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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"Oh okay," the mage replied, frowning slightly. "They never let me inside here," almost pouting as he pointed directly at the gate. The other man reached out and took the note, reading it quickly and nodding abruptly. "Sorry for bothering you two," handing back the note.

"Darn," the mage sulked for a second before his eyes lit up. "If you see any mages from TISME, would you mind telling them to see Karn?" he asked, walking back into the streets. The other man waited a few seconds, then shook his head in a silent no before running after the mage.

"Strange pair," Heinz remarked, approaching the two mages. "Good thing they didn't stay though, could've been a problem." Soldier and mage? Even if they're both military, usually a pair like that wouldn't stick together.

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The exchange was rather quick, and the two men were gone as quick as they came. Heinz then showed up within the space of a few seconds.

Iso: Odd pair ... Oh, Heinz. What are you doing here ... aside from ducking and dodging Morgan I mean? (Anyone volunteering to get interviewed by her is just asking to get goaded. I'm not looking forward to Katie's turn ...)

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So she's willing to lend out her lover to another just because? I really don't understand people sometimes.Morgan thought to herself. "Fair enough then, our interview is over. Bring me Heinz, Tessa, Pary, Viveka, or Katie." Morgan said, closing her eyes.

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Even in Anglenar, DDE!

Having split up from the rest of the group, Derek dismounted from Ann, and helped Dani down. Tying the mare to a beam near the inn, he then turned to his sister.

"Are you going to check out the TISME branch?" he asked, straightening his cape.

"Yeah! I think I'm going to take the 4th circle exam!" Dani said, as joyful as ever. "I've gotten good enough for that circle, at least!"

"Well, good luck. I'll probably just stay here."

"Cya!," the mage said, as she ran off towards the magical institute.

Elsewhere, Eric had just had his sword reforged. Paying the weaponsmith, he exited the shop, and began to wander, no destination in mind.

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"Actually, Morgan. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to ask you a couple of questions as well, before you move on to your next interview." Aiya replied, lying back in her chair.

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"Walking around Anglenar," Heinz answered, shrugging his shoulders. "I ended up in front of this TISME building," frowning slightly as he nodded in the direction of the institute. "Last time I checked, Morgan was interviewing Cess inside an inn," pointing in the general direction which he had come from. He thinks I'm avoiding Morgan? Figures the mage would be suspicious of me..

"It's probably been awhile since then though," he admitted grudgingly. "Guess I'll head back to the inn," inclining his head towards the mages politely.

OOC: Heinz misinterprets almost everything Isotov says.

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"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Anna said dragging Chase to the back. "You must have followed that mage, the only way you could have found me." She said pouting at Chase. She sighed. "Anyways why are you here?"

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"For one, why do you suppose that someone who had gone through the trouble of tracking us, and potentially placing a mole in the group, would capture you, and then let you go? They could have tortured you for information, killed you so you couldn't lend assistance to the group... why do you think they would just leave you where you could escape and be found?" Aiya asked, looking at Morgan.

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"She called me and some other people while we were still back at camp," Heinz replied after reading the mute mage's note. "I would've volunteered myself then but she was already interviewing Derek," he said defensively. "Might as well do it now, nothing to do here," indicating his surroundings. Useless magic building.

Walking back towards the inn, Heinz nearly ran into the thunder mage. "What're you doing here?" he asked, surprised. Off to join the other mages?

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"A question I do not really have the answer to." Morgan replied. "Perhaps they did not torture me because they already had the information they needed from the mole? As for not killing me, perhaps they do not want the Crimson Weapon wielders to fail. Their motivations are anybody's guess at this point."

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"Fair enough. Now then, human beings always have triggers, safe zones, what have you. There are things that will stop a person from being objective when looking at something. You advocated yourself as the person to carry out these interviews, yet you are the same way, all humans are. Who in the group do you think you would have the hardest time revealing as a mole? If you knew who they were, whose name would you not speak, or perhaps even lie about, if they were the mole?" Aiya asked.

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"Um... I'm not here for any particular reason... I just saw you talking to someone I knew. Wait, why are you asking me? I've been to the secret shop in Ilyphna before..." Chase replied. "Does someone different run each shop?"

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"I cannot claim to be totally impartial, because as you say, I am human. But I do believe I am the most imprtial person in this group. I would not hesitate to reveal anyone as the mole, and I would not lie on their behalf. If they are a spy, they are not the person I thought they were originally so I would have no qualms about doing it." Morgan responded to Aiya.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Meh. Guess it can't be helped. It was about three years ago anyways. I think I have a Member Card... let me see... yup, here it is!" Chase replied, taking out a gold card from his pack.

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"Well, that is good to hear, I suppose. You see Morgan, I have dealt with spies in Halton, and one common attribute of a spy is that they will do whatever it takes to lessen their own chance of being caught. I've received chocolates, roses, anything to put them on the good side of the interrogator. In this case, you are the interrogator, Morgan. Who has tried to put themselves in a position where you would either be unwilling or unable to reveal them?" Aiya asked, continuing to study Morgan's reactions.

'She really is an ice cube... she doesn't react to anything...'


Taking the tube in hand, and looking at it for a minute, Damian said;

"I've seen something like this before. Pirates use them a good deal, we've confiscated quite a few near the coasts."

Hearing the cavalier speak as well, Damian turned to him.

"I don't know this area all that well, myself. You may want to ask someone who lives here."

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"They make so many replica's of these, it makes me feel special." She grinned. "Anyways take a look at some of the ware i have. You seem like an archer. Enter here." She said removing a curtain and revealing a room full of weapons. There were a couple of killer bows lined up against the wall. There were also a couple of Spears, a rapier and hero axe. "I seem to be running out of stuff but i can assure you that you wont find these in regular armory's." Then her smile faded. "Oh no, the mages tome, i havent even started. You can look around, just wait for a minute." She said picking up Helios' tome and heading to another backroom.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Hmm." Morgan thought for a short while and looked down. "I tend not to receive many gifts overall, though there is this necklace Katie decided to give me. Useful for illumination purposes I suppose, though an attempt to weaken my mental defenses is possible."

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"is that a Killer Bow? Neat! I lost my regular bow... how much is it?" Chase asked.

OOC: Chase is using actual gold for this. Not plotgold.

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Anna picked up a Repair staff and cast it over the book. It was repaired in seconds. "Good." She muttered to herself. She took a vial from her shelf containing Spirit dust. She started scattered a minimal amount over the book. It shone as the cover started to shift. Pleased with her work she headed back, noticing Chase taking an interest in the killer bow she spoke. "Thats 20 gold. 10 if you have a silver card."

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"One final question. Considering your reputation with dealing with these sorts of things, don't you find it odd that no one would come forward and attempt to appease you? You've shown how serious you are in this regard, so a mole would want to make sure that you didn't suspect them... yet no one seems to have done that. Why do you think that is?" Aiya asked.

'And the trap is set. How she reacts to what happens next is key.'

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Cess and Rita:

"Hmm, I think you can use that to see far away. Give it to one of the flyers when they're scouting."

"Rita, put the stuff in your pack, and let's go see the school."

"Okay, but why? You've never worked with them before?"

"Well, I was wondering about that sort of. I want to go see about what the ranks are and stuff."

Cess and Rita walked over towards the school, leaving Damian and Esphyr with the Spyglass. They saw Eric, Derek, and Dani in front of the school. Rita went over to Dani.

"What are you guys doing?"

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"I might..." Chase muttered, searching through his pack, but to no avail. "Nope. 20 gold? A bit pricey... but worth it. Here you go," he told her, handing her the gold pieces.

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