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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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The Comet's company approached the border, to see end of a fight between an armed group, and a band of mercenaries. The leader of the mercs took a shamaness away with him, as the armed group stopped to heal.

Travis: That's them.

Alex: The group harbouring the princess?

Travis: Yeah.

Alex: ... Alright, then. Cavalry, charge. Knights, wall the physical units. Swordsmen, take out the mages and axe users. Fighters, the heavily armored units. Soldiers, everyone else. Move out.

Boss: Travis the Hero

Simple Stats HP: 15 Atk: 6 Spd: 5 Hit: 6 Evd: 6 Def: 5 Res: 4

Skill: Heroic Stand

Miniboss: Alex the Comet (Soldier Level 2)

Simple Stats: HP is 9, AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 4, Evade is 5, Defense is 4, Resistance is 4.

Skill: Daunt (Already applied), Resolve

Myrm X 3

Simple Stats: HP is 9. AS is 6, MT is 3 Hit is 6, Evade is 6, Defense is 1, Resistance is 0.

Lance Knight X 3

Simple stats: HP is 15, AS is 0, MT is 5, Hit is 4, Evade is 0, Defense is 8, Resistance is 0.

Soldier X 3

Simple Stats: HP is 9. AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 2, Evade is 6, Defense is 4, Resistance is 0.

Fighter X 3

Simple Stats: HP is 18. AS is 3, MT is 6, Hit is 2, Evade is 3, Defense is 4, Resistance is 0.

Lance Cavalier X 3

Simple Stats: HP is 12. AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 3, Evade is 4, Defense is 5, Resistance is 0.

Objective: Rout.

Note: If Alex goes to 0,she's capped. Not killed, capped.

Note2: Enemy count hits 11, it turns to 10 if Travis is still alive. Damn merc.

Note3: You go for Alex first, I gang all my units up on you. Just letting you know.

OOC: editing flavour in.

Edit: Added flavour.

Edited by Snike
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"...Captured?" Tessa's heart skipped a beat for a moment, as she echoed the wind mage's statement. For a second, it looked to an observer as if she were about to cry, or collapse, or something, but then something changed. A sort of stoic expression crossed her face, as she inwardly steeled herself. Everything is going to be fine. It's just like with Sir Dustin and the others. I know I'll see Sis again. Probably even sooner, because the group certainly won't stand for this, and we'll chase them down. So just, calm down, breath deep, and smile.

Having composed herself, she closed her eyes, smiled, and turned back to the man. "Thanks for telling me up front, Helios. That means a lot to me."

Edit: This is obviously before arrival of foes. I just failed to notice it was happening.

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"Harsh? Hardly," Tessa disagreed with his assessment. "You were perfectly polite, and even expressed your sympathies. Even while busy worrying about friends of your own," she gestured at Reika, "you took the time out to answer, and to comfort. You're a better person than most seem to give you credit for."

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"You praise me too much. I only saved Reika because she was my sparring partner." He lied. "Anyways there are more pressing issues that we should attend to, like getting Ms Morgan back."

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Chase rode slowly over towards the group, having lost his way slightly before. "No wonder I couldn't find them... hey, are they fighting? What's going on?" he exclaimed, cantering over to Tessa. "Wh-What happened? ...And where's Morgan?"

Having been quicker to act than Chase, Conrad had gone back to pick up his hand axe that he had dropped, and came riding over to the group on Thunderbolt. "Damn, I was too late to act. I'm sorry I couldn't be much help".

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"Im sorry Chase, Morg-" Then Helios heard enemy commands being shouted over head. Alright, then. Cavalry, charge. Knights, wall the physical units. Swordsmen, take out the mages and axe users. Fighters, the heavily armored units. Soldiers, everyone else. Move out. Helios retaliated. "Mages take out the armors! Lancers, take out the swordmen! Axe users take out the Soldiers and Lance knights! Damian take out the Myrm's. Conrad and Chase take out the Soldiers. Tessa stay behind me. Derek take care of the fighters. Everyone else go go go go!"

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The Battle

Irina quickly pounced on one of the Myrmidons but he dodged her attack and swung for her head! She blocked his attack with her lance and then Kiev flew off a short distance!

Irina: Darn ... that was fast.

Iso backed Irina up with a fast attack from Proxima that nearly killed the Myrmidon! He swung for Iso, but his flaming sleeve distracted and ailed him, and Iso easily avoided the attack! Viveka made pass as well, but the Myrmidon dove into the air away from her lance and swung back to strike Sunny's wing! The attack was devastatingly painful for the timid pegasus and she had trouble remaining airborne!

