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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"I don't care that you're a commoner Esphyr... that makes no difference to me." Damian said, releasing her and standing.

"You should probably talk to the other girls then, though."


Aiya got out of the bath after a good while, and dried herself off. Slipping into some clean clothing, she walked around, looking for someone to talk to.

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Noticing Viveka and Derek in the yard, he walked over. "Your cold got better? THat's good. We wouldn't want anyone else to catch it. But, um, do you mind if I get a ride? I think we're leaving soon."

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Seeing some of the others start to reappear, Kelas turned around for a moment to call, "Oi! You lot ready to go yet?" Turning back, she grumbled, "Why's it always take us so long? Granted, it probably seems longer since I'm used to just getting up and leaving, but still..."

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Having sufficiently dried off, Alferis changed back into his clothes and got his axes together. He headed out to the front of the mansion. He loved the fresh air. He loved being outdoors and being in the mountains. He was wondering where Irina and Lev were. He would have to take them up on their proposition.

He sat down leaning against the wall, a contented smile on his face when a shadow was over him.

It was Reika.

"Hi Reika," he said. "Listen I'm really sorry I've been overprotective and..."

"Save your breath slave. I don't need to hear it. Just remember what I said. I hate repeating myself twice and I don't want you to try anything."

"Hey! Your stutter's gone," said Alf, choosing to ignore the implication.

"So it is," she said, a little puzzled, but still somewhat jittery.

"Anyway, I don't need you near me today slave. You're on break. I need to think," she said walking off from the manse.


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When Pary arrived, she had to break off from Derek slightly. Asking for a ride wasn't the most uncommon thing that got thrown at her but, Pary seemed a little less independent doing so. Nonetheless she didn't mind. Susann was the issue.

Viveka: Well sure, just make sure Susann doesn't mind having you nearby. Morgan didn't get bucked naturally because pegasi apparently don't mind women, but you can't be too careful.

Just then Conrad approached and asked to see her for a moment. She reflexively saluted him before slipping back into her casual stance.

Viveka: Of course. I'll be right back. Sunny, don't bite Pary. He's not a bad guy.

With that she followed Conrad a short ways to a less crowded area.


She'd put her armor on before grabbing the rest of the bags and started dashing through the halls to get back to Lev! As she ran she began thinking rather in depth. She was wondering about that dress. For some reason everything seemed to be pointing to her. Esphyr was a mercenary like her but wouldn't possibly want to be dolled up for a party. She was too shy for that she thought. The other girls seemed not to care, and rightly so. If they really wanted to go and needed a dress, there were probably outlets for them. Viveka's cases were bottomless dressers and seemed to have enough for everyone in the unlikely event that everyone changed their minds.

Suddenly she remembered her prayer to the Goddess ...

Irina: (Right, I did ask if I could have new guy friends. I never asked for it to happen a certain way. Maybe this is a sign? Something I should go for? I mean, I don't like nobles but at least I would stand out a bit more, and I would have other people to socialize with other than Iso and Lev. This Lev Morgan thing is so gross I can't stand it.

She lowered her head a bit as she ran and her face became rather serious looking.

Irina: (If I'm the only one who would want the dress then that's my prayer being answered ... maybe. I'd ask Viveka about it but right now I need to get back to Lev. Maybe before we leave, but I think this might be it. This might be my chance to spread my own wings a little. In that case I'll take it.)

OOC: From hence forth, character segments will not be posted in order of importance, but instead in whatever order I damn well please because I'm tired of wasting time seeing to that minor detail. That is all.

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"I'm not quite sure what's wrong with Chase today," Conrad explained to her. "He's almost skipping he's so happy. Do you know any reason why he's acting so bizarre?" he inquired. "Is today special to him or something, or did something happen recently that I should know about, or do you think he's just feeling happy for once?"

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Hearing the noises of wyverns, Alferis followed the sounds till he found Lev.

"Hey there. You're Lev right? You're one of Ivanko's mercenaries and you use an axe right?" he said a little admirably.

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Pary moved closer to Sunny, with his hand trying to pet her. "Nice girl. Nice Pegasus. Nice wings. Here, have a cookie." He took a small cookie out of his pack to feed to her.

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Aiya was wandering rather aimlessly at the moment. With nothing to do, she hadn't a destination, and walked up and down the halls, admiring the sculpting of the walls.

They weren't quite as lustrous as the manor back home, but they were well crafted, or so they appeared... Aiya had no way to really tell.

As she was turning a corner, Aiya felt a rough impact as she was knocked unceremoniously on her ass. With a groan, she looked up to see what sort of assailant had rammed into her, only to see Irina sitting on the floor in a daze, in a position similar to her own.

