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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Tas frowned a little. "I'm a bit--" Tas restarted his stentence, "I'm worried about the hatchling and the eggs. I didn't have time to pack for such a long flight so Namid's wings are my tent if I need one. Normally we just don't fly if the weather is bad, but there's not much choice right now. If you have tents, then that's all the better. In this rain and cold, though, I..." He trailed off for a moment, looking quite worried and shaking his head a little. "I'm not sure if the hatchling will survive, let alone the eggs. If a hatchling becomes ill then... They don't often recover. Also, the eggs are getting close to hatching - the mountain wyvern egg especially," Tas continued. The situation and surroundings were weighing him down. He didn't notice it, but he was beginning to get a cold, too.

"So, we meet again," Beau greeted Derek after he'd healed the man, "Your group has an uncanny way of landing in trouble, it seems. What exactly happened here? It would indeed explain why the merchant I'm travelling with's horses reacted as they did."

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Luc Altair and the Fargo

They had to go faster! Damn horse, for the first time since that abhorred day he wished he had his old Fulrik back. But no, he had to have this nameless waste! Bah, no, wait, why was he mad? No, be calm, being mad just makes horses annoyed. Right? He should have paid more attention in class for once. Fargo kicked the horse again--and they broke into the clearing. "Whoa!" he pulled hard on the reigns and was nearly flung off from the sudden stop.

"I got Captain!" he yelled to anyone. He practically fell off his horse trying to get off quickly. He helped Captain down far more carefully though.

A Paul

Fargo and others had returned before Paul. It was going to be kind of tricky making it back to his safety bag with so many eyes around.

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... The world returned, in what seemed like an eternity, for Derek. He slowly got up, before being immediately addressed by the young priest they had met a while ago at the site of the other demon encounter.

"... We got betrayed by one of our members. Underestimated him, and got nearly massacred. Dammit," Derek said to himself. How could I not have noticed..?

Medic General

The bleeding wouldn't stop, no matter how much pressure was applied. It looked like the man was going to die...

A bottle fell from the generals' belt, clattering on the ground. It was an elixir, one that the Comet kept around for emergencies.

Why didn't I think of this earlier? Alex thought angrily, uncorking the bottle and splashing the mixture onto Alferis' wounds. Instantly, the massive cuts sealed themselves, and the skin reformed, good as new. In seconds, Alf had went from dying to simply unconscious, thanks to the magic mixture. None the less, Alex continued her vigil, until a healer came over.

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Beau nodded. "I see. I'll help you all so far as you need healing but I have someone I paid who is taking me to Jerdon. His horses were spooked and he cannot get them to move," Beau explained why he was there, though didn't really show much sympathy for their plight. A few relating memories struck him. "Do you know where Arrin and his sister are?"

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Wyvern Care

Irina: They've already been out too long as it is. If we want the eggs to be okay then we need to keep them out of this rain and cold completely. Maybe we should put a cover over Namid to block out some of the cold?

Lev: While you two discuss that, I'm going to go see about those tents.

The wyvern lord mercenary took a stroll over toward Jasmine who was carefully opening one of the orange cases.

Lev: Whatchaupto? ^_^

Jasmine: That was just terrible. A traitor that turned out to be a demon. You're not a demon right?

Lev gave her an amused but surprised look. He couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

Lev: Well, can't say they haven't seen someone with my face screw with them before, but I don't think I'm a demon.

He knelt down beside her and put his hand on the case. It seemed he was about to help her open it.

Lev: You still have that tent?

Jasmine: Yep. Without Lucille though, the general's actually going to have to help us set it up. We should have done this before it started raining.

Lev: Eh, no need. I needed something to do anyway. I'll help you.

Jasmine: Heh. Okaaaay. You've got your excuse now then. What next?

He cracked an innocent smile while rolling his eyes.

Lev: I've got no idea what you're talking about.

Druggies ... Apparently

Too many people had converged on and were felled by Eric before Conrad or Viveka could step in. As they were about to, Irina ended the battle. Dismissing his axe into the ether, Conrad sighed.

Conrad: It crossed my mind, but I didn't actually consider the possibility that he was a traitor.

Viveka: Me neither. What the hell? Now what are we supposed to do?

Conrad: Hmm.

It suddenly occurred to Conrad that Eric was the one that had returned from a skirmish with the demons. Viveka watched him while he thought wondering what was holding his attention, and then he said it.

