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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Tas couldn't help but laugh a little at her reply. "Of course we're friends! And I thought that once I found him that I could come back and teach you how to take care of wyeverns some more. You could even meet him if you'd like," the courier replied.


Finally recovering from his initial shock due to fatigue, Beau curled up where he was and swiftly began to doze, mumbling a quiet "Goodnight."

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"It will be quicker if I just do it." Morgan said. I haven't got to study an interesting tome in ages, and now interruptions all over the place. She saw the thief huddled against a tree. "Reika! Did you recognize our attackers?" she called out to the girl.


"Marry outside nobility? I don't believe you've ever met my mother. I think she might just shoot fire out of her eyes and incinerate ,e if I ever did something like that." Tristan replied to Viveka. He began to laugh, though this quickly ended when he realized his mother may not be able to incinerate him by virtue of being dead.

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"And you'll stop jumping in front of knives?" Kelas asked dryly. "The others are right, though, we need to work out who this lot were. They were waiting for us. That means they've got someone in the group, which means... dammit, how many traitors have we got?" she wondered, exasperated. "Surprised that the interrogations haven't started up yet already," she added with a slight grimace. She would inevitably be among the suspect... that would be unpleasant.

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Reika smirked to herself as Morgan called out to her, asking if she knew the attackers. Was the woman seriously naive to think she'd just tell her if she really did know them? Let alone within earshot of hostile people. It would be a good excuse to kill her.

"Lady, I, uh, don't know them. Never seen them in my life. Yeah.

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Irina: Oh sure. I'd love to meet your father.

Again she had to refocus her thoughts. It wasn't as simple as merely resolving to do something in her opinion. She ended up putting her head down a little as she continued.

Irina: Hm. Well ... it's really dangerous just being near this group. Wouldn't it be a better idea to meet your father after we finish our mission? While we've been doing this we've been getting attacked at random constantly and it's only been a month and a half. I wouldn't want to put you and your father at risk, you know?


Viveka: You have no idea how much I was expecting you to say that. I'm serious though, if marrying outside of nobility gives you a better shot at happiness ... and a less stressful reign to boot, then she really ought to support it ... dead or not. I hope she's alive though. Your country's nearly gone up in flames so you've got enough problems as it is, I'm sure.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a priestess with a young boy coming into the group. She didn't recognize the woman or the child.

Viveka: (Okay who the hell is that?)


Iso: Right ... it's just one set of garbage after another. I guess we'll have to deal with that when it happens.

He didn't want to focus on the inevitable drama. There had to be something else for him to focus on, right?

Iso: Urgh ... hm. I know this is kind of playing dumb, but can we change the subject? I think about how much scrutiny's going to hit you and my sister and I just want to punch a wall. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that if it happens yet.

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She sounds rather unsure. I would interrogate her myself, but I really do not to get this tome read and Reika doesn't respond well to me... She paused, looking around at the all the others...who would be good for a task like this? Lev would do it possibly, but he appeared to be involved in some sort of wyvern rider training with Aiya so she left him be.

She walked over towards Luc and whispered "Luc, would you be willing to interrogate Reika on the matter of our most recent attackers? Her latest denial was unconvincing and I think you may be able to discover the truth, despite your recent injuries." She opened Proxima and began to read before he gave his answer.


"Thank you Viveka, your words are things that I'm not really used to hearing, to be honest. Mother is quite stubborn though, she always believes what she does is best for me...and for Septimus. Maybe in the next town I'll hear news about whether my parents are alive..." Tristan hopped on Bellerophon, suddenly feeling very ready to go.


"Ivanko of course." she said to the mercenaries. "Where the hell else do they come from?" She looked at the wyverns butting heads. "Is this a natural dominance contest, or are you two just seeing whose wyvern is stronger?" she asked them, staring them down. Svetlana, entirely uninterested in the fighting wyverns, began to nose her way into Xenia's pack, her mouth salivating.

