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Final Fantasy Survey


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Fill it out if you're bored. And just because you like FFX-2 or FFVIII over everything, you shouldn't be ashamed of it.


Favorite FF game:


Battle System:









Weapon Type:

Best Quote:

Favorite Ending:

Favorite Opening:


Best overall cast:

Favorite main character:




Most used character:

Least used character:


Favorite Soundtrack:


Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc):

Battle theme:

Boss Battle theme:

Chocobo theme:

World map theme:

Character theme:

Villain theme:

And here's my answers. I've played 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 13 to date.

Favorite FF game: V

Storyline: I - The world's fucked, go save it

Battle System: XIII

World: Gaia (IX) - It's quite interesting that there's 3 continents that people don't really know about aside from the Mist Continent.

Town: Palumpolum (XIII)

Mini-Game: I dislike most of them but the snowboarding game in VII was decent.

Airship: Hilda Garde II (IX)

Job: Synergist (XIII)

Spell: Sazh's Blitz (XIII)

Monster: Mu (IX)

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Brynhildr (XIII) - Fuck, the thing turns into a sweet-ass car.

Weapon Type: Sazh's Twin Pistols (XIII)

Best Quote: Both by Kefka.

Dissidia - "I'm afraid the mouse is SMACK... dab in the middle of enemy territory."

FFVI - "Idiot! Read my lips -- mercy is for wimps! There's a reason "oppose" rhymes with "dispose"... If they get in your way, kill them! March!"

Favorite Ending: Never beaten an FF game.

Favorite Opening: XIII

Best overall cast: IX. As great as the V cast is, nothing beats Zidane and Steiner in a scene together.

Favorite main character: Zidane Tribal (IX)

Character(male): Sazh Katzroy (XIII)

Character(female): Eiko Carol (IX)

Villain: Kefka Palazzo (VI). Kuja (IX) is a close second though.

Most used character: Sazh (XIII)

Least used character: Cyan (VI)

Favorite Soundtrack:

easily wins this one hands down. One of my favourite overall soundtracks.


(VI) could possibly be the greatest final boss fight song in history. Baten Kaitos Origins is a close second but this is a Final Fantasy survey.

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): Don't remember if XIII had a lyrical song and I haven't heard a lyrical song from any other game I've played.

Battle theme:

is probably my favourite.

Boss Battle theme: Test of the l'Cie is epic and I can't believe I forgot about it. Not as good as Dancing Mad but it deserves its shot. (XIII)

Chocobo theme:

World map theme: Crossing Those Hills (IX) is amazingly soothing to listen to.

Character theme:

(XIII) is great on the ears.

Villain theme: Once again, it's Kefka. However, this time we're talking about Kefka's Theme.

What about you guys?

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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I like FFX-2 over everything and that like was the start of XxWolfxX's exodus from SF. :o

filling it out now.

[spoiler=it]I've played A LITTLE OF: 3DS, 5Advance, 7, 8; QUITE A BIT OF: 4DS; ENOUGH TO BEAT: 6Advance, 10, 12; ENOUGH TO BEAT MANY TIMES: X-2

I also played most of Dirge of Cerberus. OLOLOL :awesome:


Favorite FF game: gonna go with X-2 on this one.

Storyline: I'll say 12.

Battle System: 10, EASILY. I don't really like ATB, so 10's throwback to pure turn-based (I wasn't around for the earlier turned ones) was pure joy.

World: um, why...not...fuckit, Spira. None have been particularly memorable.

Town: The Port at Balfonheim.

Mini-Game: um, we'll say...fuck, what are the minigames? I hated Blitzball, and I hated chocobo racing... EDIT: Ooh, yeah, we'll go with X-2's massage minigame.

Airship: X-2's Celsius.

Job: Alchemist - X-2. Infinite free HiX-Potions and Mega-Ethers? With decent attack power to boot? Yeah.

Spell: 10's Holy.

Monster: Tonberries. <3

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: whatsherface, Seymour's mother. Anima?

Weapon Type: Blitzballs 12's Axes.

Best Quote: uh, something memorable probably. The quotes Balthier delivers in the belowmentioned. All of them. Hell, everything he says in 12.

Favorite Ending: 12, fullstop and nobody can ever argue with this. MOTHERFUCKER HIJACKS THE BAHAMUT

Favorite Opening: 10, fullstop and nobody can ever argue with this.


Best overall cast: I'll say 6.