Conrad: I think we should do a recount of how many demons have been slain.

Viveka: ... um.

Conrad: Isotov killed one of them, but I doubt Eric being a demon himself killed either of the other two. That leave us with four known demons. I need to discuss our options with Morgan soon.

Viveka hung her head barely achieving an agreeing nod before heading over to Jasmine and Lev who were just beginning to bring out the massive tent cover. She knew she'd be helping soon as well.

Dinner Time

Meanwhile in Irvinheim, O'Donnel cheerfully strolled into the dining room. Once there, he saw Ixion sitting at the table thumbing through a tome.

O'Donnel: Ixion! There you are! I've been looking forward to this.

Ixion: I wonder why.

Ixion didn't even look up at O'Donnel. He simply continued reading as the Archsage sat down across from him.

O'Donnel: Don't be naive. It's not this little dinner I'm looking forward to, it's what comes afterward. Our little talk, remember?

The Dark Druid raised an eyebrow but didn't look away from the pages of the tome.

O'Donnel: Meet me in my office after dinner, alright? Oh, and speak nothing of this to that lovely winged companion of yours.

Ixion: Noted.

A few minutes later, Mana was escorted to the dining hall by a few servants and directed to the table.

Servant: The food will be served in moments, Madame.

O'Donnel: Ah there she is. Come!

He stood up and offered her a chair aiming to help her get seated.

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Having ridden for a long time, Dimitri just arrived near Burgosas from the shortcut, he and his horse panting. What he saw were people fleeing from the city onto various roads, screaming in terror at what was going on.

"Hm...perhaps Alf was here maybe?" said Dimitri aloud, riding a bit till he came across a blonde haired girl.


"Oh excuse us," said Dimitri, to the girl. She was carrying a lyre in her hands, clearly a bard. In fact....

"Oh yes, I remember you fine from years ago," said Dimitri, giving a small smile.

"Yes. It's dangerous out here, you should leave."

"Yes well, I'm looking for somebody. Remember who was with me when you caught me kissing another guy? The blonde guy? I heard he's around here and I'm looking for him.

"Ah! I see. He went into the woods with another group. It's pretty dangerous though."

"Thank you girl," said Dimitri, riding off before she could say anything and rested against the trees on the edge of the forest.

"It'd be good to get rest," said Dimitri, keeping a grip on his horses reins as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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"... I didn't see where they went down," Derek admitted, too frustrated to wonder why the priest wished to head for Jerdon. "However, I believe that is Kelas' horse over there," he concluded, gesturing over to Amari. Walking away, the man sat down against a tree, removing his helmet, and glaring at it. All these years... He had been played. In retrospect, it made his stupidity all the more evident. Eric had always been involved in accidents, as if the Goddess was out to get him. Why hadn't he realized that the Lady WAS out to get the man, or rather, demon. Idiot!, he thought. I'm such an idiot!

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"Thanks, Lev," Tas replied as the wyvern lord walked away. Then he returned his attention to Irina, "It's not Namid I'm worried about so much. The hatchling and eggs need something... Well, something that hasn't been drenched. I've been keeping the eggs wrapped in my blanket that I bring with me when I go on long deliveries. Ones that last overnight. Or rather, lasted. The hatchling is wrapped in my co--" the courier suddenly cut himself off, twisting away from Irina at the last second as a sneeze exploded from him.

"...my coat," he finished with a bit of a sniff afterward, facing Irina again, "Sorry about the sneeze... I guess I haven't been keeping myself too warm lately..." Suddenly a realization hit him. "Um... Irina? Until this cold passes, could you look after the hatchling? I don't want him getting sick. I could still instruct you on keeping him--" He twisted away again with annother sneeze. "...Beh.. That is, I can still teach you how to take care of him." Annother sniff.

Tas sighed, frusterated at this new cold. "The eggs will be fine with me for now. If I get a fever I can keep them warm better anyway... I'm sorry to impose upon you like this. Also, I think the hatchling needs some food. My blanket and coat are soaked through, too, so the eggs need a new, soft nest to keep them warm until my blanket dries, if it's not too much--" Tas faced away and sneezed again, finishing his sentence with a bit of embarassment, "...trouble..."

