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General Fire Emblem Quiz

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So while browsing around I remembered some details that might be alright to have in some sort of quiz so here it is.

PM the answers to me. You may ask for a hint in this thread and I'll PM it to you, do note that the points you get for a correct answer will be cut in half if you asked for a hint about it.

Also, if the first hint I've given you did not help and you need another hint for that same question, you'll receive it but the points will be slashed in half again so if a question was originally worth 10 points, you'll get 2.5 points if you were given 2 hints for that question.

This will be closed and the answers will be revealed on Friday.

1. What Fire Emblem Game does not use Attack Speed as part of its avoid formula? 10 points.

2. What 3 games that can be discussed in the "Fire Emblem Forums" section of this forum have enemy attacks or abilities that would deal damage to more than 1 ally unit at once? 5 points for each correct answer. Submissions that have more than 3 answers will score 0 regardless of the submitted names.

3. Name the quickest method to determining the AS of Hard Mode Mamkutes of FESD. 10 points.

4. What is Mistyrain in the FE series? 10 points.

5. Zealshi is an anagram for _______ which is better known as ______. Fill in the blanks, 5 points for each correct blank answered.

6. DSS is an acronym for a weapon or item somewhere in FE8. What is this item or weapon? 10 points.

7. Est is in FE1, FE2, FE3, FE11/FESD and soon in FE12/FE3DS. Where else is or was Est supposed to be? As? 2 part answer, 5 points for each.

8. From FE1-7, name 6 bosses that can still kill/damage assuming that they could have 0% displayed hit. 5 points for each correct answer, only 6 names allowed, any submission that has more than 6 will score 0 regardless of the submitted names

9. What was Fargus' first class? 10 points

10. Where is this from? 15 points


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Clarify question 2 for me. Do FE1-5 count as games which "can be discussed"? There is a subforum on which they can be discussed but no individual forum for each FE.

I can't really understand the point of that line unless it does exclude them. I hope it does because I have no idea if they have AOE in those games.

(specifically in 1 and 2, if not in either of those i can P.O.E to the right answer).

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Clarify question 2 for me. Do FE1-5 count as games which "can be discussed"? There is a subforum on which they can be discussed but no individual forum for each FE.

I can't really understand the point of that line unless it does exclude them. I hope it does because I have no idea if they have AOE in those games.

All Fire Emblem games count for this question.

Also, here's a free hint for question 2:

FE9 is not one of them.

Also, if the first hint I've given you did not help and you need another hint for that same question, you'll receive it but the points will be slashed in half again so if a question was originally worth 10 points, you'll get 2.5 points if you were given 2 hints for that question.

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I can't really understand the point of that line unless it does exclude them. I hope it does because I have no idea if they have AOE in those games.

I can think of one reason, but I won't say it in case I'm actually right.

Anyway, hints on 3-10 I guess. I swear, this is harder than Vincent's quizzes. At least on those I knew what to research to find the answers or knew them off hand.

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Also, here's a free hint for question 2:

FE9 is not one of them.

I guess that's because the "AOE" in that game can be used by both Allies and Enemies?

Also, hints for 5 and 8 please. And if possible a clarification of question 9.

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I guess that's because the "AOE" in that game can be used by both Allies and Enemies?

Also, hints for 5 and 8 please. And if possible a clarification of question 9.

Mostly because it's directly attributed to a weapon with fixed availability and not directly attributed to the enemy that uses it.

Fargus of FE7 is a Berserker. I'm asking what his first class was. I highly recommend you go for the hint on this one unless you're really really really sure you know it :P

Anyway, hints on 3-10 I guess. I swear, this is harder than Vincent's quizzes. At least on those I knew what to research to find the answers or knew them off hand.

Well I did try to put some tough ones there even for those that have played all the games or as many as I have. Guess I overdid it heh heh. Rest assured though, all the answers can be found on this site or by playing the game.

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I'm doing pretty good so far, but 2 is throwing me.

I can only think of one. The "doing damage" phrase is what's throwing me, because then I could chose FE8, and I keep thinking of Charisma.

I'll take a hint on this I guess.

I'll take a hint for 5, 6, 7, and 10.

I have two of the 6 names for 8 though...

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If I'm reading the pages correctly, there are two valid answers for question 1...

I'll hold on to those and continue on.

I assure you that there is only 1 valid answer. If there's doubt, there's also the option of testing the 2 choices you have.

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I have a question for 8.

If the boss is optional, and by that I mean if they're on one side of a route, do they count? If the boss is recruitable do they count?

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I have a question for 8.

If the boss is optional, and by that I mean if they're on one side of a route, do they count? If the boss is recruitable do they count?

I said only bosses and nothing more so yes, such would count as a valid answer.

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Dammit. That doesn't help me. I found 7 bosses capable of doing damage/hitting with 0 hit.

I don't know which one I need to eliminate. :sob:

Is it the 6 bosses that can do it? Or any 6?

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Hints for 3, 5, 8, and 10 please.

And yeah, plenty of doubt for my answer to question 1 as both of the formula's I'm looking at seem to meet your requirement.

I no longer require a hint for question 9 as I saw through it.

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And yeah, plenty of doubt for my answer to question 1 as both of the formula's I'm looking at seem to meet your requirement.

Guess on your submission, test it on your own, watch a video or 2 of the relevant information or ask for a hint. The choice is yours.

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Hint on #5 and 10 I guess. Can I send you the answers to the others now, or should I wait?

Send them once you're done.

Anyway, this thing will be closed in either 8 and half hours from now or sometime tomorrow.

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I'm going to ace this with no hints. Just give me until after the weekend because I have two Brawl tournaments to attend, lol.

Edit: Fuck the above post. I'll have to finish tonight. DON'T CLOSE IT IN 8 HOURS, GO WITH TOMORROW!

Edit2: Came home late, no time for this, sigh...

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