Favorite main characterLEADING MAN: Balthier, of course.

Character(male): See above.

Character(female): Yuna's my baby.

Villain: tiem for trite integrity and I'll say Kefka.

Most used character: ooh, that's a hard one. Auron soloed most of FF10 for me so him.

Least used character: I don't think I ever even deployed Umaro.


Favorite Soundtrack: 10.

Song: To Zanarkand - 10 (yeah yeah surprise!)

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): Sudeki da ne? - 10

Battle theme: 10's Normal Battle

Boss Battle theme: pick any of Seymour's battle themes from 10. I think Decisive Battle is the best one, but I can't be arsed to listen to it to remember which it is.

Chocobo theme: I love them all. Honest.

World map theme: Searching for Friends - 6

Character theme: couldn't say, can't think of any.

Villain theme: see above.

Edited by Integrity
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Played X, XII and XIII

Favorite FF game:X

Storyline: X

Battle System: X

World: X

Town: Palumpolum was pretty good

Mini-Game: Can't really think of any good ones save Blitzball


Job: Synergist for the en-abilites and haste

Spell: Holy

Monster: Flanitors

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Anima

Weapon Type: Poles from FFXII

Best Quote: "Oh I'd just like to sneak up on those Luca Goers and..." Jassu trails off there as you go to talk to him

Favorite Ending: X

Favorite Opening:X

Best overall cast:XIII

Favorite main character: Fang is pretty important storywise,

Character(male): Auron

Character(female): Fang

Villain: I suppose Vossler

Most used character: Auron

Least used character: Pennelo, closely followed by Hope

Favorite Soundtrack: X

Song: To Zanarkand, then A fleeting dream (both from X)

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc):Otherworld Probably Serrah's theme

Battle theme: XIII

Boss Battle theme: XII

Chocobo theme: X

World map theme: XII

Character theme: Snow although I was tempted to put Fang

Villain theme: Seymour's sticks out the most so I'll put that

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I've played all of them except 11, 12, and 13.

Favorite FF game: VI

Storyline: VI

Battle System: X-2

World: VI

Town: Mysidia (IV)

Mini-Game: Triple Triad (or whatever the card was called in VIII)

Airship: The Lunar Whale (If that doesn't count, then make that the Black Jack)

Job: Paladin

Spell: Shock (VI)

Monster: Master Tonberry

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Gilgamesh

Weapon Type: Squall's Gunblades

Best Quote: "You spoony bard!"

Favorite Ending: VI

Favorite Opening: VII

Best overall cast: VI

Favorite main character: Cecil

Character(male): Leo

Character(female): Terra

Villain: Golbez

Most used character: Cyan

Least used character: Selphie

Favorite Soundtrack: Undecided

Song: Save Them (VI)

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): One-winged Angel... Maybe

Battle theme: Don't Be Afraid (VIII)

Boss Battle theme: Battle with the Four Fiends (IV)

Chocobo theme: Techno de Chocobo (VI)

World map theme: Terra (VI)

Character theme: Cyan's theme

Villain theme: Golbez, clad in the dark (IV)

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Only played 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, Tactics Advance and Crystal Chronicles.


Favorite FF game: Tie between IV and V

Storyline: Crystal Chronicles

Battle System: Tactics Advance

World: I

Town: Ivalice

Mini-Game: Caravan Racing

Airship: The Whale thing that goes into space in FFIV

Job: Paladin

Spell: Bio

Monster: Cure Beast

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Bahamut

Weapon Type: Knightswords

Best Quote: "Kupo"

Favorite Ending: IV

Favorite Opening: I(imagination~)


Best overall cast: IV/V

Favorite main character: Montblanc

Character(male): Bartz

Character(female): Rydia/Lenna

Villain: Garland

Most used character: The Clavat I named after myself in CC.

Least used character: The other seven in the same Caravan


Favorite Soundtrack: IV/V

Song: Four Fiends theme/Dreadful Fight

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): Iunno

Battle theme: IV/V

Boss Battle theme: Four Fiends/Dreadful Fight

Chocobo theme: II

World map theme: Crystal Chronicles

Character theme: Iunno

Villain theme:Iunno

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Favorite FF game: IX

Storyline: IV

Battle System: X-2

World: XI

Town: Mysidia (IV)

Mini-Game: Sphere Break (X-2)

Airship: Ragnarok (VIII)

Job: White Mage

Spell: Blizzaga/Ice III

Monster: Iron Giant variety (VIII, X, X-2, etc.?)