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"Huh? I thought you'd go to the base and take care of the hatchlings there for a while. I trust you with them and I don't know how the other emrcenaries are. But I guess I shouldn't have assumed that. You must be on a job here or something," replied Tas, feeling a little bad for having expected Irina to take csre of the hatchlings herself, "But it's not like my dad's weak. He's been delivering wyverns for a long time now. He can't fight, though. Only a few other couriers besides myself can actually use a weapon and my father's not one of them. Weapons are kind of risky to the wyverns, after all, and they're extra weight."

(I should've been more thoughtful. I'm probably still being inconsiderate.)

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Viveka: Ah don't mention it. I usually give soldiers advice too ... not about ruling a country but you know.

Seeing him climb back on his pegasus, she started wondering if it was time to go, from the looks of the rest of the party ... not quite yet.

Viveka: It would be nice to get out of here but ... whoa!

Spotting Conrad on the ground under Jasmine, she gasped!

Viveka: General Jackson was the one that got hit with that first shot?! Oh goddess I thought it was someone else! Someone less important! Excuse me, Tristan, I've got to make sure he's alright!

She quickly cantered Susann into a gallop heading over to Conrad and Jasmine.


Merc: Ivanko put you in charge of the Jace gig? What the hell is the world coming to?

One of the others shrugged it off deciding to answer her question.

Other Merc: Good exercise for them, good entertainment for us, and best of all no injuries.

Suddenly one of the mercs was tossed right over the back of his shoulder landing away from Xenia, the victim of the wyvern's slipping off of each other and slamming into the spectators. The mercenary grimaced.

Other Merc: It's not perfect, alright?

Merc: So you're in charge ... fine, I can swallow my pride for this last job but don't try anything funny. Everyone's on edge since we realized what's going on ...

Other Merc: We're a bit depressed but at least we get to go out with a bang right? I think I'll join the royal guard personally. So I suppose since you're leading the Septimus group, that means you're here gathering men who'll fill out the rest of the ranks there, right?

Merc: Ivanko said three hundred guys were going, but most of them got picked out of the base in Irvinheim so that means there's probably only fifty spots left. Yikes ... work for that crazy hero or attack the royals ... tough call.


Irina: Well I wouldn't really mind looking after them. Actually I'd love to, but aside from the job I have here, I'm also looking after my brother, Iso. I was separated from him for ten years until recently. I won't be able to make up that kind of lost time so we decided to stick together from now on. Being a crimson weapon wielder he's essential to the group so Morgan's not going to just let him leave on errands. I'm going to hate to see them go. (Ohhh! I want to just keep this hatchling for myself!)

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"I'll be around until Lev has the time to take me to a base anyway. Maybe this group will disband before that happens. Though, I don't know what you mean by 'crimson weapon.' Sorry I'm not up-to-date. I'm pretty much just following Lev around for now," informed Tas, "Not that I mind being left in the dark but these attacks sure are common. I guess that's why you mercenaries are out here."

"Depending on when the eggs hatch, we may have more hatchlings than eggs before the delivery's made," Tas replied with a hint of worry about the lack of proper nesting, but with a smile seeing how well Irina got allong with the hatchling, "If there get to be too many, you might have to name some."

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Irina: Yeah ... we are totally heading in the opposite direction of the base. If we were going to go to the closest base, we really ought to be going there ... and now but ... (it would be sad to see him go, the hatchling too.) I guess that's up to Lev ... I mean at this rate we'll be closer to the Elyisimian base than the Septimus base so maybe we would deliver them there. (That place is so SHINY.)

Tas also mentioned that the eggs were close to hatching and that names could possibly be in order.

Irina: Oh wow. That's kind of risky without proper nests.

She looked down at the hatchling for a moment.

Irina: (I want to name youuuuu.)

