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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 48 (Take Two!)


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Best: Javelin!

Worst: Hammer

I nominate Best/Worst bald unit

Edited by spiker275
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Best: Fe9 Steel axes. Plenty of power. E Rank. Wt doesn't matter in teh second half of the game and all the best people(Pallys, Jill + Boyd) can use them? Awesome.

Worst: Slim sword, for the reasons RFoF mentioned. Useless in everyway. Fail.

Dishonourable mention to 1-2 range melee weapons because I'm unlucky with them and thus biased.

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Best: I'll say Killing Edges, though it's really all the Killer Weapons. Useful in pretty much every FE, but especially 6 with Iron like accuracy, Steel like Mt, and crit.

Worst: Slim Swords aren't really good for anything, except in Fe4.

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Best: FE10 Hand Axe. Accurate, powerful, forgeable, 1-2 range.

Worst: FE9 Light. Other people have mentioned why.

Incidentally, I don't think you can vote for Silver Longbow, since it's only buyable in Bargains and enemies never carry it. Like the Silencer, in that respect, and Rolf's Bow.

Honourable mention to Slim Sword, Bronze weapons, and the infinitely useless FE8 Luna.

Anouleth, wouldn't that be "Dishonourable mention" for those other three weapons you named?

Best: I'll say Killing Edges, though it's really all the Killer Weapons. Useful in pretty much every FE, but especially 6 with Iron like accuracy, Steel like Mt, and crit.

Worst: Slim Swords aren't really good for anything, except in Fe4.

Personally, I found killer weapons in general rather underwhelming in RD.

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Personally, I found killer weapons in general rather underwhelming in RD.

That's for several reasons. They're not very easy to get hold of, they don't really have enough mt to deal with the tougher enemies, and enemy luck is so high that you rarely get above 25 crit with them.

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That's for several reasons. They're not very easy to get hold of, they don't really have enough mt to deal with the tougher enemies, and enemy luck is so high that you rarely get above 25 crit with them.

Well, killing edges are terrible because swordmaster skill and crit are enough that the higher mt of a crit-forge is superior despite having 15 less crit. 4HKOing Generals with Mia rather than being terrible. 3HKOing warriors allowing Adept to help rather than 4HKOing and Adept not helping. That type of thing.

Back in part 1 Z's killing edge is okay, but by 1-7 you already have the brave sword which ORKOs rather than sometimes ORKOs. And of course Ike doesn't need the crit since he ORKOs anyway. I suppose Generals, but again the brave says "no need".

However, Killer lance and Killer Axe can still be pretty useful, and you can get a fair number in part 2 to bring over to part 3. I think like 2 or 3 Killer lances and 3 Killer Axes. Which is enough until you can buy them. You still run into problems like "2HKO but no chance to KO vs. 3HKO with 23% (or so) chance to KO". Since on average you'll kill faster without killers, that's a problem for all but units that are 2HKOing with killer anyway. Like Boyd after enough levels. Haar after enough levels doubles and 2HKOs with forged hand axes, so he doesn't care later on.

But yeah, killer weapons are simply not all that good. Their best moments are 1-6, part 2, 3-P to 3-1. Then 3-2 arrives and there is little use to them outside Boyd with his Oscar bond once he starts 2HKOing things with killer.

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Best: Javelin. Relatively light? Check. 1-2 D Rank? Check. Can be turned into something truly weird in SD? Check.

Worst: Hammer. I have better, more accurate ways of taking out armored units, and this weapon is HEAVY.

Dishonorable mention goes to SD's Bolganone (heavy, inaccurate, and mostly unneeded).

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Best: range tomes(that is to say they are more effective, not nesscesarilyt the most helpful

worst:frying pan(FE12. check the axe data on the main site)

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Worst: Hammer. I have better, more accurate ways of taking out armored units, and this weapon is HEAVY.

I think RD Hammer is one of the best (i.e. most useful) weapons in the game. Good luck killing generals otherwise.

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I think RD Hammer is one of the best (i.e. most useful) weapons in the game. Good luck killing generals otherwise.

