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Characters You Think Need More Love/Appreciation/Fans/Etc.


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In this thread, mention FE characters that you think are underappreciated (so don't go mentioning characters if they have a lot of fans or fanart, like Marth, Lilina, or Tana). Also, consider the character only as a character, and not how good a unit they are in game or how high they're ranked on tier lists.

FE1/3/11/12: Roshea, Elice, Mallesia, Sheema, Etzel, Ymir, Heimler

FE2: Fols, Jenny, Dyute

FE4: Ethlin, Yuria (I'm not sure on this one)

FE6: Ellen, Thany, Noah, Klein, Miledy, Maggie, Rose

FE7: Rath, Wallace, Canas, Fiora (artwork wise), Renault, Paul, Jasmine, Merlinus

FE8: Vanessa, Colm, Forde, Gerik

Yeah, I know Heimler, Maggie, Rose, Merlinus, Paul, and Jasmine are rather, ridiculous. But if Gheb, Batta, and Glass can have their own fanbases that exaggerate their greatness to the point where it's a running joke, why can't they have their own fanbases as well? Especially Merlinus and his dodging tent of doom which promotes into the wagon of wickedness.

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FE1/11 - Hard to choose since there's appreciation for everyone, but Horace and Vyland could use some more

FE 2,3,4 - Haven't played much to say

FE5 - Halvan, Eda, Alva and Robert (but everyone not a main character in general)

FE6 - These guys just need a little more love: Noah, Boris, Barth, Ellen, Oujay/Ogier, Sue

FE7 - Everyone gets love here, but Rath needs more

FE8 - Again, everyone gets love, maybe Dozla could use more

FE9/10 - Of all characters, ULKI, he's always ignored in favor of Tibarn (understandable) and Uncle Jan because of slow FE9 transformation (tsk) and not being an old brat that looks like a girl. Everyone gets more recognition than him by either being awesome and not called Ulki, hard to train (Meg, Fiona) or as horrible as one can get in worldwide FEs (Lyre, Kyza). Even some minor bosses like Septimus, Hafedd and Burton get more appreciation. He needs more love everywhere and it's possible you can't find a playable unit in worldwide FEs that's not FE11 fodder and is more ignored than him.

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Well, Ulki doesn't get the hype others do, but he's still positioned next to Janaff on the tier list. He's got less offence and it takes more bexp to give him Tear, so it only makes sense he's lower. Janaff is generally durable enough, so Ulki's one "win" over Janaff only really means anything once they have the hp to tank a crossbow shot. Until then, meaningless. Once they can take a crossbow shot without dying, Ulki being less likely to take the damage is a +.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Well, Ulki doesn't get the hype others do, but he's still positioned next to Janaff on the tier list. He's got less offence and it takes more bexp to give him Tear, so it only makes sense he's lower. Janaff is generally durable enough, so Ulki's one "win" over Janaff only really means anything once they have the hp to tank a crossbow shot. Until then, meaningless. Once they can take a crossbow shot without dying, Ulki being less likely to take the damage is a +.

I don't just mean gameplaywise (2 str transfer is just icing on top of vigilance), I mean overall (mentioning, fanart/fiction, part of favorite lists, recognition, use). I don't believe tier lists much anyway, since it's hard to put a value to abstract things or rank one aspect over the other (availability, bases, growths, initial equipment/ranks, etc). I still don't understand why the royals rank so low considering Formshift/freedom of (un)transformation over wasting one turn to use a Laguz Gem/Stone. But back to Ulki, he still needs more love in all areas.

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To the first list - Maria. As a character, a completely beautiful creation. Ridiculously young when calamity strikes in her life, agrees to make herself a hostage because she loves her brother incredibly, and as a princess wants to take part in the protection of her country like her heroes, her siblings. Then spends then next 6 years as a prisoner and doesn't lose her cheerfullness, and still wants to do anything she can to help. She then forgives the brother that lied to her and caused her so much hardship, and spends around a year making sure he doesn't die, constantly at his bedside praying for him because her love knows no bounds. Her character is a beautiful and sad one (due to Michalis' fate in FE3, in FE12 her story ends on a much happier note). I love what Nintendo managed to due with the story at such an early time for games (though most of the elaboration is through Designer's notes, etc).

She can use the Aum staff (in FE11/12) and had better HP/Def in FE1/3 than Lena. And, I finally succumb to my fanboyishness, she's so dang cute. :wub:

Maria needs more fans and more love, she needs to be more appreciated as a character, instead of those saying 'Basically her entire purpose in life is to get captured'.

