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Best use of the Elysian whip in the desert chapter: Promoting Malice, reclassing her back to Swordmaster.. Low STR of course but the high rank and all the available Swords certainly help (unless your team is big on swords). That or Linde if you haven't promoted her by now.

My team in chapter 13

Dracoknights: Sirius, Rody, Paola, Katua,, Minerva.

Swordmaster: Malice

Sniper: Navarre

Berserker/Hero: My Unit

Bishops: Marich and Linde

Having Dracos this time around is quite the advantage.

Edited by Sirius
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I don't know why anyone would want to play the game like this on its hardest difficulty the first time. Wouldn't you want to see the rest of the game, before you get frustrated at it? Lunatic mode's definitely gonna do that.

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Looks like Chapter 1's reinforcement thief comes in with a forged Levin Sword too, Jesus:


I'm struggling in P-5. Wow... they didn't call it "Lunatic Mode" for no reason, did they!?!

6 and 7 aren't too bad, but 8's terrible.

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As expected, the Dragonstones this time around are basically just 30 use weapons with different boost to her stats.

Divine: 18 MT, 100 Hit, 0 Crit, 1 range

Others: 15 MT, 85 hit, 0 Crit, 1 range

Stat boosts being...

Divine: +10 STR, +7 SKL, +4 SPD, +15 DEF, +11 RES

Flying: +5 STR, +4 SKL, +7 SPD, +8 DEF, +3 RES

Fire: +8 STR, +4 SKL, +4 SPD, +9 DEF, +4 RES

Demon: +7 MAG, +1 SKL, -1 SPD, +11 DEF, +11 RES, Targets enemy's RES.

EDIT: Perhaps it may be worth noting that Flying dragons still have their monstrous 12 MOV and pack around 15-16 SPD. Bandits around those chapters have 12-13 SPD. This is normal mode.

Edited by Sirius
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Official sight updated, with a description of the downloadable episode Wind and Lightning.

It also shows what can be bought at the online shop.


Steel Sword

Silver Sword

Kill Sword

Levin Sword



Swordkiller (IT'S BACK BABY!)

Master Sword

Wo Dao

Brave Blade

Lady Sword


Steel and Silver

Hand Axe

Killer Axe


Pole Axe

Brave Axe


Steel, Silver and Javelins



Dragon Pike

Brave Lance


Steel, Silver, Killer, Longbows and Brave Bows






Rezire (Oho!)




Relive (Mend)



Reserve (Fortify)

Rescue (Bahahahaaaaa)

Magic Shield




Medicine (Vulnery)

Holy Water

Master Seal

Elysian Whip

I don't recognize this item though.


See the lower right section here? I don't recognize what the hell that top one is in hte Items section.

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Couple more things to note...

Lady Sword does not do effective damage against Bandits or Thieves. It's now just an E ranked 12 MT Sword, giving the ladies a much needed MT boost.

Fire and Elfire don't do effective damage to Ice Dragons. Blizzard does no effective damage to Fire Dragons. Shaver works on Flying Dragons though.

Miracle/Mercurius, Parthi and Hautclere do not boost EXP gain. Star Orb does not affect weapon durability, it's now just a hold item with +2 to every stat.

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It seems like Chapter 2's boss can move on Lunatic, not sure if he "moves" like he does in the original seeing as I just started the chapter but he does have actual movement unlike the other bosses that are on thrones.

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It seems like Chapter 2's boss can move on Lunatic, not sure if he "moves" like he does in the original seeing as I just started the chapter but he does have actual movement unlike the other bosses that are on thrones.

They give him back his Ridersbane in Lunatic, or they just toss him Silver and call it a day?

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In chapter 16x, to recruit Katarina, you must have "My Unit" speak to her 3 times. She will attack your allies with a Resire tome so just have them equipped with 1 range items and keep healers around to help out.

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or they just toss him Silver and call it a day?

Yep, he gets a Silver Axe, he has 15AS as well which means he'll 1RKO pretty much 90% of your team. He drops a Steel Axe as well, lulz.

Edited by Joey
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In chapter 16x, to recruit Katarina, you must have "My Unit" speak to her 3 times. She will attack your allies with a Resire tome so just have them equipped with 1 range items and keep healers around to help out.

I am supposing she wont attack My Unit.

Yep, he gets a Silver Axe, he has 15AS as well which means he'll 1RKO pretty much 90% of your team. He drops a Steel Axe as well, lulz.

Man, what a gip. I get no Silver Axe earlygame!

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Does anyone know if the conditions for gaiden chapters are the same as SD? (15 units or less in total) or Is it automatic?

It isn't 15 units or less. I've no clue what the requirements are but without any effort I've been able to access...







I'm trying to warpskip to the end of the game and now I just got bombarded by 20x, which is an FoW map and you can't warp into squares you can't see...

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I don't think it's been mentioned, but most people might know it already, I'll say it anyhow: When Cecil joins in the prologue, she always has a Steel Sword, a Steel Lance, a Steel Bow and then an item depending on the class of your My Unit. I'm playing a mage and got Elfire. Others have gotten a Steel Sword or something else.

Juuuuuuuuuust thought I'd mention it.

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To top it all off...

The initial enemy count here is 23 so removing -3 Earth dragons nuked by the shield, the 4 Bishops and Medeus... that leaves you with....15 dragons to deal with. They're all here. Man I wish Katarina would reach B rank staves as a Bishop already...


The Again stuff works only on 1 unit... bummer, I had a 1-turn strategy planned out if it worked like before...

Divine Stone is no longer effective against Medeus.


Beat the final chapter with a 1 turn strategy.

Seems there might be some ranks. After all the endings and stuff went through, the top screen displayed 3 things and I got letter grades for them. A, B and D were my ranks. I'm guessing the bottom one might survival as I did let some people die due to being too lazy to reset after a stupid critical nuked someone (poor Malice).

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Ack, I fell asleep!

Keep in mind he has caps above 30, so Lunatic mode will be f-ing ridiculous.

Someone asked about Abel: He's starting stats are 32HP, 13Str, 1Mgc, 14Skl, 15Spd, 7Lck, 14Def, 6Res. Marth and Est still recruit him, and he will only move to attack if someone is in range. He goes back to where he was beside the boss if you leave his range (flying over the river, etc.).

EDIT: Medeus is on a throne as well!

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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Well I can't wait to play this game after reading this topic.

Really can't wait.

So Sirius how horrible was Sheema on her join chapter since you beat the game? Or did they buff her? I'd like to see a female knight/general (before reclass) in this series that didn't suck balls at base. And were wolf/sedgar awesome as bosses?

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