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Console Style Re-Move


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Anyone ever see what I'd assume is a glitch where a mounted unit can take the rest of its move after attacking?

I used a Javelin to kill a Longbow Archer from 2 range over a wall and for some odd reason could use the remainder of Sain's move afterwards. No idea why.

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It's not a glitch, it happens on "trap" tiles. Mounted units can canto off them if they attack someone from one.

I'm not sure what in VoD would cause it. There's either something I'm not thinking of, you're misremembering, or (unlikely) there actually is an incredibly rare glitch that causes this randomly.

Edited by Silvercrow
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It's not a glitch, it happens on "trap" tiles. Mounted units can canto off them if they attack someone from one.

I'm not sure what in VoD would cause it. There's either something I'm not thinking of, you're misremembering, or (unlikely) there actually is an incredibly rare glitch that causes this randomly.

Well, I had a mounted unit on the tile at the northwest edge of the map (near the forts with Falcoknights that pop out), had that unit take out a Falcoknight when it appeared, and that unit got to move again afterwards. But then again, I might be misremembering...

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It's not a glitch, it happens on "trap" tiles. Mounted units can canto off them if they attack someone from one.

Wouldn't it still count as a glitch since there's nothing saying they should actually be able to do that?

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Wouldn't it still count as a glitch since there's nothing saying they should actually be able to do that?

Nothing in the game says they can ever canto. They could have put it in so that mounted units could avoid taking damage from traps.

We have no idea what the developers actually intended, so we can't say if it's a glitch.

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Since it's pretty clearly intended (why wouldn't it be? It only works on tiles that harm you if you stay on them), I would not call it a glitch, no.

How does that imply it was intended? If the game had some way of telling us that I could buy it, but as it is it seems like a minor programming error that applied the re-move to another set of (uncommon) tiles.

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It's pretty hard to have something like that in the code by mistake.

Are you sure? Does the same logic apply to the Mine glitch (which, by the way, is definitely a glitch)? I'm no coder, but I don't think any type of convenient glitch like that is "easy" to have in the code.

I'm not saying it definitely is a glitch, I just don't think we can really know if it is one or not.

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The mine glitch involves cutting off some process at the right time which then is terminated when the game resets. I can't really be more specific since I don't know the formatting of the game.

The cantoing off traps is following the process that can't really have been anything but intentionally placed in the game. And in the case that it wasn't, it doesn't seem like something that would have escaped notice in beta.

Of course we can't know for sure that it's a glitch or not, no more than we can assume whether it's a glitch or not that, say, you can buy Flux tomes in shops (the game never tells specifically in dialogue that you can, does it?). But I think the assumption is a relatively reasonable one.

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Broken walls, snags, lava trap tiles, and apparently one corner of each map are known as PWASE in the FE8 "Mine Glitch" guide, which is that glitch used to control enemies, repair weapons, obtain monster weapons and all that. Apparently in this game, their side effect is that mounted units can Canto off them, perhaps because the game thinks they did something other than attacking. I could buy it being intentional if it was only on lava trap tiles (since there's actually a reason not to stay in those), but the similarity in the tile sorts and the fact there's no reason they'd allow you to do this on the other type of PWASE leads me to believe it's not intentional at all.

And it's not like this is the only glitch that got through beta testing either. The several glitches with Ninian's Rings, the Mine glitch, the "Mage trying to attack from inside the Magic Seal turns into Eliwood" glitch...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently sitting on Battle Before Dawn literally looking at Fiora able to re-move after killing a Mage from the spot Maxime was on (not where he starts, where I killed him from). Is this supposed to happen?

EDIT: Related to nflchamp's above experience?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I'm currently sitting on Battle Before Dawn literally looking at Fiora able to re-move after killing a Mage from the spot Maxime was on (not where he starts, where I killed him from). Is this supposed to happen?

EDIT: Related to nflchamp's above experience?

Mine was in some random spot in 19xx. Along the tunnel-like path to the south-eastern chest room. Forget the exact location.

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