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Ken Zomg's Sprites or Something

Ken Zomg

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I was trained to put stuff together for comedic effect, so I guess that's why I like splicing. Photoshop class in 4th grade, ftw XD

But I guess, all spriters to their own methods. Even though I'm not a spriter

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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt that it shouldn't be too close to Ephraim's animation, because it would appear lazy. (BwdYeti himself said, "Ephraim isn't a Halberdier!")

I might edit the throw later, and the dodge is good enough as it is. For the female, I can probably just remove some leg armor and add a long-haired head.

Edited by Kendolph McWangburger Zomg
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  • 1 month later...

And like a phoenix, Ken Zomg's sprite thread comes back, forgets how to fly, and crashes into a building! Yay!

So, while I've not been posting sprites, I've been training my spriting skills. Training hard. (not really, I didn't really train at all.)


Training hard. Yeahh. Wait...


It's-a Silver. You know? From Pokemon? 75% custom-sprited, I would estimate.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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You dang kids and your fullbodies.


I was going to put clothes on her, but I was too lazy. That might be a lie.

Will finish this at some point, through the ragequits and tablet slams.

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My eyes @__@

Ken, the first thing I always link when it comes to full/half bodies and shading, is this:


This is, probably, the best reference you can find for half bodies, especially when it comes to bikinis.

So... The breasts are in the wrong spot, or at least, the cleavage should be more the the left (OPV). Only a little, though, like, 2 pixels. Maybe just 1.

Her armpit needs to be down farther, because it looks like it's cutting into her arm, atm XD

You've got a generally decent shape down, so, the only real fault with this is the shading. If you could refine the shading, then it would look really good.

Also, on the foot, the curve of the bottom is too harsh.

The bikini bottom needs to curve more here:


And you need to learn about anti-aliasing for pretty much all of the clothing XD

Keep going, Ken. You can do it :)

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While that is true, it is good to reference Merc for how sprites are shaded because sprite shading is completely different from realistic shading (or I wouldn't suck so badly at it).

Reference photos for anatomy and how the light hits it, but Merc's halfbodies for how spriteshading actually work.

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I was going to mention the Merc and how he inspired me to make this. For some reason I completely forgot to reference his sprites.

All right, I won't disappoint you! :D

Wtf did I just get myself into...?

Sprites are real different from paintings, huh?

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Hokay! This is a good start, Ken! But there are some anatomy issues that need fixed.

Your Marisa is seven head measurements tall, which is fine. Here's a diagram of a body seven heads tall, with anime proportions alongside it, if you prefer those. (I didn't draw this, and it's not perfect - the crotch and the wrists don't line up, for example - but it's adequate, and what I could easily find.)


Looking at where the different "head lines" fall, we can divide up the figure and see if she's sized right. Applying the picture above to Marisa, we see this.


This shows us that:

- Her boobs should be bigger, and extend farther down (isn't that great?)

- The right elbow (opv) is too high

- The waist and hip placement are okay, but the crotch is too far down

- The left leg needs to be longer

- The right knee should be higher up

- The lower right leg is too long

- The right foot needs moved up.

Other problem areas:

- Her left arm has no wrist - her arm connects right to her hands. Have the lower arm taper to the slim width of the wrist.

- Her leg shapes are kind of undefined and blobby. This reference should help. Also, Google image search is your friend. Mom it's for research I swear

- The pose is weird, insofar as she looks like she's floating and not standing on anything. Mess with the feet to try to make her more grounded. That Posemaniacs ref will be a big help.

Good luck in your further Marisa-ing. ^_^

Edit: Uhh, I messed up the numbering on that diagram. It's only supposed to go up to seven, oops. The lines are still correct, though.

Edited by Astelaine
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Pretty much going to second Astelaine's suggestion. In addition, April's suggestion of leaving her unclothed is actually not a bad idea. Good anatomy should follow the naked test (and maybe solve that breast problem that a bunch of spriters seem to have...)

The shading too makes her seem to lack any sort of contours. Limbs could use more accurate shapes instead of just cylinders. Her right wrist is also quite wonky along with a disturbingly flat right food... Posemaniac's, as Astelaine suggested, is a wonderful place.

Edited by monkymeet
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  • 1 month later...


Darg idk lol Fire Emblem ain't for kids rorororlawlboner

Proper sprites are too hard to make

Translation: I cheated


Fun fact: The mercenary had a wife and kids.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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