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Generic Units Playthrough

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There is no way I can kill him since he has max speed now and I don't have any other mages and with the meteor and glower sorcerers assisting him.


The hardest part of the chapter, if you try to kill the swarm bishops below the meteor sorcerers will kill you.

Chapter 23

Turns 20

Reclass Horace into a sorcerer, Juli from hero-->swordmaster, and November from dracoknight-->general. I received a generic with max speed and its a dracoknight, too bad the draco was so fragile it gets one hit killed by all dragons and sorcerers. Again the generics can't survive one round against a dragon since fire dragon has 25 speed and 43 damage, demon dragon has 22 speed and they do 33 magic damage. After killing the inital dragon I came at an impasse there were two swarm bishops and they are guarded by meteor tome sorcerers, Gharnef has two glower sorcerers and two meteor sorcerers behind him so non of my people can survive against it. Since Gharnef had max speed I can't double and hope they crit to kill him, not even a single crit will kill him since he has high res too, so by luck I placed Minerva at a pillar she dodged most of the attacked and lived on the next turn. I could've taken it slowly but reinforcements were behind me so I either had to warp or take out all the reinforcements which I couldn't.

Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    47  22    0   24   25   29   17   1
Horace                           Sorcerer   20    58  20   20   24   25   27   19   7
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     17    27   1    8    7   11    0    3  18 
Mai(New)                         Dracoknight16    27  11    1    9   23    0   15   3
Juni(New)                        Berserker  16    40  19    0    6   14    0    6   0
Juli(New)                        SM         16    38  11    1   17   21    0   13   3
September(New)                   Sage       16    30   3   10    8   11    0    3   7
Oktober(New)                     Warrior    16    49  20    0   13   10    0    6   1
November(New)                    F.General  16    36  11    1   12   11    0   18   3
Dezember(New)                    Sage       16    27   3   10    9   10    0    3  10

Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    47  22    0   24   25   29   17   1
Horace                           Sorcerer   20    58  20   20   24   25   27   19   7
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     18    27   1    8    7   11    0    3  19