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Alexander

Weapon Type: Blaster Edge (Rinoa, VIII)

Best Quote: "What? You think you'll die and everything will be all sugar and rainbows!?" - Sazh, XIII

Favorite Ending: IX

Favorite Opening: IV


Best overall cast: IX

Favorite main character: Yuna (X-2)

Character(male): Vivi Orunitia (IX)

Character(female): Rosa Farrell (IV)

Villain: Kuja (IX)

Most used character: Oerba Dia Vanille (XIII)

Least used character: Strago Magus (VI)


Favorite Soundtrack: none overall~

Song: The Vile Peaks (XIII)

Lyrical song: none :/

Battle theme: Attack (X)

Boss Battle theme:


Chocobo theme:


World map theme: FFII's

Character theme: Celes Chere's theme

Villain theme: none :mellow:

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Played all but 13 and 11. This includes the Tactics games.


Favorite FF game:Tie between 5 and 9

Storyline: 6, and it's hard to argue otherwise. 5 does well on a simplistic cliche angle though.

Battle System: 5, feels so fleshed out with the job classes.

World: You mean the world overall or like the world map? If you mean the world as a whole, 7 wins the battle of atmosphere handily, though Ivalice (in all it's forms) comes close. If you mean world map, 8. Much as I hate 8, it has a nice construction to it's map, and a lot of things to search up and down for.

Town: JACHOL! In all seriousness though, it can only be Zozo

Mini-Game: Do I have to? Fine. Only one that qualifies is Blitzball. Most others don't have mini-games, Triple Triad is annoying as fuck, FF9's card game makes no sense. Blitzball at least...tried.

Airship: Ragnarok. Admit it, it's a badass ship. So badass that it should be in a better game rather than in 8.

Job: Gunner (Tactics) or Berserker (FF5)

Spell: Magic Breath (FF7 Enemy Skill Magic)

Monster: Whatever those blue guys with the spike ring and weird spear weapons on the way to the Lifa Tree where you fight the Gigas in FF9. Only enemies that knew how to use a spell like Vanish competently.

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Bahamut, though Ark is one I wish was used more.

Weapon Type: Whatever those weapons Zidane was using are called. Not the daggers, the other things. You know what I mean.

Best Quote: SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!! *Sits down, leg on the table* Or ain't my hospitality good enough for ya?

Favorite Ending: 2, since it was simply a calm end to the war after a vicious fight with the Emperor. Your group returns, merely thanked by the Queen with no massive celebration among the townfolk, Leon parts ways to make venture off on his own. Peace returns quietly. You aren't cheered on by all, but you feel a sense of accomplishment and closure. 7 comes to mind as well for throwing a curveball (I'm going to pretend the movie that's supposed to "sequel" the game doesn't exist)

Favorite Opening: 7, none comeclose


Best overall cast: All these games had a pretty cool cast outside of stupid 8 or dull 12 or the faceless 1 or 3. Hard to choose.

Favorite main character: Oddly enough, Firion

Character(male): Cid Highwind

Character(female): Freya

Villain: Kefka/Kuja.

Most used character: Now we're going into just who's most effective in their game. Either Vivi or Stenier.

Least used character: Realm


Favorite Soundtrack: 5-7 had a great soundtrack, respectable mentions to 2. Probably FF9's only flaw, it doesn't have a notable soundtrack.

Song: Crazy Motorcycle (FF7)

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): How many lyrical songs are in the series anyways? One Winged Angel, because it's the one that doesn't make me sick to my stomach to listen to.

Battle theme: 6

Boss Battle theme: Any of the Ex-death fight music, and 4's boss music pieces.

Chocobo theme: 9, puts you in high spirits.

World map theme: Tie between 5 and 9, again. 5 wins because it has more than one, and they're all good.

Character theme: Cid Highwind's

Villain theme: Ex-death's, though I also like Kuja's...Edea's isn't bad either.

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I've played 4, 6, and 12. This will change when i get my own computer, meaning in the hopefully near future.


Favorite FF game: FFIV

Storyline: IV

Battle System: IV

World: XII

Town: Dalmasca

Mini-Game: Cecil's Goblin attack (or something like that.)

Airship: The Black Jack

Job: ???

Spell: Thundaga

Monster: Can't think of one right now...

