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Introducing someone to the FE series.

Fei Mao


77 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one out of the choices below?

    • FE1 (Dark Dragon and Sword of Light)
    • FE2 (Gaiden)
    • FE3 (Mystery of the Emblem)
    • FE4(Genealogy of the Holy War)
    • FE5(Thracia 776)
    • FE6(Sword of Seals)
    • FE7(Blazing Sword)
    • FE8(The Sacred Stones)
    • FE9(Path of Radiance)
    • FE10(Radiant Dawn)
    • FE11(Shadow Dragon)
    • FE12(New Mystery of the Emblem)

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I have been pondering on this question for a while, but in your opinion which one of the games on the poll would be a good choice to introduce someone to the FE series. Post reasons why the game you picked would be a good choice for an introduction to the FE series.

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FE3's very simple and not too challenging. No weapon triangle, strong characters early on etc. It's the one I started on, and it wasn't too bad. Marth was also a recognisable character (seeing him in SSBB made me want to try FE).

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FE8 because it's generally easier to get to grips with, and the option of grinding means people are unlikely to get completely stuck. FE7 might be good because of the tutorial, while FE9 and 10 might be good options because they have pretty(er) graphics and/or seem more modern (for some people) and have Ike in them. FE11 for Marth and being handheld while retaining said better graphics (and simpler gameplay) could also work, as well as the replacement characters and stuff.

So really, any of them... but FE8 or FE11 would be my preference.

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FE7 or FE9 if they can find it. Both are well designed games and also the first in their story arc.

FE11 if they don't think the story is important. Similar situation with the above games, but swap story for simpler and more fine-tuned gameplay. Stuff like skipping phases, showing areas of Danger is also rather nice.


I voted for FE9.

Edited by VincentASM
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FE7 would probably be the best because of the tutorial and fairly low difficulty. Also good could be FE11 for it's good graphics, Marth being a recognizable character, and it's fairly easy. And FE9 is another good choice for the same reasons as Shadow Dragon, except replacing Marth with Ike.

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I voted for Path of Radiance. Blazing Sword isn't a bad choice either, but I find PoR to be a better game overall. Like FE7, it has tutorials, and its easy mode seems to be even easier than FE7's ENM from the little I played of it.

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FE7. Forced tutorial, well-balanced units, and shows what a typical FE is mainly about.

FE9, easy mode if they have ADD or something and need something exciting now.

FE11 if they don't care about story as it's simpler and more streamlined. And it stars Marth, series figurehead.

Any of those three would be good for beginners imo.

I wouldn't say FE8 because even though it's easy, it's not "typical FE" since it has branched promotions, a map screen, map shops, level grinding, and non-dragon monsters.

Edited by El Rey León
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FE1-6: Pros - Learning FE with more primitive mechanics makes later titles easier to approach than vice versa.

Cons - Can only be played (realistically) by emulation. Games are harder to learn and play.

FE7: Pros - Invasive tutorial leaves little room for error while learning the basics. As mentioned before easy to recover from mistakes. Narrative and gameplay designed for newcomers.

Cons - The new player may want more breathing room than the tutorial allows.

FE8: Pros - Easy and has plenty of room to recover from mistakes (by grinding and buying more weapons)

Cons - Narrative and gameplay are not much like the rest of the series. Gameplay can be too fiddly for an indecisive player and leaves lots of places for mistakes (e.g. wrong promotion choice).

FE9: Pros - Easy mode is easy enough for a newcomer but still allows for tactics. Modern mechanics make for easier play. First in a pair. Good, non-invasive tutorials.

Cons - Poor class diversity is very unforgiving if characters die. More room for strategy amateurs to make mistakes.

FE10: Pros - Modern, polished mechanics allow for easier play even compared to FE9.

Cons - Too hard for a newcomer. I would never give a new player FE10, even if they'd already played turn-based strategy and RPGs.

FE11: Pros - Easy for a newcomer. Large cast covers deaths if reclassed. Stars a recognisable character. Easy to buy new or used.

Cons - Simplistic mechanics could cause problems.

Overall I voted FE9 because it's easy enough to pick up and has enough strategy in it.

Personally I'd give said newcomer some direct advice too since they probably won't twig that Jagen's silver lance or Abel's javelin is going to break that soon or that when HP hits zero that character is really gone or that stats mean bases AND growths (so that awesome Paladin isn't actually that great).

Edited by Byte2222
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FE9 was my first intro into the series (I was my friend's advisor, and had a very...lax policy of letting people die. We were so incompetent I don't even believe we checked stats of our own guys (I still maintain Bastian invokes The Dozla Effect; sure, he fights like old people fuck, but Personality and Beard-Possession give him an automatic slot on any team)) Anyway, we made it through that (well, on one playthrough we couldn't beat endgame, but another playthrough that I forced him into was successful), and I ended up going straight onto FE8 in between the two.

Anyway, after those two, FE7's tutorial was PAINFUL. tl;dr, hit FE7 first, the GBAs are simplistic and easier (except FE6, naturally) than the other titles and are sorta the natural beginning. FE12, upon release, however, may be a good second option for having one MEGABROKEN character who apparently breaks an already game in half on Normal.

...someone voted for FE4. What.

Edited by Furetchen
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HOW is FE4 a good way to introduce someone? So many things are completely different than the other games. I think FE4 may have about as much unique features that rarely/never came back as FE2!

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I agree with FE7 first, just because FE8's tutorial isn't forced and you can go straight to HM if you so wish. I started on FE8, and then when I played FE7, I remember getting extremely annoyed at the Lyn Mode tutorials.

Though, if you mess up in FE8, you can always grab a Seth and/or, past C15Eir or C...11?Eph (Haven't played Eph much) Duessel and just finish the game with all prepromotes.

FE7 has a marginally more threatening endgame.

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