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Funf         Pegasus  2             Was a failure for being critted by a soldier.
Eins         Mage     2             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Vier         Hunter   2             Killed by the generic face boss.
Zwei         Myrm     2             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Seiben       F.Myrm   3             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Acht         Curate   3             Failed to do the matrix. (Dodged one attack but died from the second)
Drei         Merc     3             Suicided by weakening a dracoknight and shot by a ballista after.
Sechs        Fighter  3             Failed to hit a draco knight and died after.
Neuen        F.Cav    3             Baited a dracoknight otherwise Marth would've died.
Zehn         Myrm     3X            Fail stats.
Zwolf        Pegasus  3X            Fail stats.
Freitag      Fighter  4             Brutally Cleaved in half by a bandit/barbarian crit.
Donnerstag   Merc     4             Ambushed by fort reinforcements.
Samstag      Mage     4             Cleaved in half by a bandit.
Mittwoch     D.Mage   4             Amazing 4 speed.
Elf          Pirate   4             Shot down by a hunter.
Montag       Hunter   4             Brutally cleaved in half by a bandit crit.
Donnerstag   Merc     4             Brutally cleaved in half by a bandit crit.
Januar       F.Myrm   5             Miscalculation on my part.
Mai          Hunter   5             Baited a dracoknight.
April        Pirate   5             Bait
Juli         Pegasus  6             Bait/Incinerated by a mage.
September    Pegasus  6             Failure
August       Fighter  6             Died against the knights in Lang's room.
Juni         Fighter  6             Had a gaping hole in his chest after being critted by a knight.
Sonntag      Merc     6             Failure
Marz         Cleric   7             Had her life robbed.
Eins         Fighter  7             Steamrolled by a cavalier.
Drei         Merc     8             Killed to damage paladin.
Vier         Knight   8             Amazing 0 speed.
Dezember     Hunter   8             Bait
Oktober      Mage     8             Bait
November     Hunter   8             Had a huge hole in his stomach after getting killer lanced.
Februrar     Cleric   8             Can't fight/bait
Zwei         Myrm     8             Barbequed by a mage.
Drei         Merc     8             Bait
Funf         Hero     9             Me having mental lapses.
Neun         Hero     9             Baited the dracoknights.
Sechs        Sorcerer 9             Lured a mage.
Zehn         F.Sniper 9             Incinerated by a mage.
Sieben       SM       9             Swarmed by insects.
Zwolf        Hero    10             Heroically baited some mages.
Acht         F.Bishop10             Baited a mage so Sirius could live.
Elf          Berserker10            Became a blood geyser after a killing edge crit.
Dienstag     Sniper   10            Became another blood geyser.
Montag       F.Bishop 11            Cleaved by a barbarian.
Donnerstag   Bishop   11            Was a pile of ash after being burnt by a flying dragon.
Mittwoch     F.Bishop 11            Cleaved by a barbarian.           
Samstag      F.General12            Tomahawked.
Sonntag      F.General12            Became a huge pile of ash.
Freitag      F.Sage   12            Ambushed by reinforcements.
Januar       Warrior  12            Failed to hit with devil axe.
Marz         Dracoknight13          Shattered into pieces by an ice dragon crit.
April        Horsemen   13          FAILURE
Mai          Warrior    13          Shattered into pieces by an ice dragon crit.
Februar      F.General  13          Amazing 4 speed.
Juli         F.General  13X         Scouted the FOW.
Dezember     Paladin    14          Heroic suicide to lure the dragons.
November     Sniper     14          Bait.
Eins         F.SM       14          Roasted by a dark mage.
August       Sage       14          Tried to tank against mages but was critted.
September    Bishop     14          Became chunks of ice.
Juni         F.Sage     14          Doubled by a dark mage.
Sechs        Bishop     15          Impaled by a ballista.
Vier         Warrior    15          Lured a sniper to attack him instead.
Neun         General    15          Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Sniper     15          Sniper bait.
Drei         F.SM       15          Bait.
Acht         F.General  15          Suicided to weaken a mage. 
Seiben       F.SM       15          Ballista bait.
Dienstag     Sorcerer   16          Brutally shot down by a warrior.
Zwolf        Sniper     16          Third degree burn by a bologone tome.
Elf          F.Sage     16          Longbow bait.
Freitag      Sorcerer   17          FAILURE
Mittwoch     SM         17          Splitted diagonally by a warrior crit.          
Samstag      F.SM       17          Couldn't dodge a 58% from a warrior.
Donnerstag   Sniper     17          Suicided against a dracoknight.
Funf         Bishop     17          Swarmed by dracos.
Zehn         Sage       17          Swarmed by dracos.
Montag       Bishop     17          Swarmed by dracos.
Februar      F.Sniper   18          FAILURE AND WAS USED AS BAIT FOR TEH GENERALS
Sonntag      Horsemen   18          FAILURE AND WAS USED AS BAIT.
Juni         F.SM       18          Impaled by a general.
Marz         Hero       18          Had a gaping hole in his stomach by a killer lance crit. 
April        Bishop     18          Shot down by a general.
Januar       Sage       18          Impaled by a general.
Mai          Berserker  18          Meatshield for Sirius.
Eins         F.Sniper   19          Critted by a ballista.
September    Dracoknight19          Killed by Vyland.
November     Sage       19          One shotted by a thief.
Dezember     F.Paladin  19          Killed by draco reinforcements.
Juli         F.General  19          Killed by draco reinforcements.
Zwei         Bishop     19          Shot down by a horsemen.
Drei         Sniper     20          Sniped by a sniper.
Seiben       Sniper     20          Implaed by a thrown spear.
Sechs        F.General  20          Swarm bait.
Acht         Bishop     20          Sliced in half by a tomahwak.
Funf         F.SM       20          Swarm bait.
Zehn         Warrior    20X         Killed by a berserker hiding in the FOW.
Mittwoch     F.Sniper   21          Failure
Donnerstag   SM         21          Sliced in half by a swordmaster crit.
Dienstag     Sniper     21          Failure           
Zwolf        SM         21          Cleaved in half by a tomahwak.
Neun         Bishop     21          Became a  pile of ash by a flying dragon.
Dienstag     Bishop     21          Became a  pile of ash by a flying dragon.
Elf          F.General  21          Died of electrocution by Thoron.
Marz         F.General  22          Staller
Februar      SM         22          Staller
Samstag      F.SM       22          Failure
Freitag      Horsemen   22          Failure
Sonntag      Dracoknight22          Failure
Januar       Dracoknight22          Failure
April        Dracoknight22          Failure
Novebmer     F.General  23          Failure
Oktober      Warrior    23          Expendable
Juni         Berserker  23          Failure 
Juli         SM         23          Was critted by a demon dragon after missing his attack.
Mai          Dracoknight23          Fragile.
September    Sage       23          Swarmed by insects.
Dezember     Sage       23          Swarmed by insects.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Interesting. Hopefully you saved on a different slot in case the lack of Falchion against Medeus proves to be too much for you.

Yeah I saved another slot, since my funds are lacking after buying those stat boosters (3700G) I might see if I can kill all the reinforcements and have Berserker Horace kill him with that A rank Axe.

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[spoiler=Endgame pictures]



Stalling point to build staff rank almost looks like tetris.





The infinite spawning dragons.


Medeus on maniac.


Turns 26

Reclass Horace to bishop, Eins to bishop, and Vier to bishop. Since you need five people to make a wall, I gave the generic general all the goddess icon so he had 12 luck (plus the goddess icon bond) also gave him all the searph robes and talismans so he had 13 Res and 59HP also gave Marth Seraph robes to cap HP and dracoshields. I went back to a map save point and manage to kill Gharnef because a max MT brave sword and some crit required too much luck. For turns 1-24 I formed a line and let Horace and another generic bishop build up rank staff. After Horace reached B staff rank and a generic bishop reached C rank, the C rank warped a berserker to the four bishops the berserkers kill one and again staff the berserker to kill one more.Warped Minerva to Maria after that rescue Marth, he needs to crit once then again staff him and kill Medeus.

Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    47  22    0   24   25   29   17   1
Horace                           Bishop     20    58  20   19   24   25   27   18  10
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     18    27   1    8    7   11    0    3  19
Eins(New)                        Bishop     17    28   1    8    8   10    0    3  15
Zwei(New)                        F.Paladin  17    30   3    8    8   10    0    3  10
Drei(New)                        Berserker  17    48  19    0    7   19    0    6   0
Vier(New)                        Bishop     17    28   1   11    9   11    0    3  11
Funf(New)                        Sniper     17    35  12    1   14   10    0   11   6
Sechs(New)                       General    17    59  11    1    9    4   12   29  13
Sieben(New)                      Horsemen   17    29  11    1    9   17    0    6   3

Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    60  25    0   25   25   29   25   1
Horace                           Bishop     20    58  20   19   24   25   27   18  10
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     20    27   1    8    8   11    0    3  20
Eins                             Bishop     19    28   1    9    9   11    0    3  15
Vier                             Bishop     17    28   1   11    9   11    0    3  13
Sechs                            General    17    59  11    1    9    4   12   29  13
Maria                            Bishop      1    24   1    5    5    5    8    3   9

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Funf         Pegasus  2             Was a failure for being critted by a soldier.
Eins         Mage     2             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Vier         Hunter   2             Killed by the generic face boss.
Zwei         Myrm     2             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Seiben       F.Myrm   3             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Acht         Curate   3             Failed to do the matrix. (Dodged one attack but died from the second)
Drei         Merc     3             Suicided by weakening a dracoknight and shot by a ballista after.
Sechs        Fighter  3             Failed to hit a draco knight and died after.
Neuen        F.Cav    3             Baited a dracoknight otherwise Marth would've died.
Zehn         Myrm     3X            Fail stats.
Zwolf        Pegasus  3X            Fail stats.
Freitag      Fighter  4             Brutally Cleaved in half by a bandit/barbarian crit.
Donnerstag   Merc     4             Ambushed by fort reinforcements.
Samstag      Mage     4             Cleaved in half by a bandit.
Mittwoch     D.Mage   4             Amazing 4 speed.
Elf          Pirate   4             Shot down by a hunter.
Montag       Hunter   4             Brutally cleaved in half by a bandit crit.
Donnerstag   Merc     4             Brutally cleaved in half by a bandit crit.
Januar       F.Myrm   5             Miscalculation on my part.
Mai          Hunter   5             Baited a dracoknight.
April        Pirate   5             Bait
Juli         Pegasus  6             Bait/Incinerated by a mage.
September    Pegasus  6             Failure
August       Fighter  6             Died against the knights in Lang's room.
Juni         Fighter  6             Had a gaping hole in his chest after being critted by a knight.
Sonntag      Merc     6             Failure
Marz         Cleric   7             Had her life robbed.
Eins         Fighter  7             Steamrolled by a cavalier.
Drei         Merc     8             Killed to damage paladin.
Vier         Knight   8             Amazing 0 speed.
Dezember     Hunter   8             Bait
Oktober      Mage     8             Bait
November     Hunter   8             Had a huge hole in his stomach after getting killer lanced.
Februrar     Cleric   8             Can't fight/bait
Zwei         Myrm     8             Barbequed by a mage.
Drei         Merc     8             Bait
Funf         Hero     9             Me having mental lapses.
Neun         Hero     9             Baited the dracoknights.
Sechs        Sorcerer 9             Lured a mage.
Zehn         F.Sniper 9             Incinerated by a mage.
Sieben       SM       9             Swarmed by insects.
Zwolf        Hero    10             Heroically baited some mages.
Acht         F.Bishop10             Baited a mage so Sirius could live.
Elf          Berserker10            Became a blood geyser after a killing edge crit.
Dienstag     Sniper   10            Became another blood geyser.
Montag       F.Bishop 11            Cleaved by a barbarian.
Donnerstag   Bishop   11            Was a pile of ash after being burnt by a flying dragon.
Mittwoch     F.Bishop 11            Cleaved by a barbarian.           
Samstag      F.General12            Tomahawked.
Sonntag      F.General12            Became a huge pile of ash.
Freitag      F.Sage   12            Ambushed by reinforcements.
Januar       Warrior  12            Failed to hit with devil axe.
Marz         Dracoknight13          Shattered into pieces by an ice dragon crit.
April        Horsemen   13          FAILURE
Mai          Warrior    13          Shattered into pieces by an ice dragon crit.
Februar      F.General  13          Amazing 4 speed.
Juli         F.General  13X         Scouted the FOW.
Dezember     Paladin    14          Heroic suicide to lure the dragons.
November     Sniper     14          Bait.
Eins         F.SM       14          Roasted by a dark mage.
August       Sage       14          Tried to tank against mages but was critted.
September    Bishop     14          Became chunks of ice.
Juni         F.Sage     14          Doubled by a dark mage.
Sechs        Bishop     15          Impaled by a ballista.
Vier         Warrior    15          Lured a sniper to attack him instead.
Neun         General    15          Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Sniper     15          Sniper bait.
Drei         F.SM       15          Bait.
Acht         F.General  15          Suicided to weaken a mage. 
Seiben       F.SM       15          Ballista bait.
Dienstag     Sorcerer   16          Brutally shot down by a warrior.
Zwolf        Sniper     16          Third degree burn by a bologone tome.
Elf          F.Sage     16          Longbow bait.
Freitag      Sorcerer   17          FAILURE
Mittwoch     SM         17          Splitted diagonally by a warrior crit.          
Samstag      F.SM       17          Couldn't dodge a 58% from a warrior.
Donnerstag   Sniper     17          Suicided against a dracoknight.
Funf         Bishop     17          Swarmed by dracos.
Zehn         Sage       17          Swarmed by dracos.
Montag       Bishop     17          Swarmed by dracos.
Februar      F.Sniper   18          FAILURE AND WAS USED AS BAIT FOR TEH GENERALS
Sonntag      Horsemen   18          FAILURE AND WAS USED AS BAIT.
Juni         F.SM       18          Impaled by a general.
Marz         Hero       18          Had a gaping hole in his stomach by a killer lance crit. 
April        Bishop     18          Shot down by a general.
Januar       Sage       18          Impaled by a general.
Mai          Berserker  18          Meatshield for Sirius.
Eins         F.Sniper   19          Critted by a ballista.
September    Dracoknight19          Killed by Vyland.
November     Sage       19          One shotted by a thief.
Dezember     F.Paladin  19          Killed by draco reinforcements.
Juli         F.General  19          Killed by draco reinforcements.
Zwei         Bishop     19          Shot down by a horsemen.
Drei         Sniper     20          Sniped by a sniper.
Seiben       Sniper     20          Implaed by a thrown spear.
Sechs        F.General  20          Swarm bait.
Acht         Bishop     20          Sliced in half by a tomahwak.
Funf         F.SM       20          Swarm bait.
Zehn         Warrior    20X         Killed by a berserker hiding in the FOW.
Mittwoch     F.Sniper   21          Failure
Donnerstag   SM         21          Sliced in half by a swordmaster crit.
Dienstag     Sniper     21          Failure           
Zwolf        SM         21          Cleaved in half by a tomahwak.
Neun         Bishop     21          Became a  pile of ash by a flying dragon.
Dienstag     Bishop     21          Became a  pile of ash by a flying dragon.
Elf          F.General  21          Died of electrocution by Thoron.
Marz         F.General  22          Staller
Februar      SM         22          Staller
Samstag      F.SM       22          Failure
Freitag      Horsemen   22          Failure
Sonntag      Dracoknight22          Failure
Januar       Dracoknight22          Failure
April        Dracoknight22          Failure
Novebmer     F.General  23          Failure
Oktober      Warrior    23          Expendable
Juni         Berserker  23          Failure 
Juli         SM         23          Was critted by a demon dragon after missing his attack.
Mai          Dracoknight23          Fragile.
September    Sage       23          Swarmed by insects.
Dezember     Sage       23          Swarmed by insects.
Funf         Sniper     Endgame     Fodder for stalling the enemies.
Drei         Berserker  Endgame     Was slaughtered by Medeus after killing three bishops.
Seiben       Horsemen   Endgame     Fodder for stalling the enemies.
Zwei         F.Paladin  Endgame     Fodder for stalling the enemies.

