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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Returning from the baths, Alferis asked for directions to the changing room and he arrived there very quickly. He found a suit of ceremonial armor hanging on the wall along with a blue shirt, black vest, white gloves, light brown boots and a pair of dark black pants. He put all this on, but realized he had no idea how to put on the armor. He was going to ask Damian for help and wandered around the castle when he saw a blond haired man with dark robes and the woman who healed him earlier talking to Damian and the Headmaster. Curious, he moved closer, though the aura of dark magic gave Alferis a bad feeling, a pit forming in his stomach.

"Huh? What's going on?"

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Hallway of Secrets

With Stephanie distracted by Kelas' raving, Ixion turned back to the headmaster with a look of near anger on his face! His tone carried more than just a little aggression as well.

Ixion: Do you want to start an incident? You dancing with anyone MYSELF ESPECIALLY is going to result in no less than a cataclysmic nightmare. This is why I call you irresponsible. Do us a favor and stay off the dance floor yourself, don't consume any alcohol, and try not to get in my way this time.

Damian's mention of apprentices caught Ixion's attention instantly.

Ixion: An apprentice who doesn't practice some sort of magic is highly unorthodox. It isn't however something I would avoid over something as pathetic as a taboo. As for actual apprenticeship, that would take some molding and fashioning of our current situation. You are traveling with this group to defeat the demon king, and I am carrying out Ivanko's current orders in the manner which I see fit.

Stephanie quickly turned to Kelas whom Iso was barely able to keep on his feet while following and huffed!

Stephanie: My head is not in the clouds, young Nomad! Ixion has an important meeting that he cannot miss! He can chat with his friends later, and all of us can discuss this demon business later as well!

Ixion's gaze shot to Isotov and Kelas.

Ixion: (... I don't have time for this nonsense tonight ...)

Irina and Levski

Lev: Thanks. I may be good at this but a little assistance from Lady Luck herself is always appreciated.

Irina: She's totally going to try to kill you again.

Lev: ... anything's possible. Hey, Heinz, don't wander too far before the ball starts. Irina gets really shy when she's lonely! Heheh.

Irina: o_o

EDIT: Added Lev.

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"Alright, if you say so, Arrin. I guess sometimes I just worry too much then," accepting his explanation she closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

"I'm also probably taking things too far, personally... trying to make well with everyone. Maybe I'm spreading myself too thin, by trying to be there for all of you, I miss out on some of the ones who are needing the most. When I find myself thinking that, though, it leads to just trying harder... which is probably what caused me to overwork myself that once." Sighing, she raised a gloved hand to her forehead.

"So maybe in some ways I'd be better off if I were more reserved, like you are, you know? But I can't really help it... which I guess means you likely can't either... So, maybe just keep doing what you're doing."

"It is reassuring, though," she added, opening her eyes again and facing the mage, "...to hear that you still think I'm a good friend. And I am really glad we met. I wonder... no... nevermind." With a shake of the head, she ended things there for the moment.

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"If the 'important meeting' is you stuffing him into some silks and dragging him off to dance, it damn well can wait! I'm not just gonna stand there while he goes and half-kills my friends, or when he might have the weapon or the knowledge necessary to save my brother's life!" Kelas wasn't shouting anymore since she had Stephanie's attention, but she saw no need to be civil if Stephanie wasn't going to be.

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"I travel to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame, yes. If a detour allows me to become more capable of doing so... then is the goal not achieved anyway? As for apprentices who do not practice magic... this lance is a magical entity. So long as I hold it, hexes are my domain. My only obstacle in that regard, is a lack of knowledge on performing them. With that knowledge, and this lance, the potential is staggering." Damian replied to Ixion, fire in his eyes.

'I could actually learn to control this blasted thing... use it in more ways than I ever imagined... if this group, chosen to save the world... cannot pull itself together... then all I can do is pick up the slack!'

As Alferis approached, Damian replied to him.

"I think I may hove found a man who can teach me to control this lance Alferis... to control my curse..."

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Running down the halls crying, she ran into Stephenie, knocking her to the ground.



Cess walked down the halls slowly, looking for Rita. Walking towards the front gate, he notice a young man dressed in ceremonial armor. "Excuse me, have you seen a woman with blue hair around here?"