Beau nodded. He got the all information he could out of the man so if he wanted to leave, Beau had no complaint. So, he made his way over to the horse, hoping for a clue as to where the nomads were. (Nomads are good with horses. Maybe I can get them to help me.) However, the only human with the horse was a boy he didn't recognize clinging to her neck. "Who are you?" dryly asked Beau, already guessing that the other boy was by far inferior to him.

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As Mana entered into the room, a small swirl of air fluttered over the table, causing the candle flames to flicker and dance. In the wavering light, a thousand tiny gems composed of pure magic, each no larger than a droplet of water, shimmered and flickered in the candlelight. Across her body and over each of her six wings, the gems hung about her like a fine mist, shining with a gentle and serene light. Mana smiled, her lips covered in soft green lipstick, identical to the color of her element. Despite the lack of any formal dress, she seemed to be as every bit regal as she had been when she had gone unto the ball.

"I hope you don't mind." she said, bowing softly and giving a false curtsy. "I took the liberty of dressing myself up and using my dinner manners. Ixion, if you would send the servants from the room?" she said. Once the deed was done, Mana looked O'Donnel calmly and gently in the eye. "I'm afraid I'm a bit of a liar O'Donnel. I'm not really as hyper or child-like as I lead you to believe earlier. We were in public, and it is important for me to be as different as possible there than when I am in private."

Her six wings gave a small flutter, causing the gems about her to reflect in a halo-like manner as she lightly strode about to her seat. "I'm sure you understand the reason why."

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A sudden shout broke Tessa out of a stupor-like reverie she had unintentionally fallen into. I was going to help more people, but everybody had seemed so busy, and I guess, the cold and... I'm so tired. She quickly slapped her cheeks to try to freshen up enough, to start moving again.

"I got Captain!" had come the call, and sure enough, Fargo had returned from the mission she'd sent him on. The whole affair had been reasonably prompt to... or had it? Just how long had she stood there spacing out? Morgan had moved nearby to Reika, healing her, which would probably earn her yet more scorn from the thief if she ever found out. The troubadour resolved to take the credit/blame if it came to it. The nomads were still out cold, the figure she'd seen in the distance... where had it gone? Clearly she had been out of it for a while, but not too long it seemed.

Introspection over, she tried to hurry over to the cavaliers, but could only manage a bit of a stiff walk, yet since Fargo had ridden quite close in, she managed to arrive by the time Luc had been carefully lowered from his horse.

"Good work there, Fargo! I'm proud, and I'm sure Count Altair will be too. Just... give me a second and we'll see what I can do for him, shall we?" she addressed the man more calmly than she had expected, surprising herself a little.

The man's condition quickly erased the calm, however. He'd been stabbed high in the chest, nearly clean through, and there was a hissing sound that struck the healer with a dreadful fear. A sucking chest wound is no laughing matter at all, and he should have had immediate treatment. There's still time, I can do this. A deep breath and some positive reinforcement, and then Tessa flew into immediate action. The man's lung had been punctured, and the integrity of the chest cavity had been compromised, but the power of The Lady flowed through her, briefly driving off the chill of the weather before her warmth was all channeled into the man laying before her.

Luc's breathing was stabilizing, and putting her ear to his chest, she searched for any sign of further leaks. Finding none she was about to congratulate herself, when she noticed the second wound the man had suffered. Compared to the first it was minor indeed, but it still needed treatment. Shifting her weight, and adjusting her grip on her staff she set about to apply herself, but this time when she prayed, something felt off... It was like back at the border. Remembering to mind her own limits, she cut her efforts short with a gasp, the final wound would simply remain unhealed for the moment.

Looking back up at Fargo, through the wet hair plastering itself to her face, she said, "The worst is mended, but I... I can't do anymore. All that's left... a vulnerary should be good enough. I'm sorry..."

Exhausted she let her staff slip from her fingers, and huddled, clasping her knees, still keeping a watchful eye on her patient.

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As Esphyr was healed up, the mercenary girl pulled herself into a sitting position. The world about her seemed to shimmer and quiver softly as pain throbbed through her body and a loud buzzing shot through her ears. Tenderly, she tried to rub the back of her head, only to pull her hand away as a fresh wave of pain shot through her form. "Gah. That hurt." she groaned out before looking down to see what damage had been done to her. Eric's sword had cut into her right leg deeply as well as cutting deep into her chest, from her right armpit down and across almost to her left waist, cutting through the leather armor she wore.. It wasn't a sexy cut in any way though. She could see the white flesh of scarring accented by the red of enflamed flesh from the gash despite the best effort of healing. "Damn it. I need a new breastplate."