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Odin

Weapon Type: Sword and Shield.

Best Quote: By Ashe ~ "Dalmasca does not forget kindness nor ill deed done. With sword in hand she aids her allies. Sword in hand, she lays to rest her foes. This Nethicite I hold must be my Sword. I will avenge those who have died. And the Empire will know remorse." ~

Favorite Ending: FFIV

Favorite Opening: FF12 although if you mean like the opening cutscene (before the title screen) then FF4


Best overall cast: FF4

Favorite main character: Cecil

Character(male): Balthier

Character(female): Rydia

Villain: Goblez

Most used character: Gau

Least used character: The moogle, the yeti, and the copycatter. (Barely used, all in FFVI


Favorite Soundtrack: FFVI

Song: The main theme of Final Fantasy.

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): If Celes opera song counts, that one. I even sing along :awesome:

Battle theme: FFVI

Boss Battle theme: The four Elemental fiends

Chocobo theme: FFIV

World map theme:... I'll have to listen to them again

Character theme: Edgar's and Sabin's

Villain theme: Goblez Main theme

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And just because you like FFX-2 or FFVIII over everything, you shouldn't be ashamed of it.

. x3

Really now? Why would you need to type that? That they are bad games is not fact, no matter how universal the opinion seems to be. <_<


Favorite FF game: VI

Storyline: IV

Battle System: IV

World: IX

Town: Zozo, definetly the best! Esthar (VIII)

Mini-Game: Blitzball (X)

Airship: Falcon (VI)

Job: Dragoon

Spell: Meteor

Monster: Cactuars

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Bahamut

Weapon Type: Spears

Best Quote: 'Enough expository banter! It's now time to fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress as men! For Gilgamesh, it's MORPHIN TIME!' - GUESS (V)

Favorite Ending: VI

Favorite Opening: IX


Best overall cast: IX

Favorite main character: Cecil (IV)

Character(male): Steiner (IX)

Character(female): Terra (VI)

Villain: Kefka (VI)

Most used character: Irvine (VIII)

Least used character: Gogo (VI)


Favorite Soundtrack: VI

Song: Battle on the Big Bridge (V)

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): One Winged Angel (VII)

Battle theme: V

Boss Battle theme: IX

Chocobo theme: IV

World map theme: World of Ruin after getting the Falcon (Searching for Friends) (VI)

Character theme: Edgar and Sabin's (VI)

Villain theme: Kefka's (VI)

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I've played: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 11, 12 Tactics Advance, Tactics, Kingdom Hearts

Finished: 2, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, and Tactics Advance Kingdom Hearts


Favorite FF game: 9

Storyline: Kingdom Hearts 9

Battle System: 10-2

World: Hallow Bastion/Radiant Garden Ivalice

Town: Treno

Mini-Game: Blitzball and Tetra Master

Airship: Strahl

Job: Assassins from Tactics Advance

Spell: Cure and all forms of it, cause we'd all be fucked without it

Monster: Cactuars

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Shiva from 10, although Zodiark is pretty BA

Weapon Type: Poles from 12, if only because they looked cool.

Best Quote: Oh the options... "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

Squall: [standing back-to-back with Cloud, surrounded by heartless] Think you can handle this many?

Cloud: Well... Might be tough if one more shows up.

Squall: Hm. Then that'll have to be the one *I* take care of.

Cloud: What, you're fighting too?

Favorite Ending: 12

Favorite Opening: 10


Best overall cast: 10

Favorite main character: Zidane

Character(male): Arngrim from Valkyrie Profile 2 Its a tie between Balthier and Auron

Character(female): Drace, in what little screen time she had, plus a pretty epic death

Villain: Dr. Cid from 12

Most used character: Auron

Least used character: Quina or Umaro


Favorite Soundtrack: 12

Song: How Wicked Ruler from VP2 The Symphonic Poem: Hope or To Zanarkand

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc): Otherworld (The Black Mages Version) or Sutaki Da Ne

Battle theme: He's a Pirate :pirate: Ummmmm, none really stand out to me

Boss Battle theme: Rowdy Rumble 12's Esper Battle Music, it's just so daunting

Chocobo theme: 12

World map theme: 6

Character theme: Paine's Theme

Villain theme: Red Rose of May- Beatrix's theme (So she's not a real villain, I don't care)

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Played and Completed: I, II, IV, V, VI, IX, X, X-2, XII, FFT and FFTA. Played a little of but haven't gotten very far: VII and XIII.