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"Tightwad." snipped the Headmaster before turning to Damian. "As for you, I would recommend against becoming Ixion's apprentice. A long time ago, I made the mistake of telling someone in a near-identical situation that she couldn't control her weapon. I know it's difficult, but you do have control. Becoming his apprentice won't help you gain or lose it any more than being held underwater will help you swim. Not to mention he deals in the shadier aspects of magic and likely is only offering to you so that he can either study or take your weapon. I understand now what a burden it is to have one of those weapons, and I know better. I know I can't offer to train you like he can, but I can assure you on my life that I also won't do anything to harm you."


Belated response.

A soft chuckle slithered through the air, snaking across the ground and through the staleness of the place with viper-like malice. "Been so long Tanair. So long since I last saw you. What was it, comatose beneath the ruined rubble of our home? Crushed under the destruction caused by these firstborn whom you now defend?" Her words spoken, Helenos made herself known. Stepping out from behind a rotten tree, she moved with serene grace. Her form human, clad in the dress of black scales which she wore, she seemed like a cruel and malicious sorcerer.

"Do you even know what I did sister? I gave us hope. I gave this world hope. I set it free from the petty squabble of our two lovestruck deities. So what if I choose to make myself queen? We all choose our own path now. I just chose better than these pitiful fools, still praying their beloved goddess while in the same breath sapping her might. You've come to stop me, I assume?" she said looking Tanair in the eye, a harsh, yet guarded look in her own. She stepped forwards, approaching Tanair with her arms out-streached, as if to hug her. "Just one hug before we begin, for the sake of time-tossed siblinghood."

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Hallway of Argumentation

While Ixion conversed with Damian and the headmaster who was looking "FABULOUUUUUUS" by the way, Stephanie retorted quite rapidly to Kelas while Iso listened, a bit unnerved.

Stephanie: What are you talking about?! Ixion isn't merely here to attend the ball! He is here as the representative of Ivanko's Mercenaries! He has a very important meeting before the ball starts and he cannot be late!

She quickly slowed down a bit at the mention of Kelas' brother and took a much more concerned and softened tone.

Stephanie: ... your brother you say? Is his life in danger or something of the sort?

Iso: Grrr! Stephanie, being severed from our crimson weapons is KILLING us! Morgan nearly died, and now Arrin and I have been severed! I have no idea how long we can last, but I'm blind now, my hearing is getting spotty, Arrin is only doing a little better than I am, and if we don't get Proxima and Daranau back soon we're history.

Stephanie's face sunk into fear for the both of them! Ixion let out a slight grin at Damian.

Ixion: (Absolute determination even at a risk such as this ...)

The headmaster's reply to Damian made Ixion roll his eyes.

Ixion: You can neither harm Damian nor help him, headmaster, so you are entirely irrelevant in this matter. As for training, that can be done. I can teach you to conquer that lance through sheer will power. The offer is open for you but know this, I have my orders and I cannot deviate from them.

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"That is all well and good, headmaster... but how can you say I have control? When the situation grows unfavourable, I go into a berserk rage... how can you call that control? You are the same way, are you not? Controlled by an instinct inside of you, that you can do naught but give into? If this training will allow me to defeat that, he can study the lance all he wants in the process... I have already been forced to endure unspeakable torture in study of this... thing. Once more is nothing!" Damian replied with fervor, punching the palm of his own hand.

"I do not know what your orders are, but if they do not interfere, then there is no issue with them. You work for Ivanko, and if necessary, I may hire your services for a time, no? Learning to control and make use of this weapon... this tool... is but one rung on the ladder of what I plan to do... must do. But it is a rung necessary to the completion of any other..."

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Running down the halls crying, she ran into Stephenie, knocking her to the ground.



Pary walked into the dressing room. It was close to the ball now, and he needed some fancier robes.

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"That's different." said Mana before muttering. "It was meant to be a self-defense mechanism against demons, but I can't use it right because I'm part human." she said, turning her head down in disappointment. For a moment, a single silvery tear almost seemed to be forming upon her eye, only for it to be blinked away a moment later as she returned to the cheery smile. "Damian, please. Listen to the wise spirit woman whom is far older than you. Trying to control the weapon through power will only lead to you becoming like it. I did my research after Esphyr stormed out on me. Hellfire and light, mixed together. But not equally. It is still hellfire at it's core, only tempered by light. It still is a weapon of power, and trying to control it with power only makes it stronger. You may seem to have control, but it will only be because you are becoming like it. I would wager Esphyr has tried so long to try and overpower her own weapon, only to give in to her wrath. Is that such a surprise when the weapon is called 'The Sword of Bloody Wrath'? What do you think will happen? That you will suddenly become able to bottle it up with ease? Let me tell you, it won't." she said. Then she turned to Ixion. "I hope you enjoy the ball Ixion. I will give you one warning though. If you lay ill hand on one of these children, you and me are going for a little flight." she said before turning away, the sheen of a tear staining her cheek.