Kill count and final ranking later.

[spoiler=Endgame redone]


Turns 2

I decided to redo this because I didn't get Nyna on the previous attempt because I forgot, this was redone by reloading a savestate since on my previous one I saved over it. Turn 1 warp the generic berserker and send the paladin and horsemen to stall after warping the berserker kill Elice, and again staff him to kill Lena. Turn 2 warp Minerva to Maria trade Maria the rescue staff, Maria rescues Sirius and Nyna takes the rescue staff and rescue Marth and rescue Marth after that. Like the previous attempt Marth must crit once after that again staff him to finish Medeus off.

Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    47  22    0   24   25   29   17   1
Horace                           Bishop     20    58  20   19   24   25   27   18  10
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     18    27   1    8    7   11    0    3  19
Eins(New)                        Bishop     17    28   1    8    8   10    0    3  15
Zwei(New)                        F.Paladin  17    30   3    8    8   10    0    3  10
Drei(New)                        Berserker  17    48  19    0    7   19    0    6   0
Vier(New)                        Bishop     17    28   1   11    9   11    0    3  11
Funf(New)                        Sniper     17    35  12    1   14   10    0   11   6
Sechs(New)                       General    17    59  11    1    9    4   12   29  13
Sieben(New)                      Horsemen   17    29  11    1    9   17    0    6   3

Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    60  25    0   25   25   29   25   1
Horace                           Bishop     20    58  20   19   24   25   27   18  10
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     20    27   1    8    8   11    0    3  20
Eins                             Bishop     19    28   1    9    9   11    0    3  15
Vier                             Bishop     17    28   1   11    9   11    0    3  13
Sechs                            General    17    59  11    1    9    4   12   29  13
Maria                            Bishop      1    24   1    5    5    5    8    3   9
Nyna  	                         Bishop      7    25   1    6  	 6   10   18  	4   9  	