Also I agree about Elice - I thought she was loved, but she seems to just be hated everywhere I go. She doens't deserve that, she's suffered for those she loves as well.

I also nominate Fiona and Astrid, for their unique backgrounds and attributes, and Devdan/Navded for being a first. :B):

Edited by Maria's bro
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Well, Ulki doesn't get the hype others do, but he's still positioned next to Janaff on the tier list. He's got less offence and it takes more bexp to give him Tear, so it only makes sense he's lower. Janaff is generally durable enough, so Ulki's one "win" over Janaff only really means anything once they have the hp to tank a crossbow shot. Until then, meaningless. Once they can take a crossbow shot without dying, Ulki being less likely to take the damage is a +.

Vigilance is still useful when neither has the HP to take a Crossbow attack, because 2HKOing against 10% hit is a risk that I'm willing to take whereas 2HKOing against 30% hit is not a risk that I'm generally willing to take.

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FE1: Elice, Matthis, Linde, Gordin, and Midia.

FE4: Ethlin, Cuan, Fury, Sylvia, Deirdre, and the christmas knights from generation 1. (Lachesis gets too much love, the other girls are cooler imo ;)).

FE5: Selfina and her two knights, Tania, Fee I think is her name, Eda, Machua, Lara, and Delmud?

FE6: Thany, Yuno, Noah, Sophia, Ray, Tate, Hugh, Sue, Dorothy, and Ellen(especially Ellen).

FE7: Lyn, Isadora, Dorcas, Louise, Erk, Fiora, Farina, Heath, Karla, Legault, Vaida, and Rebecca.

FE8: Vanessa, Gilliam, Garcia, Marisa, Eirika, Syrene, Tethys, Myrrh, Amelia, Knoll, Tana, L'Arachel, Natasha, Neimi, Rennac, and Dozla (he's soo funny how can no one like him? :()

FE9/10: Elincia(fe9), Tormod, Astrid(fe10), Largo, Devdan/Danved, Marcia(fe10), Brom (he's so cute x3), Rhys, Fiona, Meg, Vika, Rafiel (Reyson is soo bleh), Nailah (Volug gets too much love), Micaiah, Edward, Leonardo for sure, Lyre and Kyza for their interesting personalities, Sigrun, Pelleas (whinny Soren has fans but pessimistic Pelleas doesnt), Ena, Makalov, Callil, Laura, and Aran.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Every male character, excluding the Lords, Soren, and a few others, needs more appreciation. By that, I mean fanart. Yes, the guys gets plenty of time to shine on the battlefield, but they never, ever get as much fanart as the girls. Yes, I understand that the fandom is predominantly male, but still. >____<

Especially the Ogmas. Gah. Gerik and Holyn especially, they don't even have a page full on Pixiv. Stuff worth looking at anyway.

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Vigilance is still useful when neither has the HP to take a Crossbow attack, because 2HKOing against 10% hit is a risk that I'm willing to take whereas 2HKOing against 30% hit is not a risk that I'm generally willing to take.

I assume you mean OHKO.

And for some of us, 10% to die is quite a bit too much. Ulki has 132 avo with Ike's stars and Vigilance. 155 hit on the least accurate crossbow in 3-7. That can go as low as 8 listed with bio completely in Ulki's favour (Ulki has not best bio, so good bio against enemy at worst), but can go as high as 38 listed hit if it is completely against him.

As low as 1.36% true hit, as high as 29.26%. At even bios, 23 hit is 10.81% true.

Unless there was no other way, I'd probably not even want to risk that 1.36% chance to die. Roy (or maybe it was Lance or Alan) got killed once on 10% hit and 15% crit. 2.1% true, and 15% crit makes 0.315% COD. Or maybe it was 15 hit and 10% crit, so 0.465% COD. These things do happen.

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Right now I'm gonna list one character, and that character is Idun. Really, anyone who does love how she is, is very rare. It's nice that there's some artwork of her, but those are just as rare as any Idun fans. It's rather sad.

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I assume you mean OHKO.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. 2HKO means that Ulki/Janaff are the ones 2HKOing the enemy, and must survive a counter.

Unless there was no other way, I'd probably not even want to risk that 1.36% chance to die. Roy (or maybe it was Lance or Alan) got killed once on 10% hit and 15% crit. 2.1% true, and 15% crit makes 0.315% COD. Or maybe it was 15 hit and 10% crit, so 0.465% COD. These things do happen.