She reached down to her second wound, feeling it. Had his blade cut into the very bone? Healed or not, it felt as if her leg had been severed from her body! With a groan, she tried to stand up. As soon as the weight of her body came down upon her leg, a fierce, splitting pain shot through her leg. "AHHHHH!" she screamed loudly as she fell down on to her left knee, her right leg collapsing under her. "Damn!" she hissed as tears welled up in her eye from the pain.

Altion fared little better. Though atop his horse, the sword strikes had cut into his ribs. Only sheer force of will and clutching to his steed like an oversized dolly was keeping him from screaming in pain. "Guys... I think I may be done here." he whimpered out at last.

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As the demon leapt over him and struck down his rider, Ulfhrahn didn't even have time to swipe at the man before he had vaulted off to his next target.

Creating a defensive wall about the fallen wyvern rider, Ulfhrahn allowed the blonde haired woman through. He had seen the human female heal wounds before, she would surely heal his human.

As the girl did so, Ulfhrahn gave her a thankful snort, and soon the odd swordsman retreated.

Ulfhrahn made a mental note to snap the traitorous whelp in half the next time he spotted him.

"Ungh...?" Aiya moaned in pain as she awoke. The wound that had downed her had been closed up, but the job had been quick due to circumstance. While the bleeding had stopped, and the danger subsided, the pain resonated with vigor throughout her, far from the point of receding on it's own.

She noticed that Ulfhrahn was still sheltering her, from the rain, now that the threat was gone.

"S-so... Eric was a traitor... he never seemed that strong before... he... didn't feel human." Aiya managed, sitting up with a spot of difficulty, speaking to Irina, who seemed unharmed.

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Irina: Well if we cover Namid with a fresh thick blanket, we could keep the heat all in one place and the eggs would have more cover too. It would have to be a waterproof cover though, otherwise it won't take long before it just gets soggy and falls off. Maybe a tent cover?

Once Tas started sneezing her worries began to shift to him. He soon wanted her to look after the little one. How could she refuse? He was so little and cute, and if he needed feeding, she would see to that as well.

Irina: Of course. I can look after him, but I'll be honest, I'm not sure what stage he's at yet. Is he old enough to work through chicken meat on his own? That's all we have at the moment I think. Also Kiev can separate it into pieces for him if he needs it. He really should be eating goat or pegasus meat though.

The last sneeze was the last straw though. Now she was mostly worried about Tas.

Irina: Okay we're going to take care of the wyverns, but don't forget about yourself either. If you don't have a cold already, I'm sure you're about to get one.

The Elephant In The Room

O'Donnel: Heh. Liars, here, liars there. Protecting one's interests are nothing to apologize for, but do try to be a little more trusting next time my dear. You've nothing to fear in Irvinheim fortress.

Ixion: (Not from me at least.)

O'Donnel: Now then, how about you tell us more about what you're up to, Ixion?

Ixion: In a moment. I'm waiting for one more guest.

Another guest? O'Donnel was perplexed. What other guest? Suddenly loud footsteps came from the halls and the doors slowly opened up. The tall figure that stepped through the doors was one of the Minotaurs Ixion had created. It wasn't carrying any weapons. Odd though, was a small bow tie on its neck. It walked over and pulled up a chair beside Mana before sitting down and slowly closing its legs together. It politely put its hands in its lap and began breathing heavily at the table.

O'Donnel: Ixion ... what is the meaning of this? A chimera at the table?

Ixion: Two ... remember? Discrimination is rude, don't you think?

O'Donnel: Hmm. Well you see, one chimera is not bound to be as civil as another. Take Etain here. I doubt she'll be breaking anything, even by accident.

The Minotaur began looking Mana in the face and his heavy breathes were repeatedly pushing bad air onto and away from her face. It didn't know what to make of her, so it kept staring, its snout awfully close for comfort.

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"Oh.....Ow..." said Alferis, still wincing a little in pain from the sword wounds.

"Eric..." he growled, gripping his axe. "Eric...you'll pay. I trusted you Eric."