Favorite FF game: XII. The tactics ones are great but they're too easy.

Storyline: VI. Honorable mentions to IV, IX, X, XII and FFT.

Battle System: XII and FFTA. I can't decide between the two because they're so different.

World: Spira. Ivalice is cool too.

Town: Figaro. Their castle moves beneath the sand and they're the only ones who bothered to rebuild after Kefka destroyed the world.

Mini-Game: The Clan Hunts in XII if they count (Yiazmat!), Blitzball (in X. X-2's sucks, reducing you to micromanaging) if they don't.

Airship: The Strahl. It doesn't look like a ship or a blimp and I like it better than the ones in Spira.

Job: Blue Mage. Using the enemy's skills against them is fun, and they get access to lots of unique abilities.

Spell: Cure. Can't live without it Hastega. Getting more actions than the enemy is awesome.

Monster: Tonberries. They're so cute and cuddly - and they'll flay the flesh off your face.

Summon/Esper/Eidolon: Phoenix, because mass revival is something you'll need when shit hits the fan.

Weapon Type: XII staves, the ones that power up my spells and let me nuke a bunch of monsters at once, making my mage the deadliest character in my army.

Best Quote: When Vayne is addressing Rabanastre during the ascension ceremony:

Vayne: "Citizens of Rabanastre! Is it with hatred you look upon your consul? With hatred you look upon the Empire?"

Citizens: "Spit on your Empire!" "Go back to Archadia!"

Vayne: "There was little point in asking..."

Favorite Ending: IX. Honorable mention goes to Balthier and Fran's fist bump at the end of XII.

Favorite Opening: X. Starts out with a pretty cool game of Blitzball and ends with Sin attacking Zanarkand. All the while Auron just walks around, drinking from his jug...


Best overall cast: VI. Although you seriously start to wonder why some of them are there later on...

Favorite main character: Zidane. Dishonorable mention goes to Cloud for being uninteresting, which is not what I look for in my main characters.

Character(male): Edgar. Balthier gets enough love as it is.

Character(female): Meliadoul. I have no idea why, I just like using her. Yuffie might've made it, but I haven't played VII far enough to see her, so I only know her from Kingdom Hearts.

Villains: Vayne, Venat and Dr. Cid. Their plans would've been beneficial for Ivalice as a whole, getting rid of the Occuria's influence. Except for the part where the entire world is ruled by the Empire...

Most used character: Ramza, since he has to be deployed for every story battle in FFT, and he's pretty good too.

Least used character: Cyan. The dude doesn't have a lot going for him...


Favorite Soundtrack: XII. I just love listening to the area themes as I go around killing everything in sight (except that one dinosaur in the Eastersand. I thought my Level 3 Vaan could handle that guy first time I played... Ragequit ensues).

Song: There are so many good ones (except most of the lyrical songs)... Going with 'Someday the Dream Will End', from X.

Lyrical song: Melodies of Life, from IX. I didn't really like any of the others, although I haven't heard XIII's yet.

Battle theme: The second part of Apoplexy (the one that plays when you fight Meliadoul and Worker 7), from FFT.

Boss Battle theme: The Battle for Freedom, from XII.

Chocobo theme: I kind of like the one from XIII.

World map theme: Searching for Friends, from VI. Having it start playing as the Falcon is rising out of the ocean is awesome.

Character theme: Auron's Theme. Honorable mention goes to Belatrix's Theme, Red Rose of May.

Villain theme: Theme of the Empire, from XII.

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If I omitted a question, that means I don't have an answer for it. Every FF I've played should get mentioned at least once, except for III, because nothing about it stood out.


Favorite FF game: Don't make me choose between VI and IX

Storyline: IX

Battle System: FFTA2

World: Ivalice (that means XII and all the Tactics games)

Town: I don't care if I constantly get lost in it, I heart Rabanastre

Mini-Game: Shooting hoops in VII

Airship: The Blackjack

Job: Trickster

Spell: White Wind

Monster: Chocobo (Tactics)

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Split between Carbuncle (for being cute) and Alexander (for being useful)

Weapon Type: Lances

Best Quote: Everything Relm says to Interceptor

Favorite Ending: I

Favorite Opening: XIII


Best overall cast: IX

Favorite main character: I'll have Marche and Lightning duke it out

Character(male): Red XIII, with honorable mention to Balthier

Character(female): Relm

Villain: Kuja

Most used character: Hope (he's as useful as he is irritating)

Least used character: Umaro


Chocobo theme: XIII (instrumental)

Character theme: Relm

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I've played everything released in America with a Final Fantasy tags on it. That includes the games that weren't actually Final Fantasy games in Japan but were just given the nametag in the states, presumably for sales. >__>


Favorite FF game: Final Fantasy VII

Storyline: Final Fantasy VII

Battle System: Final Fantasy VIII or VII. Probably VII.

