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DA125's Sealed Sword Playthrough


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Chapter 15: The Dragon Girl

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Rutgar, Gonzales, Clarine, Saul, Shin, Miredy, Lalum, Igrene

New Units:

Percival, Garret

Overall, this chapter isn't too hard. The only cause for concern is the dudes with silver weapons, but you can see them coming from a mile away(they are mostly snipers, which are jokes). Also, Percival will appear again, and this time he's staying. Be sure to bring Lalum/Elphin, if you don't mind. If you are playing on HM, Percy gets EPIC Hard Mode bonuses, but only in this chapter.

Starting up, Miredy kills the first merc, getting to Lv20. My other units move eastward, though Rutgar takes a slight detour to get the Divine village. Next turn, Miredy uses her Elysian whip, Saul and Bors take out the remaining merc and archer, and Gonzo lures in Percy's troops to make his recruitment easier(he is recruited next tun). Miredy steps into the range of the silver lance dracoknight, while the cavalry squad was taken out by Shin, Lilina, and Bors. After that was out of the way, I rushed over to defend the eastern village(because Garret had spawned from the NE corner of the map.), destroying most of the infantry platoon in that turn. Now, Lilina was too far away to reach Garret, so what I did was that I took all of Bors' axes off and had him go into the village(the idea was that none of the enemies could damage his 30Def so I could use him as an unarmed distraction), then Lilina could talk to him the next turn. His bandit friends were ultimately killed, and by the time that happened, another cavalry squad was galloping toward us. Saul killed the two cavs while Rutgar killed the valkyrie(I've noticed that valks give shit CEXP when other promoted units give 40+.) Gonzo and Saul destroyed the last two douches before I decided to provoke the two dracoknights.

The reinforcements weren't too bad. I used this time to get some extra EXP for Roy, Gonzo, Alan, and Lance. Of course, the infantry platoon gets provoked and I have to deal with them, as well. Like the reinforcements, they were jokes, even the sniper, who got critkilled by Rutgar just after he took 3/4 off Miredy's HP. After spamming the hell out of Saul's Lightning tome and 8 not-so-grueling turns later, I had eradicated the reinforcement waves. Raeth was a joke; he has absolutely atrocious speed and meh everything else Facepalm_emote_gif.gif(seriously, the only units he can double are Bors, Wendy, Lilina, and Sophia, and that is only if they either got 100% spd screwed or didn't level up at all and base level Rutgar can double him FFS) I decided that Miredy should get the kill. Before I seized, I bought some extra Lightning and Flux tomes.

Roy      	01  17  32  12  12  15  13  09  03  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  05  31  27  13  16  13  05  19  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		01  18  35  17  11  14  08  10  01  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  18  31  11  15  16  07  09  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  08  49  21  18  19  17  30  04  16
Rutgar   	02  06  41  20  21  25  06  10  04  07  A Clarine
Saul      	02  06  33  15  19  20  02  09  19  07
Shin      	02  03  40  19  21  23  13  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  02  43  23  18  17  07  19  05  10
Clarine 	01  14  17  08  10  18  14  03  09  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	01  16  47  20  09  15  09  08  00  15  C Lilina
Igrene      	02  01  32  16  18  15  09  11  10  07
Percival   	02  05  43  17  13  18  12  14  11  12
Garret      	02  01  49  17  13  10  12  09  04  13
Lalum    	01  07  (loldancer)

Swag: Divine, Hammerne, Knight crest

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Chapter 16: Retaking the Capitol

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Rutgar, Dieck, Ray, Gonzales, Clarine, Saul, Shin, Miredy, Chad

New Units:

Hugh, Zeiss

Not Joining Until 16X:


This chapter isn't as hard as it is tedious. There is a lot of shit that stands between you and Narshen, including 2 Mamkutes and a shitload of promoted units. Also, note that to get to the gaiden map, you need to leave Douglas alive. Sounds pretty hard until you realize that you have a sleep staff. So bring that. If you didn't bring it, try to get him to go around in circles.

As usual with big chapters like this, I split my army into two. I sent Bors, Dieck, Saul, and Ray down the east path, and Chad, Rutgar, Clarine, Lily, Alan, Lance, and Gonzo took the west path. Miredy picked up Roy and headed eastward(Roy needs to talk to Hugh). Rutgar provoked the entrance guard while Shin and Ray just got started with the eastern entry guard. On my third enemy phase, Chad nearly gets killed by a Purge bishop(lives with like 3HP) and Miredy gets hit by Bolting again(she had been hit once). On turn 4, after Chad gets smacked...again, Roy pays Hugh 10K to join the group. Ray then lures in the aircalibur mages, but doesn't kill. He and Dieck kill them next turn, and the purge bishop finally falls.

