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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Tears were coming out of his eyes. He got up. "Naw but i really did have a point. I just proved this guy didnt intend to kill Damian. He may be an asshole and all but he was wrongly accused."

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Viveka and Loveski

Viveka: Okay that guy is crazy. Who goes smashing people with furniture?

Lev: I'm just waiting to see how long it takes for things to calm down.

Viveka: They're idiots. If Damian doesn't get back here soon, it looks like this could go on forever.

Lev: Why do we need to wait for Damian to get back?

Viveka: Because you're too lazy to step up and stop them.

Lev: I'm not getting paid. Why should I care? Besides, I'll just end up killing them by accident.

Viveka: ... ... ... I find the risks acceptable.

Viveka handed Lev a few gold coins and patted him on the back urging him to step in.

Lev: *sigh* ... it's days like these where I can't tell the difference between mercenaries and prostitutes.

Viveka: (Silly, there is no difference :lol: )

EDIT: Lev's accent grrrrr -_-

Edited by Phoenix
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"... Katie. Come here for a moment." said the headmaster, gesturing to the teacher. With a nod, Katie came forwards and gave a slight bow to the superior woman. "I need to hire a mercenary. As of this moment, you are no longer a TISME teacher. You wandered around for a few days before becoming a mercenary. I am going to hire you for a sensitive job. You will knock out Pary. I will pay you fifty gold."

I'll do it for free. scribbled down Katie. Then she slammed her tome shut and glanced over at Pary. With the movements of a predator, she started to approach him, tome in hand and raised for a knockout on the insane priest.

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Alferis put the chair down. He shouldn't hit people with the furniture like that. Damian would be pissed and he'd be kicked out. Besides at least he wouldn't have to hit Pary with it.

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"Thanks, Esphyr, Damian. Both of you," Tessa expressed her gratitude for the support again.

One of the things that's bugging me, I'm not sure I could bring myself to talk to you about, but if there are others still bothering me, it's good to know you care, she thought.

With a smile and a wave, she added, "Alright then, I'll be gone for a bit, but then back at the stables. It doesn't look like I'll be slowing the group down, so I'm gonna enjoy myself a little." In a wavering voice she added, almost as if she wasn't sure if she should or not, "You two... should also... enjoy yourselves..."

She flushed a little, then wheeled about and rode off on Trevor, heading counter-clockwise around the perimeter of the estate.

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As the pair watched Tessa go, Esphyr gave a sigh. "I know what she means but... Not right now to say the least. It's not the time. Anyways, we were discussing the terms of my rehire?"

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Pary turned around. A girl was standing behind him with a large, heavy book in her hands ready to hit him.

"Missing something?"

Pary took Charlotte's hand and led her down the hall. "Let's go sister, everyone here seems to be against me."

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Alf began to shake. The smug bastard. He would probably molest her or something. Look at him prancing around, trying to woo Charlotte. He liked Charlotte. Why did she believe him so much?

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With a muted warriors cry, Katie had made up her mind. She was a mercenary! She wasn't going to let her prey get away. Her lips formed into a cry for a charge, she barreled forwards at Pary, trying to knock aside any who stood in her way as she swung the mighty tome of smiting at his head.

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"Hey Miss Headmaster, as much as i find what you did hilarious, was it necessary Helios asked holding in his laughter.

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Viveka and Levski

Lev: ... ... ....

Viveka: Yep. There's not much difference between the two. See? Sex and killing ... that's it.

Lev: ... uh ... wow-Okay!! I'm going to go grab my wyvern cause I need to ... get my damn wyvern and do it at the aeries ... which isn't here ... where you crazy people are ... yeah ....

As Levski left Viveka held her hand up to her mouth and giggled.

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Turning around to head the opposite direction, Kelas agreed, "Right, staying out of this sounds like an excellent idea. Or should we grab a few buckets of water to throw on them?" she added as she heard crashes that must have been furniture behind her.

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Charlotte led Pary to the room she thought Morgan was at and knocked on the door.

Morgan opened the door and saw that cleric, Clarice or something, and a man.

"You look vaguely familiar." she said, turning to the man. "State your business."

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Hearing the crash worried him greatly ...

Iso: ... ... urrrgh. Kelas ... what are the odds that either Katie or Irina get hurt in the confusion before we get back?

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"Are you the leader of this group? I wish to join. I'm a priest, and I hear you need another healer, and I'm looking for a contractor."

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"I act as leader when Damian's off chasing girls, yes." Morgan replied, rolling her yes. "Mercenary healer, hmm? Whatever, I'll offer you the same price as the other mercenaries, 10 gold with a possibility of a raise in the future should the situation grow more dangerous."

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"I suppose 10 gold is better than no gold. Do you require anything else, or should I got pack my things? Oh yes, my name's Pary by the way."

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"I don't know. I don't like his face or his atttitude. It's the type that goes "I molest children, and I'm ok with that,"" said Reika.

"Oh and he asked Reika to assassinate Damian with a poison mushroom. Only it wasn't poison, but he's a liar anyway." said Alferis.

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Isotov ... aka ... Uber hot snaiperskaya(<--Made that up)

Iso: *sigh* ... that doesn't make me feel any better.


As Irina came through the halls she quickly spotted Iso and Kelas. Her clothes were almost dry, and her towel was damp. She came up to both of them and stopped before hanging her head.

Irina: I didn't see what happened back there, and I don't care. I just want to get my armor on, head out, and get back to work. (Just one day of carefree bliss ... that's all I'm asking for. Is that too much? I wanna cry right now :( )

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"That should be all Pary" said Morgan. "We should be heading for the dragon graveyaerd immediately, so pack your things. Hopefully the others have stopped making a ruckus and we can get moving."

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"Bullshit," muttered Alferis. "Absolutely bullshit. We're getting a psychotic, habitual liar and swindler on the team. I'm going back to bed to sleep off this headache."

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