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Dub or Sub


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Because I prefer the natural language, and I have crap hearing anyway.

Subs lets me know what is going on without having to repeat the damn scene 50 times because my hearing sucks and can't catch that one bit, and generally, the natural language in which the anime/show/movie is made conveys emotion better.

I don't mind dubs if they're decent, but it's my hearing that's crap.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Either. I really don't have a preference one way or the other, though I do think that Japanese voice acting tends to be overrated.

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real acting: subbed, hate dubbed for this~

animated: preferably subbed, dubbed is okay too~

if it's Dutch or English from origin, obviously I don't need either of them.

if it's Japanese or Chinese, please dub, for some reason I can't stand listening to that...

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Like most it depends on which one I watch first. For instance, I would never watch the Japanese dub of Pokemon because it sounds funny compared to the English dub, which I heard first. Sometimes I like subs because they are easy to find, though dubs are steadily becoming widespread on the internet so that excuse no longer holds. Oh well, like I said it depends on which I watch first.

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I hate dubs. If I were president of the universe dubs would be banned. Subs allow you to experience two languages. Dubs replace one language with another (most dubs I see replace the language I understand with one I don't) while ruining the ceative product they are supposed to show. Subs teach you languages, dubs teach you arrogance.

(I love complaining about dubs)

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It's up to the person's preference if they rather hear or read what they watch, but I prefer subs I don't mind reading the text and I usually prefer watching what the anime, movie, or video game was originally voice in it's just my preference. I don't really mind dubs I'll watch a dub if there's a favorite VA in it (Michael McConnohie) or if it's great (Like Metal Gear Solid).

Edited by Generic Officer
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Scryed has an amazing English dub and its the only version I watched.

Depends on the VAs hired, really. If it's that guy from Chrono Crusade I will bitch on how similar all his voices are (nasally teen), but if its someone like Miyano *cough Dento cough* then I'd love to listen to him because he tends go the extra mile and give us a more dramatic voice.

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Either is fine with me, though it depends on which I watched first.

Gurren Lagann I watched subbed because I saw it first I like the Japanese Kamina better.

Black Lagoon I watch dubbed because it seems like it was made to be seen in English.

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It starts.

Subbed. It's better to get the original idea instead of the dubbers sometimes making some mistake.

Subbers make mistakes just as often. Dubs these days are always faithful, so you can pretty much guarantee getting the right experience.

I hate dubs. If I were president of the universe dubs would be banned. Subs allow you to experience two languages. Dubs replace one language with another (most dubs I see replace the language I understand with one I don't) while ruining the ceative product they are supposed to show. Subs teach you languages, dubs teach you arrogance.

(I love complaining about dubs)

If you think you'll learn another language just by watching subbed shows, you're very naive. It'll help, but you won't get too far unless you actually take classes. "Dubs teach you arrogance?" Where does that come from?

I love arguing against dub haters. (You should have seen me on MAL)

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It starts.

Subbers make mistakes just as often. Dubs these days are always faithful, so you can pretty much guarantee getting the right experience.

If you think you'll learn another language just by watching subbed shows, you're very naive. It'll help, but you won't get too far unless you actually take classes. "Dubs teach you arrogance?" Where does that come from?

I love arguing against dub haters. (You should have seen me on MAL)

I also love getting counterarguments : D

You won't learn an entire language, but you are very likely to pick up some from it subconsciously. I'm living proof, I knew very much English before we started learning it at school, and I was.. watching too much tv.

The following is partly prejudice but not totally, but a general thing for France, Spain and Germany is that they avoid English to elevate their own language. Half the time I watch channels from those countries it is something made in an English-speaking country which has been dubbed. Usually it sounds unnatural, the voices don't fit the actors, the sound is badly incorporated with the sound of the show etc. Apart from displaying arrogance, this gives a wrongful picture of the product to children and prevents them from learning some of the original language.

Of course my arguments are weaker against cartoons and anime, but I believe them to stand there as well and prefer subs. Excluding programs with target groups too young to read. (Oh yeah, subs improve reading skills too)

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Subbers make mistakes just as often. Dubs these days are always faithful, so you can pretty much guarantee getting the right experience.

I really don't want to get involved in this argument, but I just want to say that this is very true. Subbers are just as human as people who work on dubs and they are every bit as prone to making mistakes. I've also seen some subs that were so poorly written that it seemed as though the person who wrote them had a profound lack of understanding of both the Japanese and English languages.

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Subs teach you languages,

The only thing you're really going to get out of subs is how a language sounds. Beyond that, you might pick up phrases that don't mean what you think they do, and even when you do you don't know the proper application of the term outside of a cartoon.

If you consider that learning, you'd find your time best spent elsewhere.

dubs teach you arrogance.

Are you on something

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You won't learn an entire language, but you are very likely to pick up some from it subconsciously. I'm living proof, I knew very much English before we started learning it at school, and I was.. watching too much tv.

Like I said, it will help, but it will only really matter if you also take classes in the language. The thing is that some people think they can become fluent in a language by watching shows subbed in their own language, which might be possible but it would take much, much longer than anyone would actually want to try it for.

One more thing, and since I'm arguing this for anime primarily, even if you learn something like Japanese from anime, you won't exactly be at an advanced level because anime dialogue for the most part is not at all complicated. You learned Japanese from watching Naruto? Congratulations, you now know middle schooler Japanese.

The following is partly prejudice but not totally, but a general thing for France, Spain and Germany is that they avoid English to elevate their own language. Half the time I watch channels from those countries it is something made in an English-speaking country which has been dubbed. Usually it sounds unnatural, the voices don't fit the actors, the sound is badly incorporated with the sound of the show etc. Apart from displaying arrogance, this gives a wrongful picture of the product to children and prevents them from learning some of the original language.

I can only speak for English dubs. I am unaware of the quality of dubs of other languages.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Either is cool, unless dub sounds like shit. Mostly dubs since there on TV or on demand and I'm too busy to watch on internet.


Though one I should mention was Clannad... "Fujibayashi" became "Fujibashi" ._.


I respect good dubs ._.

Also, on the picking up the language thing... Two of my native speaking Japanese friends say that watching shows will help... You'll pick up on vocab and such... especially if you watch RAW and THEN subs alternating as you watch each episode.

They also said it's pretty simple Japanese. To actually watch shows that use the everyday language, you'd have to watch like talk shows and crap like that.

English dubs are generally pretty acceptable... like I said I RESPECT good dubs...

Now for a horrible dub? Toradora in TAGALOG... HA HA HA HA HA HA...

I was almost ashamed of my origins there when they did that. They also kept the "kun" and "san" honorifics within the Tagalog dub which just made it sound HELLA awkward. I couldn't get past the first episode, since I only decided to watch it for the lulz. I almost puked. It was like... It was comparable to the "Chaos Wars" or "Arc Rise Fantasia" game English voice acting.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Subbers make mistakes just as often. Dubs these days are always faithful, so you can pretty much guarantee getting the right experience

I agree on that point. I just prefer subs becuase I like the VAs better. But not all dubs are as faithful. It depends on the what you watch.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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