By now, Douglas has gotten too close, so my eastern group packed their bags and turned the other way. As for my western group, they had finally unlocked the door, killed the platoon waiting for them and started beating up reinforcements. While this was happening, my eastern division was running away from Douglas while avoiding the Bolting mages. Eventually, I reunited the two teams, and whooped the rest of the reinforcements. Dieck took the kill on the bishop(I didn't want him spamming Physic)and Ray cleared out the last of the reinforcements. As for the Mamkute, Bors attacked him(and took fail DMG), and Ray took the kill, reaching Lv20.

The last few parts weren't so bad. To deal with Douglas, I sent Alan and Lance out to put him on a wild goose chase. I sent Ray, Hugh, and Miredy to recruit Zeiss. Ray and Hugh tore down the wall, then Miredy had a chat with her kid brother. After all that, I went for the chests, which took a lot of backtracking because I forgot Dieck had the chest key and not Shin. As for Narshen, he was a joke after I took his Delphi shield. Especially since Aircalibur hits resistance and the user of said Aircalibur has 28 magic.

Roy      	01  17  32  12  12  15  13  09  03  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  05  31  28  13  17  14  05  20  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  01  39  20  14  16  08  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  01  35  14  17  18  07  11  06  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  08  49  21  18  19  17  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  06  49  25  19  19  11  12  06  14
Rutgar   	02  06  41  20  21  25  06  10  04  07  A Clarine
Ray      	02  01  29  21  13  15  08  08  16  07
Saul      	02  06  33  15  19  20  02  09  20  07
Shin      	02  04  41  20  21  24  14  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  02  43  23  19  17  07  19  07  10
Clarine 	01  15  21  09  12  18  15  03  10  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  01  52  22  14  18  10  11  00  16  C Lilina
Chad    	01  11  24  09  08  17  11  05  01  05
Hugh    	01  15  26  13  11  12  10  09  09  07
Zeiss    	01  07  28  14  09  08  06  12  02  10

This chapter took me over 40 turns. Maybe even 50. I really need to bring two thieves next time and play a little more efficiently.

Swag: Rescue, Delphi shield, Blue gem, Member card, Knight crest, Hero crest, Restore, Berserk, Brave lance, Bolting, Silver bow

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...You double posted with the only difference being that you list a Knight Crest amongst your loot in the second.

I'll use that post for Ch16's summary. Sorry. I actually tried to cancel it

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Chapter 16x: The Pinnacle of Light

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Gonzales, Miredy, Shin, Ray, Clarine, Saul, Douglas

This chapter is probably one of the most annoying maps in the game. Every so often, stars will fall out of the sky, in a southerly vertical path. Anything hit by this will lose a fixed 10HP. Also, the boss has a berserk staff, which will cause your units to go into a confused state if it hits(which he usually will thanks to his 20Mag). Bring restore staves if you want to keep your sanity, since a berserked Rutgar/Gonzales/Lilina/etc is dangerous. As for anything else, just avoid the Bolting and Purges if you can.

Note that this map design is used in the last floor of the Tower of Level Grinding in FE8, except without the motherfucking stars that deal 10DMG no matter what.

'I am leaving Bors, Dieck, and Rutgar behind because they are really high leveled compared to everyone else(healbots don't count), and they'll just become EXP hogs. If I need a tank, I have Miredy and Douglas(though 19-20Def isn't as overkill as Bors' 30Def)'

Again, I moved all my units upward, using my angelic robes on Roy and Ray, then promoting Clarine. Next turn, Gonzo and Lance took out the mages, Alan and Saul take out the mercs, and Shin removes a knight. Clarine uses an angel robe. On the EP, Clarine gets silenced and Alan gets hit by Bolting. Saul used the restore staff, and Clarine heals Alan. I then decide that Roy, Alan, Lance, Lily, and Saul go east, while Miredy, Doug, Clarine, Gonzo, Shin, and Ray go west. Roy gets blasted by the Bolting guy and Ray and Lilina get hit by stars. I manage to heal off the damage(right after Saul restores Clarine...again), then I had to rescue Roy because I didn't heal him(the bolting guy went for Gonzo, who is made of glass when it comes to magic, instead). The turn right after that, Douglas gets mugged by long-range spells(he survived). As for the cavalry squads, Gonzales took on the paladin on the west side and Lilina zapped the dude on the east side. As for the rest of their platoons, Alan, Lance, and Saul wiped out the eastern side, while Miredy, Ray, and Gonzo did the same for the west side.

