek ...

Viveka: Now this is a mercenary ^_^

From a moderate distance away, Victor continued to watch. The blond one was being friendly ... too friendly to Ivanko. That could ruin his plan to destroy her. If she somehow managed to become one of Ivanko's females, he would never let him kill her. What was the point of killing off a family if sibling slips through the cracks. The only way to prevent generation after generation of new offspring was to kill off the entire family, and he had to start with her. Ivanko stopped him the first time, and he was on the verge of preventing him from finishing it this time. Aggravating ...

Viveka: It was a little over four years ago. You got rid of that wyvern that ... killed my little brother.

Ivanko: ... you? <.< >.> ... Viveka? The farm girl?

Viveka: Yes :3

Ivanko: (Uh oh.)

Viveka: Thank you so much for killing that monster! Thank you thank you thank you! You're a true hero! ;_;

Ivanko: (If by some chance I'd forgotten to give Victor his armor, she'd have identified him by now ... ... this won't end well no matter what I do ... best to just ride the smooth end for as long as I can. I wouldn't say hero.

Viveka: Don't be modest. You know, Derek is a mercenary too. Maybe you men could ... share stories ... techniques ... stuff like that, and I can listen? :D

OOC: This is cute^

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"You might want to get her to warm up to everyone, then," Dani whispered back. "From what my father and brother have told me, being friendly with the troops is the best way to improve fighting power."


Was it wyvern season four years ago, or something? Derek thought, face impassive. "It would be an honour," he said, hearing the request for stories from Viveka.

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Lev: Maybe, but Ivanko's mean as hell. He's only nice to outsiders and we still kick ass. Maybe he's just got a way with being mean?

Ivanko: Well, I do have a little time before I have to get back ... <.<

Viveka: (YAY!!! :3 )

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"Viveka...had a brother? :blink: And Ivanko's....her hero? What's going on?"



Pary walked back over to Irina and Kiev. He gave the shoulder another look, and healed it once more to be safe.

"Do you know where else he got hurt? I wasn't watching to carefully."

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"Maybe you just disobey him too much?" Dani wondered. "I mean, Curls doesn't exactly seem to be the most upstanding fellow, if he's trying to cheat on his fiancee..."


"I would guess a wyvern attacked her farm, and Ivanko dealt with it," Derek said to Cess. "Anyways, Mr. Ivanko, would you mind giving any 'tips' to a novice, like me?"

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"You're so mean, Lev ;_;" Chase whined quietly. "And you can shut up," he said loudly to Helios.

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Lev: You'll live -_-

He then turned back to Dani.

Lev: Are you kidding? We follow his orders to the letter, and he still threatens us ... wait ... maybe that's the point ...

He looked over to make sure Ivan wasn't listening and then came back down.

Lev: I wouldn't call it "cheating" ... more like he's trying to find a new woman brave enough to keep Stephanie from kicking both their asses. Morgan seems like a good fit from that perspective. I told him to man up but noooo ... must find a beautiful magic user ...

Ivanko: You sure don't look like a novice. Anyway, here's a grand tip. Find a challenge, a real challenge. It doesn't matter what it is. If it strains your body, good. If it strains your mind, good. If it strains both, perfect. Whatever it is, keep it close, and never lose it.

Viveka: Sorry to butt in, but I'm confused. What do you mean by challenge?

Ivanko: Here's an example for the both of you. Don't really care if you think I'm crazy either. Victor over there is my challenge. He's completely untrained, and unbroken. He's been making attempts on my life every couple of weeks or so since I acquired'em. Hates ... my ... guts ....

Viveka: That's suicide!! :wtf:

Ivanko: Hey, I'm not suggesting you go out and capture a bull wyvern. Ivan has his own personal challenge, and Levski has his too. No idea what they are, you'd have to ask them. To each his own. This is mine ...

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"They're just my feet, nothing special," the tall earthen-hued woman had told Tessa after she'd reached out and touched one. Tessa wasn't quite sure she believed Tanair, which is the name she'd used with the headmaster, on that particular account. 'Just feet' didn't tend to cause flowers to sprout up and bloom spontaneously, or lush grass to burst forth between aged cobblestones. 'Just feet' didn't have green soles, and feel warm, vibrant, and full of life to the touch.

Well, maybe that last one could fit, and maybe the other things weren't directly related to the feet either, and the feet were simply used as a conduit to channel Tanair's powers. Either way, the woman left Tessa somewhat awestruck before she'd sprinted off into the distance, following her own agenda.