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Funf         Pegasus  2             Was a failure for being critted by a soldier.
Eins         Mage     2             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Vier         Hunter   2             Killed by the generic face boss.
Zwei         Myrm     2             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Seiben       F.Myrm   3             Swarmed by dracoknights.
Acht         Curate   3             Failed to do the matrix. (Dodged one attack but died from the second)
Drei         Merc     3             Suicided by weakening a dracoknight and shot by a ballista after.
Sechs        Fighter  3             Failed to hit a draco knight and died after.
Neuen        F.Cav    3             Baited a dracoknight otherwise Marth would've died.
Zehn         Myrm     3X            Fail stats.
Zwolf        Pegasus  3X            Fail stats.
Freitag      Fighter  4             Brutally Cleaved in half by a bandit/barbarian crit.
Donnerstag   Merc     4             Ambushed by fort reinforcements.
Samstag      Mage     4             Cleaved in half by a bandit.
Mittwoch     D.Mage   4             Amazing 4 speed.
Elf          Pirate   4             Shot down by a hunter.
Montag       Hunter   4             Brutally cleaved in half by a bandit crit.
Donnerstag   Merc     4             Brutally cleaved in half by a bandit crit.
Januar       F.Myrm   5             Miscalculation on my part.
Mai          Hunter   5             Baited a dracoknight.
April        Pirate   5             Bait
Juli         Pegasus  6             Bait/Incinerated by a mage.
September    Pegasus  6             Failure
August       Fighter  6             Died against the knights in Lang's room.
Juni         Fighter  6             Had a gaping hole in his chest after being critted by a knight.
Sonntag      Merc     6             Failure
Marz         Cleric   7             Had her life robbed.
Eins         Fighter  7             Steamrolled by a cavalier.
Drei         Merc     8             Killed to damage paladin.
Vier         Knight   8             Amazing 0 speed.
Dezember     Hunter   8             Bait
Oktober      Mage     8             Bait
November     Hunter   8             Had a huge hole in his stomach after getting killer lanced.
Februrar     Cleric   8             Can't fight/bait
Zwei         Myrm     8             Barbequed by a mage.
Drei         Merc     8             Bait
Funf         Hero     9             Me having mental lapses.
Neun         Hero     9             Baited the dracoknights.
Sechs        Sorcerer 9             Lured a mage.
Zehn         F.Sniper 9             Incinerated by a mage.
Sieben       SM       9             Swarmed by insects.
Zwolf        Hero    10             Heroically baited some mages.
Acht         F.Bishop10             Baited a mage so Sirius could live.
Elf          Berserker10            Became a blood geyser after a killing edge crit.
Dienstag     Sniper   10            Became another blood geyser.
Montag       F.Bishop 11            Cleaved by a barbarian.
Donnerstag   Bishop   11            Was a pile of ash after being burnt by a flying dragon.
Mittwoch     F.Bishop 11            Cleaved by a barbarian.           
Samstag      F.General12            Tomahawked.
Sonntag      F.General12            Became a huge pile of ash.
Freitag      F.Sage   12            Ambushed by reinforcements.
Januar       Warrior  12            Failed to hit with devil axe.
Marz         Dracoknight13          Shattered into pieces by an ice dragon crit.
April        Horsemen   13          FAILURE
Mai          Warrior    13          Shattered into pieces by an ice dragon crit.
Februar      F.General  13          Amazing 4 speed.
Juli         F.General  13X         Scouted the FOW.
Dezember     Paladin    14          Heroic suicide to lure the dragons.
November     Sniper     14          Bait.
Eins         F.SM       14          Roasted by a dark mage.
August       Sage       14          Tried to tank against mages but was critted.
September    Bishop     14          Became chunks of ice.
Juni         F.Sage     14          Doubled by a dark mage.
Sechs        Bishop     15          Impaled by a ballista.
Vier         Warrior    15          Lured a sniper to attack him instead.
Neun         General    15          Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Sniper     15          Sniper bait.
Drei         F.SM       15          Bait.
Acht         F.General  15          Suicided to weaken a mage. 
Seiben       F.SM       15          Ballista bait.
Dienstag     Sorcerer   16          Brutally shot down by a warrior.
Zwolf        Sniper     16          Third degree burn by a bologone tome.
Elf          F.Sage     16          Longbow bait.
Freitag      Sorcerer   17          FAILURE
Mittwoch     SM         17          Splitted diagonally by a warrior crit.          
Samstag      F.SM       17          Couldn't dodge a 58% from a warrior.
Donnerstag   Sniper     17          Suicided against a dracoknight.
Funf         Bishop     17          Swarmed by dracos.
Zehn         Sage       17          Swarmed by dracos.
Montag       Bishop     17          Swarmed by dracos.
Februar      F.Sniper   18          FAILURE AND WAS USED AS BAIT FOR TEH GENERALS
Sonntag      Horsemen   18          FAILURE AND WAS USED AS BAIT.
Juni         F.SM       18          Impaled by a general.
Marz         Hero       18          Had a gaping hole in his stomach by a killer lance crit. 
April        Bishop     18          Shot down by a general.
Januar       Sage       18          Impaled by a general.
Mai          Berserker  18          Meatshield for Sirius.
Eins         F.Sniper   19          Critted by a ballista.
September    Dracoknight19          Killed by Vyland.
November     Sage       19          One shotted by a thief.
Dezember     F.Paladin  19          Killed by draco reinforcements.
Juli         F.General  19          Killed by draco reinforcements.
Zwei         Bishop     19          Shot down by a horsemen.
Drei         Sniper     20          Sniped by a sniper.
Seiben       Sniper     20          Implaed by a thrown spear.
Sechs        F.General  20          Swarm bait.
Acht         Bishop     20          Sliced in half by a tomahwak.
Funf         F.SM       20          Swarm bait.
Zehn         Warrior    20X         Killed by a berserker hiding in the FOW.
Mittwoch     F.Sniper   21          Failure
Donnerstag   SM         21          Sliced in half by a swordmaster crit.
Dienstag     Sniper     21          Failure           
Zwolf        SM         21          Cleaved in half by a tomahwak.
Neun         Bishop     21          Became a  pile of ash by a flying dragon.
Dienstag     Bishop     21          Became a  pile of ash by a flying dragon.
Elf          F.General  21          Died of electrocution by Thoron.
Marz         F.General  22          Staller
Februar      SM         22          Staller
Samstag      F.SM       22          Failure
Freitag      Horsemen   22          Failure
Sonntag      Dracoknight22          Failure
Januar       Dracoknight22          Failure
April        Dracoknight22          Failure
Novebmer     F.General  23          Failure
Oktober      Warrior    23          Expendable
Juni         Berserker  23          Failure 
Juli         SM         23          Was critted by a demon dragon after missing his attack.
Mai          Dracoknight23          Fragile.
September    Sage       23          Swarmed by insects.
Dezember     Sage       23          Swarmed by insects.
Funf         Sniper     Endgame     Fodder for stalling the enemies.
Drei         Berserker  Endgame     Was slaughtered by Medeus after killing three bishops.
Seiben       Horsemen   Endgame     Fodder for stalling the enemies.
Zwei         F.Paladin  Endgame     Fodder for stalling the enemies.

