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Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Mafia (COMPLETE!!!)


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If there is a doc, doc on fayt 100%.

50%. We want the doc to actually stop an attack, and if he protects me for certain, that means that the mafia will just target someone else. Besides, without any proof that I'm actually innocent, I think it's unwise to rely on me to do all the work. Besides, do you really want someone known for screwing up at the last second to be the town's saving grace? The town might not live to regret it. :(

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Did I do bad?

*Checks number of townies I killed*


you know

after that CARA game where I had the amazing role and got killed N1 for the first time in the history of the CARA games that I've played

i don't really give a shit anymore

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So lets see...

Tables went for unknown protected townie. He and the BG died.

Bizz looked at Tables. And ended up dieing.

Rennac hid against tables.

So Either Ether attacked me and there is a vig.

or vig attacked me (Vig that wasn't cool.) and Ether killed Knoll.

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You got me, Fayt. I'm Carlyle, the Serial Killer.

Considering how many deaths there seem to be around here, wouldn't a hired gun be a boon? Fayt can give me kill orders, and the doc can be on his ass. Lynch me if I shoot someone else, whatever. I hate to die on D2 just because the cop got a lucky scan, and I know I can't win this game now. It's up to you. Lynch me, and if the Vig goes down, you've got no night presence.

So here's my offer. Let me taste the sweet air a while longer, and you've got yourself a free sharpshooter. Bein alive is so much better than bein dead, and it's not like you don't know who I am when the mafia goes down.

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I don't really like that idea, simply for the fact that you HAVE to kill every night, so if we don't have a probable mafia target, then we have to just kill someone random.

However, I will ##Unvote Ether until the town decides what to do.

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