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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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OOC: You guys react too fast. Everyone wants to be the hero :rolleyes: XD

Viveka Levski Lucille and Jasmine

Viveka held out her finger while crossing her arms and kept going from one person to the next after each point ...

She first pointed at Chase "Impulsive as usual ..." ... then she pointed to Aiya "Unstable head case ..." ... then she pointed to Helios "Sadistic moron ..." ... lastly she pointed at Eric "... just plain unlucky ..."

Lev: Great assessment, kitty. I could have told you that.

Viveka: Stop calling me that.

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"I forgive you Damian." said Esphyr, her arms looping about him in a strong embrace as she hugged him back. For a moment, they stood there, doing little more than hugging. Then Esphyr broke free and took a step back. "Thank you for coming to see if I was okay Tessa. It... It meant a lot to me. And Damian, thank you. Does... Does this mean you are willing to rehire me?" she asked, a joking tone in her voice. She almost expected the answer to be either a 'yes' or 'when did I fire you' type, but still... "I didn't have a choice to leave The guard forced me out."

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"I have tried to kill no one. I attacked Dani because she hit me first after showing everyone my Bliting tome. The bandit attacked me after a single claim from this girl that I tried to kill someone. The same with her here. I have started nothing malicious besides break into the manor, for which I explained why, and apologized. You should be suprised I don't take you to the courts on assault. I'm the victim here."

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"Gah!" Chase exclaimed, and winced at the blow. "You little-!" he shouted, and picked the bow back up, drawing another arrow and pointing it at Aiya. "Get with it! I'm serious, if you don't stop I'll shoot!"

OOC: Okay, if you try to do that again Ether I'm going to call god-mod.

Edited by Lightning
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Alferis pulled his fist back, ready to hit him in the face.

"Stop lying you fool. You're just prolonging the inevitable. And frankly I've had enough of you calling me a bandit and a brute."

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Helios grinned at Viveka's comment. "I wouldnt disagree with you. I made a point though." Turning back to Aiya he spoke (Yet again). "Aiya letting him live is torture! His wife is dead. Killing him would give him relief, do you want that!?!"

Edited by Kai
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Edit: Oh holy crap. You spend a half hour working on something and all hell breaks loose. Retcon until further notice.

Second Edit: Upon rereading, most of it actually probably still works, it's just the wait became a lot shorter than Tessa expected. XD

As Esphyr explained the situation, Tessa found herself quite befuddled actually? The guards told her to leave? Damian didn't want her anymore? That doesn't seem possible at all...

Without thinking, she expressed her incredulity, "Are you sure you heard him right?? I mean, this isn't the first time you've over-reacted to a misunderstanding." Continuing in a softer, more pondering tone she continued, "Like, I still don't entirely get what happened after our duel. While you were in pain, sure, understandable, but after..."

At this point it fully set in to Tessa just what she had finished saying, and her jaw dropped a bit and her eyes widened to saucers. "Oh bugger! That wasn't the right thing to say at all. I'm so sorry, Esphyr! It just can't be true, though. Damian's such a kind-hearted person, and you know that! Especially to you. Aside from Aiya, I'd think he even looks after you the most. You guys were all three cuddling at TISME that morning, he gave you a massage during Truth or Dare, and this is just what I remember off the top of my head! He really respects you."

"Maybe if it had been me who was told to leave I'd believe it. Ever since Istample, we've barely talked, and it's like he's avoiding me." continuing in a very soft voice before returning to normal volume, "Or maybe I've been avoiding him... Plus, if he'd been in the group that went through the caves, I'm sure his opinion of me would be even lower, so I'm just glad to have been spared that humiliation. I crack under stress and pressure, get exhausted too easily, and there's nothing I do that the new girl probably can't do better. It's not like I have a Crimson Weapon either, which is really what binds you all together, I'm only tagging along because you guys were nice enough to take pity on me when I was lost, hungry, and wandering. Between the two of us, if anyone were to be outliving their usefulness to the group... let's just say it wouldn't be you."

What am I saying? I don't really believe this do I? Tessa suddenly stammered to a stop, caught in self doubt. Not only was she doing a terrible job at trying to comfort the mercenary―there must just be something about the other woman that just set her on edge or something she decided―but she had now managed to temporarily undermine her own usually cheery disposition. What I just said isn't true at all. It just can't be. There's Sis, Kelas, and Arrin at least. And ...Damian did just compliment me this morning. Where did all of that negativity suddenly come from?

Shaking her head, she reiterated her opinion, "Damian can't have sent you away. Just wait and see. We'll both stay here, and he'll send for you right soon. Probably fire that guard too."

Almost no sooner than she'd finished speaking, she could hear faint cries of 'Esphyr, Esphyr,' approaching from the rear, and rapidly growing in strength.

"See! That didn't take long at all," she managed a bit of a smile, and turned to watch Damian bound up and embrace the merc. Watching the two of them suddenly started to make her feel uncomfortable, and while she nodded at Esphyr's thanks, she started to think about maybe leaving the two of them alone, and going off and resuming her ride. Part of her was rooted to the spot though.