Rubbing his head, he stared at the soldier watching over him, and he nodded, reaching out a hand.

"Thanks for the help, but how are the others?"

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Luc Altair and the Fargo

Things had been a dark, cold blur for too long. If it wasn't for the pain in his chest he would have thought he was dead. Or maybe he was dead, and this pain was just the beginning. Luc tried moving, getting nothing more than a flicker of strength form his arm. But he was moving. Yes, he was on Thunder, right? It was too hard to see, but there was still feeling. But not enough to do anything but fall. So he fell. The heat provided by his mount was refreshing for how little of it he actually felt; and it was steadily growing colder as well. His arm twitched, and Thunder slowed. Damn.

Wait, a voice? Ha, what luck. Fargo.

Luc was moving again. But, this wasn't Thunder.

Warmth. Less pain, air, heat.


Luc struggled to force his eyes open, but they would not comply. This was staff healing so it had to be Anna-Seline--no, she was... gone. Luc shot his eyes open. It was Tessa. She was healing him. Luc breathed a sigh of relief, as he could breath fairly well again. His mind had been so effected he barely had a recognition of what was wrong. But it didn't matter. Tessa was certainly skilled enough to right it.

"The worst is mended, but I... I can't do anymore. All that's left... a vulnerary should be good enough. I'm sorry..." and she dropped her staff.

Luc struggled himself up but fell back down. He hadn't been fully healed. Damn. How hard had the poor girl been pushing herself to look this exhausted?

Fargo did what Luc could not. "Whoa there missie, you look as worse off as any of them!"

"F-Fargo," Luc choked out.

"Uh, right, no time to be doing stupid things!" Fargo peeled off for the saddlebag of his and dragged a few vulneraries out. "Here," he handed one to Luc before turning back to Tessa. "Alright missie, time to rest, hopefully out of this wet corner of nowhere." Fargo went back to the saddlebag and grabbed one of the special Directus tents and began setting it up around them.

Luc grimaced and slowly applied the medical item to his own wound. Fargo had made the right choice in being more concerned for Tessa's safety. She was far more valuable than Luc right now.

A Paul

Ha, looked like things were more of a mess than he first thought. If they got through this all alive it'd be by the damnedest thinnest margin around. Paul almost regretted not helping. But his orrders were to spy. Plus he was like, old as all hell. A man his age would probably just die from all that silly exertion!

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"Not doing well." said Esphyr, hissing through her teeth in pain as she clutched her leg. "I think... Maybe something got hurt that couldn't be mended. I don't know. I hope not but... Nyuggg..."


"Why hello there." said Mana, looking the Minotaur in the eye. "I'm going to call you Howard. Hello Mr. Howard. It is nice to see you here at the dinner table. Please, introduce yourself to our guests." she said before turning away from the animal, his heavy breath still pounding down on her cheek.

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"Huh? Esphyr? You ok?" said Alferis, stumbling his way towards her.

"Let me see that," said Alferis, gesturing towards her leg and pulling out a vulnerary.

"Goddammit! Eric...why didn't I realize?" he said, pounding his fist on the ground.

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"That won't help much." said Esphyr, taking a sharp intake. "Vulneraries only promote flesh healing and cleanse wounds. I think it's the bone that's hurt. Besides, I don't feel comfortable with you putting your hand on my upper leg like that."

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Tobe dimly requested that someone was asking him a question, and that the noise level had gone down. Sniffling, he raised his face a few inches to look towards the questioner. He could see that they were back with the group, but the fighting had stopped. He slid down from Amari's back, keeping close to the mare, wiping his dirty, tearful face with a scuffed-up sleeve. "I'm-- 'm just Tobe," he told the questioner, a boy not much older than he was, but definitely of a higher class. "They-- they-- what just happened? The man with th' sword... he gone? Who are you?"


Arrin's side ached.

He'd survived, he realized. Probably someone had healed him. He realized that Kelas had probably run in to help. He opened his eyes, tried to call out-- not much noise was made. Turning his head slightly, he saw Tessa finishing up with healing her-- all right, she was alive. He didn't quite think moving was a good idea yet... he stayed still. He shouldn't have charged in like that, he realized, looking up to the stormclouds above.