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"Really?" replied Tas, a bit of excitement rising in him, "I've never been to Elyisima before. Sure I've been near it and if I have been in it, it's never been too far into the country." His excitement lowered however, as Irina brought up his own worry, "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm worried about. I know that the mountain egg will hatch within the next two weeks at most. It could - and probably will - be sooner. I'm not sure when the plains eggs will hatch. Wyverns are very vulnerable when they first hatch, after all, and it's not just because of their soft scales. They catch diseases very easily and have to be constantly kept warm and dry. Plus, they have a very specific diet. They're so small, weak and fragile that they can't eat solid foods at first - it will have to be ground up somehow. Then they can eat insects. After that they can start eating rodents and small birds. Then they'll be at the red hatchling's state of being able to eat larger animals. Of course, this is the order for mountain and plains wyverns. It's completely different for sea wyverns, though I'm sure about the specifics of those since I've never even seen one first-hand. The sooner we find someplace with the food they'll need - and believe me: they eat a lot - the better off they'll be. Oh, but even though they eat a lot, each of these stages only lasts a day or so. They grow up quickly enough for that, though the rat-and-bird stage will last longer than the insect stage will. But if we have to, we'll have to somehow try to get them to roughly the same size as that red one you have."

Letting loose a sigh and allowing himself a smile, he mentioned, "Normally we let the buyers name the wyvern. You're one of the Ivanko Mercenaries, right? I wouldn't have a problem if you named him."

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OOC: If there's anything immediately visible, like a red film, or blood in his eyes, she should be able to see that during the exam, as well as to catch any on problems tracing movement. I have no idea what you've got planned here man, so guide me somewhere.

OOC: It's blood in his eyes and he's mostly overreacting.

Chase nodded, and wished he hadn't done so, but did as she said and quietly watched her move the finger. ... Huh, this is actually kinda simple, he thought. Then again, what did I expect? Meh.

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Luc Altair

Luc kept himself immobile as he recuperated from his injuries. Despite his flesh being healed, his mind and spirit were exhausted, and he would wait until he didn't feel like he would topple over any second before standing. But it seemed other people had plans for him, as Morgan came over and asked him to interrogate Reika on the attackers. Smart. Luc rolled his head over to respond only to see Morgan digging through one of the Crimson Tomes for something. Curious. "Very well," Luc responded. "It was my suspicion that she would know about them anyway." Luc would have preferred to be the first one to ask her about it, if even one person--and Morgan was likely the worst one person there could be--asked before Luc, Reika would most likely cover up. Now, now things would get tricky.

The Fargo

"Well, um, uh," Fargo scratched the back of his head as he stuttered. He was pretty sure he was getting in trouble no matter what he said, so what was the least disastrous thing? "Well, you'll have to take that up with Captain. It's not nice talking about someone else's horse behind their back." Man that sounded dumb.

A Paul

"Rock," Paul called out the warning and hopped right over it. "Ooooo, is that poisonous?" Paul hopped over that as well. And he kept hopping, and hopping until he saw the familiar trees next to the area where the group probably was. Now, how should he--the amazing Paul--do this? He knew immeditatly to tie the girl to a tree with the robe that magically fell out of his cloak and then make strange calls until someone came. So that's what he did. He tied the girl to a tree-facing the group of course--as best he could. Getting her to stand with all these injuries was kind of difficult, so he had to settle for sitting and placing a big'ol knife up top. Once she was secure, the spy scrambled up the nearest tree and began to shout in as girly a voice as he could manage. Which made him sound like some sort of talking chicken. "Help me! Help me!" he shouted loud enough that anyone in the group could hear.

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"....the hell is that?" Alferis muttered, puzzled at the high pitched sound. "Is that a chicken screaming?....forget it. I've had enough weirdness for one day," he said in disgust, rubbing his head an covering his ears. It was quite loud.

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"Kelp me! Kelp me!" As the cries of what seemed to be a distressed damsel traveled through the forest to reach the groups ear, they fell upon the mighty ear of Kaileen. Kaileen looked down at her child and patted him on the head. "Stay here for a moment Jr." she said before turning about to face into the forest. "Super Priestess Away!" she screamed loudly as she blasted into the forest. Moving as a mighty locomotive towards the source of the call, she came upon Elle, still tried to the tree. "Don't worry fellow woman. Hero Kaileen will save you!" she said proudly before stopping. This seemed almost too easy... almost as if it was a set up!

