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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"Well, I don't actually care much for money. Appearently, our worthless trinkets are like spiritleaf to the mainland. He was a Druid in the army. He and my father fought with the heroes against the demons. My father was about my age around then. I doubt any assassains would contact me. The weapons are no longer a set, and I've seen it not be that hard to get close to capturing some of you. Especially Helios. Damian's going berserk, and Esphyr doesn't want her weapon. I don't see why they need a mole, when they could do it themselves."



Walking into the shop, she roamed down the isles. She spotted some weird tube, and a mysterious box. She picked them up, and turned, spotting a silver hand mirror, embolished with some gems. She headed over to the shop keeper.

"Ay missy. You've got a good eye. Those trinkets are said to have belonged to the pirate master, Nordvik!"

"Nordvik? Who the hell is that?"

"Ay missy! Everyone knows him! He trawled the seas for many years after the demon king fell. No one has seen him in 10 years. It's said he's died, but I don't know. That box is said to hold his dearest treasure, and a mystic crystal. But I've long lost the key to eet. Tis free. And for the scope and mirror, I'll give you 3 gold."

"Um, will this do?" Rita handed him 3 diamonds.

"Ay missy! Might fine of ye. Thank ye kindly."

Rita strolled out of the shop, and headed to the inn.



Pary saw the two pegasus knights wandering near the market. "Would you two want to help me with the shopping? I'll need to get things for the road. I suppose I'll pay for it."

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"That's also a good point, Esphyr. She even said that while the wielders might be the mole, that could be forgiven as they were necessary, or something to that effect. She is being selective, and that is also worrisome." Aiya said, replying to Esphyr's remark.

"It's nothing definite... but you two, try to keep an eye on Morgan until we have more information on the mole. I'm gonna try to apply a bit of pressure when she interviews me."

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"Well they apparently failed in their attempt to kidnap the wielders the last time, despite their mole." Morgan said to Cess, rubbing her head. "And from what I gathered they did not know about my weapon being severed, for whatever reason. Anyway, your interview is concluded, send Heinz, Viveka, Pary, Aiya, Tessa, or Katie in." Morgan said, slumping down on the table.

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"There's a reason to suspect everyone here to be honest." said Esphyr. "Even mercenaries hired off the street have a greater unity than us. Aiya's over-devotion to you, you're... being you Damian. My desire to be free of the sword. The only reason we haven't split up seems to be sheer force of will and the knowledge that Helenos will probably pick us off regardless. That and a few friendships." Esphyr gave a sigh. "But a random stranger is more unified than us!"

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Helios entered a shop. The shopkeeper was a women wearing a red dress and had red hair. "Shhhhhh. Dont make a sound." She said grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the back of the room. Tehe. This is the secret shop. How may i help you?" Helios looked amazed. He heard rumors of a secret shop, but never actually been to one. "Uh, do you forge tomes?" She let out a sincere laugh. "Of course we do. What would you like to forge?" Helios laid out his Elwind tome. the shopkeeper started to inspect it. It was used and some of the pages, falling out but a repair could fix it. "A tome like this..... with a full repair and forge would cost....... 50 gold." Helios dug through his pocket. After paying her, he had 8 gold pieces left. "Be back here in ten minutes." She said opening a back door. Helios exited. 10 minutes. What could he do in that time?

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Rita and Cess:

Cess walked out of the inn, finding Damian and the girls sitting on a bench, Ulfy wrapping around them. Rita was focused on some large wooden box in her hands, and practically bumped right into Damian.

"Rita, pay more attention. What's in your hands anyway? Oh, and Aiya, Morgan says it's your turn."

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As the swordfighter bumped into him out of nowhere, she seemed to be carrying an odd box.

"What's that about?" He asked, before hearing that Aiya was the next to be interviewed.

"Okay then, I'll see you guys soon." Aiya said, waving at them as she walked into the inn and saw Morgan sitting at a table. Grabbing a chair across from her, Aiya sat down.

"I guess it's my turn then."

'And let's see if I can't get her to slip up, as well.'

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"So, Aiya, how much do you get paid as a soldier? Since you are currently not under assignment from the Haltonian empire, you probably are not receving much in the way of gold. Taken any other jobs?" Morgan asked Aiya.

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Cess and Rita:

"The guy said it's some sort of box belonging to this old pirate dude. Appearently it has a really important treasure, and some sort of crystal inside. But you can't open it. And when I tried to hit it with my sword, it shocked me. I don't know how to open it. I got this mirror and this weird tube thing. Take a look."

"Rita, what was the pirate's name?"

(OOC: The tube is a spyglass)

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"I receive a monthly payment from the Halton government. On the first of the month, I receive 150 gold for my services as a Lieutenant." Aiya replied, as Morgan asked about her wages.

"As for other jobs, there is no need. I live with Damian, who makes twice my salary, and he doesn't charge rent or anything. I never have to spend a lot of money, so most of what I make is currently held in a safe at the Halton military coffers. i could quit the military this moment and likely be fine for most of my life, so I have no need to take on any other jobs."

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Iso was walking around with Katie, but the TISME branch was inevitably going to be their first stop. Once they reached the main gates, Iso took a seat on a bench and leaned back a little bit, basking in the sun a bit.

Iso: It feels really good, you know? Not a single incident since the Headmaster got rid of those fragments. I've got better control of Proxima then I ever did before, and I've even managed to get back into my old routines. Things are finally starting to look up for me ...