"...Was that a dragon?!" Arrin had wondered aloud beside her, and Tessa honestly had no idea what to say. Her commanding presence, and the way she'd referred to the wyverns as 'little cousins' was certainly worthy of note, and the fact that dragons could and did often walk about in humanform was already well established. Her aura though was completely different from either Gornald's or from the rottenness that accompanied Helenos.

"Whatever she was, be it dragon, spirit, or other, she certainly was impressive, wasn't she," she'd answered the mage.

Tessa decided to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the new-found flowers to pick a few. Charlotte hadn't given her any advance notice of her intentions until they'd reached the ruined city, and Tessa'd been riding anyway, so wouldn't have had the chance to gather wildflowers for the ceremony, but by Tanair's providence a new chance had arisen. She'd been trying to decide if it would be better to just present the flowers as they were, or whether she should weave them into a wreath or something, when a mighty roar had rocked the place, nearly shattering the crystal adorning her Heal staff. The roar was followed by an absolutely immense wyvern launching itself at the two smaller wyverns, who seemed to have been play-wrestling.

As it proceeded to absolutely brutalize Kiev, Arrin decided to interpose himself between Tessa and the action, probably without even consciously thinking to. A little disappointed that nobody was doing anything to stop it, and her heart going out to poor Irina, Tessa realized that there was absolutely nothing she could do in this situation. Carefully, she got to her feet, stowed the flowers in her satchel and made sure she had a handle on her staves; she just stood behind the nomad boy and watched on, sickened.

Arrin had been slowly backing up, and bumped into her, just about the same time that Kelas had yelled out that the group should seriously consider escaping. That was all it had took before he grabbed her by the arm and they were off, dashing after Amari and following her to wherever she was rounding up the other horses. Only when the mare had deemed the distance acceptably safe, for now, did the pair stop and turn around.

By this point Ivanko had arrived, though neither of them could really see what was happening. Continuing to stand about with the horses, while it seemed that no-one else had actually run like Kelas had suggested, boredom and impatience quickly set in, amplified by knowing that something was going on but not any of the details. When the giant wyvern had settled itself and lain on the ground, however, it became clear that the danger had passed, and Tessa prodded Arrin to head back in the direction of the rest of the group. "C'mon, we can't be the only ones off this way. And things look to be safe enough now, we best be getting back."

They'd just arrived, when it appeared that, no, they hadn't been the only ones that had ran, as Charlotte too was only just now making her way back, from what Tessa could tell. The other cleric approached and asked after offering up their prayers for Gornald's mother at this point, as since it seemed Damian and Morgan were occupied with the newly come Wyvern Lord it was a fine opportunity, especially considering that they would probably be leaving shortly after the business concluded.

"That's actually a wonderful idea, Charlotte. Here," she pulled out the flowers she'd collected from her satchel and showed them to her, "I managed to get a few of my own as well. All right, Arrin, come along, we're headed to the church to pay our respects."

Edit: grammar, durr

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"Thanks," Derek said. "...Well, I've got two challenges, one for the near future, and one for the long run. Unfortunately, they're probably nothing compared to yours."

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Charlotte headed to the church and laid the flowers upon an altar that appeared to be long-forgotten. There were representations around the church of some large metallic dragon like figure, Charlotte supposed these must have been the Goddess. A little blasphemous, she supposed, to act as if the Goddess is a giant flying lizard, but it was the thought that counted.

She spread the flowers she had gathered around the altar, then paused.

"I've..err never done a eulogy before, anyone have any words they would like to share?"

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Viveka: Are these "challenges" a secret or something?

Ivanko: Hardly. I just told you mine. Why do you ask?

Viveka: I was just curious. Ivan has one, Lev has one, Derek has two ... just wondering what they are.

Ivanko: Heheh. When you feel that you can trust people enough with something personal like that, you tend to want to tell them ...

Susann started staring at Derek ... for no particular reason.

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"Not ready to divulge them, just yet," Derek said, keeping an eye on Susann, who was staring at him. "Don't feel like being talked out of them, that's all."


"If he's so mean to you, why don't you quit?," Dani whispered. "I mean, you're a merc. You can find work elsewhere."


Letting his friend and Ivanko talk, Eric decided to back away from the group, and found a large, dead tree. Drawing his sword, he began to practice his strikes, gradually increasing the speed of his swings. Eventually, the swordsman began to slice upwards, and flip back, in an attempt to mimic his late master's blows.

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Lev: Quit? What for? I'm happy. Besides, we're family ... extremely large family, but family nonetheless. There's also the blood pact. If someone leaves it's our duty to cut them down. It's extremely rare for that to happen but it does happen ...

While Susann continued eying Derek, Viveka decided to take the advice too.

Viveka: Not sure why anyone would want to talk you out your challenges, but if it's personal, then it's personal I guess. Now for my challenge.

