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Weapons's Mafia


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I don't feel like starting a new topic for this game, so we start here.


A quite peace pervades the town of generic village #1, probably because everyone died when a bandit entered the gate and leveled the place. The same peace runs its course through generic village #2, and #3, and #4, and even #5. This may explain why no one in the still standing town of Amaranth wants to leave and why no one new has come in quite some time. As a result, ambition to take over has sparked in a select few, evidenced by the recent sprawls of graffiti, ranging from "We're going to kill you all" to "Vote for change." Nothing had yet happened to throw weight on these threats, but this evening...

"Hey, where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Why do we have to jump across rooftops to get to where we're going?"

"You'll see."

"Are you responsible for the public threats that has everyone on edge?"


"Well then wh- ahhhhhhhhhhh!" With a resounding splat, the figure hit the ground, instantly shattering his skull.

"That was easy."


Gradually, the townspeople gathered to witness the broken figure, fears now gripping them, seizing them to action.

"Who could do such a thing?"

"Why us?"

"Maybe it was an accident."

But the townspeople all knew the threats had come to fruition.

"We have to find out who it is!"

"We need to kill them!"

"You! You did it!"

Commotion grew into frenzied shouts, cries for each others' heads. One figure made sense of it all.

"Gather yourselves. This is just what the killers want, us to panic. We're best off calming down and killing civilly."

"Isn't that hypocritical?"

"Shut Up. Now it's too late to decide who should be lynched tonight, so I suggest we all go to sleep and approach this with clearer minds tomorrow morning."

"You can't force NL on Day 0!"

"Yes I can, and I just did."

It is now Night 1. Send in your orders if you have orders to send in.

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