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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"So do you think you can do anything with it Damian? It looks like just another hunk of junk to me. Hey? Where did that guy go? The one asking for directions?"

The man had taken the hint that he was unwanted and had headed off down the street out of town, asking several shopkeepers as to his location and receiving identical replies.

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"Well, pirates used it to see from behind walls and such. It could be useful, but I always saw it as rather superfluous." Damian replied, before noticing the man had indeed rode off.

"Hey, wait up! Is no one able to tell you where to go?" Damian called after the man.

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"Indeed noble sir." said the man, bowing atop his steed as Damian approached. "I don't even know where I am though, much less where to go. The shopkeepers and populace are rather uptight around here, and I don't know why. They keep looking at me and calling me a 'Army freak' or something of similar tone."

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"Perhaps they simply did not think of it. Or perhaps they do not believe I can be swayed by baubles. People seem very willing to come forward, which means that they are innocent...or just very confident in their ability to remain undetected." Morgan said, shrugging.

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"Okay, thanks. See you!" Chase replied, and exited the shop. "That was surprisingly productive. Well... let's see where I should go next."

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"Well, I don't know how much help it'll be, but I believe this place is called Anglenar. I am from Halton, so I can't tell you much more than that... I wonder where Heinz is... he would know." Damian replied, trailing off.


"I see. I have a theory about the mole, myself. The mole would have connections to those who attacked us and kidnapped you, and would likely be kept around, as to retain future use. As well, the mole would want to be someone the interrogator either cares about deeply, or cannot reveal for whatever reason. They will want to be in the most favourable situation possible, so that the investigator does not find or reveal them. I mean no offense, Morgan, but when you put these facts together, the logical conclusion is thet you are the most likely mole."

Aiya said firmly, looking Morgan in the eyes. How she reacted to the accusation would be the biggest tell to her alignment.

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Seeing Chase exit, Anna headed out another exit. She saw Helios walking around looking aloof. "Here." She said handing him his tome back. "There is a boulder that fell and blocked the way to the capital. Try it out on that." Helios looked confused. "Your coming with me?" She smiled. "Of course! I must see how my work fares." Helios, still looking skeptical followed after the women.

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Morgan shook her head. "Wrong conclusion. If this group is after Crimson Weapon wielders, I would be putting myself in peril, an obviously foolish decision. I also lack connections to well...pretty much anything. My interactions with people were extremely limited before joining this group. However, I have no way of proving this and that may be something a very good spy would say, so your suspicions are probably justified." she said, staring back into Aiya's eyes.

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"It is alright sir. If you don't know where to go, there is no need to apologize. You are a traveler like me. I would ask if I could join you until I got directions, but the last person whom I had potential hopes for that turned me away. A woman, flat of chest. My name is Altion by the way."

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"Just thought I would put my thoughts out there. I don't have any reason to be overly suspicious of you, but given the position people are in, my initial thoughts point to you. As for why a wielder may have chosen to become a spy, who knows? Potential protection, perhaps? It was clear rather early on that we would be in peril, so it is a potential reason... just try to keep it in mind, I'll go get the next person." Aiya said, turning towards the door.

'No different than usual... I guess that's all I can do for now...'

Walking out the door of the inn, Aiya called out to the nearest person who had not been interviewed.

Ooc: Someone go, but I don't want to force anyone, and I'm leaving very shortly.


"I have a good deal of companions, many quirky... and we are undergoing a bit of a trust issue at the moment. If you are still interested, you may want to speak with the shamaness in that inn there." Damian said, pointing to the inn Morgan was conducting interviews in.

"And nice to meet you, my name is Damian."

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"A shamaness? I think I saw her earlier." said Altion, turning towards the inn. "Thank you Sir Damian." he said with a wave before he hitched his horse outside and entered within.

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It had been a long ride, but the town looked like a decent one this time. Kelas helped stable horses, taking a few measurements, and spent some of the money from the cavalry horses on new bits for the more oblivious people's mounts and some more road food, since her supply had already been depleted. The horse money was down to the last bit, but given the apparent richness of others in the group and their ability to live outside if need be, Kelas wasn't too worried.

Returning to the inn, she found Arrin and Tessa again. "You two need anything from the market?" she asked.

"I could use a new tome, so I'm not always relying on Daranau," Arrin admitted. "Tessa, do you want to come, or would you rather rest?"

OOC: Kelas is right out front of the inn. Anyone around can jump in on this if they want, though the characters may shoot them down based on character interactions.

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Soon after walking for a while, Anna and Helios came across the boulder. It was huge, no mere weapon could destroy it. "I have to destroy this?" He said giving her a questionable look. "Dont worry, you big oaf. You will see how strong i forged your tome." Helios opened up the tome and memorized a couple of spells. Then Helios cast it. A huge wave of wind, no even stronger emerged from the tips of his finger. More, there were more. At least five blades. They cut through the boulder with ease until all that was left was dust. Helios looked dazed for a second. Anna burst out laughing at the look of his face. "See i told you." Helios couldnt say anything. He was brimming with excitement. Then a word escaped his mouth softly. "Arc...wind." He turned around to thank Anna but was surprised when she wasnt there. "Anna?" It was liked she vanished. "Oh well." He said heading back to the inn. They should be done by now.