A shiver as cold as ice slid down Kaileen's spine as the cry for help reached her ears. Turning about she tried to locate the general direction of the source in the woods. Had those vagabonds from earlier returned? Or was there something more afoul in the forest? Kaileen looked down at her child and then back at the group. If she were to intervene, could she risk leaving her son with these... people? Some of them seemed about ready to drop from wounds while others seemed to be of the shiftier sort to put it lightly. Still, the cry of a person in danger, she couldn't turn her back on that either.

"Jr. I need you to stay here. If these people try to capture you or do anything bad, run away as fast as you can and cry out for me. I promise that, when I hear you, I will come back. Understand?"

Jr. gave a nod of understanding, already starting to edge towards the limits of the group just in case. Kaileen gripped her staff tightly, raising it in a defensive position as she headed off into the woods, seeking the source of the cries for help.

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As Chase tracked Tessa's motions, she couldn't help but feel that the boy was being surprisingly docile and obedient. Guess when you're scared and wounded, if you're not lashing out, you're clinging to anyone who sounds like they know what they're doing, she surmised. The problem became immediately apparent. There was some blood in his eyes, and watching the movement made it quite clear that it was purely topical, with no underlying injury. Not bothering to wonder how or why he didn't think to check this for himself, she heaved a sigh.

"Hold very still for a moment," she advised, enjoying one more moment of dominance, while reaching out with her thumb and forefinger. Grabbing his upper eyelid, she gently pulled it down over the lower one a couple of times, letting the action clear away any debris she couldn't see first, before gently rubbing the blood out. First Chase's right eye, then his left, then she was finished.

"Nothing to worry about, you just panicked," she explained afterwards, stepping back away from him. "You should be fine, but next time try not to get so worked up unless there's something really wrong."

Having finished, she turned back to her original destination and caught sight of Arrin standing around nearby, looking, well, slightly lost. "Arrin! What can I help you with?" she called out and pulled up right next to him.

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"O-oh. Um. Thanks..." Chase muttered sheepishly. ... That doesn't really solve my headache, though... um, shoot. Probably just needs some time or something. Yeah. Not really reassured, he clumsily walked back to the immediate area of the carriage. And I still don't know who this belongs to, dammit. Something tells me this is not going to be a speedy recovery...

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Luc Altair

The assault of a dead chicken's final screams assailed the fallen Captain's ears for a few seconds before stopping. Paul was awful at mimicking voices.

The Fargo

"Huh?" Fargo looked about for the source of that weird chicken scream. He shrugged and went back to waiting for the boy to respond.

A Paul

His completely-true scream stopped, Paul waited patiently for someone to come running to help. Any minute now and--ah, there some woman was... Kaileen. Well, that just made things a lot more interesting. Paul kept himself hidden in the treetops. No need to reveal himself to the recluse yet.

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Avoiding the subject

"All right," Kelas replied. She wanted to know who the attackers were, so they could be more prepared next time, but realized the trouble with talking about it, too. She searched for another topic. "By the way, seems like you've gotten a lot better at riding. You didn't fall off when Francis spooked back there, that's certainly an achievement. I reckon--" Whatever she reckoned wasn't mentioned, though, as a squawk split the air, and she turned toward the source. "What the hell was that?" she asked suspiciously, hand going instinctively back to her bow.



"Oh! I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to help," Arrin explained as Tessa came over to him. "Are you doing all right? You're not tired out or hurt, are you?" he added. She looked all right, at least, so there was no immediate cause for panic. "Charlotte and Beau are both tired out, but I'm not sure who else needs healing," he added.


Helping even more

"Oh, well, all right, then," Tobe replied, not sure he really wanted to meet another military sort. The lady with Susann had been all right, but there was only so much luck he had, he figured. "Shame, he seems like a good sort of fellow if he weren't so scairt," he added regarding Thunder.


Far away

When Katie next awoke, it was around noon again. A lot of ground had been covered, she could tell; she could see a town behind them. She vaguely remembered being coaxed out of the saddle and into an inn; she hadn't seen the distrusting looks of the innkeepers, who seemed like they recognized her. The town was too far behind now to be seen, at any rate; up ahead, she saw the walls of Ilyphina. She blinked rapidly: she was tearing up a little. After all this, to come back here, with no progress made?