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Odd coincidence, Alex thought, as the bandit woke up and mumbled something about a traitor. She was about to open her mouth and tell him that most of the injuries were tended to, but then Alferis ran over to that mercenary, who was complaining of an injury. Deciding to stay away, the soldier backed off from the rest of the group, and began to patrol the recovery area.

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"If it's a bone, I think it may be broken, and I could set it," Alferis replied gently. He brought his hands towards her legs, but didn't touch them, wondering if he should continue.

"It'll hurt like mad, but believe me, immediate pain is better than walking on a broken bone. If that's the problem."

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"It's only a cold," Tas dismissed, waving it off with a sniff before he continued, "The hatchling might turn his nose up at chicken, but I don't know. Back in Burgosas he apparently chould stomach prison food, so he should be fine with chicken. Though I do know about which foods are best for him and you're right: mountain goat meat would be preferred. We don't have any, though. I'll pay you for whatever food you spare him. Thank you, Irina and I appreciate the offer of the cover for Na-a--" Annother sneeze, again skillfully aimed away from Irina. Annother sniff before he finished his interrupted word, "--mid." And annother sniff.

"A man with a sword? One man did all this?" Beau blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected that in the least bit, he shook his head, dismissing the question. It wasn't relivant. "I don't know what happened. I only just arried, but whoever the swordsman was, he isn't here any longer. My name is Beau Adalgiso Bellmire, heir to Bellmire Estate in Elyimisia. Here, I'll offer you a distraction: Do you know where the TISME mage Arrin is? If not him, then his elder sister, Kelas?"

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Esphyr stopped for a full moment, trying to decide between letting Alf touch her leg, and trying to live the rest of her life on a weaker limb. Though she knew what her eventual choice would be, she was lothe to admit it. Yet, in the end. "Just try to be careful where you put your hands." she said, lying down on the ground so she wouldn't have to balance on one limb as he set the limb. "And pray to the goddess it heals right."

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The minotaur stared blankly not having a clue what the winged woman was saying to him. Once she turned to face away from him, he looked over to Ixion who was still thumbing through a tome. Then to O'Donnel who was looking at both him and Mana, trying to find figurative similarities to them. If they were both chimeras then Ixion's skill was promising. Ivanko's trust in the young man was well placed it seemed.

Ixion: So then ...

The Dark Druid shut up the tome and put it into his cloak before leaning back in the chair with his arms crossed.

Ixion: What would you like to know ... O'Donnel?

O'Donnel: Exactly how did you learn to create these beings, Ixion? No human should have the precise understandings of biology to accomplish this. It shouldn't be possible to do what you are doing.

Ixion: It isn't. I am the only mortal who can.

O'Donnel: Yes, but how?

Ixion: The arcane isn't your primary field, O'Donnel. Do you want to know so that you can try and fail to reverse engineer my methods or simply out of genuine curiosity? If a child were asking me, I would be less wary, but you are simply a potential threat to my secrets. Same as any magical adept, you are a rivaling force first and foremost, a human being second.

O'Donnel: Hahahahah! Ixion, you shrude young man. I suppose I can understand your concerns but keep in mind. I too work for Ivanko. This isn't just your mission. You don't even have the bloodpact. If anything, you're the one that shouldn't be trusted.

Ixion: I have something more important than a bloodpact. You mercenaries and researchers are bound by a ritual and a tattoo. I am bound by my purpose. You will never understand just how much more important I am to this cause than the rest of you combined.

O'Donnel chuckled to mask his frustration. Ixion wasn't being very yielding it seemed, nor was he sparing any harsh comparisons. He would take note not to be so well mannered himself during their talk later on.

O'Donnel: Your master seems to have a rather high opinion of himself doesn't he, Etain?

Ixion: (I am what I am ... you're the one who has to live with that, O'Donnel.)

Taking Care

Irina: You don't have to pay me for a chicken, Tas. I'm not a marketer. We're buying these wyverns anyway so it's our responsibility to keep them fed and protected. I don't care if the transaction's been made yet. I'm helping because I want to. And since I'm here to help, I want you to take it easy, okay? Lev can help too.

When Aiya approached, the mention of Eric made Irina hang her head and sigh.

Irina: Yeah, I ... don't want to think about it. Things were bad enough when we found out Katie was actually Shanice. How many people almost died ...? No. Can't get dragged down by that right now. We need to focus on here and now. Aiya, can you help us with the wyverns? Also, I think Tas is getting a cold ....

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