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"......Ah, fuck it, I'm not gonna get back to sleep. You guys tired of this damn place yet? Yeah? Me too. Sucks here. If things don't pick up, maybe we should get moving soon," Ivan said, speaking mostly to Laterite, as he wasn't sure whether or not Andra had awoken yet.

Am I being too self conscious in thinking that this post was directed at me? XD

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But considering the way that Fort Talgusta has been set up so far, it's not surprising that it would seem to be

Fort Talgusta isn't meant to be the groups home base for operations, and I'm hoping we can move off sooner or later. I'm just uncertain at the pace people want to maintain. I've already stated that I don't want to wake up to 5 pages (100 posts) but I don't want to let things stagnate too much either. I've noticed how the three of you have sort of made up your own battlefield to pass the time XD And took that as a sign that I should get things moving, but once things get put into motion I expect things to move a lot quicker and didn't want to risk the situation above.

*Is aware people are thinking this RP is "slow".... nevermind it's still only day 2* XD


I have not misinterpreted Snowy's post. Takes about thirty minutes to Elrest, which you can timeskip your character over to Elrest if people want.

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Mine's just gonna go straight for Snowy's character and get utterly owned.

EDIT: Wait, there's only one wolf? Shit. Let's just say there's a pack for the purpose of "because it gives me something to do".

Edited by Camtech075
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It's kinda apparent you're new, don't worry. I'd suggest using dialogue and quotation marks, as opposed to writing everything as thoughts, gets kinda confusing to read otherwise, unless you're a deity of first-person.

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I've thought it over, don't worry :P

Just don't want anyone finding spies/wolves (Beside finding Snowys Summoner).

I'd say more but I don't want to give it away. Either head for Elrest, or remain drunk, sleeping, dead, bored :P


I don't mind short OoC posts in the RP, but I'd prefer it mainly be kept RP. Don't worry Cocytus, you're new and I'm not going to fuss over small technicalities like that. Just a heads up for future references.

Edited by Kanami
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It's kinda apparent you're new, don't worry. I'd suggest using dialogue and quotation marks, as opposed to writing everything as thoughts, gets kinda confusing to read otherwise, unless you're a deity of first-person.

The first two posts were a lot of background and thoughts. But yes, I'll try to remember to do this... Still not sure just how this should all work out. I hope it falls into place over the next couple of days.

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Hoping Snowy will explain himself out over in Elrest, and waiting on Fush and Cats to answer Purg in Talgusta.

@Pack of Wolves

A guard ran down the street screaming "wolf" after seeing one, the populace panicked and one of the few people who had the nerve to seek help, misinterpreted it as a pack of wolves? There isn't actually anything other the Gerard and his wolf :/ It was a dud XD Most exciting thing I could do at the moment was cause a commotion over nothing..... sad I know XD

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It also appears that the wolf vanished after being summoned, unless Gerard's magic fashion statement can create living matter, which I call overpowered on.

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Hmmm, I knew this would happen, time to work out a battle system that actually works, this is the first battle and I'm already getting bored of reading people fighting this, that and other things. I'm also not liking the idea of making people work out and write out their own battles since I'm reading the posts so far and they seem to be wanting me to RP the bandit(?) group.

If I do implement stats, then it'll be simple battle mechanics, and people who wish to continue "writing out" their battles will be welcome to do so. *Sigh* Why couldn't I have forseen this yesterday) >_<

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What are you talking about? Camtech's rousing duel with the bandit, in which he deftly dodged the first strike, and then instantly transitioned into a flurry of punches, disorienting the foe so much that his comrade could capitalize on the situation. The samurai burst onto the scene, slashing violently as the bandit stood in dazed amazement, staring as his pieces of his body drifted down autumn leaves, clattering onto the ground with a dull thud. The bandit turned to strike, but failed to see that already half the samurai's blade was lodged into his chest. His knees and legs gave way, and in his last breath, he reached out and wiped his bloody fingers on Camtech's character, cursing him, cursing him for as long as he lived. Camtech's character, clearly not affected, liberated the bandit's weapon.

Cue explosions and putting on sunglasses.

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Not that I'm prohibiting anything, but how stupid are my guards to have imprisoned Beatrice without confiscating her sword first? XD It was a good post so I won't ask it to be withdrawn. But it is a point to keep in mind for future posts. I need to head off to Uni (college) now and won't be back for hours >_< So you can soak Elrest red with bandit blood, kill the soldiers after Naomi/Beatrice. (Don't identify the prisoner though, he's a plot device).

Anyway....... Late XD

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