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Advance Wars Mafia


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C) He wanted to get onto the replacement queue to get a better role, despite me telling him he's almost certainly got going to get back into the game.


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All night actions are in. But I'ma do one or two other things, then come back and give you flavour and tell you who died and investigation results or anything.

Let's just say there's 3 people dead, and only one is aligned with the town. Most of you are gonna like this :awesome:

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Koal: Time to wake up, you miserable allies.

Jake: Ugh... five more minutes, mum.

Jugger: Registering comment as serious. Proceeding with laughter. Hahaha.

Koal: Shut it! I'm not happy today, you know. They've somehow killed two of Blue Moon's commanders.

Rachel: Huh? Aren't Blue Moon allied with us?

Koal: You know nothing, little girl. Blue Moon are trying to take over, with our sponsorship.

Max: Is that right? Well, no wonder your so upset, we're all one step closer to victory!

Jess: Hey, shorty! Who'd they kill?

Koal: I won't forget that comment, but for now, I'll let it slide. They've killed commander Olaf.

Grit: Aw, no, Beardie?

Jugger: Other commander unidentified. Looks familiar, but different, but familiar.

Koal: Shut it, and tell them who died.

Jugger: Blue Moon commander "Raymond." Located over there.

Max: What? Isn't that...

Rachel: That's... Sami... what was she doing with Blue Moon?

Jake: Hey, she's been stabbed in the chest... Rachel, is that what I think it is?

Rachel: What? That... that's!

Jake: She was pregnant...

Max: Black Hole! We'll never forgive you for this!

Rachel: And Eagle... where's Eagle now?

Koal: Hah. Where do you think he is?

Drake: Aw, no

Javier: Our commander has been slain? Is that what you are trying to imply?

Koal: You are correct. You will be glad to know it was a quick, clean kill... one slice across the neck.

Jess: Poor Flyboy... even I admit he was a good CO.

Koal: Now, if you want revenge today, there's a guillotine available for use. Who will you put on it this time?

Dear Pride,

You are Olaf, Snow loving commander.


You love Blue Moon, and you love the snow. You love Blue Moon so much that you'd do anything for her, including turning on your former allies. You also happen to be surprisingly deceptive and can get other commanders to join you, which you use to grow Blue Moon's might. Because of your love of snow, your command in snow is top notch, and you have no real weakness except rain.


Talking: This is your most important ability. During the day and night, you may talk to other players. Use this amazing ability to ask questions, work things out, discuss who you suspect and who you trust.

Voting: During the day phase, you may place a vote for someone in the form ##vote: [user]. Similarly, you can remove or change your vote in the form ##Unvote: [user]. This format makes it easy for me, yourself and others to find the votes, by searching for the ## string.

Recruitment: Every night that Blue Moon has 3 or fewer people in it, you may reply to this PM saying 'Night X: Recruiting [user]'. This user will then join Blue Moon, dropping their previous role. You may discuss with the rest of Blue Moon who to recruit, but you have the final say.

Kill: Every night, if Blue Moon has 4 members, you may reply to this PM saying 'Night X: killing [user]'. This user will then be killed. You may discuss with the rest of Blue Moon who to kill, but you have the final say.

Mass Suicide: If you are killed, and Grit has been killed as well, then the rest of the Blue Moon commanders will commit suicide. This means you will lose the game.

Lights: At any point during a day phase, you may reply to this PM saying 'Keeping the lights on during Night X'. On that night, all lights will be kept on and everyone who has a night action will have the person they visit (but not what they did) publicly displayed. It will be publicly announced at the start of the night that the lights are being kept on. The cult may choose to fake who they visit: At the night after the lights are switched on, they may reply here saying 'Night X: claiming to visit [user]'. They may claim to visit nobody. It will also be publicly announced that the cult will be able to fake visits, and the Mafia and Serial Killer can also fake who they kill.

You are allied with the cult.

"Feel the fury of Winter!"

Dear cheezperson,

You are Eagle, air forces commander


You love flying. You've always wanted to be a pilot, so you became one. Then you became a commander, who commanded planes. You can be a little blunt in conversation, and are very protective of Sami, who you recently married. Your speed is also second to none - you've been known to somehow make people move twice as fast as normal with no downsides.


Talking: This is your most important ability. During the day and night, you may talk to other players. Use this amazing ability to ask questions, work things out, discuss who you suspect and who you trust.

Voting: During the day phase, you may place a vote for someone in the form ##vote: [user]. Similarly, you can remove or change your vote in the form ##Unvote: [user]. This format makes it easy for me, yourself and others to find the votes, by searching for the ## string.

Guardian: If Sami is ever killed, for any reason - be it voting, a night kill, or something else, you will die in her place. This action is involuntary, as it is a part of your chivalrous nature towards your wife.

As of Night 3, you will no longer protect Sami if she is killed.

You are allied with the town.

"Impressive. You had almost overtaken me. Almost!"

Dear Raymond,

You are generic Blue Moon Officer, a cultist.

Blue Moon came to you offering a deal, which you took. You've foregone all of your previous powers and allegiances to side with Blue Moon.


Talking: This is your most important ability. During the day and night, you may talk to other players. Use this amazing ability to ask questions, work things out, discuss who you suspect and who you trust.

Voting: During the day phase, you may place a vote for someone in the form ##vote: [user]. Similarly, you can remove or change your vote in the form ##Unvote: [user]. This format makes it easy for me, yourself and others to find the votes, by searching for the ## string.

Mass Suicide: If both Olaf and Grit are killed, then you and any other cult members will commit mass suicide. You will then lose.

You are allied with the cult.


It is now day 3.

Edit: I've moved the role PMs into the second post. It's a little more organised and it's easier for me that way.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I am confused, i sent me self to kill ninji but he didn't die :blink:


I have to admit, I lol'd.

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Ok, this kind of fits out, but only if we have a nurse/carriage driver/bulletproof. Either Nini got healed, or he got swapped with the bulletproof, or he himself is the bulletproof.

BTW, I claim credit for slicing Pride's neck.

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Cultists |:

Uh, yeah, I didn't think Ninji was all that suspicious. /:

Still kind of looking at Proto for his aggressiveness, though.

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Ok, this kind of fits out, but only if we have a nurse/carriage driver/bulletproof. Either Nini got healed, or he got swapped with the bulletproof, or he himself is the bulletproof.

BTW, I claim credit for slicing Pride's neck.

He could be sami for all we know.

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