Hmm... Could you please elaborate? Because if you ask me, the hit issues still drag it down somewhat. Also, I'd rather not have to rely on a weapon with 60 base hit not whiffing at a critical moment.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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I think RD Hammer is one of the best (i.e. most useful) weapons in the game. Good luck killing generals otherwise.

Maybe on Hard Mode, but I play Normal, and unless I'm using Titania or Haar, I'm staring down Speed penalties. Magic usually works against them (*cough*Thani*cough*). If I can't smack them with magic, I smack them with my laguz of choice.

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Maybe on Hard Mode, but I play Normal, and unless I'm using Titania or Haar, I'm staring down Speed penalties. Magic usually works against them (*cough*Thani*cough*). If I can't smack them with magic, I smack them with my laguz of choice.

I can agree with this, mainly. PoR's Hammer is even worse. 20 weight??? Forget it; I'll just find some other way to kill armors.

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Shinon's pretty kickass with his killer bow in the first 2 part 3 chapters.

He'd qualify, though I'd still be concerned if using killer rather than steel knocks him down a peg on the #HKO. Or a non-crit prevents another unit from making the kill. Killer weapons were amazing in fe6 because they were generally +1 mt over steel weapons, weighed less, had better hit, and gave you crit on top of that. Killer Bow is -2 mt on Steel Bow in RD, same hit, and weight no longer matters in part 3 since nearly everyone has >= 20 strength (and Mia's 17 is enough for any sword she can use as a swordmaster). Only Neph has "trouble", but only if you give her a weapon you shouldn't be giving her (for part 3).

Granted, there are situations where Shinon's killer is preferred over steel, but that's generally only if the loss of 4 damage in the event of no crits makes no difference because I was going to use someone else to kill that could provide enough damage to overkill by >= 4 points anyway.

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Hmm... Could you please elaborate? Because if you ask me, the hit issues still drag it down somewhat. Also, I'd rather not have to rely on a weapon with 60 base hit not whiffing at a critical moment.

I don't see anyone with hit issues coming to endgame, so the hit isn't a problem.

I can agree with this, mainly. PoR's Hammer is even worse. 20 weight??? Forget it; I'll just find some other way to kill armors.

Armours have such low spd that most axe users can handle the AS loss.

And in RD this isn't even a problem.

Granted, there are situations where Shinon's killer is preferred over steel, but that's generally only if the loss of 4 damage in the event of no crits makes no difference because I was going to use someone else to kill that could provide enough damage to overkill by >= 4 points anyway.

Or if the RKO rate is the same/killing said enemy is important to protect Rhys/Mist or to save a turn. :/. It deals more damage to generals, than say, Mia.

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I don't see anyone with hit issues coming to endgame, so the hit isn't a problem.

Armours have such low spd that most axe users can handle the AS loss.

And in RD this isn't even a problem.

But what about before endgame? Looking at hit rates of about 55 in 1-7 isn't confidence-inspiring.

Even so, there's still the matter of 55 base hit.

RD armors are actually somewhat dodgy relative to those in other games...

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Hmm... Could you please elaborate? Because if you ask me, the hit issues still drag it down somewhat. Also, I'd rather not have to rely on a weapon with 60 base hit not whiffing at a critical moment.

Well, don't use it with the DB. You're bound to see terrible hit rates there. But with the GMs, you have the benefit of Ike's 3x authority, plus +hit supports on 3 of its users (Boyd, Titania, Haar). As for its utility, Titania and Gatrie at base str can OHKO 3-3 generals, Haar needs +2 str with 70% growth, and Boyd needs +3 str. In 3-8, Titania is OHKOing generals at base str with a promotion bonus (or some sort of A +atk support), and your other axe users are doing the same at equivalent str. In 3-10, Titania needs +1 str with a promotion bonus to OHKO generals.