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Juni Berserker 23 Failure


Mai Dracoknight23 Fragile.


On a serious note, too bad. That one looked like he could've been useful if not for being so fragile.

He's always moved, so that if you don't have Starlight you can skip him.

Makes sense.

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Awesome, August made it through! :awesome:

Must be the longest-lasting generic in here I think.


Name                             Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Marth                            Lord       30    47  22    0   24   25   29   17   1
Horace                           Sorcerer   20    58  20   20   24   25   27   19   7
Sirius                           SM         20    45  19    1   29   29   18   20   4
Minerva                          F.SM       20    49  17    1   28   30   19   17   3
August                           Bishop     17    27   1    8    7   11    0    3  18 
Mai(New)                         Dracoknight16    27  11    1    9   23    0   15   3
Juni(New)                        Berserker  16    40  19    0    6   14    0    6   0
Juli(New)                        SM         16    38  11    1   17   21    0   13   3
September(New)                   Sage       16    30   3   10    8   11    0    3   7
Oktober(New)                     Warrior    16    49  20    0   13   10    0    6   1
November(New)                    F.General  16    36  11    1   12   11    0   18   3
Dezember(New)                    Sage       16    27   3   10    9   10    0    3  10

I noticed August was skipped unlike SD...

So in here you can't have two with the same name then...

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It looks like your generics started improving. . .at 20/16. WTF?

Since your SD log wasn't the best at keeping stats, I'd be willing to do something similar, after H3 is done kicking my butt.

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Same rank as H1

114 Generics died during Marth's campaign. I have a lower casualty than H1 since I used Sirius and Minerva and kept some generics alive like the bishops by not deploying them but in return I got somewhat "improved" generics and also since the gaiden deployment are 7 I didn't get much or any new generics for those. Compared to H1 I kept some recruited generics alive for the purpose of bait since the enemies are more dangerous.

Sirius 230 battles 78 wins

Minerva 191 battles 68 wins

Horace 530 battles 294 wins

Marth 237 battles 116 wins

I don't know the combat records for the generics since I don't keep track. I'll rank the generics again.


Curate/Bishop- They heal and they made this run possible with their high rank in staff despite barely any offense but awesome resistance which non generic characters lack.

Mage/Sage- They can do some decent damage since enemies don't have much res and they have decent magic stat though their skill and speed is low.


Knight/General- They can survive two-three rounds if not critted though they get doubled by everything on the map so they die from mages.

Pirate/Berserkers- They get doubled by most enemies on the map though they do decent damage with some crit.

Fighter/Warrior-Like berserkers they can do decent damage and can shoot some fliers even though they get doubled by 100% of the map.

Myrm/Swordmaster- They get good speed to not be doubled but they don't double much only in early game and deal minimal damage during mid to end game.


Darkmage/Sorcerer- Low magic stat, deals small damage, and gets doubled by everything one the map though they can heal being bishops.

Merc/Hero- They get doubled by a lot and deal small damage and also low defense they're only good for early/mid game

Pegasus/Dracoknight- They barely deal any damage without silvers, fragile, and doubled by a lot of the enemies on the map. The only thing they have for them is mobility.

Hunter/Horsemen-They can deal good damage during early game but their stats are quite bad.

Archer/Sniper- They can snipe the flying enemies, despite their speed being decent as snipers they deal very small damage even with silvers.

Cav/Paladin- They have terrible stats non of them can even get past the 10 area so they're only good for mobile bait.

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Wow. Just awesome.

And yeah, I do find that faceless Bishops are the most useful, for some reason.

