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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Also fair enough. wrote Kaite, nudging the left shoulder piece so it was completely off.


"You were being a idiot. Morgan is right though. We need to be on the lookout for thieves or else... Or else... Didn't I have two legguards?" commented Esphyr, glancing down. Sure enough, only one of the protective pieces of armor covered her leg. "And Morgan, didn't you used to have a tome?"

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"We are all standing here on guard, no thief could have possibly escaped our notice." Morgan said, baffled. "Unless...they're invisible. Everyone, be silent and listen for suspicious noises."

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Cess walked back to the group. He had a bundle of sticks in his arms. "I think I found enough to start a small fire. :mellow: Anyone hungry?"



Noticing Cess walk back into the campsite, he spoke up. "I have food, but no pans. If you can find me some, I can cook."

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As soon as everyone silenced down, the faint whisp of footstep cushioned over grass coming from the exit to the camp gently floated by. Normally invisible, the sound could have been anything, except everyone was now on the lookout for a thief. "That's her." whispered Esphyr.

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Iso: You know, that was more than one reason :hat:

Anyway ... another reason? Well, with you around I really have to stop acting like such an idiot. It's a real challenge sometimes not to rush off and blow something up some days >_>'


Irina: There was one more chicken left. I don't know where it went.

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"If the the thief stole your chicken, Kiev would be able to smell that, yes?" Morgan asked Irina. "That means we can use Kiev to track the thief, invisible or not."

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OOC: Scooby Doo Mysteries anyone?


He smirked a little.

Iso: Oh really? When's the last time I burned something to the ground? Think of all the fires I haven't started that I've been tempted to, but didn't. Take that back off, now please :D


Irina: He's not a bloodhound, guys. Sure Kiev can follow the smell of chickens, but we could still end up in a chicken market, or on a nearby farm. As long as she's nearby I guess he could track her down though.

OOC: Where the chicken is is up to you Snowy :sweatdrop:

EDIT: issues

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Iso: Urgh. (Come to think of it, I don't think I really had enough reasons to get her dress off in the first place. I've never truly needed a plethora of reasons to do what I do. I think that means I just lost the game >_>') Alright, that's all I've got. You're beautiful, you don't mess around, and you've been forcing me to think harder and longer than I typically do. The proof is in the lack of incidence revolving around myself. I'm not really interested in anyone else either, just you.


Kiev looked up to Irina wondering what to do.

Irina: *sigh* ... alright. Kiev, find that chicken!

The wyvern quickly put his nose to the ground and started sniffing until he caught the bird's scent! Without warning, he took off, leaving all of them including Irina on the ground looking up at him! While hovering over them, his gaze shot from north, to northwest repeatedly! The thief was somewhere in that general direction, so he quickly flew there, gliding to remain at least a little silent.

Irina: We have to follow him or there won't be a thief to question, just some flattened corpse!

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Looks like I win then. scribbled Katie as she approached Iso, latching onto his arm. She slowly started to sit down on the ground, but pulled Iso down with her as well, a happy smile on her face.


"On it!" said Esphyr, breaking out into a full run to follow Kiev.

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The tent had been set up,and Damian and Aiya were content to just sit and relax for the time being.Damian still needed to recover somewhat,and Aiya didn't really have much else to do anyway,so the pair found themselves doing naught but talking,Damian's head resting on Aiya's lap.

All of a sudden,the noise level in the campsite grew to near unwieldy proportions!

"Do you think we should go see what's going on?" Aiya asked,listening to the commotion while she gently stroked Damian's hair.

"I don't think we need pay it any mind right now." Damian said,with a slight yawn.

"Sounds like a couple of em are just doing something idiotic,and Morgan is getting snippy at them...it'll pass."

OOC:Feel free to have something happen,Naelia can slip inside or something,I dunno

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OOC: This is going to be hilarious :3


Iso: *sigh* ... and so the crimson flame is blown out by a gentle breeze ... (She might not be mine yet ... but this is hardly a rejection. Just roll with it and don't do anything stupid.)


Irina quickly followed along too! Keeping up with Kiev was hard enough, but he was flying silently! They had to look up to see his pitch black figure against the night sky just to know where he was going! He suddenly sped up and flew ahead of them, before descending nearby! The chicken was in its cage, and Naelia was close by. Kiev quickly slammed down and crushed the chicken in his jaws, cage and all!


Kiev then stalked the thief in the darkness, most of his form hidden by the darkness. His irises were reflecting the light cast by several objects, and so they were clear to see even in the darkness! His eyes were accompanied by a long snarling sound, warning the thief to stay put! With one pounce he could crush the girl flat, and that was his intention if she made a run for it!

