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Characters You Think Need More Love/Appreciation/Fans/Etc.


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Out of all the lords Hector and Ike seem to be the most loved, and I can't really understand why Hector is liked at all. Is it for his stats? or does he have a personality?

Hector is loved for being a lord with a non-lord personality. He's brash, hotblooded, brutally honest and has no mercy for his enemies. That resonates more with people than the usually wussy-style personality most lords get (see: Eliwood, non-SD Marth). And Ike is the only lord who isn't of noble birth making him more relatable I guess. And both have awesome stats so that contributes something for the gameplay-oriented.

Another character that needs more love: Skasaher. I almost never see him drawn without his sister Lakche by his side (and Lakche has plenty of solo pics already)

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I guess even Natasha has more fanart than Seth.

She does.

I did a search on Seth. There's 3 pages. There's at least 2 pages of him with Eirika (OTP, but still), and the the remaining, most of which are mediocre or horribly amateur.

I don't even know how I managed to collect twenty pieces of art of him by himself. I guess that's what hardcore fangirlism does. :P

Agreed on Skasaher. I have ~20 pieces of Lakche art just out of Pixiv by herself, all quite high quality found effortlessly, while I scoured that entire thing front, back, and center and ended up with 6 for Skasaher. >_____< Same can be said about Shanan.

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I'll take two pages of Pixiv over "I can't find any, and I looked hard."

(well. . .I found one random pic of my Skittle, but that was because the artist did a green-haired Archer tribute)

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You'll get another one once I'm done with college apps and have more free time to draw.

Actually, I've done a sketch of it on paper, but it wasn't too satisfactory, so...

Heh, thanks!

I'll keep looking, but I won't get my hopes up too high.

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Every archer ever needs more love. Except FE2 and like, FE11/12 harder difficulties. They're really under-appreciated, IMO.

This is character-wise. Are you really defending Neimi and Rolf?

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Oh no, you looked at Rolf. Now he's crying. Waaaah. Seriously, Shinon was too kind to the little brat, he shoulda just caved in his head with a shovel.

I'm not even going to bother asking how a nine-year old kid and an early-teen brat like :Neimii: can even bend a Steel Bow...

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There's nothing inherently impossible about a steel bow. But an ironbow is impossible, because iron is too brittle. It would break before it would bend.

Wait, I don't know much about weapons, but metal can't bend at all, right? So how can a bow made of steel work? Same with bows made of bronze, iron and silver.

As for characters that need more love, Holyn. He's as good as Ayra (at least before she gets the Hero Sword), but he gets much less attention. Probably because he's male. Actually, the exact same thing happens to Skasaher, only it's Lakche who gets the attention.

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Wait, I don't know much about weapons, but metal can't bend at all, right? So how can a bow made of steel work? Same with bows made of bronze, iron and silver.

Of course metal can bend. Obviously, you need more energy to do it. But it's still possible. It just depends on the type of metal. Some types of metal will break before they bend, but even wood needs to be specially treated so that it won't snap.

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Oh no, you looked at Rolf. Now he's crying. Waaaah. Seriously, Shinon was too kind to the little brat, he shoulda just caved in his head with a shovel.

Well, like Mist, I prefer his FE10 incarnation. Besides, FE9!Rolf is an adorable shota.

Rolf: Rhys!

Rhys: Hello, Rolf. Oof! Thanks for the hug! Why are you running like that? Did something happen?

Rolf: Nope. I just ran because I saw you!

D'AWWWW. Sothe was an adorable shota too in FE9 before he became...that...thing...in FE10

As for the whole "Iron Bow/Steel Bow" thing, I never saw it as the actual bows being made of iron or steel, just the arrowheads on....the arrows.

Edited by El Rey León
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Sure you can bend the bow, but is it going to snap back or just stay in place? I've never spent much time attempting to bend iron, but I've found that metals seem to stay where you bent them to.

And of course it's theoretically possible, but do you really think Rolf can bend a bar of iron, if they even found a way to make an iron bow in the FE world. Stringing a wooden bow was immensely difficult, let alone a metal one.

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Sure you can bend the bow, but is it going to snap back or just stay in place? I've never spent much time attempting to bend iron, but I've found that metals seem to stay where you bent them to.

And of course it's theoretically possible, but do you really think Rolf can bend a bar of iron, if they even found a way to make an iron bow in the FE world. Stringing a wooden bow was immensely difficult, let alone a metal one.

Well, generally wood snaps or breaks or splinters rather than bends. It has to be specially made. I guess they found a way to do it in Tellius?

Plus, I imagine it's not very thick metal.

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If you want my advice then stop thinking about it; Bronze, Iron, Steel and Silver are weapon titles, not weapon descriptions, and have nothing to do with the materials the weapons are made from. Bronze would be really heavy and break easily, Iron would be too brittle, Steel is about 95% iron and Silver's physical properties are distinctly unsuited to being a weapon, not to mention it'd be ruinously expensive (like let's-blow-the-royal-fortune-on-a-sword-made-of-silver expensive).

Edited by Byte2222
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FE4: Ethlin, Yuria (I'm not sure on this one)

Amusingly Yuria is the character whom I saw the most fanart of the entire series. The one coming the closest must be Tinny or Sophia.

I'd say pretty much every gaiden character and every substitute character from FE4 (while Linda does have some art, they're quite rare). Tiltyu has quite a load of good arts, but she's in her daughter's shadow and need far more love. FE5's characters not named Sara/Felgus or one of FE4's crew too.

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He actually has loads of fanart, cosplay, etc. But there can never be enough Soren. :B

Rath. I think Rath needs more love. I love Rath.

Miledy. I have not seen any fanart with her in it. Maybe im just not looking hard enough.

Natasha. See above.

Rolf gets no love.

Ive not seen any Oswin fanart or avatars or anything really.



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Dorcas needs more love guys. Like, seriously. Why are we used to characters to can double and 1RKO in the GBA series? It's not like Osw1n manages to do it unless he doubles, or even speedsters who get tons of hype deal crappy damage despite doubling and criticals.

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Guys that don't have long hair and/or are not swordfighters need more appreciation as a whole. Some examples: Alec, Arthur, Wolt, Saul, Hugh, Ewan, Forde... I love all of those guys and I barely see any appreciation of them as characters (as admittedly quite a few of them are unsuited for efficient gameplay - specially Ewan). Also, I know most people like Percival and Gerik, but it's never enough. They are too amazing.

Among the girls... Niime (considering my avatar/sig I bet you saw this coming). She is a old hag, ya, but a fierce one nonetheless. In fact, most women that are not easily classified as "cute" or "hot" (or as a "woman", period, if your name is Limstella) could have more fans. And also Lalum, who is cute AND hilarious and should get as much love as Serra.

Edited by Axie
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