Of course they happen, but this is a gamble that I'd be willing to take (and I do it a couple of times, specifically in 3-7 and 3-8). I won't if there is a safer, equally efficient alternative, of course.

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I've seen more fanart of Ulki than for some characters.

Compared to the recurring Tellius cast (the only recurring worldwide cast atm), he's pretty much ignored and gets less than half of the attention/appreciation/fanstuff directed at Janaff. I might need to tone down that generalization, but when I hardly see new art of him (nothing on September and only a hawk trio pic this week since late August), that makes me want to root for him more than anyone else.

FE1: Elice, Matthis, Linde, Gordin, and Midia

FE4 Ethlin, Cuan, Fury, Sylvia, Deirdre, and the christmas knights from generation 1. (Lachesis gets too much love, the other girls are cooler imo ;)). Agreed

FE5: Selfina and her two knights, Tania, Fee I think is her name, Eda, Machua, Lara, and Delmud?

FE6: Thany, Yuno (she deserves...), Noah, Sophia (I only see non-love from speedrunners), Ray, Tate, Hugh, Sue, Dorothy, and Ellen(especially Ellen) X).

FE7: Lyn, Isadora, Dorcas, Louise, Erk, Fiora, Farina, Heath, Karla, Legault, Vaida, and Rebecca.

FE8: Vanessa, Gilliam, Garcia, Marisa (she might be my favorite, but she's very much loved and tended to), Eirika, Syrene, Tethys, Myrrh, Amelia, Knoll, Tana, L'Arachel, Natasha, ~Neimi, ~Rennac, and Dozla (he's soo funny how can no one like him? :( It's not fair really)

FE9/10: Elincia(fe9), Tormod, Astrid(fe10), Largo, Devdan/Danved, Marcia(fe10), Brom (he's so cute x3), Rhys, Fiona, Meg, Vika, Rafiel (Reyson is soo bleh), Nailah (Volug gets too much love female TeamVolug FE fanartists/writers outnumbering fans who like mature ladies too), Micaiah (not sure, but I know she's not that much of a Mary Sue to support the hate), Edward, Leonardo for sure (on SF yes), Lyre and Kyza for their interesting personalities, Sigrun, Pelleas (whinny Soren has fans but pessimistic Pelleas doesnt), Ena, Makalov, Callil, Laura, and Aran.

FE10 newcomers do deserve some loving, especially in fan art/fiction and non-bash mentions. I don't need to explain why most text-skimming fans like Soren over every mage. Devdan&friends suffer from Funny-Average Dozla Syndrome, but it is this that gets them more mention than Ulki.

Every male character, excluding the Lords, Soren, and a few others, needs more appreciation. By that, I mean fanart. Yes, the guys gets plenty of time to shine on the battlefield, but they never, ever get as much fanart as the girls. Yes, I understand that the fandom is predominantly male, but still. >____<

Especially the Ogmas. Gah. Gerik and Holyn especially, they don't even have a page full on Pixiv. Stuff worth looking at anyway.

If you include most nobility on that lord thing, I agree with you. But I doubt your last statement considering FE fanartists are very split equally and from what I've seen, the most prominent fanart on image hosts, art-centered websites, forums and japanese portfoliosites are generally female-made (compared to sprites which are still male-dominated). The series' fandom could be mostly male, but the fanartists who make outstanding work are mostly female.

And wow I never expected Gerik to have so few (8, but really cool ones). Ulki has 14 at least. Holyn's 0 is weird.

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But see, female artists tend to draw mostly of both genders, while male artists draws mostly women. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate art regardless of gender of the subject, but when I do a search for general FE on pixiv, Most of the pages are at least 60% female.

Whenever I do a search for any male character, lords/Soren aside, they get a maximum of 4 pages. Many popular females (Catria, for example), gets far more than 15 pages or art. When we take away the amateurs-forgive me being so critical, the men usually gets something of just a page, or less.