OOC: :3

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"Where's Kiev going? Hold on, let me come with you guys." Cess stood up and followed Esphyr and Chase.



*sigh* "It's to late to start a fight." Pary started the fire with the sticks Cess had collected. "Where are those pans? Maybe..."

Pary stood up and walked towards the tent Aiya was in. Didn't she have something to cook on? Poking his head in, Pary saw Damian and Aiya together. "Excuse me, I was going to make some dinner, but I have no pans. Do you know where I could find some?"

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Naelia was cornered! She was cornered... and oddly not worried. As the wyvern came down before her, she simply reclined against a small tree, waiting. At her feet were the small objects that she had stolen and in her hand was a single scale from Kiev, a testament to her skill at stealing. She knew the power of the wyvern, but it was what she desired. She had a plan, and it was about to come to fruition.


"So... What ya doing?" asked the headmaster, stalking over to Damian and Aiya.


With a happy sigh, Katie leaned back, pulling Iso down with her. However, she did it in such a way so that his head could potentially rest upon her chest should he choose so. A consolation.

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"Hmm?Pans?" Aiya confirmed with Pary as he stuck his head in the tent.While she still wasn't fond of the man,there was no reason to stop him from making supper...

"You're not gonna try planting another poisoned mushroom,are you?" She asked him,annoyed.

At that moment,the headmaster also appeared.Damian answered this time.

"Nothing in particular.Just trying to relax a bit,and Aiya's trying to make sure this guy doesn't attempt to assassinate me again."

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As if on cue, Iso rested his head on Katie's breasts and let out a very satisfied moan before closing his eyes. One of his arms started moving up gently threading his fingers through her hair.

Iso: (... even better than I'd hoped ...)


Suddenly, the others arrived, having caught up! Irina slid to a stop and pointed her finger at the girl!

Irina: You!! You stole our stuff?!

Kiev was infuriated by the girl's effortless theft of one of his scales. Every wyvern was born with a limited number of them, and having lost another, and outside of battle no less had sent him into a hissing rage! He lunged at her hoping to catch her in his mouth and rip her open!

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"We can't just let her go. She'll just keep stealing from travelers. We should do something about her. Tie her up and bring her with us maybe?"



Ignoring the comment, "I was going to make some stew. Do you have any pans or not?"

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"Looks like there is no point even trying to reason with this one..." Aiya let out,rather annoyed.

"Over there." She said,pointing to a bag that had earlier been attached to Ulfhrahn,containing Pots,pans,and other cooking utensils and utilities

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"Where were you earlier?"


With a quick motion, Naelia slipped out of the way of Kiev's maw, her hand darting inside and quickly nipping away a hunk of his supper before slipping it out and thrusting the food up his nose. "Tell your oversized lizard to calm down or I'll turn him into Percy's cooking!" she exclaimed.


Katie gave a small smile as Iso petted her hair, not exactly resisting so long as she had her man-arm to snuggle.

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OOC: The smilies are purely for comedic purposes ... and I've been reading too much manga.

Isotov and Levski-

Iso was so comfortable that he fell asleep after a few minutes. Not far away, a head peeked around the corner.

Lev: :ph34r:(Attaboy, Iso! :) )

-and Viveka

Viveka: Ahem.

Lev: :blink:

Levski looked behind himself to see Viveka standing there with her hands on her hips.

Lev: Shhhhh ... these is called eavesdropping.

Viveka: What?

Lev quickly pointed passed the tent they were standing behind, and they both peeked around it.

Lev: :ph34r:

Viveka: :ph34r:

After they were finished looking, they both came back into hiding, and got as low as they could so their voices wouldn't carry.

Viveka: Okay, so Isotov and Katie are definitely an item, correct? Alright, scratch that one off the list ... *sigh* I kind of liked his fire tricks too ...

Lev: List?

Viveka: Oh yeah, you've gotta have a list.

Lev: ... am I on these list of yours?

Viveka: ... ... ... >_>'


With feathers and chicken meat stuffed up his nostrils, Kiev had a stupified look on his face! After backing off to the side, he quickly blasted them out like bullets with a loud snort, before violently whacking the tree Naelia had leaned up against with his tail! He'd struck just the right spot, and the tree came tumbling down in Naelia's direction!

EDIT: Added OOC notice.

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With a quick and lithe motion, Naelia slipped around the tail and the tree, popping up on the other side of it. Yet she didn't run away. Instead, the coy look on her face only grew more and more. "Come now, if I wanted to run, I would have already."

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