She sat up, but did nothing to get Neria's attention, merely observing as they went through the city. It was all so familiar; the streets had been patched up since the bandit attack, and everything seemed to be the same as ever. Yet...

As they drew up to the gates of TISME, Katie reached forward and gave the horse's mane a tug, unable to reach the reins. Neria immediately turned and halted. "We are here," she stated. "Stay on the horse, will be easier for you."

Lacking a writing implement, Katie instead reached for Neria's hand, tracing letters on the back with her finger. No. I walk. She might have failed on her mission and been brought back slung over someone's saddle, but she would at least walk into TISME under her own power. Neria nodded, understanding: some things people had to do themselves. She caught Katie as she scrambled awkwardly down from the saddle, allowing the mage to discreetly lean on her arm as they headed to the gates. Katie paused, then made the gesture that allowed her past the gates like the password let others in, and the gates were opened.

An overwhelming flurry of activity followed: a few of Katie's superiors were summoned, along with some of the staff healers. At some point Neria was dismissed, and went on her way. Katie was whisked from room to room, supported by one of the healers.

They wanted to know what had happened. She sighed and signed for pens and paper: she'd known this was coming. She started to write an account of what had happened, keeping out the more personal bits, including why she even bothered sticking with the group. As she got further in, she had to pause more and more frequently; her handwriting got jagged and stressed as she recounted some parts, hands shaking, occasionally blinking back tears. She didn't really want to remember all of this, but they wanted to know.

She hadn't even gotten to her kidnapping when it grew to be too much. Awash in a flood of memories and still weak from her injuries, she grabbed the edge of the table for support. "Well? There's more, isn't there?" one of the higher-ups asked. Her response was to knock over the ink bottle and shake her head. She'd had enough for now. She couldn't write more; her hands were shaking. One of the healers said something in a hushed tone to the sage who'd asked for continuation-- Katie wasn't trying too hard to hear-- and she was whisked off to one of the infirmary rooms. She took some of the water they offered her, but passed out before the food the healers sent for could come. Memories spun out into dreams of what had happened, while the healers looked on and wondered what they could do to stop her shaking.


Leaving Ilyphina

Neria turned forth from TISME, mounting up. She was once more without destination; she would go anywhere but east. She had done all she could for her patient; the woman was in the care of her colleagues now, and she had no reason to stay.

As she passed through the streets of Ilyphina, she heard a news crier announcing war in Septimus. "<Why must the world always tear itself apart?>" she murmured with a sigh, but turned north. She hated fighting, but there was always need for a healer in such times, even one who would heal either side. "<Lady of the land, I hope you know where I'm going, because I don't,>" she prayed. The journey would continue; someday, somewhere, it would end. Until then, she had people to heal. Heading out onto the road, she nudged her old mare into a trot.

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Lev: I wouldn't recommend trying to transfer over any styles or techniques though I know some people do that. Partly because the weapons are very different. A sword will give you reliability and balance while an axe gives you a lot more killing power. Try swinging it a few different ways to really feel the difference between your sword and the axe. Then I'll get a bit more specific about technique.


Iso: You reckon what?

Suddenly Iso heard the noise too. It was either an old woman calling for help, or some kind of bad vocal impression. Iso frowned.

Iso: ... I ... I don't know what to say. Part of me is worried this is another trap, and part of me is utterly baffled that someone might actually be trying to disguise their voice like that to lure us in. I mean that trick's been used on me before, but ... ah never mind. Should we check it out or stay here?


Irina: You're considering letting me name him?

Irina's face lit up with joy. She didn't have any ideas yet, but the idea of the honor and opportunity being hers was enough to truly brighten her mood.

Irina: That would be so great! I didn't even get to name Kiev, I just raised him after they brought him in. As much as I've done with wyverns, Kiev mostly, I've never gotten to name one. (I wonder if Tas would frown on a Zaftran name.)