The Purge dudes weren't too hard, since either they missed or did less damage to my units than I could heal off. Ray and Saul lured in the mages, then Shin took out the two bishops in the west, and Lily killed the purge guy to the east. Alan was the first victim of the berserk staff, but luckily, I used the restore staff to get rid of it. Ray nearly got hit by it, but dodged it. He went and destroyed the aircalibur sage. Next EP, Ray dodged another berserk blast, ending the threat of confusion. Gonzo and Roy kill the snipers, then the knights fall to a Gonzo/Saul attack, then Lance takes out the remaining mages. As for Windam, he's pretty bad. A bishop that gets ORKO'd by a sage of all things. That's weak...

Roy      	01  18  39  12  12  15  14  09  04  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  08  35  30  13  18  15  05  21  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  01  39  20  14  16  08  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  01  35  14  17  18  07  11  06  11  A Alan
Ray      	02  01  36  21  13  16  08  08  17  07
Saul      	02  06  34  15  20  21  03  09  21  07
Shin      	02  05  42  21  21  24  15  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  02  43  23  18  17  07  19  05  10
Clarine 	02  01  32  12  14  20  15  06  13  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  02  53  23  14  19  10  11  00  16  C Lilina
Douglas   	02  08  46  19  13  08  11  20  05  17

Swag: Aureola

See you in Sacae.

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Nice to see you're using some of my favourite characters that are less used (Lilina and Bors). I've never really understood why Bors is considered bad with a speed growth of 40% and well rounded growths in general. Though I guess it's because of his bad bases and low movement, plus the fact that using him isn't "efficient".

By the way, if I recall, Douglas won't attack Elphin or Lalam so you could've just used them to wall him off from your other units. I've never personally tried it out though. I just remember reading that from either FE Wiki or GameFAQs.

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Though I guess it's because of his bad bases and low movement, plus the fact that using him isn't "efficient".

The part before the comma is a good part of the reason for the part after the comma, actually. And the part after the comma is the reason why he is "bad".

Low move, never doubles, frequently gets doubled (even in chapter 1, by the way, since 7 and 8 AS fighters run rampant and he has 3 AS) and thus manages to get 2RKOd anyway, doesn't hit all that hard, low skill makes it harder to hit and this is compounded by all the WTD against axes in chapters 1 and 2 when he needs to grow to prevent getting doubled in chapter 4, no fast supports with anybody good...

Why is it any wonder that he's considered to be "bad"?

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Nice to see you're using some of my favourite characters that are less used (Lilina and Bors). I've never really understood why Bors is considered bad with a speed growth of 40% and well rounded growths in general. Though I guess it's because of his bad bases and low movement, plus the fact that using him isn't "efficient".

By the way, if I recall, Douglas won't attack Elphin or Lalam so you could've just used them to wall him off from your other units. I've never personally tried it out though. I just remember reading that from either FE Wiki or GameFAQs.

Thank you for your post. Glad to hear you are liking it.

Narga had already stated this, but the reason Bors is considered 'bad' is because he gets his ass doubled by the fighters in Hard mode and can't hit them 40% of the time. Taking 7dmg isn't so bad at first until you realize that most of the fighters in his JOINING map have 7AS, so they double his 3AS(and therefore, 2RKO him). Add to the fact that he can't move very far(4 move is balls), that means that his EXP gain is severely gimped.

Basically, even though 20HP/11Def is decent, 3AS is what drops him to low tier, since everything and their mommy doubles him.

Even on this run, Bors wasn't all that good until he hit, like, level 10. Sure, he never died, but he doubled just about nothing and he didn't even hit all that hard. And in some chapters, his 4 move was a big burden(I remember having to carry him several times in a few chapters because his move was shit). Luckily, he improved when he promoted, and basically became the Terminator once he was fed the Boots.

P.S: Lily wasn't all that hard for me to raise(inb4PEMN). The loldier and armor reinforcements in Ch8 gave her some nice EXP. And I don't know about you, but my Lily got epically spd-blessed.

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Chapter 17: The Bishop's Teachings

Ironic name, ain't it? There's not a single bishop on the map(well, except Saul)!

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Gonzales, Miredy, Shin, Saul, Clarine, Ray, Chad

Another Fog of War map. There are two villages you can save, but only the SW village has anything even remotely useful(the Tina staff). You may as well forget about the NE village, all it has is a shitty Eclipse tome. Also, the boss of this map(and every single boss after him)doesn't suck like Raeth and Windam did. Be warned.

