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What would you like to see in a new FE

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It's been a while since I played FE4.

I think I had to reset a lot to get a few crits in, though, since Fee's strength is meh.

I do remember Fin and Oifey getting stuck on that one even though I've been passing Hero Lance to them. And even Hero Sword afterwards in Oifey's case.

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An idea maybe for a new FE could be adding armor. Lets say one guy has a defense of 15. You could give him a shield that has plus 5 def thus making his total def 20. I mean things like that. You could throw in shield, breastplates, and helms. I guess I'm thinking more of a Shining Force element. However, since this is FE would the armor break like the weapons? Anywho just an idea.

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An idea maybe for a new FE could be adding armor. Lets say one guy has a defense of 15. You could give him a shield that has plus 5 def thus making his total def 20. I mean things like that. You could throw in shield, breastplates, and helms. I guess I'm thinking more of a Shining Force element. However, since this is FE would the armor break like the weapons? Anywho just an idea.

TearRing Saga had breakable shields. They gave a decent amount of defense, sometimes even resistance, but their durability was crap, between 2 and 4. Something like 10-20 would be better IMO.

Edited by Gengar
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Rather than erase caps, make them like the absolute limit a human can possibly reach. And so they'd be pretty much the same across the board, with things like armor, horses, etc. affecting it some. But your whole army shouldn't be as good as people possibly can be. Have caps at like 40 in tier two, with people rarely breaking 30.

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TearRing Saga had breakable shields. They gave a decent amount of defense, sometimes even resistance, but their durability was crap, between 2 and 4. Something like 10-20 would be better IMO.

Yeah I think 10-20 would be better too. Is there an English patch for TearRing Saga? If so I think I'll play it.

Only if he looks like this


Yes! I have to agree 100%

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Yeah I think 10-20 would be better too. Is there an English patch for TearRing Saga? If so I think I'll play it.

Not completed yet, sadly. I just read the script chapter by chapter, which did the thing for me.

Only if he looks like this


He should totally bring his BFG. That episode was awesome.

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Not completed yet, sadly. I just read the script chapter by chapter, which did the thing for me.

Still I think I'll try to play it. Reading script chapter by chapter is how I played FE6... until I found out it had an English patch :facepalm:

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I was thinking (I was bored at work), if they'd remove the minimum 1 stat system with this.

A system where once you max a stat, your growth for that stat gets redistributed evenly among other stats


Matthew (FE7)

growths: 75 30 40 70 50 25 20

average stats say that at lvl 15 he maxes speed, so the new growths would become

growths: 86 41 51 -- 61 36 33

if he (for example) would max skill after that it would become

growths: 96 51 -- -- 71 46 43

and so on and so forth

untill ofcourse he promotes and get's reversed back to his original growths

this would make some char more intresting (and gives maxing a stat a bigger boost in other stats too)

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I want dynamic growths to stick around (in some form). Their main purpose in SD was so that even if you didn't get a stat up in a foreign class you still benefited from the reclass, but in a system without reclassing it works against RNG screwage which can only be good. Granted, the existing system may not be the best fit but I think the concept should remain.

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If they want to reduce the randomness of stat growths they could just add growth curves or something. Of course then it wouldn't be random at all unless they put something else along with it, but still. It'd add a whole new way to look at a character's stats!

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I want dynamic growths to stick around (in some form). Their main purpose in SD was so that even if you didn't get a stat up in a foreign class you still benefited from the reclass, but in a system without reclassing it works against RNG screwage which can only be good. Granted, the existing system may not be the best fit but I think the concept should remain.

I know what dynamic growths is, but frankly, I hate the reclassing system and dynamic growths is in an FE game I didn't get into.

because of no support convos = no character depth

and without character depth I really don't like FE >.> (I would play FFTA >.>)

and with reclassing I got a feeling the uniqueness of character dissapear (again, I'd play FFTA if I wanted to reclass)

Edited by Mister Cold
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and without character depth I really don't like FE >.> (I would play FFTA >.>)

...are you joking, or did you just imply Marche was anything more than a thug who went around thumping people to make them do his thing?

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...are you joking, or did you just imply Marche was anything more than a thug who went around thumping people to make them do his thing?

besides a few characters no one has depth cause they are randoms, like FE11.

support convos is what makes you love a certain character, and also makes you wanna reset cause they died.

if everything is random then it's "meh, I'll just get the prepromo version" (or something like that)

(don't get me wrong, I like FFTA, it's just that FE is ranked a tad higher on the SRPG rank)

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I need to agree. FFTA has a great storyline, but only some characters matter. In the Fire Emblem games, you care about your entire army. Well, in most of them you do. I can't say I'm overly invested in my FE11 army... it IS a remake of the first game ever though so I guess I can't blame them.

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I want steam punk in a new Fire Emblem game!

Steam Punk + WW1 works well in my book.

Bows --> Machine Gun Emplacements/Scoped Rifles

Lances --> Bayonets/Regular Rifles

Axes --> Submachine Guns (High damage, crap accuracy)

Swords --> Pistols? (Quicker to pull off a snap shot on submachine guns, disadvantaged against rifle)

Magic --> There's quite a lot of grenades lying around. ....or maybe Artillery? HEHEH.

Soldiers --> Exactly. Soldiers.

Archers --> Machine Gunners/Snipers

Fighters/Warriors --> Trenchclearers

Pirates/Berzerkers --> No clue

Mercenaries/Heroes --> Officers/Commandos

Mages/Sages --> Support Team/Mortar/Grenadier

Priest/Bishop --> MEDIC

Cavaliers/Paladins --> Mounted Officer/Cuirassier

Knight/General --> Tank/Armored Car/What?

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Adding on to the last post,

Thieves --> Cyberhackers

Nomads --> Motorcycle Gunners

Myrmidons/Swordmasters: Lightsaber users XD or a light saber could be the Wo Dao

EDIT: Ah whoops, I just looked up steampunk, and I guess I put down stuff too futuristic XD

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Adding on to the last post,

Thieves --> Cyberhackers

Nomads --> Motorcycle Gunners

Myrmidons/Swordmasters: Lightsaber users XD or a light saber could be the Wo Dao

Well that's more futuristic than steampunk! But a futuristic-esque FE would be great! Instead of magic we could have nanotechnology. <3

In steampunk Thieves would still be Thieves, I guess.

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On the topic of character development, perhaps a smaller cast would be beneficial. FE3 and 5 have roughly 50 playable characters, some with literally no dialogue. Perhaps reducing it to say around 30 would allow for minor characters to have a few more lines. Admittedly it would mean less choice in who you use, but I'm sure characters like Kein and Alva wouldn't be missed too much.

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