Edit Final: Added sudden Damian appearance, and reactions.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Charlotte placed herself in between Aiya and the fallen Pary. "Everyone just calm down. No more punching or shooting or stabbing, got it?"

"I think this might have been some sort of misunderstanding, if this were actually an assassination attempt someone would have actually placed the mushroom in something Damian was going to eat. I really don't think killing or maiming him over this is very just." she said, looking around at everyone.

"Still, you did trespass on private property." she said, turning to Pary. "Perhaps as penance you would help us for free? Tessa and I do our best, but there are so many wounded that we get exhausted easily. Another staff user would be very much appreciated."

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"I am more than happy to abide by the sisters rule. I just hope I will be able to find some money soon. I told the others I've been trying to help the people affected by the war. That's why I've been working as a mercenary."

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Viveka Loveski Lucille and Crushgirl

Viveka: It's all starting to make sense now. You guys earned your criminal status with incidents like these. Huh. Not sure I'll be able to give General Jackson a logical reason to accompany a group like this.

Lev: What are you saying?

Viveka: I need to speak with Damian or Morgan when I get a chance. Lucille! Jasmine!

Both girls stood up and saluted!

Viveka: Take anything you need with you and go tell the General to meet us at a new location ... I'lllll give you the location before you go. Just meet me before you head out.

Lucille/Jasmine: Ma'am!

The two quickly trotted out of the room while Viveka stood there with her arms still crossed.

Viveka: I don't know ... I've got a bad feeling about you people. I always have, but now it's so intense.

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Charlotte cringed visibly as the name Lucille was called, but managed to retain her composure.

"Ok, perhaps Sir Pary here overcharged a little, but his goals are noble and his skills would be useful. He should work out the details of his contract with Damian or Morgan."

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Charlotte had also moved to stand in front of her.She was about to move to push her aside,when she fell to her knees and started to cry.


Esphyr had stood up,and asked a simple question,likely meant as a joke.

"Does... Does this mean you are willing to rehire me?"

He stepped forward,and pulled her close.As she was about to say something,he covered her lips with his own,kissing her deeply.After a while,he pulled back,and said simply;

"Does that answer your question?" He asked,with a smirk on his face.

'It looks like Tessa came out to talk to her...she looks...downcast...I'll need to talk to her about it later,it seems.'

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"He says he did not intend to do it, and it is his words aginst the word of a thief, one who has attacked us previously. I am not sure what makes her trustworthy in the least." Charlotte replied.

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As Damian deeply kissed Esphyr right in front of her, Tessa flashed back to the events of Truth or Dare. She'd had some misconceptions about kissing shattered. Not only that, she'd a chance... an excuse to kiss someone. These two looked so happy while doing so... were all kisses such great things? But then, why did she feel sick to her stomach watching them.

She couldn't take it anymore. Mounting up on Trevor, she waited until they'd unlocked their lips before asking Damian, "Have we decided to depart yet, or is there time for me to take a little ride?"

She hoped there was time. She wanted to be alone for a bit, with the wind on her face, the thunder of hooves beneath her, and a chance to clear her mind.

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"Holy men are liars, but theives are trustworthy?" Charlotte gave Alferis an incredulous look. "She apparently attacked us before, her hostile intent is rather clear. All we know Sir Pary did was overcharge for a cure. Her crime is far worse."

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"I take that as a 'yes' Damian." she answered with a smile. "And Tessa... Once again... Thanks. Tonight, I want to talk to you. I owe you both explanation and apology for what happened when we sparred as well as, well, I would like to train you a bit in swordsmanship." answered Esphyr before she rested her head on Damian's shoulder. "And Damian, we need to discuss our new terms methinks."

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"I suppose we will,won't we?" Damian replied,as Esphyr laid her head on his shoulder.

Hearing Tessa's question,Damian turned to her.

"You seem...down,Tessa.is something wrong?" Damian asked,now starting to get concerned about the troubadour.

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First addressing the mercenary, Tessa began, "...Esphyr, that'd be nice actually. I've been trying a few new things with swordplay, but practicing by oneself you never really know for sure if it's working alright. And... I'll be looking forward to our talk. I'm not really sure you owe me any apologies, but I will definitely listen to what you have to say."

Damian had followed this up with an... interesting question, and she wasn't quite sure what to say. "I don't know, Damian. It's been... a bit of an interesting morning for me I guess, and trying to cheer others up, I may have... well started wondering about a few issues with myself. It's odd, I usually don't let anything bother me, but here I am, getting confused while trying to help out others. Funny isn't it?"

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"Tessa..." Damian didn't know what to say,at first.The sincere,happy girl had issues of her own,thinking about it,it was obvious she would have something,but he had never even considered it in his mind.

"You need to do more than care for others.You also need to care for yourself.If you ever have any problems,I want you to come talk to me,okay?It won't do anyone any good if you lose that smile of yours."

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