In summary, extremely useful. The only other units who have a chance at ORKOing generals all require Adept (Mia, Ulki, Janaff), or are Ike (needs +atk and Brave Sword). Even if you're doubling, short of being massively blessed in str, you're not going to be 2HKOing generals. You need 47 atk to cleanly 2HKO all 3-8 generals - to give you an idea of how difficult that is, you need something like a --/13/3 Gatrie with a Silver Greatlance (or --/18/1 Titania with an A +atk support, but you need that +atk support).

Maybe on Hard Mode, but I play Normal, and unless I'm using Titania or Haar, I'm staring down Speed penalties. Magic usually works against them (*cough*Thani*cough*). If I can't smack them with magic, I smack them with my laguz of choice.

Your axe users shouldn't be facing AS penalties, because all of the GM axe users have at least 20 str. But anyway, you can probably KO them with any number of overpowered units in NM, so it doesn't apply. But for me, it's a lifesaver.

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Best: Lancereavers :awesome:

Worst: Iron Swords. Look at that lovely...five might on classes already starved of power.

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Best: Lancereavers :awesome:

Worst: Iron Swords. Look at that lovely...five might on classes already starved of power.

Wait, so Slim swords are better with their awesome three might?

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Well, don't use it with the DB. You're bound to see terrible hit rates there. But with the GMs, you have the benefit of Ike's 3x authority, plus +hit supports on 3 of its users (Boyd, Titania, Haar). As for its utility, Titania and Gatrie at base str can OHKO 3-3 generals, Haar needs +2 str with 70% growth, and Boyd needs +3 str. In 3-8, Titania is OHKOing generals at base str with a promotion bonus (or some sort of A +atk support), and your other axe users are doing the same at equivalent str. In 3-10, Titania needs +1 str with a promotion bonus to OHKO generals.

In summary, extremely useful. The only other units who have a chance at ORKOing generals all require Adept (Mia, Ulki, Janaff), or are Ike (needs +atk and Brave Sword). Even if you're doubling, short of being massively blessed in str, you're not going to be 2HKOing generals. You need 47 atk to cleanly 2HKO all 3-8 generals - to give you an idea of how difficult that is, you need something like a --/13/3 Gatrie with a Silver Greatlance (or --/18/1 Titania with an A +atk support, but you need that +atk support).

Your axe users shouldn't be facing AS penalties, because all of the GM axe users have at least 20 str. But anyway, you can probably KO them with any number of overpowered units in NM, so it doesn't apply. But for me, it's a lifesaver.

Eh, I don't bother with hard mode. And even so, I'm content with not one-rounding.

Best: Lancereavers :awesome:

Worst: Iron Swords. Look at that lovely...five might on classes already starved of power.

WTH? I'm not seeing how Slim Swords are better with their lousy 3 Mt.

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Eh, I don't bother with hard mode. And even so, I'm content with not one-rounding.

Dark magic, longbows, and teh slim sword all suck because you can't ORKO with them (or their users). Yet you normally go out of your way to insult them at every opportunity.

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Best: Lancereavers :awesome:

Worst: Iron Swords. Look at that lovely...five might on classes already starved of power.

That depends, I think. Even with only 5 mt, FE6 Iron Swords were so accurate they were still useful against the dodgy enemies. Like, beats every Lance and Axe in the game by 15/20 hit respectively. Only gets beaten by Anima magic. 5mt seriously fails in later FE titles when the accuracy became less important (slower enemies, more hit on other weapon types), but there's nothing inherently bad about even 5mt weapons.

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Dark magic, longbows, and teh slim sword all suck because you can't ORKO with them (or their users). Yet you normally go out of your way to insult them at every opportunity.

You just had to take this out of context, didn't you? There's no reason to use the slim sword. At all. Dark magic is heavy and has bad accuracy. Its users are generally slow and/or inaccurate. Longbows in most FE games are weaker than iron bows. RD's longbows in particular can't even be used for their intended purpose since they lose accuracy when used to attack at 3 range (and their accuracy is bad enough even without the penalty). Besides, I'd rather NOT get screwed out of a one-round when I want to one-round because the unit in question missed.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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