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I don't understand why people enjoy GREASY CHARRED MEAT!!!

in fact.....i don't understand the point of human life...other than to use up the planet's resources.

Go kill yourself.

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I don't understand why people enjoy GREASY CHARRED MEAT!!!

in fact.....i don't understand the point of human life...other than to use up the planet's resources.

Life. What is life but a vacuum cleaner! The suck! Oh how life sucks like a vacuum, ever consuming, ever inhaling its surroundings! Woe! Woe to life, that consuming chasm!

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I don't understand why people enjoy GREASY CHARRED MEAT!!!

in fact.....i don't understand the point of human life...other than to use up the planet's resources.

It's only a resource because humans are able to tap into its usage. For instance, shit is a resource for humans because plants are a resource for humans because the nutrients in plants are a resource for humans because ATP is a resource for humans.


Edited by SeverIan
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I don't understand why people enjoy GREASY CHARRED MEAT!!!

in fact.....i don't understand the point of human life...other than to use up the planet's resources.

I can't.

Im unsure about gods existance so i can still use this:

God put me here to do a certain amount of things. I'm so far behind i can never die.

So, human life has no positive point, but your life, does? Please watch what you type.

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My brother's band did a screamo cover of that song.

Now my brother, who used to not like pop, loves listening to her and wants to make another screamo cover...

And me........ eh... ew. *Sticks to the screamo and metal and christian screamo and other stuff she listens to with awesome guitar and awesome drums*

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My brother's band did a screamo cover of that song.

Now my brother, who used to not like pop, loves listening to her and wants to make another screamo cover...

And me........ eh... ew. *Sticks to the screamo and metal and christian screamo and other stuff she listens to with awesome guitar and awesome drums*

I personally prefer JAM Project, but that's my Otaku speaking.

And yes, Bacon is awesome, FMPOV.

i don't know what those things are...so i can be unsure about my existance.


OK, so, I think it's generally agreed that you are a human. You said that humans have pointless lives. Then you said that you, a human, was placed by God to do certain things, in other words, your life has a point. PICK A SIDE.

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OK, so, I think it's generally agreed that you are a human. You said that humans have pointless lives. Then you said that you, a human, was placed by God to do certain things, in other words, your life has a point. PICK A SIDE.

i never said human lives were pointless.

I said i don't understand the point of human lives.

Just because i don't understand something doesn't make it pointless.

sorry if im not making any sense...I just woke up, posted, went back to sleep, woke up, and im posting again. I'm pretty much sleep-typing right now.

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I don't know, they're animals that I'm not seeing when they're killed, and I like to think we're a part of nature's cycle and just doing our job. Besides, we're designed to be omnivores. And all of that aside, I just...can't get enough meat. Everyone tells me I'm too carnivorous. : (

Also, plants do feel. Maybe not pain, but they go under a lot of stress when you do something terrible to them (cutting, burning, etc.). I kind of feel more empathy for plants because I admire them a lot. They're so quiet, so serene, so content. They're just doing their own thing, living their lives in a corner of the world. If they're taken care of, they grow strong and healthy but if not, they quietly wilt away and die. It's so inspiring; they accept whatever comes their way, and they never object to anything.

Hmm, I see what you're saying. And I would agree with you that we're omnivores. And it WOULD'VE been part of nature's cycle if we hunted it ourselves and needed it to survive. It's not natural anymore because the farms today aren't anything like the idyllic green pastures and barnyards. These days we treat animals like machines or products in a factory, with no concern or value for their life. They are put into crammed wire cages where they are never allowed to see the sun or run in grass, and stuffed with antibiotics and drugs to make them grow faster. Then they're just shipped off and slaughtered.

People are brainwashed into having no value of life unless it's human, and that's what pisses me off, mostly.

If you really love meat, it would be really great if you could at least support local farms that treat their animals kindly. I think they're called free range?

Yeah plants are actually pretty amazing, when you put it that way. Since I moved to canada I've been looking at all the trees and flowers and stuff, and it's kind of cool to think that they're growing this very second, except it's too miniscule for us to see. :3

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Only the people who take care of the livestock don't consider their worth.

Eating their meat is better than letting the animal suffer there or letting it go to waste.

The meat on your plate (and, indirectly, the eggs and dairy products on your plate) came from animals who were created and killed only for one reason: You, and others like you, were going to buy the flesh, bodily fluids, and eggs from the animals. In other words, you are financing - in effect, dictating - that those animals be killed. They are killed because of your demand.

If you stopped eating meat, fewer animals would be killed. If many people stopped eating meat, the number of animals killed would drop precipitously.


No. D: maybe one day though. my parents say it's unhealthy and I gotta wait until I'm at least 20. I'm vegetarian though. :3 and no dairy.

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