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"Excuse me miss." said Altion, approaching Morgan. Despite his armor, he moved with skill and agility, weaving between person after person, before sliding into a seat beside her. "I was told to speak to a female shaman by Sir Damian. My name is Altion, a knight whom has become lost and unknowing. Sir Damian offered to allow me to follow with him until I knew enough about this place to find my own way, but only if you approved. I would be honored if you would help me Madame." he said, taking a slight bow.

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She narrowed her eyes and looked the man over. "If Damian approved you, I suppose you can travel with us...unless you prove yourself untrustworthy." she added.

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"Thank you maiden." he said, bowing once again. "You seem to be more trusting than the others whom have sought to outright turn me away, several shop keepers and pedestrians as well as a flat woman. I hope you will be more trusting than them."

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"Nice town," said Alferis, walking through the streets with Reika, his arms folded back behind his head.

"That's not saying much considering what you have to compare it too," said Reika, wondering what to say if Morgan interviewed her. At least, if Morgan would interview her. She could put Heinz in a tight spot if her suspicions were correct. Not that she gave a damn about the group, let alone Alferis. He was a pawn, nothing more. A good pawn, a bit interesting, but that was it.

"I guess. Hmmm.......where to go...Ah! I remember! I was going to find a shop, someplace to buy a present," said Alf, looking around for a trinket shop.

"Trying to kiss up to her? Like with Damian before?" said Reika.

"No. I like Esphyr. I don't like Damian much. Before was me trying to get information and trying to have as much of a productive relationship as possible. Completely different than kissing up," he said evenly.

"You want in on her pants?" she said. Let's see what kind of person he is.

"No. You know Damian would object to that, the hypocrite. Anyway I barely know her to do that, but she's an intelligent nice person, and I just like her. I'm allowed to have friends right? I only have one other."

"What? You think we are? You're kidding me right? I don't need friends, and I told you before that I'm not here to get chummy. We're on a mission here, and if you think you can try to gain my trust and then-"

"Stop it. You're...the closest thing to a friend I had. I know you don't like that," said Alf, seeing her rolling her eyes, "But it's just how I feel ok? Why do you have to be difficult about it?"

"Friends? Friends are overrated. The most I need is someone who won't stab me in the back and in this world, that's next to impossible," said Reika, remembering the horrible day when her father was killed by her mother.

"Anyway, I'm going to find the inn. There's not much else to do for now, so I guess I'll see you later."

"Ok, be careful!" he called out as she walked past him. When she was out of sight, he found the trinket shop.

"Although...the axe needs attending to," he muttered aloud, remembering the tomahawk. Crap. I'm out of cash. Maybe I can borrow some from Aiya? I don't know.

As Reika headed back to the inn, a thought occurred to her. He seems eager to get into their good graces. Could he be the mole? Nah, he's too dumb and too much of a goody good to do that.

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High overhead, with a flutter of feathers and the swishing of windows, the headmaster arrived at the local TISME branch. Her attempt to relocate the group had shown to be largely fruitless. Even with her ability to perceive mana, it was too chaotic for her to make out anything beyond a tangled mesh; like picking out a single strand in a yarn hut full of kittens. Though her decision to return to this new branch had been a spur of the moment thing, she had managed to inform them via pigeon and stopping to nap along the way that she would be arriving beforehand, and thusly, no one was shocked at all when the nine circles of TISME suddenly flowed down the hallways with the grace of a sylph. Robe and hood in place once again, her voice carefully disguised, she was back in her element; and really craving a good meal.

Though she knew TISME provided good food, and had made certain that they served it since she had grown up eating it when it could be compared to blood worms, a quick detour to the cafe told her all she needed to know. The food she wanted was not on the menu. Least, not today. For a moment, she almost balked as well at the prices before mentally chiding herself. They were in Septimian money, which was worth far less than normal gold. Sighing, she did the only thing she could to relieve her munchies. Leave the branch and head into town.

OOC: Need a cold shower now.

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Sighing, he walked back to the inn, gritting his teeth in anticipation. He hated asking for favors, but this time, he had to if he wanted his axe repaired.

Seeing Reika duck into a building, he looked at the sign, confirming it to be the inn. Once he entered he saw Morgan and a knight talking to each other. Taking in a deep breath, he walked towards her, pulling out the tomahawk fragments.

"Uh, Morgan? I need to ask you if it was ok if I could borrow some money. See, back before we split up, I broke my tomahawk on a "bandit" and I don't have enough money to repair it."

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Walking with the Pegasi Knights, he looked at all the different food stands. "So we want pasta, maybe some baking things for fresh bread. Some fresh fruits and vegtables might work. Anything else?"

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"I don't trust you and porbably will not for quite some time." Morgan said to Altion. "But more warm bodies to throw at our enemies is useful and if you turn treacherous we will deal with you then."

"Aren't you a bandit?" Morgan asked Alferis. "Can't you pillage some gold out of some villagers or something?"

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Viveka and Big Eater

Viveka: I ... think that's everything .... You know, if we have something to carry things in, investing in some proper outdoor cookware might not be a bad idea either.

Jasmine: Can't we just cook at an inn?

The two pegasi followed closely behind, not having much of a choice with their reins firmly gripped. Both of them had a sneaking feeling that they were going to end up as bag carriers and they didn't like it one bit.

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Morgan sighed. "You should really take better care of your weapons you know, I'm not made of money." She handed him 10 gold. "And while you are out, I'll need a replacement Flux tome. I'd go myself but I have more interviews to conduct." she told him, resting her hand on her head.

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