World: Final Fantasy IX's world was really fun to explore because of the theme, but so was VIII for the same reason, which I might just like a bit more.

Town: Junon, Cosmo Canyon, Winhill, Dali, Luca

Mini-Game: Keeping Cid alive in VI

Airship: The Ragnarok, man. Fucking awesome airship.

Job: Probably the Knight.

Spell: Fire 3/ Firaga

Monster: Marlboro, man. Always annoying.

Summon/Esper/Eidolon/Aeon: Bahamut.

Weapon Type: Swords. Bigger swords, more importantly. You know, Knight ones usually.

Best Quote: "Aeris is gone. Aeris will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...or get angry...What about us...what are WE supposed to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!"

Favorite Ending: VIII's was totally badass. Not only does the guy win the day in the end, but he gets the girl and nothing fucks it up for good along the way. Everyone goes back home and lives happily. There's even a goddamn party. Fuck yeah.

Favorite Opening: VII. That opening is going to be with me until the day I close my eyes for good. :V


Best overall cast: VII. There's a pattern here, I think.

Favorite main character: Cloud.

Character(male): Cloud.

Character(female): Probably Tifa or Yuffie.

Villain: Come on, you know from reading earlier entries it's going to be Sephiroth.

Most used character: Don't you use all of the main characters pretty equally?

Least used character: Fuck, probably Cait Sith. Even Quina was cooler than that guy. Even Umaro was cooler than him. That says something.


Favorite Soundtrack: VII, though I adore much of the rest of the series. Only one out of the bunch I have found I liked little was XII.

Song: I simply can't list all of the songs I find amazing, so I'm going to make it simple and say

Lyrical song(One Winged Angel, Eyes On Me.. etc etc):

, though Sutaki Dane was pretty cool. Unless we're counting Cele's scene in VI with her theme. At which point that one was awesome.

Battle theme: The original one in I was pretty awesome, as was II's, but my favorite would probably have to be IX's. It was kind of a difficult choice, though. This has caused me to look all of them up on Youtube.

Boss Battle theme: Still More Fighting. No contest. Never liked VIII's, but going back and listening to VI's and IV's, I remember them more fondly

Chocobo theme:

World map theme: Either IX's or

, though I liked VII's and II's (can't find it on Youtube).

Character theme: Aeris'. Though there are just too many to list that come like right behind it.

Villain theme: Sephiroth. Again.

This seems far too generic a response. >__________>

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Weapon Type: XII staves, the ones that power up my spells and let me nuke a bunch of monsters at once, making my mage the deadliest character in my army.

Just saying, V did that earlier. Though they included a few other weapons that do the same thing. Nothing like clearing out most world 3 encounters in one hit with just Air Lancet and Syldra. 16 MP with goldpin. Also it was mostly rods not staves.

Granted it is only a 50% increase in damage. Does it double or something in XII?

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Just saying, V did that earlier. Though they included a few other weapons that do the same thing. Nothing like clearing out most world 3 encounters in one hit with just Air Lancet and Syldra. 16 MP with goldpin. Also it was mostly rods not staves.

Granted it is only a 50% increase in damage. Does it double or something in XII?

V did that too? I don't think I've ever noticed. Then again, I did only play that game once... And yeah, I was surprised the roles of rods and staves was seemingly reversed in XII. In most games, rods improved black magic(k) and staves were for white mages.

It is only a 50% increase in XII as well, but practically everything is weak to an element in XII also. They're only really useful with the -ra and -ga spells (and Aero) however, since the base Fire/Thunder/Blizzard spells kind of suck. For example, a lv.35-40 Ashe or Penelo can make short work of the Draklor Laboratory with the Cherry Staff and Aeroga (and the Imperials aren't even weak to an element).

EDIT: I wasn't trying to say that the other games didn't have element-boosting weapons as well. Just, for me the one's in XII are the most memorable since I've played that game most.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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