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Yes, in real life the traditional weapon is a pike, but most people have an image of a knight in shining armor wielding a sword in those medieval romance novels (wut?). Iunno. Maybe I'm just on crack.

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Really? I thought that was just one household :/ I mean the flames could have spread, but it would take a bit longer to burn a "portion" of the town down. That and the town isn't empty. People are still in their houses, so I assume the fire would be put out pretty quickly unless Script wants to eliminate Elrest too XD

*Really gone*

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i don't know if i'd open up the floor to criticisms if i were you, especially with use of the word "boring," i imagine some here would have quite a few things to say about your own posts
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Not that I'm worried about people withdrawing, but I really don't mind criticism about my plots or the way I execute things. If anything I welcome them, though I would prefer a bit more information on what I'm doing wrong other then a simple sentence stating things are cliche.

Getting Gerard to be part of the group was one of my bigger obstacles so while it might sound cruel, I'm glad the boy who cried wolf is gone XD

*My 10 minute break >_< Wasted >_<*

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Swords are useless vs pikemen. It's near impossible to block or parry something of so much greater weight, and the swordsman can never get within range.

It's true, swordsmen are at a disadvantage when facing pikemen, but you're exaggerating it a lot. There's one advantage swordsmen have against pikemen, and it's that their movement isn't as impaired, so with a little bit of agility/cunning/ingenuity, they can get to close range and at close range, pikes aren't very useful, but swords are.

If that doesn't seem possible, take a great sword. They're made to defeat polearms.

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The problem wasn't with you, but rather with me. I suck. That's all there is to it.

why has this been posted more than once

if you're fishing for someone to have pity on poor snowy and give you some validation for your writing, i don't think you're getting any takers here

Just to clarify, the whole fort blew up?

well, it's not just one structure, it's several structures contained within a wall i believe

if you're asking whether or not all the main structures asploded, yes, i believe so

Edited by CATS
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Just to clarify, the whole fort blew up?

From the looks of it, most of the main buildings are gone. The mess hall, soldiers' quarters, General's office, and probably the armory are all in rubble. Smaller buildings such as the stables and such seem to be more-or-less intact.

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Any proper building are all gone, left the stable alone because Rakka was there, if you need another building for whatever reason then you can ressurect it or say it was only partially blown up. Destroying Fort Talgusta can't be stopped now with the way things are going. I just don't want you reviving the mess hall which is clearly.....well, not salvageable XD

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It's true, swordsmen are at a disadvantage when facing pikemen, but you're exaggerating it a lot. There's one advantage swordsmen have against pikemen, and it's that their movement isn't as impaired, so with a little bit of agility/cunning/ingenuity, they can get to close range and at close range, pikes aren't very useful, but swords are.

If that doesn't seem possible, take a great sword. They're made to defeat polearms.

Well that's why I said swords are primarily close ranged weapons. Good luck trying to use your agility/cunning/ingenuity to break a line formation of pike soldiers. The pikemen don't even have to move, and it's the way most real life battles play out. It's trivial to argue a case where the battle is one-on-one or where the swordsman has a clear advantage, because it either never happens or is horridly skewed in one direction.

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Right, I was referring to realistic battle conditions. In a controlled one-on-one duel, the sword will be superior, but that's such a specialized case, much like the swordsman having superior "agility/cunning/ingenuity". At that point its kind of, HEY MY GUY WOULD WIN IF THE OTHER GUY HAD ONLY ONE LEG AND AN EYEPATCH, making the discussion a bit too vague and in my view pointless to argue.

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My opinion is that luck plays a huge role in fights. It's not about skill or strength, though both help tremendously in pulling the battle in ones favor. So while I admit Pikemen>Swordmen in terms of weapon advantage it really depends on other circumstances. Assuming everything was controlled (Flat terrain, equal skill/strength, intelligence, weapon quality etcetc). Despite it being impossible, I'd have to agree with the outcome of the swords being destroyed. I don't agree with games that have dodgy characters, real life usually means that if someone thrusted a spear at you, you're dead. Unless it missed for some reason, either way "misses" wouldn't happen very often.


*Looks at posts*

Does anyone respect time? I mean I said 30 minutes XD Ah well, no biggie, just found it amusing.

Fucking foreigners
XD Edited by Kanami
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