Irina and Levski

The first stop Irina and Levski made when the entered the town was the market. Irina made a mad dash for the animal merchants! When she came closer, she saw some pigs, a few lambs, and some caged chickens. She quickly pointed to the chickens once the shop keeper noticed her!

Irina: How much per bird?

Shopkeep: 2 gold a piece. What, just chickens?

Kiev approached from behind and licked his maw while staring at them.

Shopkeep: ... ... I see. ... wyvern food.

Irina: Mm hm.

Shopkeep: So how many do you need?

Irina: Uh ... all of them >_>'

Shopkeep: o_o'

Viveka and Jasmine

Once they arrived in the town(who's name I can't yet spell), they spent a few minutes browsing the shops. It wasn't long before Pary approached the two looking for shopping help. Jasmine was a bit distracted by all of the shiny ornaments one shop had, but Viveka quickly turned around to respond to him, though she was a little bored and it showed in her voice.

Viveka: Shopping? Sure. What are you getting exactly?

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"Well just basic groceries. But do you two want anything different? Stews and curries get boring after a while. You two seemed hungry when we left camp. I suppose I could treat you to a meal here in town or something though....."

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OOC: @ Kiryn

I just thought of a great flying equine thingy! :3

Viveka and Jasmine

Viveka: Groceries? Well we can help with that.

Jasmine: Oh yeah! You ran out of the grape vulneraries too didn't you? We should get some more of those.

Viveka: I never really understood that. Pegasi are allergic to grapes, but Sunny just kept eating them anyway until she became immune ...

She took a quick glance at Sunny who was eying Pary's collar.

Viveka: ... sometimes I get the feeling she was retarded back then >_>'

Jasmine: Can you make spaghetti? I will love you forever if you make good spaghetti! :3

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You should know better than to make a statement like that. It's like asking for the goddess to smite you with a meteor. scribbled Katie.


"Excuse me." said Altion as he rode past Damian and his friends. "Excuse me kind sir, but I am a traveler and I am horribly lost. You seem like travelers yourself. Do you mind telling me where I am or what city I should be headed to?"

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"Very well, though that does not discount possible greed. Speaking of your relationship with Damian, how has that been? It must make you angry knowing that he would rather spend his time fraternizing with another woman rather than spending time with you. Angry enough...to sell out the adulterous fiend and his mercenary whore?" Morgan asked Aiya, finger pointed at her.

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This time? Was there a pre-oh wait. That's when we all got high and you burned down that inn, right? Why can't you control yourself better? TISME even has classes on how to not burn down inns and 'not being Iso' has been added.

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"Well, whatever you want I guess. Depends how you want the pasta though. You want grapes....?"


Rita and Cess:

"Um....The shop keeper said his name was.....Nordvik?"

"And where have we heard that name before? Hm?"

"....... :o Oh my gosh! No way! You really think this is his chest? And his mirror? That's so cool!"

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Iso: There's no need for taking that kind of class. I've got Proxima completely under control now. (Don't make me start showing off.)

Viveka and Love U Long Time

Viveka: Yeah, I need grapes to mix into vulneraries. Sunny always gets her in combat more than I do so the vulneraries are usually for her. She hates the taste though so I mix in grapes. I can't keep regular grapes fresh for that long anyway so I may as well put them in a drink ^_^

Jasmine: What kind of pasta? Thin strings, and ... oh! Pregho!

OOC: I just invented Pregho spagetti sauce in the rp :3

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Chase wandered around the streets aimlessly, looking around to see if he saw anything interesting, when all of a sudden he noticed Helios being dragged off behind a corner by a red headed girl. Curious, he quietly followed them until he arrived at an extremely eccentric-looking shop. Hearing footsteps, he tried to hide next to the doorway, but to no avail: the girl had noticed him. "Oh. Um, hi," he said sheepishly.

Edited by Lightning
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Humming a slightly offbeat tune, the man paused when he reached the gates of the TISME building. "Is this where we're supposed to go?" he asked, looking at the door. "Next town Karn," the man behind him spoke. "Okay," he replied, staring at the buildings to either side of him. Dressed in the robes of a mage, the man refused to move, standing stock still as two other mages walked by and sat down.

"Hello, you come from TISME?" he asked, smiling unevenly. "I never got to visit this place myself," he said, staring at the wall behind him. "Let's go," the other man muttered, wearing the Septimian brown. "Next town, remember?" he reminded the mage.

A few paces away, Heinz noticed Isotov and the mute mage arrive, sitting down near the gate. "I'd bet they feel right at home here," frowning when he saw two men approach, one dressed in Septimian colors. No insignia though, he's not showing his rank, walking slightly closer to the group.

OOC: Karn is addressing Isotov and Katie.

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Iso: Uh me? Well no actually, I'm more of a wandering student. (No need to let them know Katie's a teacher unless she wants to tell them.) We're just passing through actually.

Viveka and Pregho inventor

Viveka: Alright then, let's go.

Jasmine: Yay! ♫ It's been sooo looooong, since I had spaghettiiiii! ♫

Viveka: Yeah don't do that in public >_>'

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You'd fail anyways, being you and all. scribble Katie before laughing and giving him a slight push. Then, as the two soldiers approached, she shifted her attention. Can I help you? she wrote down before handing them the note.

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"I love Damian. After everything we've been through together, everything he's done for me, I would punish myself if I even thought of doing something like that. Besides, I know Damian's past, and when I fell for him, I was prepared for something like this to happen. Esphyr doesn't try to be too pushy, and she is fun to have around, so I'm not angry." Aiya replied.

'She is so direct. You'll never get anything out of anyone that way. You need to build up to it, and then go in for the kill.'

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