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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"You know," said Alf looking at Esphyr thoughtfully, "You seem down a lot. I know it's none of my business, so I won't ask what happened to you in the past, but if something gets too much, I can listen to you ok?

For now, we should get out of here pretty quickly. I'm not sure where though. We still need to see Jace and Charlotte has business in Septimus. Maybe if she goes there, the Septimians will leave us alone. Though it's most likely a trap."

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OOC: Not sure exactly overall group placement, but I'm operating under the assumption that a) still unaware of Morgan's safe return and b) missed seeing Derek/Rita and thus unaware of the Jerdonian task force return. This gets cleared up at the end of the post.

There had been no further elaboration or explanation forthcoming from Aiya on the subject of birthdays, either explaining what all was involved in the celebration or why, and whether this cake was special because of the number of seasons now under Esphyr's belt, or if it was customary regardless of year. It wasn't a terribly important matter, though, so she let her curiousity on the subject just die, and continued to slowly eat the cake, until her slice had finally been finished.

At some point during this, Kiev had started raising a fuss, but someone had mentioned that it was just a single rider, and the uproar was blown out of proportion. Tessa thought she remembered a couple of other instances of the wyvern behaving similarly in other circumstances, so didn't pay the matter any further mind.

She'd been trying to decide if it were worth looking for more food somewhere, as she'd said before cake, while nice, didn't really feel like breakfast. To add to that, she was sure that Arrin was probably still hungry, after having seen how the mage had packed away previous meals, this must have only been a snack for him. Before she'd managed to come to a conclusion, however, a familiar voice exclaimed a loud proclamation of being 'the long lost divine princess of Jerdon!'

Turning towards the source of the sound, she quickly moved over to the other woman, "Charlotte? Is that you? When did you return?"

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"Yes Tessa, it's me, I returned just a few minutes ago." She looked over the other girl and frowned. "You look rather...out of sorts, I guess my leaving put a lot of strain on you and Sir Pary..."

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"I cannot claim to speak for the priest, but... yesterday was a little stressful for me, yes." Tessa gazed down for a bit before bringing her head back up. Her gaze was slightly off-center, though she didn't realize it. Continuing the conversation, she noted "Still, you must have had your reasons. I... don't think I was all that conscious when you left, but what made you decide to return? D-Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that you're back with us..." she added hastily.

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"Don't worry about it." said Esphyr, cracking a fake smile before she lightly tapped Alf on the head with the tip of her staff. "You know what they say about women. The most beautiful are the ones who live the dream life. Since I'm not exactly beautiful, that should tell you. Cute, yes. Spunky, maybe. Beautiful, no."

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"Milady, Prince Tristan asked for an audience immediately," Geane said, bowing as he reentered Alex's room.

"That fast? It sounds like the good prince is bored," Alex noted, getting up. Slipping her feet into a pair of shoes, the duchess made her way out of the manse, and walked over to the palace. Being waved through by the guards, she entered the gates, to find Prince Tristan attending his pegasus.

"Your Highness, you wished to see me?" she asked, curtsying.

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"I did not find what I was looking for in Altia, and was hoping I could find it in Septimus. It was not my first choice given the danger but...I don't have many other options left. Conveniently you all are also headed to Septimus, so traveling together makes sense. Though if we are intent to visit Jace, I am afraid we will have to part ways again. Allowing him to kill or capture me would erase the hope that so many have sacrificed for." Charlotte said, trying to look Tessa in the eyes, a task which was proving more difficult than she expected.

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"Don't say that about yourself. I think you look great. Beautiful even. There's probably some good that came from all this. For instance, I met people I like here. There's definitely something good that happened to you," Alferis said earnestly.

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"Yup. But beautiful?" she asked, turning her head in confusion. "I mean, I'm scarred and surly and everything else that men consider unattractive. I don't even have that big a chest or talk in a spaced out tone."

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"Ah, General Alex!" Tristan said excitedly. "Please, to dining room number..." he paused for a moment to think "Three, I rather like the suits of armor in there. Much better than one with all those cat pictures or two with the excessive bowls of fruit."

He led her into the dining room and waved away one of the maids cleaning. "So, you found Princess Charlotte? What happened? Details please." he said, shortly after sitting down and offering her a seat.

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"Hmmm. All this talk of politics goes a little over my head, I have to admit. Some things I will never understand, I fear. Like when that soldier I captured kept insisting I kill her..." Tessa trailed off thoughtfully before continuing in a somewhat excited manner, "And you, a-actually a princess? It's hard to believe! Though, now I almost have to wonder if you were joking with me that one time... Still, as long as we do travel together, I'm sure we will continue to rely on each other, so I look forward to that."

Throughout the exchange, it almost seemed as if something was putting the other girl on edge, but Tessa couldn't for the life of her imagine what might be the problem. Maybe it was her imagination...

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"Nothing wrong with a bit of scarring if you ask me," said Alf, feeling a little self conscious about his scars. "You look fine to me. Although I might not really be the best judge in that." Am I unattractive? Scars are really that bad? "Point is, I think you look good, and I doubt anyone thinks you look bad. You're just...never mind, this conversation is veering into something else," he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"This quest has really been wearing down on you huh? I think there might be a town if we continue ahead. You should get some rest if you find an inn. It is your birthday after all."