(And yay for recruiting Maria in the last chapter! Best choice. B))

But why'd keep Sirius for so long and not get Nyna?

Anyway, great playthrough, and hilarious commentary on your many failing faceless. :awesome:

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Wow. Just awesome.

And yeah, I do find that faceless Bishops are the most useful, for some reason.

(And yay for recruiting Maria in the last chapter! Best choice. B))

But why'd keep Sirius for so long and not get Nyna?

Anyway, great playthrough, and hilarious commentary on your many failing faceless. :awesome:

Hmm right I should've but I forgot I'll go redo that really quick since I have a savestate and thanks for the comment. Alright it's done now Nyna is alive.

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  • 1 month later...

After some consideration I'm going to see how far I can get in Lunatic mode with generic units however I'm going to need to add more people to the exceptions list since it isn't possible to do a pure generics run like H5 (Sirius had done a generic run in SD H5 before), since enemy variety and stats in this are really high compared to SD.

Proposed exception:Sirius,Minerva, Katua or Paola (I will need the extra damage since this is lunatic mode) Merric or Etzel (Maybe Merric since he recruits one of the bishops but Etzel can be another staff/magic user) and Feena or Chainey. If by chance anyone who read this had finished lunatic mode and can give me some suggestions for the exceptions list that would be nice.


Made another knight MU, named him Caesar (Julius Caesar the Roman general) and gave him this build: Noble's Child 貴族の子 - SKL+2, SPD+2, growth rate up 5% (3.95 pts) Strength 強さ - HP+2, HP growth rate up 20% (9.80 pts) Recluse 隠遁者 - STR, MAG growth rate up 15% (5.85 pts).

The prolouge levels weren't too difficult the only difficult one was the last one where they added two levin sword thieves with 13-14 speed and they double most of your people had to sacrifice everyone and therefore ended with 2000 funds. I'll be adding some more details like people's weapon rank, funds, and maybe inventory.


Name        Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Weapon Rank  
Marth       Lord        8    28   8    0    12   11   11   8    0   D Swords
Caesar      Knight     13    36  12    3    13    9    9  18    0   B Lances

Name          Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason

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*ulp* Good luck, man. But this...this is gonna be nasty...


Whoa. . .This WILL be interesting! I'd vote for keeping both Merric and Etzel, at least until you get a really good generic Bishop.

You're going to want one non-generic caster specifically for Gharnef. I'd say if anything Merric should be your exception.

Alright, the worst thing that might happen is if Merric gets RNG screwed and I'll have to make MU a magic unit again.

I might add Etzel to the exceptions since I'm still thinking about the exceptions list.


I don't think SD had bandits with silver axes in the beginning of H5.


(Same comment as picture above)


They gave him a forged javelin and some stat boost to make him less likely to be killed for exp.


Yes this thief is capable of killing most of your people.

Chapter 1

Proposed exceptions: Katua, Sirius, Minerva, Merric, and Feena. (Not final since I'm still thinking the team.)


Reclasses: Caesar Knight->Cav, Arran Paladin->General (SM would've been better I guess).

First chapter no healer and it was rather difficulty already, first turn sent Cecil and Rody to attack a bandit since they both get one rounded by them. After the inital bandits were killed used the save point, placed Caesar at the fort he managed to dodge one attack and killed two bandits, Ryan and Gordon finished off the weakened bandits but were killed by hunters next turn. Didn't kill Lawrence and left Mallesia at the village though I did make a save point so if someone suggests that I use her as an exception.


Name        Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Weapon Rank  
Marth       Lord        8    28   8    0    12   11   11   8    0   D Swords
Caesar      Cavalier   13    36  11    3    13   15    9  14    0   E Swords B Lances
Arran       General     3    32  11    1    10    8    4  17    3   B Lances E Bows

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  
Marth        Lord        9    29   8    0    12   12   12   8    0   D Swords
Caesar       Cavalier   13    36  11    3    13   15    9  14    0   E Swords B Lances
Arran        General     3    32  11    1    10    8    4  17    3   B Lances E Bows

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason

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Chapter 2



Amazing soldier.




I should've kept Ryan and Gordin for a couple of chapters since these guys are really hard to kill.


The thief that I couldn't kill.


They added two more dracoknights which are next to the boss.

Everyone's condition bonuses:Arran+2 SPD and SKL, Caesar +2 SPD and LCK, frying pan (axe) obtained.


Reclasses: Arran General->Sniper, Zwei D.Mage->Mage, Vier Pegasus->F.Cav.

Since Arran and Caesar gained +2 speed from the bonus they can double everything in the map except the boss which is good.

Recruited Cord from the village so he could act as bait but I only did it after I killed the inital cavs, soldiers, and hunters. Apparently the enemies are so good that most generics are one rounded or doubled the only one that stood a chance was the fighter generic who can two round soldiers but gets two rounded back by everything and was only left with a generic curate. The most difficult part was the boss and his dracoknights reloading savepoints a lot I managed to get through it only because Arran got a crit on the boss which was wasted EXP and after that the dracoknight went for the curate and killed Cord then after that I killed the remaining dracoknights.