Note that this chapter is mostly reinforcements, so don't expect anything exciting.

I moved most of the units south, the exception being Miredy as she needs to kill the thief heading for the SW village(Shin killed the mage who was standing just in the way). As soon as the second turn started, a crapload of cavalry units decided to block our path. I sicced Ray on one of them, but my other units were too far way to give him adequate cover. Luckily, Ray dodged the cavalier's initial strike, and the nomads attacked Bors in desperation(nice try. Come back in Hard mode). I wiped them out next turn. The mages had finally caught up, but they weren't anything special, TBH. Next turn, my army was attacked by nomad troopers and dracoknights. Next turn, Rutgar and Dieck took out the nomad troopers, and Shin killed the javelin DK. Alan disposed of the ballista guy and Lance took out another axereaver DK. Sadly, the NE village was destroyed, but Gonzo was able to visit the SW village for a Tina staff.

The reinforcement waves weren't too bad. Cavalier reinforcements spawned from the easternmost fort while nomads were spawning from the center north forts. While I was dealing with them, though, a Bolting sage attacked Alan and Lance was nearly brought to his knees. I healed off the damage done. While this was happening, cavaliers were spawning from the west side of the screen. Roy was obviously targeted by these guys, and Gonzales happily took the kills(Roy is starting to get close to Lv20). Clarine and Saul took out the thieves, then I moved to the center of the map, where Miredy dealt with the Bolting sage, and I leeched EXP off nomad reinforcements. As for Alcard, he wasn't so tough once Bors was put into the picture, though he was a douche and decided to dodge several times(I was using a killer axe). After regaining the money I spent buying promotional items/robes in the arena, Roy seized.

Roy      	01  19  40  13  13  16  15  09  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  09  35  30  14  18  15  05  22  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  01  42  21  15  17  09  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  01  38  14  19  20  09  12  06  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  10  51  21  19  19  18  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  08  51  25  20  20  12  12  06  14
Rutgar   	02  09  43  20  24  27  07  12  04  07  A Clarine
Ray      	02  05  38  24  16  18  09  09  18  07
Saul      	02  11  36  17  23  23  03  09  23  07
Shin      	02  06  42  21  22  25  14  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  05  48  25  20  19  07  20  05  10
Clarine 	02  03  21  13  14  21  16  03  14  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  04  55  25  15  20  12  11  00  16  C Lilina
Chad    	01  11  24  09  08  17  11  05  01  05

Swag: Tina staff

P.S: I actually had to go back 3 chapters and fix Miredy's stats since I accidentally listed her stats as her 19/0 stats. My bad.

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Wow, now that's one unlucky Saul. Does he really still have the same Luck he had when he joined your team? ohmy.gif

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Wow, now that's one unlucky Saul. Does he really still have the same Luck he had when he joined your team? ohmy.gif

No. He actually gained Luck in Chapter 16X, but I forgot to put it in, because I was copy and pasting from my Chapter 16 unit statsheet.

Still, my Saul is 2 points below his luck average(I did the calcs and a 15/11 Saul should have 5 Luck. Mine has 3.), so it's as if he still had his base luck stat, but Anna gave him a luck level up out of pity.

At least his skill, speed, and resistance are spot-on, so he's not a complete failure. At least he's BETTER than lolEllen.

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Oh, I forgot you promoted him before level 20. That makes more sense then.

And well, Ellen is lucky at least. Your Saul looks better than my latest Ellen though (and it's a blessed Ellen, 26 Luck at 20/4!).

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Chapter 18: The Law of Sacae

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Saul, Shin, Gonzales, Ray, Miredy, Lalum, Douglas

Welcome to Sacae, bitches. Firstly, this map, and the next, are large open fields with few, if any, bottlenecks, so expect to get swarmed by enemies on the enemy phase(not like I care since the enemies are weak as anything and only really threaten Lilina and Lalum). Also, half the enemy force is made up of nomads or nomad troopers, so use flying units at your own risk(and all the nomads except the boss use short bows. And I mean ALL of them.) Monke himself is pretty beastly, as he is wielding a Hero sword and a Hero bow, and has actual stats to boot. With two brave weapons, he can cause 2-3RKO's with relative ease.

