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Screw The Rules Mafia


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You wake up and head downstairs on Day 3. The elevator has been cleared of that dead man and when you get to the party room, everyone is still present.

A man nudges you as you walk in. "Check out the new rule that was posted on the wall." You glance over and see a piece of paper stuck to the wall via a very big and very sharp knife.

Every day, you must make at least one post in the style of your character. Failure to obey will result in the loss of night actions.

Oh shit... This might get fun. Rip Van Winkle then walks into the room and yells, "Day 3 is underway!". Game on.

Day 3 is now on. If you have questions about your person, contact me and I'll explain their personality to you as best as I can. The quote that I've provided with every role PM should come in handy to figure out their style of speech.

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I is already told you that I are Ali-G. I is also been given this by the cop:

Dear WoMC

You are Q, the Mastermind.


You are the brain of MI6. If James Bond needs some sort of a gadget, you are there to help him out. And yet, sometimes you feel destined for bigger things. So you got together with Dom Cobb, a master dreamthief, and devised a plan to take control of the Luxor Casino. Can you pull this off, Q?

At night, you may send me a PM with the phrase "Night X - Perform background check on USER". An MI6 agent will then infiltrate that person's home and by the next morning, you will know that person's identity and role PM.

You may also send a PM with the phrase "Night X - Kill USER" if given the proper authority. James Bond will then do the assassination for you to keep your own hands from getting dirty. Your faction may only kill once every three nights so pick your night with care.


You are allied with the Deceivers. You win if you can achieve parity with the town.

"You must be joking! Double-0 seven on an island populated exclusively by women? We won't see him till dawn!"

He thinks dis is saying that there be three mafias, who kill on different nights. Me thinks that it might be that each mafioso can kill individually. Me thinks he also has an item that let him survive a lynch but it gone now, so we might be able to lynch him. Or somefing like that. Me don't know how to prove it though.

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The situation at hand is clear. We have received vital evidence on one of our fellow residents, WoMC. We have been lost in the ways of finding a target in the past, but now our target is clear. WoMC must be eliminated.

##Vote: Weapons of Mass Construction

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Not that I object to a WoMC lynch (obviously), but you all seem very happy to (try and) lynch him. He seems somewhat... accepting, actually, which is odd (I dunno, I feel like I set myself up for a massive fall to a good counterargument), but even so, what if he is still immune to lynching? I guess if he is, the Vigilante should shoot him, but actually, that seems quite far on the broken side anyway, so, meh.

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He's too much of a threat. An unlynchable foe? If the vigilante eats it, town loses. No, that would be overpowered, in the extreme. I intend to ##Slaughter; WoMC, given my somewhat ... erratic timeframe.

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I'm back. I feel like this Weapons vote is a bad idea for two reasons:

1) We're going on the assumption that whatever made him unlynchable isn't in play anymore.

2) We're wasting a day phase by not scumhunting.

Personally, I think it's better to try and smoke out more scum today, and let the Vig take care of Weapons tonight. Or at the very least, do some scumhunting and then lynch Weapons.

So, here's my opinions. I'm pretty sure Tables and SlayerX are town. I'm not really suspicious of Core, Snike or Lightning right now, either, and I honestly haven't made up my mind yet on Levity. That leaves Kleine and Yossarian, of which I'm more suspicious of Yossarian.

##Vote Agent Dale Cooper

Also, lol, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that Snike's character is Life.

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2 I agree with. 1 though doesn't really work - if the Vig is dead/there is no vig, then an unlynchable mafioso is impossibly unbalanced. Cooper I'm not sure on, but Kleine feels fairly town to me.

I should say though, that trying to get the attention off of WoMC like that... feels quite suspicious to me. I'm happy to talk about other suspicious players etc., but we should kill WoMC today - if we really want, the Vigilante can follow through with a town-chosen kill, after all. And WoMC, if left alive, gets to stalk and perhaps kill again as a result. So, yes, I'm much happier killing him today.

So, FoS Dracohon, basically. I wonder if your role is as you said, but is actually a mafia member. It would... kinda make sense.

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