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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Groner, can you be more specific in your error report? What triggered this problem? Unless I can replicate your problem I can't fix it. Your second bug is entirely intentional, that happens for starting every tale (since killing the characters clears their data from the game's memory, preventing carrying over levels and items to subsequent playthroughs of one tale).

I'll be honest, Tale 1 is my least favorite. I didn't write the story for Tale 1, I just wrote the script. I was originally sent a list of story ideas by Nayr, Tale 1 was the only story in the hack that went unchanged from Nayr's list (Tale 2 he helped inspire, Tales 1x, 3 and 4 were all my own). Tale 1 was originally just a pilot for me, to see if I could get into the project (which I obviously did). I could probably come up with something better for Eliwood, but I don't like Eliwood that much. It is a bit bad that the worst tale is the tale that opens the game though.

And Ken, although I do very much appreciate your enthusiasm and contribution to the project, I'm afraid I'll be sticking with Mage Knight 404's Halberdier. It really is a fantastic animation, I'm certain you won't be disappointed when you see it in action.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Now that I've played them all, I'd have to say my favorite was tale 3. I felt like it had the greatest blend of a nice story and good gameplay with well-balanced characters.

Tale 1 seemed, as stated, too generic.

Tale 2 was pretty good, no major issues, although my personal bias doesn't like the way it ended with Priscilla. This one would probably be my favorite if that had been different, but again, it's just me.

The story in tale 4 was rather interesting, but what sort of irked me was all the Swordmaster reinforcements that you don't have anyone adequate (aka Lance or Swordreaver) to fight. Also, I find putting chests at the end of these maps pretty pointless, since even if you don't skip them you aren't likely to use the items at all.

The Gaiden, while the unique objective was pretty cool, just felt too easy and bland. No boss, not many enemies, and all the enemies are just generic Bandits with Iron, Steel, and Hand Axes. The story was a little unexpected, but had no real problems.

For all of them, I don't like enemies appearing at the start of enemy phase. Whether or not you want to change that is up to how you want the game to be, of course, I just don't like when I have Erk use Bolting and then a SM spawns right by his position unannounced.

Edited by Sadistic Fox
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This is an impressive piece of work! I've never played a FE game on an emulator before but this is a great experience. I've only done Tale 1 and Tale 1x, mostly because Marcus kept dying on me in Tale 1 and I'm a perfectionist, but I've dipped a toe into Tale 2 and I can't wait to get started on the rest.

I haven't noticed any major flaws, but there seems to be a missing line of text or two when Eliwood gets the Lobiera and one time the thieves stopped moving after they'd taken the S-rank weapons but that might've been because I blocked their exit routes, I can't remember. With the bugfix patches can they be patched onto earlier versions or do they have to go on a new ROM and lose saved data?

Oh and one more thing, where did you get that player overworld music for Tale 2, it's awesome!

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You can keep using the same save with a different patch.

EDIT: Needed to read the above post more closely. But I'd like to take this time to remind people: SAVE YOUR .SAV FILES! They will work with future patches! If you completed Tale 4, Tale 5 will automatically be unlocked when the next release's patch is applied.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Oh, one MORE thing, you haven't changed the class description of Prince so it still says prince of Bern. And again, I'd love to know where that music came from.

Thanks for your help and a great patch!

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Tale 2's overworld music was always in FE7. I don't remember exactly where it was played, but it was already in the base ROM. I'll be sure to fix the prince description sometime.

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I am getting a glitch in Tale 1x

After saving the village, the next turn(when it revillagifies... not a word, so what?)

The following occurs, and I am unable to proceed(view attachment)

This is after applying the newest anti-bug patch, to a clean rom.

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Distant travels isn't it? Love that track btw...

It played sporadically though eli and hector's route.

Oh, this isn't really an issue, but i named myself a female name and picked female gender but the text still reads "prince". I know this probably would be crazy hard to make work, but some people may complain about it...

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Distant travels isn't it? Love that track btw...

It played sporadically though eli and hector's route.

Oh, this isn't really an issue, but i named myself a female name and picked female gender but the text still reads "prince". I know this probably would be crazy hard to make work, but some people may complain about it...

The prince isn't the tactician though. Or am I missing something

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Azusa, can you please describe the steps that lead up to this glitch? Which village did you save first, which turn did this occur?


I could probably come up with something better for Eliwood, but I don't like Eliwood that much. It is a bit bad that the worst tale is the tale that opens the game though.

Remember when I said that a whole hour ago? Well, I was struck by inspiration and I'm currently working on a total revamp of Tale 1. I'll be posting pictures once I make some more progress.

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I get a glitch whenever I restart tale 4: Louise's stats and weapon usage do not reset. I have played the chapter 3 times consecutively and her numbers carry on. Maybe you forgot to make her "die" before the tale begins? Also, the bishop with maxed skill at tale 2 never heals his comrades, he'd rather chase Raven (maybe this is not actually a glitch). I do not know if this is recurrent, because I only played that tale once.

Anyway, my only suggestion would be giving certain enemies some level ups. Druids are quite joke and those berserkers near Ephidel only have 9 skill. I mean, I am pretty sure those two are there so they land a critical on someone when one is about to finish the chapter.

Besides that, it is pretty enjoyable!

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Currently I have twelve tales planned, five of which are currently complete.

And one of which that is being majorly revamped. Special thanks to The Blind Archer for his help in scripting the new Tale 1! I'll be posting screenshots some other time (I've got to keep SOME things to build anticipation with, right?)

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Groner, can you be more specific in your error report? What triggered this problem? Unless I can replicate your problem I can't fix it. Your second bug is entirely intentional, that happens for starting every tale (since killing the characters clears their data from the game's memory, preventing carrying over levels and items to subsequent playthroughs of one tale).

I think what triggers the problem is visiting a village before and after supplies have arrived.

Wow! That's cool! I never knew we could do that.

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I have yet to play this (saving them for the completed version), but from what I've seen in both screenshots and posts, this is seriously impressive. I look forward to eventually playing the completed version.

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The first village I saved was the one to the far left. Merlinus went straight there and then directly to the village below your start point. After arriving, on the start of my next P.Phase, the glitch occured.

EDIT: I tried to recreate it, and it didn`t work... I got through the tale without a hitch, so I don`t know...

It may be related to Marcus' death. He was killed on the run where the glitch occured, and Eliwood appears in his death quote, despite not being in the tale...

Edited by Azusa Nakano
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