I move all my units off the starting point, where the first thing I do is have Doug pick up Roy. Next turn, Dieck kills off the lancereaver myrm, Alan destroys the armorslayer myrm, and Miredy/Shin kill off the shamans. Saul kills a nomad, while the rest of my healers heal off the damage done. On the next enemy phase, half the nomads go after Miredy, wondering why they do 0 damage(a few of them were smart enough to figure out that Lilina is soft and squishy.), and on my phase, I remove most of the nomads and practically all the nomad troopers(props to Lily and Rutgar for doing so). On EP 3, several units attack Ray(the killing edge myrm and a wvvern rider), only to find out that their damage was negated thanks to Nosferatu(more nomads attacked Miredy and Rutgar). I killed the dragon master with Lily, while Alan, Miredy, and Saul killed more nomads. Shin and Dieck even went out of their way to hunt down two poor little nomads. Next turn, Dieck cleans up the last wyvern and- wait. Did I just rout basically the whole map in 5 turns? Anyway, Miredy kills the druid with the Physic, and I park my units on the houses to limit the reinforcement waves I have to deal with.

Most of the early reinforcements came from the tents and were nomads that were easy to deal with. I had Douglas pick up Lalum because she is even more frail than Roy(and Doug himself is a very unattractive target. Go 20Def.) After the first three waves, a nomad platoon spawned from the southwest. Dick took out the trooper and Alan/Lance killed the nomads. Next up were the same platoon from the southeast. Bors ended up killing the trooper because Saul was short 1 mag and Gonzo missed. On turn 10, a trio of dracoknights spawned from the northeast, and were easily dispatched, as were the rest of the nomad platoons. I'm not going to bother with typing in the rest of the reinforcements, as it's just Rutgar, Saul, and Lily beating the shit out of nomads.

Monke seemed hard at first glance(The people I have that can double him with decent damage and hit I can count with one hand), but he is easy to manipulate because he doesn't have a 1-2 range weapon(he has to alternate between the sword and the bow). For the sake of keeping my sanity, I let Shin take the kill. After buying some crap at the shop, I seized.

Roy      	01  19  40  13  13  16  15  09  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  11  36  30  16  20  16  05  23  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  04  42  21  15  17  09  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  04  38  14  19  20  09  12  06  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  10  51  21  19  19  18  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  09  52  25  20  20  12  12  06  14
Rutgar   	02  10  44  20  25  28  07  12  05  07  A Clarine
Ray      	02  05  38  24  16  18  09  09  18  07
Saul      	02  12  37  17  23  24  03  09  24  07
Shin      	02  06  43  21  23  26  14  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  06  49  25  21  19  07  21  05  10
Clarine 	02  03  33  13  14  21  16  03  14  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  04  55  25  15  20  12  11  00  16  C Lilina
Lalum    	01  08 (loldancer)
Douglas   	02  08  46  19  13  08  11  20  05  17


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Chapter 19: Battle for Bulgar

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Ray, Gonzales, Miredy, Shin, Saul, Lalum, Douglas

This chapter isn't so hard to get through until you try to get into the city walls. The outside of the city only has a few nomads and two wyvern platoons that you have to deal with, but once inside the city, you can expect to get swarmed by around 20 enemy units. The swordmasters in particular are very dangerous, especially the killing edge guy. Speaking of that, Gel is very dangerous. Not only does he have a Light brand, he also has 23AS, so it is unlikely you are going to be able to DA him. Do not attack this guy at close range unless you want your units to die.

I first handled the nomads to my left and right with Miredy/Saul and Alan/Lance, then sent Ray, Lalum, and Gonzo west. Rutgar, Bors, Dieck, and Clarine went towards the center while Roy, Lily, Doug, Shin, Alan, and Lance went east. On the enemy phase, two of the nomads attacked Dieck and another went after Gonzo, the trooper stupidly attacked Clarine(who blicked him). I remove the nomads on my phase, then start to send my units toward the cracked walls to the west and east of us. The wyvern platoons start to attack us; most of the west platoon attacked Bors, but the wyvern lord tried to attack Gonzo. As for the other platoon, only one attacked Alan, and the rest got backlogged. Next turn, I defeated both wyvern platoons, and kept on reaching the cracked walls. My western group reached its wall first; Bors and Miredy smashed through the wall while Ray mauled an archer and mage(while narrowly avoiding two silence staff charges). Meanwhile, Doug got hit by the sleep staff and Alan/Lance were chugging away at their wall. After two turns, Alan and lance cut a hole in the wall big enough for Lily to bust in and kill the Aircalibur mage.

