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Japanese Exchange Students


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As I said, aspiring writer. When you add to this my rather loosely-defined relationly status and MSG-based diet, I'm essentially the protagonist of pretty much any gaming/music/writing/whatever-related slice-of-life webcomic distilled into a slight 5'5 frame.

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Obviously, you can't be the star of an efficiency comic (and neither can I, seeing as I usually finish a certain chapter of SD with a triple digit turn count).

You're about the same height as me, and that scares me more than anything else I've seen on these forums.

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Meh. With regard to turncounts I'm average mostly due to a lack of wanting to expend effort. A hundred turns of arena/boss abuse or whatever...don't sit well with me.

That's another thing. The exchange students appear to actually care about their work. This disturbs me.

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Alas, I have failed my ancestry in everything. Oh well.

The triple digit turn count is mostly due to the fact that I don't trust the RNG. If I can get a couple of characters to get a certain amount of Speed by that point, the battle goes much faster. It's not abuse, it's my lack of faith!

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That brings me to my next problem. The language barrier.

Dunno how much longer they'll hang 'round the school. Last thing I knew they were being introduced to vegemite. It was possibly interesting and definintely very cliche.

Note to foreigners; Vegemite is only good spread very, very thinly over the butter. Nobody else ever seems to understand this.

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So it's not like the poor man's peanut butter? >_>

Now I have the urge to sing "Land Down Under" >_>

Oh, it still is. It's very overrated. But it's not the crap that people who spread it thickly believe it is. It's also good for hangovers.

Don't. Please.

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As I said, aspiring writer. When you add to this my rather loosely-defined relationly status and MSG-based diet, I'm essentially the protagonist of pretty much any gaming/music/writing/whatever-related slice-of-life webcomic distilled into a slight 5'5 frame.

aye, but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18 so that you may be written into fanfics where you're more than just the shota-bait and a target for every random blunt object, like koosh balls. we wouldn't want to deprive Roxas of his audience, afterall

That's another thing. The exchange students appear to actually care about their work. This disturbs me.

Indeed, it is a pox upon the world. Next thing you know, they'll claim they have feelings.

Note to foreigners; Vegemite is only good spread very, very thinly over the butter. Nobody else ever seems to understand this.

I dunno, I don't trust any substance that is meant to be spread on things in the first place. :mellow:

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The Japanese exchange students at my school are having trouble with their classes because their english isn't good enough to make sense of the projects. One of my friends is TAing one of the classes they are in and said a lot of them wanted to do their project on a famous american prior to 1865 on Barack Obama.

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I once saw a Spanish Exchange trip go to my hometown once, they went to the Boots in the Howard Centre. It was weird because the only people who have heard of Welwyn Garden City are people who have lived/worked in Hertfordshire at some point in their life.

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