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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Irina Viveka Levski and the other two

The discussion was moving along at a snail's pace, so Irina quietly slipped out to change into her armor. There was no point left in trying to enjoy the day, so it was best to get back into her mercenary attire and back into the flow of things ... constant violence, and big explosions.

Irina: (As long as I don't have to deal with certain people, I'll be fine.)

Levski watched as she made her way toward the halls and disappeared, and Viveka tried to come up with a way to properly explain her meat shield idea concerning Pary. The two pegasus knights stayed seated at the dining table waiting for something to do.

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It took Tessa longer than she would have really liked to reach a decision. On the one hand, she wanted to follow up on what she thought she saw. On the other hand, she didn't want to cause a commotion. If she just disappeared and suddenly went missing and wasn't present when whatever the current business finally got wrapped up, that would be bad. So she knew she had to be smart about it. Making her decision, she rode over to the guards near the doorway to the residence.

"Excuse me sirs. If one of you would be so kind as to relay to Sis... errr, I mean, if you could tell Morgan, the female shaman with the white dress and long black hair... to tell her that I'm going on a small ride outside the premises, that would be wonderful!" Flashing them a smile before wheeling around and heading off, confident that her message would be delivered without waiting for the guards' reply—after all, all of Damian's servants were so undeniably helpful and cheery—she and Trevor quickly made their way back to the gate where she'd thought she'd seen something.

From the new vantage point it became quite clear that it had not been a figment of her imagination. Someone was indeed slowly walking away from Damian's estate, and had already put a fair amount of distance between them. It wasn't immediately obvious who it was, but as Tessa followed them, it became clearer and clearer. Esphyr was leaving. Why?

Suddenly the mercenary dropped to her knees and pounded her fists on the ground. That wasn't a good sign, Tessa decided, and whispering, "C'mon boy," she urged Trevor faster. Catching up to where Esphyr had stopped, she called out. "Esphyr... what's wrong?" and swung out of the saddle, preparing for her second comfort-giving session of the morning, and finding herself considerably more apprehensive about her chances of success this time around.

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"Okay, we get that Reika's an omnicidal maniac when it comes to soldiers. She'd easily agree with this nimrod if it could kill Damian. Can't we just let her ide and have someone else take the Crimson Daggers? She's a horrible person, and I certainly think we'd be better off without her... and so would pretty much everyone else because she's that crazy. And you, priest guy. Why should we let you come with us? We have enough stave wielders as it is and so far you're being a jackass. My vote is for him to get lost." Chase said.

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"If she dies, someone else can use them... I'm not the first person to wield this weapon. Some of the group actually met the previous owner, but apparently Morgan had a vision he died, and when she woke up there was an imp containing the bow's power near her," Chase replied, then turned to Viveka. "... You're so mean sometimes."

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Esphyr sat upon the ground, a thin trail of tears streaking down her cheeks as she looked up to Tessa. She was a tough mercenary, there was no doubt about it, but... she was vulnerable right now. Exposed. "What's wrong?" she asked, her tone filled with indigent victimization as she looked up at Tessa. For a moment, it sounded as if she was going to start on some rant, blaming thousands of minor things for her state, but then she softened. "The guard... One of the guards told me that my services were no longer required. That I was to leave right away. A guard is supposed to speak with authority and on behalf of his lord. I don't think Damian would say that thought but... I didn't have a choice. I had to leave. It's just... I don't want to leave." she said, keeping herself together with a sense of strength.

Taking a sigh, she stood up again. "I know I shouldn't be all weepy and weak but... Being kicked out by someone supposed to guard him is, well, not easy."

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Viveka and the gang

Viveka leaned over and whispered into Chase's ear.

Viveka: It's called WIN-WIN. If he stays with us, we get an extra healer albeit an annoying one. If he's too scared to take an arrow in the heart for anyone like a good little meat shield, then we can cut him loose and send him away. Annoying meat shield, or no. Either way we win. Personally I'm hoping the thought of being used in such an inhumane way will scare him away, but that's all I can really do ... plus it's fun! :D

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OOC:If Pary wants to live,someone had better restrain Aiya...quickly...

"What...?" Aiya let out weakly from her chair.

'Assassinate Damian.'

Pary had hired Reika to...kill him?She stood.The magic and electricity still coursing through her were unimportant at the moment.Her hand quickly grasped the nearest thing to her,a glass cup.

She hurled it in rage,and it shattered against Pary's chest as it struck him.All eyes were drawn to her,the projectile's origin.

"You...BASTARD!" She screamed,drawing the Zweihander she had received from Bethold's workshop.The blade glinted in the sunlight before Aiya leapt at him,and swung,intent on slicing the man in half.


Damian had left the dining hall after speaking with the headmaster.He needed to double-check a couple of things before they left,and it just seemed to be more arguments at this point.Hearing the voice of a guard,he stopped to listen.