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"Err I think so." Tristan replied to Cess. "She seemed to be running somewhere, didn't pay her much attention."

Morgan heard the commotion out in the hall and stepped in the hall. "What is-oh it's you." she said spotting Ixion. "What is is important that you feel the need to drain the lifeforce of my companions again?" she asked, foregoing traditional greetings.

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True Power

Ixion turned back to Damian as the headmaster walked off.

Ixion: The choice is yours. As I recall she offered you no solutions. Only warnings. I offered you a solution.

He then turned slightly to watch her walk away, a slight grin on his face.

Ixion: Hmph. (There may yet be a way to remove her as an obstacle yet ...)

Suddenly a loud crash sounded off as Rita inadvertently tackled Stephanie to the floor!

Stephanie: ARGH!!! What is this!! Release me at once!! Off!! Off!!

Once she pushed Rita off of herself, she followed up with a powerful magic attack that was nearly blinding in its divine light! Rita was sent flying ten feet from Stephanie before the upset Priestess stood up again.

Stephanie: The nerve of some people! Hmph!

Ixion: Heh.

Iso: (Did Stephanie just injure someone?)

Suddenly Isotov heard Morgan's voice and Ixion turned to face her right in time for her rude greeting replacement.

Ixion: As usual you and your so called allies are focusing on the wrong issue. Isotov may be a worthless wretch but I cannot allow him to die until I'm positive the repercussions aren't too costly. I took what I could and nothing more.

Iso: (Grrrrrrrrr!)

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"You are far too sure of yourself." Morgan chastised Ixion. "Draining lifeforce is no simple matter, especially from such a distance, and our mission means far more than your life." she told him.

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Yeah, we're still talking in the hallway

Ixion: Why don't you look at the results? As for the value of my life, you're all worth sacrificing in the event I was about to lose my life. That is the essence of human nature and everyone here reeks of it. Your quest to defeat the demon king is nothing more than an attempt to save yourselves, and you ARE failing. Do yourselves a favor and consider allowing yourselves to be severed and cast aside. If you truly want to save this world then you'll pass the task to individuals more capable than yourselves.

Iso had had it!


Ixion: You already have ...

Iso: Grrrrrr!! You!!

Stephanie walked over to Rita and knelt down, slightly concerned, but highly annoyed.

Stephanie: Exactly who goes running through the halls like a madwoman not even looking where they are going?!

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"You cannot just reattach Crimson Weapons at will" Morgan retorted. "Only certain individuals have the predisposition for them and attaching them to improper hosts could go very poorly. It is far too risky to give a Crimson Weapon to a non-wielder unless there is no other choice."

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While Kelas held Isotov back Ixion replied as usual.

Ixion: There may be no other choice. You lot have proven time and time again that you couldn't possibly deal with a real problem if one arises. Sheer undefined luck seems to be all that keeps you together and alive.

Iso: I won't give up. I'll get back Proxima, protect my friends, and kill anyone who tries to stop us.

Ixion: You see while Isotov has Proxima, the tome was originally meant for his sister Irina. The demons chose her, but Isotov became power hungry and somehow convinced them to bind the tome to him instead.

Iso: That was to protect her, you bastard! You, Ivanko, and my father wouldn't do anything!

Ixion: Morgan, these tomes have to go to someone. I believe that you've proven to not be the right people. So what if binding these tomes to new wielders would end poorly? One life is enough to sacrifice for your lie of a quest. Why not a hundred, or a thousand? What is it that makes Isotov's life more "meaningful" than some other worthy fire mage? What makes you the right shamaness for this? Because you are destined for that tome? I have a very difficult time believing that.

Iso: (No one else. I'm the only one that can wield Proxima. Ixion, you're wrong!)