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"I know you don't, but others do. If I can be just something of a remotely presentable woman to them, it would mean a lot to me." said Esphyr. "But you're right. Irina is probably where I should start. I can't see Tessa trying it out, Kelas doesn't have the curves, and Morgan would mind flay anyone who tried to take her measurements." she said before turning to head off and look for the girl.


All this time, the headmaster had been within her room. The normal clothes which she wore lay upon her bedpost as she had managed to find a mirror somewhere within the castle and was standing before it. Long dresses of shimmering green, sparkling like gemstones, flowed over her body like waves of impossibly soft and gentle silk as her six wings fanned out about her, each dotted with tiny gemstones that glittered in the light, shining like angelic gleam as she turned about.

The dress she wore at the moment was one of simple design. Something she considered to be a 'starting point'. Despite that notion, it was still wondrous. Smooth and near featureless initially, it seemed like waves of verdant cream upon the shores of the Headmasters body, softly rippling and wavering as winds, impossible to have formed within the closed room and formed of her power, gently rippled the fabric. Combined with the man glittering gemstones, it was as if whomever gazed upon her was resting gently upon some alien, but lovely, beach; looking up at a strange and wondrous night sky... And the Headmaster had not even started deciding what she was going to wear or where to go from this baseline.

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Susann sniffed the strange object wondering what it was. It smelled edible, but then again, even spoiling things were edible though Verry bad choices food-wise. It didn't smell like grapes or grass so she wasn't sure if she should be eating it. She knew that different creatures ate different things and felt that perhaps Pary thought her some other type of creature. Perhaps it was a treat for mules ... ... mules? She thought him a mule? Tears formed in her eyes and her pupils dilated before she took a few steps back.


Viveka: Special day? Hmm

She crossed her arms with one hand on her chin for a good two seconds and then broke off the gesture by quickly raising her finger up!

Viveka: Right! It's his birthday! He's Seventeen now. ... ohhh he's growing up so slow.

She giggled with her hand covering her mouth.

Viveka: Where is he? I can't buy him anything decent on such short notice, but I can always play councilor or something. I'm good with giving advice ... in my humble opinion.


Levski turned around noticing Alferis had spoken to him. He'd almost forgotten who he was himself with his two current jobs.

Lev: Not just axes. I can switch to a lance if things are really going that badly. Anyway, yeah. I'm Lev, second in command of Ivanko's mercenaries til I'm dead or he finds someone better. (Thank God, Xenia turned. The two things she didn't slack off in were Vodka and getting better at stabbing sh*t.)

The tone in his voice was confident, but hiding a fair bit of unease at the mention.


As her vision became clear again, she shook her head and cracked her neck. Then she saw Aiya and lit up a bit.

Irina: Oh, Aiya! I haven't seen you in a bit. The group's getting huge now and ...

She lowered her head a bit as she stood up and then offered Aiya a hand.

Irina: (Great, here I am focusing on guys and a silly dress and I'm forgetting people I know. Well maybe I can fix that at the ball? ... still not sure I want to be crowded by stuck up perfume wearing girly men nobles but ... I do want some kind of attention to see if I can win some more friends around here. Leaving the fortress sucked.) ... I'm sorry about that, I was in a hurry to bring Lev his stuff. I ... kinda of want to have that talk about the dress too. If nobody else minds, uh ... I want it. Heheh.

She nervously used her other hand to rub the back of her neck.

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"Second in command? Then you're the right person to ask. Master Lev, Irina has offered me membership at Ivanko's Mercenaries. And I was wondering if I can join. I know I haven't been doing so well in battle recently, but maybe I can spar and show you fully of what I've got if you need proof about my ability," said Alferis eagerly.

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"Yeah, it's been a little while, hasn't it Irina?" Aiya agreed, taking the other woman's hand and allowing herself to be pulled up.

As Irina began to apologize, Aiya giggled a little bit.

"It's alright Irina, I'm not made of glass or something." she replied with a smirk, giving Irina a playful shove.

"And you want the dress, eh? Well, I have one at home that I can send for, so I don't mind, anyway." Aiya continued, stalking towards Irina, and putting her into a light headlock.

"Besides, I think it'd look adorable on you, hehe~"

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"His birthday? That might explain things," Conrad replied. "Last I saw him he was looking for Morgan, so... he probably hasn't founder her yet. He's a good tracker, but that boy can't find people for his life. I swear he ran around the whole place at least twice..."

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Count Altair

"Bragolande," Luc said to the middle-aged man. "Inform the others to begin asking about the dress and armor. No need to tarry any longer."