Irina rolls 2,3,6


HIT 5 vs Evade 6 = MISS

Myrmm rolls 2,2,3


HIT 8 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 6 = -0 hp

Iso rolls 3,1,4


HIT 7 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 1 = -7 hp (Iso -1 hp)

Myrm rolls 1,2,1


HIT 5 vs Evade 5 = MISS (<---I was unsure whether to give Iso that 1 point of speed when he lvl'd ... glad I did :P )

Viveka rolls 2,1,2

HIT 4 vs Evade 6 = MISS

Myrm rolls 4,5,4


HIT 10 vs Evade 8 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 0 = -8 hp

Irina HP 15/15

Iso HP 12/12

Viveka HP 4/12

Myrm #1 HP 2/9

Iso Exp: +5

OOC: Added additional posts

EDIT: ^what ooc said

@ Myrm

Please nobody steal my kills. If I need help I'll be sure to let the characters call out for it >_>'

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"Damn! More of them! And they're not drunk this time!" Kelas aimed for one of the approaching myrmidons.

(5,1,1) Hit! Critical hit! Kelas does 6 damage!

The man closed the distance and attacked.

(4,3,6) Hit! Myrm A does 3 damage!

Kelas winced, but the blow was nowhere near crippling. She wheeled around to get better aim.

Arrin took aim for one of the armored units.

(2,6,5) Hit! Arrin does 12 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP!

The knight hurled a lance.

(3,3,4) Miss!

Arrin quickly sidestepped and attacked again, crisping the knight.

(4,3,4) Hit! Arrin does 9 damage! Lance Knight A falls! Arrin loses 1 HP!

Kelas 9/12 Myrm A 3/9 Arrin 7/12

Kelas 5 EXP Arrin 10 EXP

edit: Adding flavor text...

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Within seconds the pegasus knight Heinz had been attacking was downed by another fighter, and Heinz glared, trying to figure out who it was. Can't they tell when someone's in a fight? As he whirled around looking for another opponent, the dust was already clearing, many of drunk mercenaries lying dead on the ground. A few paces away, the cloaked man grabbed Morgan and galloped from the battle, yelling at the few remaining mercenaries to capture Reika. Turning his head to the side, Heinz's eyes briefly met the man's for a second, then looked past him, his mouth moving slightly. I hope he got the message, walking over to where Reika lay.

"Looks like you guys got rid of the last of them," Heinz remarked, looking carefully over one of the dead mercenaries while Tessa healed everyone.

Hearing Tessa ask what had happened to Morgan, Heinz turned to answer to her, but the wind mage responded first, comforting the healer, who seemed about to break down for a second. Good, looks like he can comfort her, raising his eyes when Tessa calmed down. She's stronger than Esphyr, Heinz thought wryly. Hearing the wind mage begin to shout out commands, Heinz rolled his eyes slightly. Guess I'll take out whoever I want then, making a note to himself to find a new employer in the group. "More attackers..... looks like Septimian soldiers this time though," Heinz muttered under his breath. Guess I'll get my horse back later.

Taking out two knives from his belt, Heinz threw the one in his left hand first at one of soldiers charging at him, embedding itself in the soldier's side. (3 damageRoll). Heinz grinned for a second before being impaled on the soldier's sword, gritting his teeth in pain. (-10 dmg Roll)

OOC: Adding rolls in a second. Soldier 1 6/9 HP Heinz 2/12 HP >.<

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"Looks like we've company," Derek said, riding up towards the Septimian forces. Turning, he saw a myrm about to attack Arrin. Swingin his sword, he cut the swordsman down before he had the chance.


[6,6,4] = Hit! 10-1 = 9 points of damage. Myrm B is down!

Derek gains 15 EXP. Level up!

Edit: Yes, I know, I'm a cheap douche. Sue me.

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Helios attacked a Knight. "Heh you showed up at the wrong time, bub." Helios fired Elwind at the knight.


3 + 5 + 5(Overcast) = 13

The knight countered. 5 + 1 - 2 x 2 = 8

Helios groaned. He couldnt stand up anymore. He dropped to his knees. However to the knights dismay, he was still able to fight. He let out another spell and destroyed the knight.

Lance knight A = 0/15

Helios = 1/9

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Surprised at the sudden attack of yet more enemies, Tessa quickly healed Helios, who was still right beside her and took a lance square to the gut. "Hold on!

(Helios 1/9->7/9)

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Soldier X 3

Simple Stats: HP is 9. AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 2, Evade is 6, Defense is 4, Resistance is 0.

Conrad bellowed, "Not more... I'll take some down! Haaah!" he shouted, as he approached a Soldier, swinging the Earthshaker at his foe. With a massive *thud* he slammed the axe into the soldier's stomach, stunning him momentarily. The soldier angrily swung back at him, and caught him between his armor.

Conrad deals 7 damage to soldier. 1 recoil damage.

Soldier deals 5 damage to Conrad.

Soldier: 2/9

Conrad: 3/9

Conrad gains 10 exp, current 85


Chase frowned, exclaiming "Hey, leave some for me!" and shot an arrow from his Iron Bow at the soldier Conrad had attacked, taking him down.

Chase deals 3 damage to soldier. Soldier down.

Soldier: 0/9

Chase: 9/9

Chase gains 10 exp, current 19


EDIT: Fixed exp and spacing.

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Cess saw an armor knight near the others. He knew they'd have trouble getting rid of it without magic.

Cess vs. Lance Armor #3


Hit! Damage dealt, 7! Lance armor 8/15

Enemy Roll

Hit! Damage dealt, 6! Cess 3/9!


