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Who are the worst 2 characters for fe6

who are the worst worst 2 charcters for fe7

who are the worst two charcters for fe8

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe9

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe10

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe11

just wondering and if you want you can post why

edit: i pretty much got a good idea who's bad in which game, i will probably not read anyone elses after Radiant Dragon

Edited by hithere1
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Who are the 2 characters for fe6

Roy and Old Eliwood

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe7

Nino and Wallace

who are the worst two charcters for fe8

Ewan and Amelia

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe9

Bastion and Lucia

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe10

Fiona and Lyre

who are the 2 charcters for fe11

Marth and Shiida/Caeda/Sheeda

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Who are the worst 2 characters for fe6

Sophia and Wendude

who are the worst worst 2 charcters for fe7

Karla and Nino

who are the worst two charcters for fe8

Ewan and Amelia

As far as I went. Never played any FE after 8. Sophia and Wendude usually end up getting double by everyone and their grandmothers. They are really hard to train as well. Nino is one of my favorite units but facts are facts. In not because she sucks, she just has a terrible joining time. She gets one rounded too. Karla is pretty hard to get since Bartre and his 3 base speed is hard to promote. Her only purpose is to deliver another Wo Dao but who would go through all that work to get it? :/ See Sophia and Wendude for Amelia and Ewan, they have the same problem.

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who are the worst two charcters for fe8

most of the characters in FE8 are actually pretty good no matter what...

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe9

Bastian and Lucia are pretty terrible. Pre-Promotes with shitty growths

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe10

Fiona sucks. Downright Sucks. Most laguz suck because of their impossibility to train effectively, but i'd say Lyre is the worst.

just wondering and if you want you can post why

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Wendy and Sophia


Wallace and Nino


Efficiency: Amelia and Ewan

Fully Levelled: Dozla and Duessel


Est and Lorenz

Yuri, just how exactly are Marth, Sheeda, and Roy the worst in their game? Marth and Shiida have insane availability, and it's not like they're dragging the team down from the moment they show up (especially considering everyone starts off at level 1 in the first chapter and before). Their growths are great as well (defense and resistance being a common weak point, but who doesn't have low defensive growths in FE11?), not to mention they have their own PRF weapons which are effective against mounted and armored units. And even if they do have their weaknesses, they are much better than quite a lot of other units (eg: Gordin, Darros, Navarre, Matthis, Vyland, Roger, etc.) Although Marth can't promote, it doesn't really bite him in the back in H2 and below, and he has a level cap of 30 to somewhat balance out his lack of a promotion.

As for Roy, he's also got good growths and access to the Rapier. He also has great support options (especially Lance and Alan). I know his late promotion hurts him a lot, but that can be fixed somewhat by giving him a fair amount of kills and not letting him fall behind the others in levels. And when he does promote, the Sword of Seals makes him really great. Besides, there's so many other characters that are worse than Roy (Sue, Ward, Barth, Ray, Zeiss, Yodel, Garret, etc.)

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Who are the worst 2 characters for fe6

Wendy and Sophie

who are the worst worst 2 charcters for fe7

Wil and Karla. (Nino can actually 1RKO Knights with an Elfire, and Renault has some staff utility, and better combat than Karla. Wallace has some decent tanking qualities)

who are the worst two charcters for fe8

Marisa and Knoll

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe9

Bastian and Ena

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe10

Can't I poke at four? :(

Anyway, Lyre and Fiona.

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe11

I barely played it.

Taken from tier lists. So it's a fact.

@Lancelot: You can stop trolling now.

Edited by Soul
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It's just a simple question.

Who are the worst 2 characters for fe6

Sophia and Wendy. Both start as absolute crap and don't give enough return when trained.

who are the worst worst 2 charcters for fe7

Two of Nino, Wallace, Karla, and maybe Renault, for various reasons.

who are the worst two charcters for fe8

Two of Knoll, Amelia, Ewan, and maybe Syrene for various reasons.

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe9

Hard to say because the worst are all pretty similar, but there's Bastian, Lucia, Ena, Rolf, maybe even Nasir, Ulki...

who are the worst 2 charcters for fe10

Fiona, Lyre, Oliver, Astrid, Meg, maybe Pelleas.

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Two of Nino, Wallace, Karla, and maybe Renault, for various reasons.

I'd put Wil there too. I can't imagine ever deploying him after Noble Lady of Caelin (in other words, in any chapter where you have the option to not deploy him). Even Nino can pad EXP rank.

Two of Knoll, Amelia, Ewan, and maybe Syrene for various reasons.

Knoll has lategame utility with summons. Syrene has lategame utility due to flight. Lategame utility is surprisingly underrated in FE8, mainly because Seth trivialises early and midgame, but also because there are no Rout maps after Scorched Sand.

Fiona, Lyre, Oliver, Astrid, Meg, maybe Pelleas.

