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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

Jasmine: Oh yeah! It was funny alright! This huge salmon swam near us! I guess it thought we had food or something. Anyway, it-

Viveka: Shut up, Jasmine.

Jasmine: Oh come on! It's a great story. You just don't wanna hear it because you got-

Viveka: I'm pulling rank on you. Cease and desist. NOW.

Jasmine: Awww.

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Through the walls of the inn, Heinz could vaguely hear people talking inside. Looks like we won't be leaving yet. Munching on one of the apples, Heinz looked at the amount of food he was carrying. "I'll pack most of this away for now, I can eat it later," he muttered to himself. Walking off towards the stables, Heinz opened the door, finding his horse. "I suppose I have a free horse now," he sighed.

He opened the stall door, tossing the biscuits inside along with the biscuits he had dumped in there earlier. "Looks like they're all getting squished though," he frowned, trying to decide what to do about the contents of his saddlebags.

OOC: Too tired to have Heinz communicate with someone right now, will edit this later.

Edit: Added a little more, making new post.

Edited by the_whistler
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Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka clinched her fists in response to Kelas' remark, but kept her cool. Jasmine was silent for a moment, but she wanted desperately to tell Kelas what happened. Meanwhile, Iso snatched yet another piece of bacon and got an odd look from Katie in the process. He looked at her with the bacon in his mouth and shrugged innocently. Jasmine was quickly breaking down. Viveka wouldn't really reprimand her at the breakfast table would she?

Jasmine: ... ... ... <.< ... >.> ... Viveka caught the salmon with her bra-

Viveka: Jasmine!!

Iso: You bath with a bra on?

Viveka: No I just did that one time beca-I-shut the hell up! That's none of you business! Jasmine, stop talking about it. When it comes right down to it, life in the city is much better than life in the wilderness.

EDIT: Added First line.

Edited by Phoenix
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Isotov Fish catcher and Story teller

Iso decided to steal one more piece. He was getting a decent meal out of this. Suddenly, Viveka's leg came crashing down on his arm! Blocking him just a half inch from the plate! It was absolutely miraculous that she'd moved her leg from under the table to the top of it in a split second!

Iso: ... okay ... that was warranted ... but couldn't you have just used your hand?

Viveka: Hands are for short legged people.

She slowly brought her leg back down and came back into a complete sitting position. She looked down at her plate and sighed.

Viveka: Well ... at least it was just the bacon ... but these eggs are mine, so back off!

OOC: She's wearing her combat leggings so it's mostly white cloth that hit the table.

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"And you're saying I'm the crazy one..." Kelas muttered of Viveka. Aloud she said: "Meh, you can't eat eggs with your hands, least, not well. Anyway, I'm going to go outside and see if anyone else is actually ready to go." So saying, she wandered back out towards the stables.

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Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka: (She's just jealous cause she can't take the enemy head on.) Oh! And by the way, Kelas! You've got a new horse to inspect! It's the gray one!

Iso: New horse?

Viveka: Derek's.

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When Tessa woke up, her upper body was sore. Healing was all well and good, but a body likes to complain, and hers was no different than any other. She looked over to the side table. The plate Kelas had brought her last night was still there, with most of the food still on it. She'd nibbled on some, while waiting to see if Esphyr was going to drop by, but that vigil lasted all of five minutes before she fell asleep and slumped into a quasi-comfortable position on the bed. Quickly finishing off last night's supper for this morning's breakfast, Tessa headed straight out of the inn for a look around, bypassing the main common area.

She was looking for either Damian or Morgan, to discuss the issue of that nosy shaman, and her fears that either someone in the group had again been careless, or worse yet, was actively leaking information. If she found her self appointed big sister, there were a few other things she was planning to ask her as well. Perhaps she'd have some insights she could share.

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Aiya awoke, yawning and stretching slightly. Damian was still asleep,and while he insisted he was fine, Aiya still worried about the fatigue from his possession, so she chose not to wake him. Donning her armour and Silver Sword, she walked down the hallway, leaving the inn.

As she stepped outside, Aiya saw Kelas exiting one of the other inns nearby, and moving to head towards the stables. Something caught her eye, a gleam of metal that was not an arrowhead.