After my western group broke through the wall, a huge mob of enemy nomads came charging at me. To stop them, Bors sat in front of the house Miredy visited, with Ray and Saul there for chip damage. Bors critkilled the nomad trooper, Ray and Saul took out a myrm and archer, and Dieck cut down the sage. Next phase, the nomad brought Lalum to near death while Dieck took out another myrm. By now, Gel's reinforcements arrived. I quickly killed the Killing edge swordmaster, nomad trooper, and nomad, then had my eastern front deal with the wyverns. As for the nomads, Ray and Gonzo took care of them from the inside of the wall(using their ranged weapons). I then had to deal with more wyverns, which Shin and Lily easily laughed at.

On turn 12, the gate finally opened, but by now, all I wanted to do was deal with the reinforcements so I could beat the boss at my leisure. Of course, after I blocked the front gate, two myrms attacked Ray(he survived and OHKO'd both). Also, more nomads and wyverns spawned from the south and I really am not inclined to post any reinforcement montages. In fact, I got so bored I just decided to go straight to the boss, who was ultimately felled by Rutgar after Lily softened him up.

Roy      	01  20  40  14  14  18  16  10  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  11  36  30  16  20  16  05  23  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  05  42  22  16  18  09  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  05  39  15  20  21  09  12  06  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  11  52  22  19  20  18  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  09  52  25  20  20  12  12  06  14
Rutgar   	02  11  45  20  25  29  07  12  05  07  A Clarine
Ray      	02  07  40  24  17  20  09  09  19  07
Saul      	02  13  38  18  23  25  03  09  25  07
Shin      	02  08  43  22  24  27  14  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  07  50  25  22  20  07  21  05  10
Clarine 	02  05  33  14  14  23  18  06  15  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  05  56  26  15  20  12  11  00  16  C Lilina
Lalum    	01  09 (loldancer)
Douglas   	02  08  46  19  13  08  11  20  05  17

Roy finally reached Lv20. Not that it means anything since he's not promoting until I get out of Chapter 21.

Swag: Wyrmslayer, Wo Dao, Energy ring, Longbow, Goddess icon

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Chapter 20: The Silver Wolf

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Miredy, Saul, Gonzales, Shin, Clarine, Astol, Niime

New Units:


Difficult chapter. Well, mostly because of the two killer archs on either side of the mansion, as well as the two Bolting sages on either side of the unreachable portion of the map. Then there's also Fog of War to consider. And Roartz. Like with any lategame boss, he doesn't fuck around. Also, you have to complete this chapter in 20 turns or less to get the gaiden(You also need Dayan, Sue, and Shin all recruited and NOT KO'd.)

I take out the axe dudes in front of the entrance, then destroy one of the Bolting sages the next turn. Next turn, Dayan spawns from the south and gets recruited by Roy. Bors, Shin, Gonzo, and Lily take the west path(Alan, Lance, and Niime go with them), while Rutgar, Dieck, Clarine, and Astol go east(again, Saul is just going for the ride). On the west side, Bors killed a mage, while Shin arrow'd a swordmaster. Two myrmidons charged at my group, but were killed by Bors. The killer axe warrior attacked Dayan, who whiffed it off. Shin dodges a killer ballista bolt. Gonzales kills the warrior with acrit of his own, and Bors destroys two myrmidons and a swordmaster(the swordmaster critted him, not that it mattered since 0*3=0DMG). After Roy and Lily safely got past the ballista, Lily provoked two sages and an armor into dying.

My eastern side didn't fare as well, but still managed to get through. Astol was getting pummeled by Bolting strikes and getting inflicted with Berserk, which slowed progress because I then had to babysit his frail ass and restore his condition. Anyway, Dieck tore apart a swordmaster and a myrmidon with his swordreaver. Miredy goes into the third room after Astol opens it and takes out the myrm and the silver axe fighter(while either dodging or taking fail DMG from the killer arch sniper). Astol opens the door then Miredy goes in and destroys the killing edge myrm. Clarine destroys the sage, as Rutgar critkills the swordmaster. Astol starts opening the chests, as usual.

My west group had reached the throne room long before the east group did. Alan and Lance kill the two armors, then Gonzales goes for the boss kill, just because I had some pity for him. After Astol grabbed the last of the chests, I capped the throne.