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"Alright... I can do that." Aiya replied, swinging the axe to test it.

'Hmm... it's weight is focused at the striking point. That makes it easier to break through guards and bodies, but it also makes it harder to defend with. You can't move the axe head in a parrying motion fluidly due to the added weight.'

Performing a few other test maneuvers, Aiya began to grasp the concepts of axefighting more easily.

'As well, every attack is a full motion. While the sword can execute smaller hits with a flick of the wrist, an axe lacks that ability. As well, you cannot lunge and stab with an axe... but you can inflict crushing blows to compensate...'

"So... something like this, perhaps?" Aiya asked Levski, envisioning an opponent over a nearby tree.

A horizontal swipe. The middle of the tree is instilled with a deep gash.

'Guts spill out on the floor, the axe lacerates the torso, ripping the stomach open.'

Stepping back slightly, Aiya raises the axe, and swings it, the butt of the axe striking the bark, indenting it.

'The skull cavities inward. Blood spurts from every orifice of the face, as the envisioned fighter begins to fall.'

A final action. Flipping the axe about, it is brought down again, chopping into the tree from the top down.

'The blade glints as it is brought down, crashing into the beaten skull. As the hard bone gives way, the soft gray matter of the brain scatters about, blown back by the force of the strike. Dislodging the axe from the torso of the victim, Aiya steps back.'

Sap oozes from the tree as Aiya pulls the axe out of it, wiping the blade clean of the syrup.

"Any observations, Lev?"

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Morgan sat down and continued reading. Interesting. Perhaps I had not given anima magic enough credit, it is more complex than I imagined. Odd considering how simpleminded its wielders often appear to be. I still have not yet found that particular page though.


"Interesting sport." she said, examining the wyverns. "Anyway, yeah I'm gathering up men to go to Septimus. Your chances of survival are probably better working for Jace than trying to take out all the Zaftran royalty, our mission is the less dangerous one. Plus, we're not immediately in the path of destruction if Ixion's creations start going nuts. Of course we will still be killing others and being killed ourselves, but such is the life of the mercenary. You guys weren't hired to be having tea parties. Still, your chances of survival are better with me overall."


"Xaver...come here." the Grand Cleric said. "I have decided that it is best if I leave Ursibus for a time. I think it is my duty to stop this terrible conflict that is occuring. I will go to Halton and attempt to convince the Emperor to stop. Please stay here and defend the clerics if anyone should seek to cause harm."

"Father, no! It's too dangerous and you're too old. You shouldn't go alone." Xaver shouted, scowling at the Grand Cleric.

"Have faith my son. The Goddess will watch over me and may she watch over you as well." the old man said, raising his staff and disappearing.

Damn it! He's going to get himself killed or get sick with only Haltonians to take care of him or something. Xaver thought to himself. He stomped through the halls of the cathedral, which suddenly seemed very empty. He walked outside and focused his wind magic on some rocks, sending them through the air and destroying them one by one. Stupid rocks...

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"I want to say that we seem to be all good here. As for me?" Tessa stopped talking and twirled a little bit, lightly, demonstrating that not only was she doing fine but that she was in good spirits as well. The motion did bring about a sudden rush of cold, though, as the wind flowed in through the hole in the side of her shirt, which she had momentarily forgotten about. As the chill hit her side, a small patch of goosebumps started to break out.

However, more important things were on her mind. "Charlotte and Beau are both exhausted? What happened to them... Do you think we should go and see?"

OOC: Helios bit incoming, either to be editted in here later, or in another post. I don't believe in waiting till everything is ready though, if different players are involved in each.

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All of a sudden, there was a squawking, coming from south of where Alex was scanning, which was very, VERY painful to the ears. The Comet grimaced, and rode towards the source of the sound. A few moments later, the squawking ended, yet it still signaled an unknown entity was about. She rose her lance as she rounded yet another tree, and... spotted a clearly unconscious woman, tied to a tree. Really? Could this be any more of a setup? Alex hopped off of the horse, and froze as she looked at the woman a bit longer.

"... Oi!," she shouted back towards the group. "I found that sage!"

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