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Eee I watched Eclipse. x3


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No, most people are smart enough to figure out that if you just kill your dog...

That's a good one.

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What, you've had to choose between bestiality or necrophilia before?

lol Not quite XD

Mostly, because of the feeling of loving someone but feel undeserving of that person (Twilight)... And also mostly I imagine not being able to see the person who I hold most dearly to my heart ever again, to never hear his voice or laugh or see his smile anymore, then I can strongly imagine Bella's pain and feel like I can relate to that (New Moon). I also wouldn't be able to stand it if this person got into any danger at all, and he has been close to it before and I worry like crazy, I feel sick thinking about it. I would love to be able to do all I could to prevent that, even if it involved me getting in danger to protect him (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn... well kinda all of the books actually). Of course these are fantasy thoughts, because I don't hang with him at all. And I understand how Bella could think that Edward would never love her because she doesn't see her as pretty enough, and is surprised when she finds out he does. And, well... really, I know that this person of mine could never love me, so then in this, I really understand how she feels, because I go through even worse.

But even through all this trouble, it makes for a pleasant reading because things eventually work out and it makes me happier at least imagining things working out. This is what I mean by how it brings people to a fantasy dream, where they go through all their troubles of lives (mostly in love because that's what hurts the most for some), but get a happy ending. Sounds senseless and stupid to get wrapped up in fantasy, but that's the truth of it. People read for interest and because it makes them think of all those dreams of theirs coming true.

Though this only holds true for some of the readers I suppose. It's just how I feel about this story.

..........Wow..... there I go ranting... lol I can get lost in ranting a lot. :facepalm::unsure: =I

I'm not even sure if all of that I said was necessary to explain....... :unsure::unsure::unsure:

Oh well, here you go.

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And also mostly I imagine not being able to see the person who I hold most dearly to my heart ever again, to never hear his voice or laugh or see his smile anymore.

Edward laughs?

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Stephanie Meyer is indeed very smart. She put all the female conflicts in her lead character so EVERY SINGLE WOMEN on the planet could identify with her.

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I actually read that the actors who play the roles of Edward and Bella in these movies actually hate their roles and the characters they play.


Yes they do. Robert Pattinson was heard saying his character was a joke and called him the "108 year old virgin" and played him as such. He also commented on Meyer being a psycho and barking mad. I dont recall hearing Kristen Stewart slamming her character though. She probably thinks of Bella as ridiculous though.

Eclipse the film was better than the book. Trufax.

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Yes they do. Robert Pattinson was heard saying his character was a joke and called him the "108 year old virgin" and played him as such. He also commented on Meyer being a psycho and barking mad. I dont recall hearing Kristen Stewart slamming her character though. She probably thinks of Bella as ridiculous though.

Eclipse the film was better than the book. Trufax.

Of course it is. You get to see Jacob shirtless instead of just reading about it. I guess the trauma of seeing shirtless Edward cancels it out, though.

Apparently, Robert Pattinson began to like the series more as he read the later books.

Edited by Slowking
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Eclipse the film was better than the book. Trufax.

Now the question is if you actually like either one. Because I'll lose more faith for females around my age if so.

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Now the question is if you actually like either one. Because I'll lose more faith for females around my age if so.

To be fair, I can understand someone liking the Eclipse film, and not being a complete retard/sheep...

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I read the first two books of that series, and my brain got turned into utter mush. It was miserable. However, I applaud Meyer for making a bestselling series based on a plotline that basically goes like this: "Whodoilike whodoilike whodoilike" repeatedly. Toss in a bunch of fanservice, and there's your recipe for selling tons of books.

The only reason I would go to see Eclipse would be to mock it repeatedly and irritate all the fangirls. Also, disturbing picture


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I dont mind the series, its okay, Rather bland and the writing in the books is sub par to be honest. All the guys who slam it though are just upset two fictional characters could get half the worlds pussy if they wanted.

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I dont mind the series, its okay, Rather bland and the writing in the books is sub par to be honest. All the guys who slam it though are just upset two fictional characters could get half the worlds pussy if they wanted.

I would like to express similarly ambivalent feelings despite having never read the books. Twilight fans have never tried to bother me with their twilight love, thankfully. The same cannot be said for Twilight haters.

Edited by SeverIan
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I dont mind the series, its okay, Rather bland and the writing in the books is sub par to be honest. All the guys who slam it though are just upset two fictional characters could get half the worlds pussy if they wanted.

I would like to express similarly ambivalent feelings despite having never read the books. Twilight fans have never tried to bother me with their twilight love, thankfully. The same cannot be said for Twilight haters.

The way I see it is like this:

It's pretty terrible, but then again, a lot of shit people like is terrible. Generally, these things are good for a laugh every once and a while, but really are just kind of non factors in everything. They might even get popular. It's just fun to bitchslap.

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To me, hating on Twilight is like kicking a two-year old. Instant relief, and you feel pretty good about it, but it gets old after like five times.

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