Roy      	01  20  40  14  14  18  16  10  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  11  37  30  16  20  17  05  24  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  05  42  22  16  18  09  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  05  39  15  20  21  09  12  06  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  11  52  22  19  20  18  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  10  53  25  21  20  12  12  06  14
Rutgar   	02  11  45  20  25  29  07  12  05  07  A Clarine
Saul      	02  13  38  18  23  25  03  09  25  07
Shin      	02  08  43  22  24  27  14  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  08  50  25  23  20  07  21  05  10
Clarine 	02  06  34  14  14  24  19  06  15  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  06  57  27  15  21  13  12  00  16  C Lilina
Astol      	01  12  27  08  09  15  13  07  04  08
Niime   	02  18  25  21  20  16  15  05  18  04
Dayan   	02  12  43  14  16  20  12  10  12  08

That chapter actually wasn't so bad. I actually thought I had to go overboard with the savestates this chapter, but I didn't. I hope my luck will be just as good in Hard mode(or I can just use Bors or whoever I use as my HM gen to take the Killer B shots.)

If it means a damn thing, Bors just reached S axesgee_wiz_emoticon.gif.

Swag: Blue gem, Nosferatu, Sleep, Dracoshield, Guiding ring, Axereaver

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That chapter actually wasn't so bad. I actually thought I had to go overboard with the savestates this chapter, but I didn't. I hope my luck will be just as good in Hard mode(or I can just use Bors or whoever I use as my HM gen to take the Killer B shots.)

Killer Ballista only has +10 crit. With supports, you can easily have multiple units that push crit down to 0%. Even without supports, I think there may be a unit or two that has enough luck to reach 0% crit. Not sure. Also, you can bypass their range with one unit by having Lalum dance for a unit with a lot of movement.

And if you are warping to get the Orion Bolt and Red Gem (and rescuing to make the thief actually live through it) then the archer/sniper on the left will actually leave his ballista and if he takes his full move away from it then he is completely incapable of getting back on the ballista in one turn. This makes him unwilling to even try since the AI is too dumb to realize it is 2 turns away from being able to attack things. You'll only have to deal with the ballista on the right.

It's pretty simple to deal with them, actually.

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I hope my luck will be just as good in Hard mode(or I can just use Bors or whoever I use as my HM gen to take the Killer B shots.)

The only viable general for HM is probably Douglas. The other options just suck too much to use.

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Killer Ballista only has +10 crit. With supports, you can easily have multiple units that push crit down to 0%. Even without supports, I think there may be a unit or two that has enough luck to reach 0% crit. Not sure. Also, you can bypass their range with one unit by having Lalum dance for a unit with a lot of movement.

And if you are warping to get the Orion Bolt and Red Gem (and rescuing to make the thief actually live through it) then the archer/sniper on the left will actually leave his ballista and if he takes his full move away from it then he is completely incapable of getting back on the ballista in one turn. This makes him unwilling to even try since the AI is too dumb to realize it is 2 turns away from being able to attack things. You'll only have to deal with the ballista on the right.

It's pretty simple to deal with them, actually.

Now that I think about it, Roy was facing 0 crit against the killer B's on that map(and his support gives no crit evasion). I was more worried about the guys on the right, especially Astol and Saul, who can't really absorb hits very well. Rutgar and Dieck would've been OK, though. The guy couldn't hit Clarine even if she was unsupported and Miredy only took 6 DMG. So no, it wasn't even that bad.

Those snipers just fail. They failed to hit most of my units anyway(I doubt Bors and Miredy gave a damn if they get hit, since Miredy takes 6 and Bors takes a big fat zero.)

The only viable general for HM is probably Douglas. The other options just suck too much to use.

I know the tri-attack armors suck(according to tier lists), but if I do HM of this game, I'll probably use either Bors or Barth, depending on who is easiest to actually use.

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You'll find Bors difficult to use, as he's doubled by the Fighters in the first chapter and as a result is actually less durable than most of your other units that aren't named Wolt.

He does a bit better against the soldiers a bit later, but there's still lots of fighters and you'll find it hard to get him levels compared to everyone else.

Barth is a bit better I guess, but joining right before the isles isn't helping him any. I haven't actually tried using him in hard mode though, so.

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Chapter 20x: The Bow of Wind

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Miredy, Gonzales, Shin, Saul, Clarine, Ray, Percival

There are six bosses, but only one is sitting on the true seize point. Cap one of the fake gates, and a group of reinforcements will spawn from said fort. Anyway, bring Restore staves, since there's a Berserk and Sleep staff on this map(Silence too, but by now, your mages could care less). Also, the place is flooded with nomads and dracoknights, so proceed with caution.