At least Fiona can rescue annoying allies in 3-6 and chuck javelins to manipulate laguz gauge. Astrid can ferry Danved in 2-3 and chip in 3-9. Pelleas can chip with Fenrir in 4-2. Meg can shove and thwack walls in 1-4 and 1-5. I would put Oliver and Lyre at the bottom of the bottom.

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Here is my list of characters that suck, as well as an honorable mention.

Who are the 2 worst characters for FE6

Yuno: She has bases worse than 20/1 Tate and growths similar to that of Marcus and Zealot.

Wendy: Starts out godawful, growths do not fit class, inferior to her brother in every parameter.

Honorable mention: Sophia(underleveled, crap durability, crap speed, inferior to Ray and Niime)

Who are the 2 worst characters for FE7

Karla: She joins at ?/5 in the third last chapter on the game with bad bases. You are also forced to train Bartre(who shouldn't be used because 3 base AS/Dart exists)to ?/5 to even get her.

Renault: Jesus Christ... 12 mag at ?/16(and this stage in the game)is total crap, and he has bad growths. Even Jaffar turns out better than him.

Honorable mention: Wallace(Joins at 12/1 with bad bases and his chapter has FoW and requires that you neglect Lyn/Eli)

Who are the 2 worst characters for FE8

Knoll: His durability is godawful and has 0 crit evade like forever. His only form of redemption is that he can go Summoner right away.

Amelia: She has no durability and horrid offense at the start. Having better stats than Gilliam when both are Lv20 Gens is no excuse for such a shitty earlygame.

Honorable mention: Dozla(his bases are crap and his skl/spd/lck growths are terrible)

Who are the 2 worst characters for FE9

Sothe: His combat is godawful and he can't promote. At least Lucia and Bastian CAN fight(albeit not very well). Sothe can't without getting KO'd. At least he can mug shit.

Ena: Joins underleveled with crap bases and has gauge issues. You also have to lose to the BK(which I sure as hell am NOT doing.)

Honorable mention: Bastian(bad bases combined with high base level means that he really can't improve. Has no staff utility)

Who are the 2 worst characters for FE10

Fiona: Her earlygame is godawful(she does 1-2 DMG with ~50 displayed hit, gets doubled and 2HKO'd)and her endgame doesn't make up for it.

Lyre: Bad stats(srsly, her base atk is lower than Nolan's base atk with a steel-axe), terrible class(cat gauge is terrible), and levels like a Jagen.

Honorable mention: Oliver(bases are godawful, gets doubled by everything and their great-great-grandmother, and has poor growths)

Who are the 2 worst characters for FE11

Bantu: Baaad stats, Baaad growths, his weapon has only 30 uses and is drained if he enters ANY kind of combat.

Arran: He's ?/10 and his bases are similar to a 10/0 Cain/Abel. Not to mention that his growths aren't too good.

Honorable mention: Boah(his base and growths are as bad as Jagen's and you are already up to your ass in healers)

I took this from a few SF tier lists as well as final stats.

Edited by DA125
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who are the worst worst 2 charcters for fe7

Worst worst? Man, that's...only Karla and Wallace (HHM) are that bad, bro. Wallace is instantly killed and Karla requires training a mediocre unit, and...also sucks. She also requires a five turn shopping spree if that bothers you. I love that level, though. YAAAAY LET'S BUY EIGHT SILVER BOWS FOR NO REASON AT ALL

who are the worst two charcters for fe8

Amelia and Ewan. One of the most fractious communities in gaming pretty much unanimously agrees on this. Ewan is, at least to my view, slightly more salvageable, hitting Res- well...having a chance at hitting, which is more than Amelia can offer without getting instablicked in return. yay javelinchip in a game with Seth and Hero!Gerik.

who are the worst two charcters for fe9

Ena, and either Rolf or Bastian. Rolf is probably better than Bastian, but he's a little shit. Bastian's personality is badass. It really depends on whether or not you skip cutscenes.

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I'd put Wil there too. I can't imagine ever deploying him after Noble Lady of Caelin (in other words, in any chapter where you have the option to not deploy him). Even Nino can pad EXP rank.

Not that I disagree, but Wil can pad EXP as well, it just means you have to keep him low until later, and perhaps get him some bow rank along the way. Nino's better due to hitting Res and (I think) more accuracy, of course.

Knoll has lategame utility with summons. Syrene has lategame utility due to flight. Lategame utility is surprisingly underrated in FE8, mainly because Seth trivialises early and midgame, but also because there are no Rout maps after Scorched Sand.

Personally I don't find promoting Knoll to be worth what he gives. Syrene's Rescue utility is why I put her after "maybe."

At least Fiona can rescue annoying allies in 3-6 and chuck javelins to manipulate laguz gauge. Astrid can ferry Danved in 2-3 and chip in 3-9. Pelleas can chip with Fenrir in 4-2. Meg can shove and thwack walls in 1-4 and 1-5. I would put Oliver and Lyre at the bottom of the bottom.