Name        Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Weapon Rank  
Marth       Lord        8    28   8    0    12   11   11   8    0   D Swords
Caesar      Cav        13    36  11    3    13   15    9  14    0   E Swords B Lances
Arran       Sniper      3    28  10    1    15   13    4   9    3   B Lances E Bows
Eins        Curate      7    17   0    3     1    4    0   3    7   E Staffs
Zwei        Mage        7    17   0    6     1    4    0   2    3   E Tomes
Drei        Hunter      7    19   8    0     4    8    0   3    0   E Bows
Vier        F.Cav       7    18   5    0     2    7    0   8    0   E Swords E Lances
Funf        Fighter     7    28  11    0     3    7    0   3    0   E Axes
Sechs       Archer      7    18   5    0     3    5    0   7    0   E Bows

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  
Marth        Lord       10    30   9    0    13   13   13   8    0   D Swords
Caesar       Cavalier   14    37  11    3    14   16    9  15    0   E Swords B Lances
Arran        Sniper      3    28  10    1    15   13    4   9    3   C Bows
Katua        Pegasus     7    22   7    2     8   15    9   8    6   C Lances

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.

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Damn. This isn't Lunatic Mode for nothing. If you beat this, I will commend you. Keeping an eye on this.

It would be a miracle if I do finish this run.


I have to go around the mountain, even with baits it would be suicide to go through the bridge since it would pull the dracoknights too.


They swarm like locusts.


The man that would kill his own relative not to mention he's weak.


Yes this enemy already has a forge weapon early in the game.


Forge weapon also.

Chapter 3

Everyone's condition bonuses:(Charging)


Reclasses: Casear Cav->Hunter, Acht Merc->Hunter, Neun Myrm->Archer (No more space for hunter)

As stated above I have to go around the mountain since it's suicidal to go through the bridge. Paola died since I'm going to use Katua instead and also she can't take the cavalier reinforcements on the fort since one attack gets her to critical HP, recruited Bord and was used as a meatshield made a chokepoint at the second arrow after killing the cavaliers I killed off the remaining dracoknights. Since I had no healer I had to use the fort after that pulled the cavaliers and killed the boss, also promoted Caesar who was at level 16 Katua will receive the next seal. If you (the reader) didn't read my previous logs I'm keeping Arran alive for now for extra help and better generics since it involves the total of your levels instead of average of your party like SD I believe.


Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  
Marth        Lord       10    30   9    0    13   13   13   8    0   D Swords
Caesar       Hunter     14    37  12    3    16   16    9  11    0   E Swords B Lances
Arran        Sniper      3    28  10    1    15   13    4   9    3   B Lances E Bows
Katua        F.Cav       7    24   8    0     5   14    9  10    6   E Swords C Lances
Sieben       Fighter     8    26  11    0     6    8    0   3    0   E Axes
Acht         Hunter      8    22   8    0     6    7    0   4    0   E Bows
Neun         Archer      8    21   7    0     6    6    0   6    0   E Bows
Zehn         Cleric      8    16   0    1     3    5    0   1    9   E Staffs

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  
Marth        Lord       12    32   9    0    15   14   15   9    0   C Swords
Caesar       Horsemen    1    41  13    5    20   19   10  14    3   E Swords D Bows
Arran        Sniper      4    29  10    1    15   13    4   9    3   C Bows
Katua        F.Cav      11    27  12    0     8   16   11  10    1   E Swords C Lances

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.
Sieben       Fighter  3             Excellent meatshield.
Neun         Archer   3             Baited the cavaliers.
Acht         Hunter   3             dracoknight bait.
Zehn         Cleric   3             Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.



The only enemies in this chapter.

Chapter 3x

Everyone's condition bonuses:(Charging)


Reclasses: Casear Horsemen->General.

Went slow on this chapter since I wanted to give Marth and Katua some kills otherwise it wasn't difficult since Caesar has a lot of def that the archers do 0 damage and the knights only do minimal amount of damage.


Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  
Marth        Lord       12    32   9    0    15   14   15   9    0   C Swords
Caesar       General     1    49  15    5    17   15   10  23    3   B Lances E Bows
Arran        Sniper      4    29  10    1    15   13    4   9    3   C Bows
Katua        F.Cav      11    27  12    0     8   16   11  10    1   E Swords C Lances
Elf          Merc       10    21   6    0    11   11    0   6    0   D Swords
Zwolf        Pirate     10    23  11    0     3   11    0   4    0   D Axes

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank  
Marth        Lord       13    33  10    0    16   15   15   9    0   C Swords
Caesar       General     1    49  15    5    17   15   10  23    3   B Lances D Bows
Arran        Sniper      4    29  10    1    15   13    4   9    3   C Bows
Katua        F.Cav      11    27  12    0     8   16   11  10    1   E Swords C Lances

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.
Sieben       Fighter  3             Excellent meatshield.
Neun         Archer   3             Baited the cavaliers.
Acht         Hunter   3             dracoknight bait.
Zehn         Cleric   3             Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.
Zwolf        Pirate   3x            Failed to hit a knight.
Elf          Merc     3x            Hemorrhaged from a knight crit and also a failure.

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Six extra dracos... That's not very encouraging... :sweatdrop:


Are those really female archers on the enemy side, or am I just seeing things?? Also, archers actually have normal move through forests now? Because as far as I remember, archers used 3 move to cross forests in SD.

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