"Yes sir," the servant replied and walked off.

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Seeing Pary eat another cookie he'd taken out of his strange bag, her ears twitched! What was this? The human thought that he himself is a mule? He thought she was some kind of mule too right? Was that it? Was he offering to mate? That didn't make any sense! She was a pegasus and he was a human! She was no mule and neither was he! He needed help! She was nervous and didn't want to give him the wrong impression so, she began flapping her wings and kicking up all manner of dust! As she flapped she nudged him along shoving with her head trying to get him to see that she was a pegasus!


Lev: You want to join us?

The look on Lev's face was half happy, and have perplexed. There was also a little frustration mixed in.

Lev: (With where we are now in the scheme of things, will these even matter? Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt.) I don't need to test you, Alferis. The training itself does that. We've turned villagers into berserkers, and waitresses into sword masters. It's just a matter of if you can get through the training and accept the responsibilities that go with being one of Ivanko's mercenaries. (Responsibilities ... oi ... I hate explaining these part ...)


Irina: Uh- adorable?! But I ... uh ...

She wasn't sure what to react to, the comment, or the embrace. It felt good that Aiya wasn't too scuffed up by their time apart though.

Irina: Umm ... do you think any of the other girls would want it ...?


Viveka: I should ask him to find the demons then. The others want to capture them. It's not a bad idea ... they're just too stupid to realize that an uncoordinated team is worthless no matter what the task is.

She quickly went into one of her traditional mocking routines.

Viveka: "You people! Light this candle!" Five minutes later there's a pile of idiots over a broken candle and the house was burned down around them in the chaos. That's a no go.

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Pary held his arms out and waved them like wing. "You fly right? F-l-y! Fly!" He pointed up."In the sky? Like a pegasus." He tried petting her again. "Right?"

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"Training? Good. I could always use some formal training," he said, remembering how he learned to wield the axe. Imitation was not exactly a good form of learning, especially when the person you were imitating was a unpolished bandit.

"And what sort of responsibilities? Be loyal and all that? I can do that. And throw everything you can at me. I'll grin and ask for more. You don't have to worry about me failing the test," he bragged, a little amazed at his own words.

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"Aww... did I make you nervous?" Aiya asked, teasing.

"The others... I can't really say. Esphyr might want it, since she's self-conscious of being a commoner, but I'm not sure about the others."

"Tell ya what. If you don't happen to get it, we can go dress shopping for you in one of those fancy places in Burgosas before we go, just you and me." Aiya continued with a smile, giving Irina another playful shove.

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Seeing that it was going to take a bit to leave, it seemed that Viveka and Sunny had wandered off. Deciding to look around himself, Derek found Alferis and Lev, the former talking to the latter about training.

"... How harsh is this training, anyways?" he inquired, thinking.

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Irina: Well, that does seem like a good idea ...

Suddenly she remembered the prayer again.

Irina: Urgh, I don't want to lose though. If Esphyr would really want it then we should probably find a way to settle it right? Well, regardless finding something fun to do together at the capital other than just the ball would be nice, heheh.


Lev: You sound confident. (We don't have many drop outs thanks to the insanity it takes to even consider the blood pact.) If you think you can handle it then that's all I need to hear.

Suddenly he remembered the procedures involved and got a little unnerved. He immediately tilted his head and scratched the side of it while putting on another perplexed face.

Lev: Oi. We're kind of in the middle of saving the world and whatnot. You'd have to either train at the fortress for the next few years, or I'd have to ...

Cutting himself off, he started to figure that it wasn't really that, only a wee bit inconvenient.

Lev: Alright, we're too busy to head back to the fortress. That means I'll have to train you myself until these mission of ours is over. Ivanko'll finish your training after that. The blood pact can wait. ... ... ... still interested?

The look on his face when he asked was a bit too similar to Morgan's during her interrogations. Around the same time Derek inquired about the difficulty of the training. Lev smirked a bit.

Lev: Well we turn out women like Irina who aren't even a little gruff so it's not the toughest course in the world, but an average of three years of brutal Zaftran military training is ... well ... brutal. (Viveka would complain ...)


What was this? He was flapping his arms like a pegasus now? He must want to mate no matter what and has convinced himself that he is whatever he thinks I am! That was wrong, just wrong, she thought! She quickly began pulling on his collar trying to snap him out of it!

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"Blood Pact? I doubt it's necessary, but if you insist, I'll do it for you. And thanks for offering to train me, I really appreciate it. I'm mostly self taught, so this should be great," Alferis said smiling.

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