"...and so I told the Merc bitch to get lost,and she ran off,crying like a little baby,hehe."

"What's going on here?" He asked,hoping that he was overthinking what he just heard.

"Some mercenary was standing near the gates,and I told her to get lost,you have guards,you don't need a merc like her,milord."


His fears had been confirmed.He ran towards the gate,and down the road.He spotted Esphyr on her knees,and Tessa,seemingly attempting to comfort her.

"Esphyr!Esphyr!" he called out,hoping she would hear him.

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"Wait! Don't kill him, even if he deserves it. Calm down!"

"And people think I'm crazy. Tsk, tsk." said Reika, rolling her eyes.

"Not the right time Reika."

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"OKAY, WHEN I SAID THAT I WANTED HIM TO GET LOST, I DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL HIM!" Chase shouted, and materialized the Zephyrtwine and aimed an arrow in front of Pary. "I'll shoot if you kill him. That goes for everyone, really... if you kill someone who isn't attacking us and it isn't necessary, you're going to get shot. Not that a particularly care about this guy, but for the most part, killing people is a big no for me."

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Pushing Pary aside, Eric cringed as the zweihander dug into his shoulder, and finally stopped, nearly chopping his arm clean off.

"And here I thought I was going to go a few days without dying," he joked, lamely, coughing up blood.

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OOC: Perfect!

I thought this was over. Might as well just point out a few things before i- wait WTF? Aiya swung her Zweihander at the priest. Wait if he dies right now then he wont be able to serve his sentence. A lance was on the floor. Helios kicked it up and held it out in front of him. As the Zweihander came crashing down on it Helios had a thought. The blow parried (C wut i did thar) and broke the lance. Helios dropped the broken lance and spoke. "Aiya do you want him to die now or live the rest of his life broken. He lost his wife, he will have to live with that for the rest of his life. Killing him would help him, letting him live is torture."

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"... Nice job." Chase said when Helios swung the lance into the Zweihandler, breaking the former in half. He then advanced towards Aiya, with his bow still drawn, and held the arrow next to her neck. "Put the sword down. Now. If you attack me, the arrow will hit you in the neck because I'll end up letting it go. If you attack anyone else, you're going to take a point-blank shot to the neck." He then turned towards Reika. "You honestly deserve it, but there's nobody else who can use the daggers! I have a solid backup to my claim, and sooner or later it probably will be necessary if you keep it up! No use in delaying it, I think, but whatever."

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"None of you know how to listen. I never tried to kill anyone."

Pary brushed the rest of the fragments off his chest.

"This is all some big plot to get rid of me. I am done with all these baseless claims. The bandit and the thief are trying to pin their attempted murder on me, and the rest of you are starting to lose it too. And that makes what? Three people who have attacked me. Your opinions seemed to have become reversed on who's doing the killing."

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"Best let him die. He's not helping himself. Although I'd personally tear out his beard and then stab him non lethally before killing him if he tried to take someone I cared about," said Reika.

"Anyway you don't fool me mister," said Alferis. "Did I ever tell you about my father? I hate my father. He's like you, a snake." He was surprised at himself. He usually didn't talk about his father, but on second thought, this wasn't much about him. He was safe.

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"... It's your fault, though! We're going to fight back if you try to kill us, and so far, the evidence points towards it being the truth! Now, if I end up wrong, well, sorry, but so far you're being a hindrance. Why don't you get out of here now because so far it seems like nobody wants you here?" Chase said, turning towards Pary.

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As Chase's bow and arrow was poised at her throat,Aiya's head was still filled with thoughts of rage.

'How can he support this freak of nature?How could he...unless he...'

"You're right Chase,I..." Aiya said,trailing off.The sword fell from her hand,and clattered uselessly on the floor,and the archer seemed to calm down.

A mistake.At the sign of the opening,Aiya's hand shot for the bow.The arrow was loosed,but she had managed to alter it's trajectory,and it stuck into the floor harmlessly.

Realization.The boy realized he had screwed up.Aiya's hand clenched into a fist,and she drove it into his stomach.The bow disappeared completely,and he fell to the ground in pain.

'I don't need a weapon for someone like him.'

The distance between them was nothing,and Aiya's fist hit Pary square in the chest.


"Esphyr!" Damian called out to her again,closing the distance in a heartbeat,and embracing her.

"I'm sorry Esphyr,I'm so sorry..."

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"Eric!" Charlotte cried out. She touched him with her healing staff. "Are you all right?" she asked.

The she turned to face the room. "Look, I think everybody needs to calm down. Weapons down! Let's talk this out like civilized people." she said, her voice lowering.


Meanwhile, Morgan heard a racket coming from downstairs What is this time?, she thought with exasperation. Soemone knocked on the door, and Morgan opened it.

"You are Morgan, yes?" said the guard. "The blonde haired girl...Tessa I think it was, said she was going for a ride."

Morgan closed the door and went back to reading the research notes on the Crimson Weapons.

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