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Out of all the lords Hector and Ike seem to be the most loved, and I can't really understand why Hector is liked at all. Is it for his stats? or does he have a personality? I can't remember him having a personality, he seemed to be pretty saddistic to me which is completely stupid imo. He's the only lord that I find annoying aside of Roy but Roy is annoying for other factors not personality-wise. Ephraim is pretty sadistic too but he uses a lance so I find him cool until he promotes :P. I tend to treat every character equally in my first playthrough at least, so I give them all a little moment to shine and then I just naturally pick my favorites. I usually end up benching characters that are mean like Shinnon or Soren or bench the early pre-promotes like Seth and Marcus. I tend to favor characters that have a sad story like Cormag/Jill and I love the clowns like Dozla/Danved, pegasi are always favored by me no matter if they're useful or useless. I also like to have a shaman around and one unit of different classes around so there will always be an archer in my team (exept FE10 in which I use Astrid, maybe I should start using Leo if I play again).

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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But see, female artists tend to draw mostly of both genders, while male artists draws mostly women. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate art regardless of gender of the subject, but when I do a search for general FE on pixiv, Most of the pages are at least 60% female.

Whenever I do a search for any male character, lords/Soren aside, they get a maximum of 4 pages. Many popular females (Catria, for example), gets far more than 15 pages or art. When we take away the amateurs-forgive me being so critical, the men usually gets something of just a page, or less.

I kind of agree considering >60% of FE characters are male and that quality drawings by women usually have more of their gender than men, but minor female characters stand out over the outnumbering males. Consider the 3 halberdiers as a short example: doesn't Nephenee stand out from Devdan/Aran just by being a girl among guys (growths/personality/awesomeness/cuteness aside)? I am thinking a great majority of male FE/similar-series fans like to draw both genders but prefer to post their female character drawings (male gaze getting a few more views from all sides) or they view their male character drawings as inferior/poor-in-comparison (lol I'm not the only who thinks this way, although I plan to be more equal towards this).

Out of all the lords Hector and Ike seem to be the most loved, and I can't really understand why Hector is liked at all. Is it for his stats? or does he have a personality? I can't remember him having a personality, he seemed to be pretty saddistic to me which is completely stupid imo. He's the only lord that I find annoying aside of Roy but Roy is annoying for other factors not personality-wise. Ephraim is pretty sadistic too but he uses a lance so I find him cool until he promotes :P. I tend to treat every character equally in my first playthrough at least, so I give them all a little moment to shine and then I just naturally pick my favorites. I usually end up benching characters that are mean like Shinnon or Soren or bench the early pre-promotes like Seth and Marcus.

Ike and Hector are popular for being non-lords among lords. And annoying/mean personalities usually win for certain fans, apart from your examples, look at Innes and Janaff. I don't think Ephraim's sadistic, but he is sometimes brash and inconsiderate; oh an you also listed a trait fans like, different weapons. Micaiah would also fit these if she didn't have a hatedom of considerable size.

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FEDS: The male prisoners of Archanea (especially the Green Skittle. . .I dare you to find fanart of him), Roger, Ymir. I found an entire WEBSITE mostly dedicated to Caesar and Radd, and Roshea needs more fanart without Wolf or girly clothes (DO NOT ASK).

FE7: Legault, Harken, and Jaffar. Don't know why finding decent fanart of these three (especially Legault) is such a chore.

Tellius: I'll have to second Ulki, and throw in Aran, Nolan, Meg, and Fiona.

The rest I either don't care or don't pay attention.

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See: Est Appreciation topic.

FE1/3/11/12: Cecil, Est, Dolph, Belf, Leiden, Darros

FE2: Cliff, Cellica

FE7: Large gap is large. Kent, Rebecca, Florina. And less love for Elifail.

FE8: ---

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Spykor: Go on Pixiv. Type in Fire Emblem Est in Japanese.

She still has more fanart than goddamn Seth.

I kind of agree considering >60% of FE characters are male and that quality drawings by women usually have more of their gender than men, but minor female characters stand out over the outnumbering males. Consider the 3 halberdiers as a short example: doesn't Nephenee stand out from Devdan/Aran just by being a girl among guys (growths/personality/awesomeness/cuteness aside)? I am thinking a great majority of male FE/similar-series fans like to draw both genders but prefer to post their female character drawings (male gaze getting a few more views from all sides) or they view their male character drawings as inferior/poor-in-comparison (lol I'm not the only who thinks this way, although I plan to be more equal towards this).

It is true. Most female manga-style artists around my age I've spoken too say they're more comfortable drawing women, since they're more familiar with their own structure. And then the male artists want to draw women too, since that's generally who they're attracted to. I'm probably in the minority here, lol.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Spykor: Go on Pixiv. Type in Fire Emblem Est in Japanese.

She still has more fanart than goddamn Seth.

I guess even Natasha has more fanart than Seth.

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