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But whats easier, finding a mole out of four people or six? I say that if the plan works, we get to take six people. That mission gets sabotaged, we take the other half of our party, if that mission get sabotaged, we're fucked. The chances aren't great.

But what's better, being 3-1 up or 2-2 deadlocked? And...at this time of night the rest of your post was indecipherable. I mean, I get the general idea, but elaborate.

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But what's better, being 3-1 up or 2-2 deadlocked? And...at this time of night the rest of your post was indecipherable. I mean, I get the general idea, but elaborate.

What time is it where you are?

Elaboration: So lets say its 3-1 in our favour, but we have no idea who the spies are. We do what we did the first time and randomly pick people. As someone mentioned earlier, there's an 8% chance on getting a mole free team. Lets say we hit the 92% and the mission fails. Suddenly its at 2-1. Then we select the other players who didn't go. One again, low chances at mole-free. If that mission fails we have to guess again. We have no idea who the moles are. I see this strategy coming around and ultimately making us lose.

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But whats easier, finding a mole out of four people or six? I say that if the plan works, we get to take six people. That mission gets sabotaged, we take the other half of our party, if that mission get sabotaged, we're f'cked. The chances aren't great.

But what's better, finding a mole out of four people or winning the game before six people are even required for the plan? For the last time, we don't care who the Spies are as long as we destroy all of their bases.

If we succeed this one, we get three free chances on destroying only ONE more base to win the game. Even if we were to choose our people randomly, the odds aren't something the Spies would risk. And our chances would significantly improve if we learn from our failed attempts to weed out suspicious people

If we fail this one, we need to destroy two more bases (as opposed to just one) and we only get to mess up once more (as opposed to twice). All we gain is the very small clue that a Spy is within a group of four named people. We can't tell which one it is out of those four and we still know nothing about the other Spy. I fail to see how a sabotaged mission could be favorable for the Rebels.

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Actually, you know what? After reading earlier posts, Psych, I'm voting ##No. I think that choosing a completely new patch (aside from Darros, because I suspect him of being a spy) would be good, since then if there is a sabotage, we can weed out people.

Oh, and Proto, we may actually want the empire to sabotage us this time round, because if they do, we'll know that at least 1/4 people picked are spies, then we can pressure from there. Chances of picking a mole-free round the last time is extremely low.

Core, if it comes to you, take yourself, Weapons, Lightning and Balcerzak. I'm also up if you want me to join in.

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Actually, you know what? After reading earlier posts, Psych, I'm voting ##No. I think that choosing a completely new patch (aside from Darros, because I suspect him of being a spy) would be good, since then if there is a sabotage, we can weed out people.

Oh, and Proto, we may actually want the empire to sabotage us this time round, because if they do, we'll know that at least 1/4 people picked are spies, then we can pressure from there. Chances of picking a mole-free round the last time is extremely low.

So you think I'm a spy yet you agree with me? :facepalm:

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No, as in, from your first post here (Psych, add me, please!), I pretty much think you're a spy, and unless you make a truly game-breaking post, I'm going to continue thinking you're a spy.

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But what's better, finding a mole out of four people or winning the game before six people are even required for the plan? For the last time, we don't care who the Spies are as long as we destroy all of their bases.

If we succeed this one, we get three free chances on destroying only ONE more base to win the game. Even if we were to choose our people randomly, the odds aren't something the Spies would risk. And our chances would significantly improve if we learn from our failed attempts to weed out suspicious people

If we fail this one, we need to destroy two more bases (as opposed to just one) and we only get to mess up once more (as opposed to twice). All we gain is the very small clue that a Spy is within a group of four named people. We can't tell which one it is out of those four and we still know nothing about the other Spy. I fail to see how a sabotaged mission could be favorable for the Rebels.

Proto, I'm starting to see where you're coming from here. At least a little bit. However, you've clearly misread at least a portion of the rules.

The first Empire base takes 3 players. The second takes four, and the final takes six.

There is no way for us to win without it coming down to having to send in six agents.

I need to mull over a lot of the recent pages before weighing in with my next big statements, or casting a firm yea/nay vote on the current proposal. At the moment, I'm inclined to agree with Weapons, in that we have absolutely no need to rush sending in of the plans, and we can cycle through possible leaders if needed.

I'm also contemplating the potential usefulness of holding a survey asking everyone, "If you were a mole, would you sabotage a four-man mission, or would you wait until the six-man missions?"

While we can't necessarily note which answers would actually tell the spies from the rebels, it might provide a starting point for scum-hunting, or at least provide insight into the mindsets of our fellow operatives.

