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Er...well, she....knows people who know people who want ultimate technology powers? o_O

Oh no! Sage said no! D: It must be true! But eh. She'll get wrapped up in something. I'm sure I can get something to take us there or another.

Oh, and can you control the "Superior" when he gets there? He/She's (doesn't matter) coming whenever we move to morning.

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Flashbacks are appropriate in building character IMO. And the very begining might be a good place to start XD I thought it was a great post.


I'm not Snowy, so if we do go, I want a better reason then "Because an RP'er wants to let one of their plans loose."


Firstly and most importantly, please >_< Do not make NPC's for me to control, I'll do it this once if I have to but I've got enough plot characters across the nation without players making NPC's for me to comprehend and control.

Secondly, I'll let the general/Naomi thing slide this time, but I will state that I'm not happy about it. The objective here is to keep reasonable. A general in charge of a front-line fort giving away large sums of money to a random Tolmaean researcher is unlikely. I've listened to the comments from LoAF, and am under the impression that your "plans" aren't usually planned out well. If you've got something big planned, please PM with details or where you want to direct things. Since this was random, nonsensical and as I've heard people say "Psych just trying to get his way" despite any logical technicalities.

I don't want to do a LoAF, and have everyone retconning each other here <_<


Henceforth any NPC's you create are yours. Schmidt would be Purgs character, The drunkman is Spykors, and Selvano would be Psych's as would the supervisor.

If you want me to take them, please state so now. Otherwise I'll find some way to kill the lot of them. (Spykors is just an example, he can disappear into the pages of history)

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ignore what this had to say CATS is superior with logic, etc. etc.

Also thanks for the compliment about the post, I just figured I'd say something before someone was like "waet wut"

Glad to see that I can apparently write great posts on next to no sleep, very nice.

Edited by Purg
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Henceforth any NPC's you create are yours. Schmidt would be Purgs character, The drunkman is Spykors, and Selvano would be Psych's as would the supervisor.

We were planning for Schmidt to be pretty deeply involved with the backgrounds of all 3 of our chars (us being Purg, me, Fush), so is it cool if me and Fush control him when necessary, as well? He'll only be appearing in flashbacks (for now, at least) anyways.

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Ah okay.

And besides, whenever we do go to the desert, that's when something would happen. For now she's just going to get read the riot act by the guy. It's just to make him money, but if you want, whenever something big happens soon like bandits or whatever or the first major thing to pull us all together, he can die and she'll just be stuck with the guy.

I don't even know what it is they're looking for. You seemed to have defined it, but I thought it was your idea. I just wasn't letting it go to waste. ^_^

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If the creator (Purg) is fine with sharing control I don't mind at all.

I don't even mind if you all control your characters as a group. (Eg Ivan/Laterite/Andra) all being labeled as AnimalTrinity characters (opposed to Purg's character etc) You three know what your doing and seem to be logical about it. So unless you're planning something really farfetched I don't mind you playing it through without running it past me.


Going to the desert, as with anything was left as a possibility. And I do have plans that can be put into action. However I'm not specifically aiming to go anywhere just yet. As for the supervisor, I can deal with him, and the General (Or you can control the general it doesn't really matter). If I do spring something on the group it'll probably be tomorrow though, since I'm adequately pleased with the amount of posts I've got today XD

(Desert artefact isn't defined, but I've got a few possibilities in mind)

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Yeah. I'm fine with the General, but you can take the Supervisor. He's supposed to make her stop having fun guys! D:

And I had a few ideas too. It could be a weapon, a tool, or maybe like a teleporter, or a portal or something.

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If you decide on what sort of thing you want there, probably best to contact me early on so that I can adjust any plans I had, and so that things can be organised to make more sense. As for the supervisor, I've pretty much decided what I'll do with him. As for fun, I'm certain I can do that without a supervisor (meaning it'll be killed off pretty early. Your fun can generally be cut once I put you in a group anyway, since apparently people don't like going along with your plans.

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Shhhh Damn it Purg >_<

You don't warn people about that sort of stuff, you do it and then warn them :P

Bleh, now he's probably going to relocate to the the town, and it's not as much fun chasing him then.

*Wanted to have a manhunt in the fort*

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Your fault for providing an image opposed to a description :P I based it off the image, for Kieru being naive, innocent and young (and not being a girl of the 21st century) she find exposed skin = semi-naked. Whether that be a Karel-like shirt, a bit of belly showing etcetc and find it to be indecent. It's not like she said it out aloud so you can dismiss it as her seeing wrong if it's a problem.


It's not as fun raising the alarm against an intruder who paid his way in. I was semi hoping someone would beat up a guard just to get in XD Ah well, I've done enough scampering with Kieru, might let the plot start rolling a bit soon.

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*Soon being tomorrow or the day after XD As I've said before I don't want to cut out interaction for plots sake, and I've sort of got Yoshimitsu's character infront of me, and camtech possibly looking around to kill Kieru XD

A pity since everything I need for my plan to work is set up perfectly right now XD

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camtech possibly looking around to kill Kieru

I was actually planning on having Bullet deal with the "spy" issue. The part with your character was mainly out of concern (what would you do if you were a mercenary hired to guard a militart fort and you saw a little girl wandering around?).

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