EDIT: Title edit

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Luc Altair

There was a growing commotion outside of the practice room that Luc was doing his best to ignore. But as more of the patrons inside departed to deal with the noise, and only added to it, Luc felt it would be best if he tried his hand at soothing things. Especially after he heard someone yell about the Crimson Fire Tome -- something Luc had not reported on. If that was true, things were rapidly approaching an out of hand nature and significant intervention would be necessary.

Luc got up from the seat he didn't remember sitting in and excused himself again from the room. When he found the source of the yelling, he was greeted with multiple people he didn't recognize. Luc held back at the sight of them. It would be useless to approach them without first listening in a bit.

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"There is no such thing as luck." Morgan said. "Perhaps a series of unusual coincidences. but we have managed to survive what has been thrown at us so far regardless. Things may get worse, but for now I would not call our mission a failure."

"There may be other more qualified wielders for the Crimson Weapons, but I do not believe I have met them." Morgan said simply. "There could possibly be a fire mage as suited for Proxima as Isotov, but I do not think it would be wise to involve demons for a slight improvement in performance."

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"Indeed," Heinz responded. Then again, I don't test my luck like you do, smirking slightly at Lev's last statement. "Don't worry, I won't," tensing his jaw only slightly in irritation. Seems like she's embarassed, but there are other things I need to catch up on first. I can't be stuck here playing guard dog till the ball.

Heinz frowned, turning towards the door as the commotion in the hall grew worse. Looks like Morgan's taking care of it though. "Should we practice dancing for a bit then? It's probably better to get used to walking in those," pointing at Irina's feet.

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"Stupid Eric! Stupid boys! Stupid everyone!" Rita tried to hide herself to no avail from the mysterious cleric woman.



"Thank you." Cess bgan to walk down the hall towards where the man pointed.

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Ixion: It isn't as simple as an improvement in performance. It could very well be the difference between success and failure. From where I'm standing you are all doomed at this point and you're going to end up taking the crimson weapons with you when you die.

He let out a sigh and then looked her in the eye.

Ixion: Very well. If you will not listen to reason then continue on with your mission and just pray that I'm wrong and that this dysfunctional pile of failure can "save the world".

He then turned to Isotov who of course couldn't even see him.

Ixion: This seems to be a fitting curse for you. Your greed won you that tome and now that you've lost it, you can't tell who your true friends are, can you? Your sister had so much potential until you stole it from her in a desperate attempt for power that you called "protection". Pathetic.

Iso: I was protecting her!

Ixion: ... because telling yourself that makes it true? Listen well you worthless neanderthal. When and if you fail to complete your mission, I will personally put you down like the dog you are. The fact that you received Proxima instead of Irina is an awful joke, and failure is the final insult.

Iso: Tch! What are you waiting for, you coward?! I'm severed and I've lost all real value to this group, and on top of that, I'm standing right here! You won't get a better shot than this!

Ixion: Despite my point of view, Morgan is right. You people haven't failed just yet. In addition I would rather not be assaulted from five different directions and have to risk destroying crimson weapons.

He then turned back to Morgan with a stern look on his face.

Ixion: You are taking an awful risk with these people ...


Not far away Stephanie was investigating Rita's wild behavior and was a bit ... surprised by what she heard.

Stephanie: You are running through the halls with your eyes covered because of boys?! While I'll admit that men can be quite difficult to deal with I refuse to warrant socially unacceptable behavior from myself and others over them, and neither should you.

Irina and Levski

Levski waved to them as he walked off to find something in all black. As much as Irina wanted to not embarrass herself at the ball itself, she also didn't want to embarrass herself anywhere else either. She was going to need some practice at the very least.

Irina: Sure ... J-just promise you won't let me fall. If some of the other mercs saw me like this they would be laughing until ... err well ... until they were embarrassed. (I guess it's fitting pay back when that happens teehee.)

EDIT: Added Stephanie bit

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"Okay then." He said regaining his composure. "Sorry Alt, if i remember correctly, the Headmaster didnt have a date. Ask her." Turning to Dani, he sighed. "Thanks Dani. I was so close to skipping out on the ball." He remarked.

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"Well, I guess it's good I chose you, Heli. No one should miss out on these kinds of things," Dani said, taking the wind mage's hand. "Come on, let's practice a little, before the ball." Pulling her date over to the floor, the thunder mage began to lead him in a few separate dances, to see how good he was at dancing.

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