Cess double attacked! Hit! Damage dealt, 8! Lance armor KO'd!



Pary saw the shaman take a lance to the leg. He rushed over. Cess: 8/9!



Rita walked over to Eric, picking up some firewood for the campfire. "Hey, Eric, why did you chose to wield a sword? Your friend uses magic, and your style seems a bit more identical to how lance users fight. It seems odd to me."

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Kelas took aim and loosed again.

(4,1,2) Hit! Kelas does 3 damage! Myrm A falls!

"Right, who's-- ARRIN!" she shouted as another myrmidon went for her brother, but then gave a sigh of relief: Derek had removed the threat. "Thanks!" she shouted to him, riding over to make sure Arrin remained safe.

Arrin aimed at one of the axe fighters.

(3,6,5) Hit! Arrin does 13 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP!

The fighter swung at him.

(3,3,6) Miss!

Kelas 9/12 Arrin 6/9 Fighter A 5/18

Kelas 10 EXP Arrin 5 EXP

OOC: Rolls have Arrin attacking Lance Knight 3 but just got ninja'd, so target changed.

Edit: I fail at applying Charisma. Un-editing

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The Battle

Iso quickly finished off the myrmidon that fought with Irina with a blast from his fire tome! A fighter quickly rushed him, but was stabbed by Irina! The fighter struck back, but didn't draw blood from either Irina or Kiev! They were shaken up, but mostly fine! Viveka tried to stay back! With Sunny's injuries, they were one decent hit from being killed!

Iso rolls 3,1,5


HIT 7 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 6 vs RES 0 = -6 hp (using Fire, not Proxima)

Iso hp 11/12

Myrm hp 0/9

Iso Exp: +10

Irina rolls 2,6,3


HIT 5 vs Evade 3 = HIT

DMG 12 vs DEF 4 = -8 hp

Fighter rolls 4,4,3


HIT 6 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 6 = -2 hp

Irina hp 13/15

Fighter hp 10/18

Irina Exp: +5

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Stop posting. Enemy Phase + Event.

Enemy Phase

Alex:... Better than I thought. Hey, where'd? ... Great, he ditched us. Regardless, I'll take the leader. All Units, Charge!


Myrm VS Cess→ [5,1,6] = Hit! 4-2 = 2 Points of Damage! Cess 6/9

Alex VS Conrad→ [1,5,5] = Critical!9(2) - 6 = 6 Points of Damage! Conrad is down!

Fighter VS Damian→ [6,3,1] = Hit! 10-6 = 4 Points of Damage! Damian 8/12

Fighter VS Kelas → [5,4,1] = Miss!

Cavalry VS Helios→ [2,2,4] = Miss!

Cavalry VS Aiya → [1,2,2] = Miss!

Cavalry VS Arrin→ [5,1,5] = Hit! 5-3 = 4 Points of Damage. Arrin 2/9

Loldier VS Derek→ [5,6,2] = Hit! 11-4 = 7 points of damage! Derek 5/12 HP.

Loldier VS Heinz → [5,5,6] = Hit! 9-2 = 7 Points of Damage! Heinz is down!


Hearing their leader shout Charge, the soldiers complied. Within seconds, Heinz was knocked out by a soldier, and Damian, Cess, Arrin and Derek took heavy blows. The Comet ran into the fray, going directly for General Jackson. Leaping, the soldier slammed the Steel Greatlance into the knight's skull, knocking him to his feet. Landing, Alex walked over to Conrad.

Alex: You should never have crossed the border.

With a swift kick, the general was knocked unconscious.

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"Damnmit," Heinz muttered. Second time that's happened to me. He hurled the other knife in his right hand towards the soldier at point blank range, glaring in fury when the knife bounced off the soldier's armor harmlessly (+0 damage Roll). The soldier grunted, attempting to stab Heinz again with his sword (-0 damage Miss)

OOC: Whoops. Both attacks missed though. Soldier 6/9 HP Heinz 2/12 HP

Edit: Added exp. Previous battle with mercs: 10 EXP (5 exist, 5 hit) Current battle: 10 EXP ( 2 hits).

Total EXP for Heinz: 103 Level up! :D

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"Thank you, Tessa." A fighter attacked Arrin but failed horribly and missed. Fair game.

Helios vs Fighter A


3 + 1( Overcast just to be safe ._.) + 6(Wow) = Dead guy.

Damian seeing Esphyr and Aiya taken care off breathed a sigh of relief. Then a Myrm jumped out of no where and attacked. Damian brandished his lance and countered.

Damian vs Myrm.

Damian attacked first: Rolls. He missed

The myrm, taking advantage of this attacked but his sword bounced off his armor. "Damn" he hissed.

Damian 12/12

Myrm: 9/9

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Chase paused after shooting, and asked Helios, "Morgan's what? Where is she? Technically, now that I'm hired by her, I gotta know this sort of stuff," he inquired, not mentioning that he felt personally concerned as well.

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"She... she's okay, isn't she? Can't you just give me a straight answer?" Chase said angrily, his voice raising.

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