'Is it? I thought Kelas said...'

"Hey Kelas! I thought you said you couldn't use a sword?" Aiya called out, and attempting to confirm her own idea about the situation.


A field. A field filled with flowers.

White roses, to be specific. Beautiful white roses, and a gentle breeze. Damian reached down to stroke one of the petals.


The rose is red now. Why is it red now? It was white a second ago...


Hands stained with blood. Fresh blood.

'Why are my hands bloody?' Damian looked at himself. Not just hands. His whole body was soaked in blood. The thick liquid falling off his arms in drops... closer to gobs of blood, in fact.

Damian turned around. His eyes widen in horror. Faces, familiar faces, all frozen in terror, betrayal, hopelessness... all with wounds covering every visible inch of their bodies... except the faces. The faces were unscathed. Glaring, accusing.

'Why did you kill me?'

"N-no... I didn't... I couldn't have..." Damian shook his head in disbelief. How could this have happened?

"D-Damian... why?"

"Esphyr...?" The mercenary girl was riddled with wounds, but still alive. Damian rushed to her.

'I can still save her!'

"No! Stay away, you monster!" she yelled, panicked.

"Esphyr... what do you mean?"

More red roses. Esphyr stopped struggling, stopped moving. Gae-Borg protruding from her chest... from her heart.

"N-no... I didn't... that can't be it... that's not my lance!" Damian screamed into the air, grief stricken.

"It's okay Damian. Nothing is different." Aiya's voice. Aiya would help him, she was always there to help him.

"Yeah... I'm just being framed... we'll find who did this, and-"

"No. Nothing is different. You are a cold blooded killer as always."

More red roses.

Damian turned, and the lance that had killed Esphyr now had killed her as well.

"Aiya! AIYA!"

"Huh! Uhh... wha?" Damian awoke in a panic. His head felt like it had been assailed with a hammer, and his body was drenched in sweat.

"It was only a dream..." he told himself, hoping to calm his racing heart.

"Why won't this damn lance just stop already?" he asked, barely over a whisper.

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"I was just wondering, is all. Although, if you need some help, I'd love to teach you." Aiya replied, walking over to Kelas, her thought confirmed.

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"There will never really be an opportune time for it, judging by how things have been going. We'll just have to make use of whatever time we have. We can probably get started before we even leave town, unless you have something else you need to do." Aiya said, figuring that the trend of never stopping for more than a quick break was unlikely to stop anytime soon.

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"We don't need to worry about that. They have practice fields at military outposts, like that one." Aiya said, pointing to a nearby building with a fenced off patch of land in the back, flying a Halton flag.

"We won't have any troubles getting in, since I'm an officer." Aiya continued.

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"Hmm? Yeah, you're right." Aiya replied, and began walking towards the yard.

"Alright, I'll need to see what kind of sword you have. Different blades require different lessons."

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A guard came walking into the room. "Is something wrong here?"

"Yes I accidentally ruined the contract, dreadfully sorry. Would it be possible for His Majesty to make a new one and send for us tomorrow?"

The guard scowled "I suppose so, however if you insist on returning to your quarters, these guards will be accompnaying you...for your protection of course." He motioned for three guards who stood at the ready.

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"Right, this thing. It looked decently light, but sturdy enough, and looks like you can use it with either hand," Kelas replied, leading Amari over to the yard and drawing the sword. "Did I pick all right?" She held out the blade. It was a simple arming sword, short enough to wield from horseback but long enough to get a decent reach.

OOC: Wikipedia, it tells me useful things.

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"Alright. This is a pretty standard blade, so I think I know what to do here. By the way, for the basics, it will be easier to learn on foot. Once you have an understanding, you can learn how to use a blade mounted effectively." Aiya said, drawing her own silver sword.

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"I do hope that is all they are here for," Eric said, looking at the soldiers. "...Very well, if they must."

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Charlotte led the group out of the palace and back to their room at the inn. The guards followed, the three of them stood watch outside.

"How are we going to get of Altia with those guards watching us all the time?" Charlotte asked.

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