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"Actually, just the opposite. I feel lighter and better than ever. I'm finally getting some good things happening to me and all... And I need to lie down and rest for a bit as well. You're right about that. You know anything about the next town? I heard there is one by here in a demon-infested wood."

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"She probably felt that losing to soldiers of an enemy nation was an infringement upon her honor. However, I am glad that you spared her, killing her would liekly give us even greater troubles. It is good to know someone has a sense of diplomacy." Charlotte said, finally catching Tessa's gaze by her estimation.

"But yes, I am really a princess." said Charlotte, smiling. "It was a rather amusing situation sometimes, like when you pretended to be a princess for that dare." Charlotte laughed a little, the first time since returning to the group. "I look forward to relying on each other as well, I think the group will have much need of us until this quest is over."

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"Very well. You see, a couple of weeks, I got this intel report about the princess being with a certain group..." Alex began, before spending several minutes explaining to the prince the attack and her imprisonment.

"... And, from there, I contacted a bishop, who used his rescue staff on me, and returned here," she finished, before looking up at him, waiting for a response.


"Y'know, I wonder sometimes how you made Colonel," Derek said, straightening himself up. "Halton isn't exactly the country in the right, either. I would advise that you drop calling them corrupt until you are well clear of the country, because you know Halton would do the exact. Same. Thing."

Before he could say any more, Dani finally found the cavalier, and was half stunned.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" she asked, jokingly. "Back to being a cav?"

"Yes. I decided that I'd be better off mounted instead of on foot," her brother replied.

"Great! Now we'll be unstoppable! The dashing cavalier, his beautiful sister, and their sidekick, the swordmaster, Eric! Together, they fight crime!"

"... Dani, really?" Eric said, shaking his head. "I'm not even that close to being a master, yet."

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"There is one a few hours from here if you go north and straight. Not that much of a town though, but it's good enough. Since it seems we're headed there, that's our best option. Plus I really want to go to town to have this repaired," said Alf, pulling out the fragments of his broken Tomahawk from his bag.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. It's just I'm worried because of some of the other times. But enough about that. For now, I guess we wait till Morgan's done with her interviews. Wonder how it'll go with Reika," he mused aloud.

Edited by Dark Sage
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"The interviews can be done on the road or can wait until later." Morgan said, overhearing Esphyr and Alferis. "If we are ready we should get moving as soon as possible."

Tristan's eyes widened as Alex told her story. "The dastards! Coming into Septimus without warning, killing our troops, and abusing our general! This must be an attempt by Halton to weaken us for an invasion! I will go and rescue the princess from the fiends!" Tristan got up from the table and began to walk out the door.

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"Your Highness, there is no need," Alex said, as Prince Tristan began to leave. "They are heading this way. Besides, we do not need collateral damage, if we are to enact the plan. And, 'twas only the Haltonians and this one git that hit me. We can deal with them once they arrive."


"We're all ready," Dani and Eric said simultaneously.

"I've been ready since this morning," Derek said as well, pulling up his gauntlets.

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"Ah. We're leaving now. I'll show you when we reach town. In the meantime, we might as well start setting out," said Alf, preparing to leave.

"Finally," said Reika, overhearing Alf's conversation regarding her and Morgan. Well at least he's kept his mouth shut. He's good for something alright. I wonder what I can do with him.

Edited by Dark Sage
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"Fine." said Tristan to Alex. "I'm not allowed to leave the capital anyway, Mother and Father say it's terribly boorish to be out fighting, though I always thought it seemed rather exciting. Why are they headed here anyway? I don't recall any meetings with foreign nations in the near future."

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Alex in Vunderland

"They apparently want to meet with the Brute," Alex said, looking away. "However, I doubt the Princess and Captain Munktan will actually go with them. We should probably intercept them as the arrive," she continued, suddenly interested in a suit of armor.

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"Finally." Helios muttered standing up straight. Sparring with a thief is stupid. I wont make the same mistake again. Maybe the fire mage is strong enough...... no, he wouldnt last a second against Perfect state. Arrin is the only other option but he is rather young. Dammit why are all the mages so weak?

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Hearing Morgan, of all people, suddenly speak up, Tessa's eyes went wide, and her jaw nearly dropped. Truly today was a day for strange reunions. Had she somehow returned on her own while the rest of them had slept? Her conversation with Charlotte having just about ended anyway, she broke it off further, and started to run to the shaman. "Sis!" she called out, "I'd been so worried!"

Her haste and excitement combined with her still shaky sense of vision, and she ended up stumbling and falling before reaching her. It was only a temporary setback though, as Tessa quickly picked herself back up and continued on. "When did you get back, how?"

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Amari gave Kiev a reassuring nicker; she figured he'd learned his lesson. Now that the rider was gone, she returned to Kelas' side.

"We finally leaving, then?" Kelas asked as people began to pack up. She got her own saddle, the packs still attached. She regretted keeping her current bloody tunic, but there wasn't really anywhere to change... she checked her bow and mounted up, ready to leave whenever.

"It looks like we're getting ready to go," Arrin noted, waving Francis over and packing up the bedrolls. "Tessa, can you--" he broke off, as she was now in conversation with Morgan, instead finishing with "Are you all right, and ready to go?"

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