Since the party is split into three groups, I'll tell you who's in which group:

Group A: Roy, Lily, Shin, Ray, Dieck, Percy

Group B: Rutgar, Clarine, Alan, Lance

Group C: Bors, Miredy, Saul, Gonzales

Group A: I sent my units to the left, forming a wall to protect Roy. Ray gets attacked by a nomad and a NT, the latter of which he failed to double. I kill the nomad troopers across the river, as well as the guys blocking the bridge. I then sent my units across the water, carrying those who couldn't go over rivers. As for Roy, I had Percival carry him over to the seize areas. I then sat Dieck next to the nomad boss and Ray next to the druid boss. After 2 turns each, I kill the NE druid and nomad.

Group B: I sent my units westward, using Rutgar to lure in the dragon master(he kills it on the EP), Clarine dodges the druids' staff attacks on the EP. I then get into a position that would allow for maximal removal of the dracoknight group. Next turn, Rutgar kills the dragon master, and Alan/Lance make short work of the dracoknights. Rutgar gets hit by the berserk staff, but Clarine restores his status just before he goes up and kills the nomad. As for the bosses, I let Rutgar take them both out.

Group C: I sent my units southward. A clusterfuck of nomads attacked my posse. Next turn I took out three of them, then on the enemy phase, Saul gets mauled by around 6 nomads. After I remove the nomads, Gonzales gets sleeped, and Bors sits in the NT boss's range. I let Gonzo take the kill here, then position him to kill the druid.

After I reunited my groups, I decided to cap the fake houses to get some extra EXP. I'm not going to tell you what I did, but after I was done, I seized the correct throne.

Roy      	01  20  40  14  14  18  16  10  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  13  38  30  17  21  17  05  24  05  A Roy/C Gonzo
Alan 		02  06  43  23  17  19  10  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  06  40  15  21  22  09  12  07  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  12  53  22  20  21  18  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  10  53  25  21  20  12  12  06  14
Rutgar   	02  13  47  21  27  30  07  12  05  07  A Clarine
Ray      	02  08  41  25  18  20  09  09  20  07
Saul      	02  15  39  18  23  25  03  09  26  07
Shin      	02  08  43  22  24  27  15  10  04  07
Miredy 		02  08  51  25  23  20  09  21  05  10
Clarine 	02  07  33  14  14  24  20  06  16  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  08  59  28  16  21  13  12  00  16  C Lilina
Percival   	02  05  43  17  13  18  12  14  11  12

Swag: Miurgre

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Anyway, bring Restore staves, since there's a Berserk and Sleep staff on this map(Silence too, but by now, your mages could care less).

This is another difference between NM and HM. The enemy stat boosts are large. Particularly on Druids (I think that's what they called the dark mage tier 2 guys in this game). LIke, 29 magic giving them 14 range and massive hit on everyone (including most of your staff users). It's quite annoying how even Clarine with full pure water/barrier can manage to face 30+ hit rates from those things.

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This is another difference between NM and HM. The enemy stat boosts are large. Particularly on Druids (I think that's what they called the dark mage tier 2 guys in this game). LIke, 29 magic giving them 14 range and massive hit on everyone (including most of your staff users). It's quite annoying how even Clarine with full pure water/barrier can manage to face 30+ hit rates from those things.

19 range to be exact(the formula for staff range in FE6 is (Mag/2+5)). I'm not going to lie, those druids don't fuck around. They are arguably the most dangerous enemies in FE6 HM, right up there with the 40 atk silver lance dragonmasters, because they can trip you up very badly if you don't carry multiple Restore staff users. Because, as you said, when even Clarine with full barrier is facing 30+hit from those bastards, then you know the game is up to something.

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This is another difference between NM and HM. The enemy stat boosts are large. Particularly on Druids (I think that's what they called the dark mage tier 2 guys in this game). LIke, 29 magic giving them 14 range and massive hit on everyone (including most of your staff users). It's quite annoying how even Clarine with full pure water/barrier can manage to face 30+ hit rates from those things.

Surely 29 magic should give them 29 range, since this was back in the days where staff range was 1-MAG instead of 1-MAG/2?

19 range to be exact(the formula for staff range in FE6 is (Mag/2+5)). I'm not going to lie, those druids don't fuck around. They are arguably the most dangerous enemies in FE6 HM, right up there with the 40 atk silver lance dragonmasters, because they can trip you up very badly if you don't carry multiple Restore staff users. Because, as you said, when even Clarine with full barrier is facing 30+hit from those bastards, then you know the game is up to something.

Well, Druids have always been a problem enemy. Even in FE8, they're one of the most dangerous enemies, along with the other dark magic user - Gorgons.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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