I'd be inclined to agree, though the first three are still terrible enough to be worth mentioning.

Sounds like a good tier argument, though. I'd be happy seeing Lyre and Oliver at bottom of Bottom.

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Yuno: She has bases worse than 20/1 Tate and growths similar to that of Marcus and Zealot.

Yuno has 8 move with flying. There's no way that's one of the worst 2 characters in the game.

Honorable mention: Wallace(Joins at 12/1 with bad bases and his chapter has FoW and requires that you neglect Lyn/Eli)

Quite honestly, I think Wallace is getting a bad rap. You can 2-turn his chapter while Geitz's chapter requires like 10 turns, and you'd probably only need 3 turns or so to recruit Wallace.

Honorable mention: Boah(his base and growths are as bad as Jagen's and you are already up to your ass in healers)

Boah has base B tomes, C staves. He comes just in time for the warp-skip fest. Boah is an excellent utility character.

Personally I don't find promoting Knoll to be worth what he gives. Syrene's Rescue utility is why I put her after "maybe."

Summoner utility is extremely situational, but it's excellent in allowing you to take risky strategies. There are so many things that you can do if you just need to avoid a hit.

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I've got to disagree with Renault being one of the worst characters in FE7. He has Staffs so he has access to useful staffs like Warp, Rescue, Physic and Fortify. Although his range is limited he can safely stand back and heal, and he isn't a burden on your team if you field him.

Wallace is bad though. Even though his chapter can be low-turned, unlike Geitz's, he starts off very far from your starting position in HNM / HHM and will most likely die in those modes. Plus, you have to veer to the right to recruit him, or else you'll aggro Lloyd, and that means you'll take a long time to finish the chapter. He starts very near to the start in Eliwood's mode though, but he isn't doing much even if he is recruited.

Unless you're on a ranked run or have RNG-screwed units, Wallace's chapter is actually easier to complete as you can lure Lloyd in easily and bumrush him. You also don't have to deal with Lloyd in CoD, and you get Linus which is easier because of his lower Speed.

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Wolt and Wendy


Not Lyn mode Wallace and Renault


Theyre all amazing if trained!

Srsly, Dozla and Amelia


*rants off hugigantic list*

Uh... Bantu and Boah.

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Quite honestly, I think Wallace is getting a bad rap. You can 2-turn his chapter while Geitz's chapter requires like 10 turns, and you'd probably only need 3 turns or so to recruit Wallace.

I don't see how Wallace gets credit for appearing in an easier chapter.

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NEVER! Well, at least not on a game with Sophia. She and Wendy are definitely FE6's bottom 2.

Plus you get Wolt on Chapter 1 and while his bases are not really good he has the opportunity to grow because of this availability, and he can support Roy, Allen and/or Lance if for any reason they are not in a support triangle already. He's at least better than Dorothy and possibly even Sue... even though she does have a horse and gets Swords on promotion AND supports Shin.

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NEVER! Well, at least not on a game with Sophia. She and Wendy are definitely FE6's bottom 2.

Plus you get Wolt on Chapter 1 and while his bases are not really good he has the opportunity to grow because of this availability, and he can support Roy, Allen and/or Lance if for any reason they are not in a support triangle already. He's at least better than Dorothy and possibly even Sue... even though she does have a horse and gets Swords on promotion AND supports Shin.

Sue has waaay better skill and speed, though. Like, eventually almost a ten point lead.

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Quite honestly, I think Wallace is getting a bad rap. You can 2-turn his chapter while Geitz's chapter requires like 10 turns, and you'd probably only need 3 turns or so to recruit Wallace.

Well, in an efficient run that would hardly matter. Geitz is a better unit and getting him also means stronger Lords. In ranked Geitz's map gives you 11 more turns anyway. Chances are you might be able to gain even more turns for the rank based on that alone (it's 22, so if the map is done in 10 like you suggest you've saved 12 turns, more than you can possibly do on the other one).

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Who are the worst 2 characters for fe6

I'm not sure, as I never played FE6. Wolt and Zealot seem to get bad raps, though.

who are the worst worst 2 characters for fe7

IMO, they're probably Dorcas and Wallace

who are the worst two characters for fe8

I think that they're Dozla and Garcia. Statboosters to the rescue!

who are the worst 2 characters for fe9

IMO, they're Bastian and Shinon. Bastian is no substitute for any other mage that may already be on your team, and Shinon is just a pain.

who are the worst 2 characters for fe10

I'd say Fiona and Meg, simply because they don't provide good returns until they reach a very high level. Or unless they get a ton of BEXP.

who are the worst 2 characters for fe11

Boah and Bantu. Boah's stats are pathetic beyond reason, and Bantu has no use besides recruiting Tiki.

just wondering and if you want you can post why

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