However, I'm also worried it might possibly be able to backfire on us, which is why I'm not endorsing it... yet. I need to think more, like I said before.

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Oh, and Proto, we may actually want the empire to sabotage us this time round, because if they do, we'll know that at least 1/4 people picked are spies, then we can pressure from there. Chances of picking a mole-free round the last time is extremely low.

Our job isn't to find the moles. It's to destroy their bases and to protect ours. Both of which require the success of the plan. A 3-1 situation is better than a 2-2 situation, even if it means we become completely clueless about the identity of the spies.

Proto, I'm starting to see where you're coming from here. At least a little bit. However, you've clearly misread at least a portion of the rules.

Didn't miss it. But I may have misunderstood it. I assumed that meant that the number of agents would keep increasing, so the third mission would require five, the fourth would require six, but six will remain as the maximum. It said "the final", not "the third and onwards". Perhaps we should get a mod to clarify what it really means.

I need to mull over a lot of the recent pages before weighing in with my next big statements, or casting a firm yea/nay vote on the current proposal. At the moment, I'm inclined to agree with Weapons, in that we have absolutely no need to rush sending in of the plans, and we can cycle through possible leaders if needed.

Well, I don't like Psych's plan so I'm all for cycling through leaders.

I'm also contemplating the potential usefulness of holding a survey asking everyone, "If you were a mole, would you sabotage a four-man mission, or would you wait until the six-man missions?"

That sounds like a really good idea actually. Obviously, it's not wise to rely on the answers but in the hands of a smart analyst (*cough*yourself*cough*), they might drop a few clues. Don't forget to give your own answer.

While we can't necessarily note which answers would actually tell the spies from the rebels, it might provide a starting point for scum-hunting, or at least provide insight into the mindsets of our fellow operatives.


However, I'm also worried it might possibly be able to backfire on us, which is why I'm not endorsing it... yet. I need to think more, like I said before.

We should try it anyway and only refer to those answers if we have a good reason to. And they won't count as "primary evidence" either.

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.Core, if it comes to you, take yourself, Weapons, Lightning and Balcerzak.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said not to take yourself...<_<

Our job isn't to find the moles. It's to destroy their bases and to protect ours.

Which how to we do kids? By figuring out the moles, and not bringing them.

I took myself because JB said it would be a good idea to bring someone from last round. Excuse me for trusting myself over Bal or JB. I just think I'm really good looking. <_<

When I suggest JB, Me, Weapons, and you, that would include 2 people from last round, and two new ones. I don't think we should exactly start fresh with a whole new team.

Edited by Psych
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Yes: Darros (1)

No: Me, Proto, JB, Furetchen, Psych, Core (6)

Yeah, psych looks like his plans aren't going out.

Edited by Lightning
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Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said not to take yourself...<_<

I took myself because JB said it would be a good idea to bring someone from last round. Excuse me for trusting myself over Bal or JB. I just think I'm really good looking. <_<

When I suggest JB, Me, Weapons, and you, that would include 2 people from last round, and two new ones. I don't think we should exactly start fresh with a whole new team.

Well, fine. Core, take yourself if you feel like taking yourself.

Some other posts which then changed my mind hadn't been posted yet, my darling~ :wub:

Well... 2/2 does seem good. or 3 new, 1 old, IDK.

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That's because I suggested it. ANd no one likes when I have ideas...>_>

##Vote Disapprove

I do want to see Proto go on the mission though, since I want info about him or something. Weapons is.....yeah.

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Right now, I only think JB is not a spy.

I'm in the exact same situation. And I think Psych is a Spy. I'm not convinced by his defense. I probably won't be approving any plans containing Psych from now on. Just to be safe.


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Oh gawd, not this again...>_>

*Berserk status* Oops, sorry Lord Yurius!

You know, that was kinda weird though. He brough his father, his girlfriend....so Me, JB, and Bal must be evil! >_>

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That's because I suggested it. ANd no one likes when I have ideas...>_>

##Vote Disapprove

I do want to see Proto go on the mission though, since I want info about him or something. Weapons is.....yeah.

Disapproving your own plan, wat?

I wouldn't mind going on a mission. In fact, I would WANT to go on a mission, just like any other Rebel. But if I'm suspicious in any way, then it may not be wise.

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Send out order:

Balcerzak, Proto, WoMC, Lightning, Agent Dale Cooper

I want to keep my spot in this game, but I can only be on for a few minutes this choice was mostly random, pick approve or disapprove. 5 people is correct?

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