Ivanko: Your challenge?

Viveka: Yeah. My challenge. I'll think of something.

Ivanko: Heh. Just don't let it own you ...

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"Well there's no point in staying here chewing the fat. Morgan, now that we have the sword, maybe we should get out of here before those mages come back?" Cess walked over to Morrey, still tied to a tree. In the distance, he could see Eric training against a dead tree. He led Morrey over.

"You training?"



"Irina, how old is Kiev anyway? He doesn't seem to have many wounds. There are these two long gashes near his tail where his scales were ripped out, but I don't remember seeing Victor attack him there. Did a spider get him or something?"

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Following Tessa and Charlotte to the church, Arrin was unsure of what to do. If the others finally ran, would they be lost by accident? Seeing the gravity of the situation, though, he kept silent; he wasn't particularly eloquent, and it seemed a bad time to mention that they should go.


The makeshift herd had taken flight properly, but Amari knew they couldn't go too far; Kelas was still back there. She motioned for the others to stay-- this was her job alone-- and cantered back, keeping a wide distance from the bull wyvern.

She'd been gone too long: Kelas was down. The red one and one of the staff ones were with her-- probably not dead-- but Amari had to know... devotion won over fear of the wyvern and she trotted forward stiffly, ears flat and eyes rimmed with white, but nonetheless moving forward. Closer up, she saw that there was blood, but no wound: already healed.

The red one looked like he had things under control, or could at least fight the thing off until Amari could get there if necessary, and the wyvern was entirely too big, so Amari retreated to where Susann stood, wondering why the pegasus hadn't fled from the wyvern like a sensible creature.

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At Charlotte's comment on eulogies, and request for others to step forward, Tessa spoke up.

"Eulogies are usually given by those close to deceased, because they will best know the life lived, and the impact that it had. In a case, such as this, where there has simply been a large tragedy, and no-one present with a real connection, instead of drawing upon anecdotes of direct relevance, we're forced to step back, and speak of the general.

The downfall of the dragon capital was indeed a tragic affair. Who knows how many countless innocent dragons lost their lives? It was only with great surprise that we recently learned of dragons who still walk the earth, so surely some did survive, and lived on. Gornald... he told us he was the last dragon of the Golden order, and as such, we can only infer that his parents have passed along. His father... within the past year, his mother... at some unspecified time.

It is for this purpose chiefly, that we have gathered here today. To pay respects to this child without parents, orphaned and alone. And perhaps even further, to pray for sympathy to all children without parents, as well as all surviving good dragons out there, of Golden order, or of Green, or of... whatever color.

Caring deeply is hard without a name and a face to attach the sorrow to. Gornald gave us such a name and face, and thanks to that, we can pray here today, to open our hearts, and to ask The Lady's mercy and charity. On Gornald, on orphans, on dragons."

Having run out of words to say, and feeling like she perhaps muddled things up and didn't really do a proper job, Tessa fell silent, then followed Charlotte's earlier example, spreading the flowers she had collected about the altar as well, before retreating several paces, closing her eyes, bowing her head, and adding a silent prayer to accompany the one she had just finished.

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"Yeah. Got nothing better to do," Eric said, still carving up the tree. "Just a bit more..," he said, pulling back. Two afterimages appeared, there was a flurry of cuts, and the swordsman reappeared, his sword jammed half-way through the wood. "Tch... Have to try again."

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Mostly just Irina this time

Irina: Kiev'll be nine years old in about a month I think ...

She took a quick gaze at the wound Pary mentioned. Her voice quickly took an angry tone.

Irina: That ... was Helenos ... the crazy dragon bitch we're after.

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"Try an downstroke and then an upstroke this time. Follow that with a side slash."

Cess sat down on an old log. His horse knelt beside him, digging through his bag for some food. "Alright here. I was gonna eat the last apple though. ;_;"



"I'm not entirely familiar with wyverns. Do they ever grow back scales?" Pary gave another round of healing to Kiev's shoulder just incase.

"His shoulder will probably be stiff for a while. He shouldn't try to move around a lot, and he won't be able to fly as well for a while. It'll act up once in a while, and Charlotte or Tessa or I should look after it, but in the end it should be fine."

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Charlotte sniffed a little "Oh Tessa that was...beautiful."

"Indeed." said Morgan, nodding in response to Cess. "We should go and make camp elsewhere, the demons may strike here again otherwise."

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"That's what I'm working on. Just, the side-slash is getting me. I keep getting the blade jammed," Eric said, trying again, with the exact same results. "Though, I'm surprised a shaman can see what I'm doing. You have a swordsman friend?"

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