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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 22: The Hunt


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"Right, so that makes six of us," Kelas stated, pointedly ignoring Pary. "Uh... I guess Fargo and Heinz on third watch, Alferis and Esphyr on second, and... guess that leaves me with Altion on first." She hadn't really meant to end up with Altion, but she supposed he'd be tolerable. Probably. "Oi, stop that, you're doing it wrong and we've already got a fire," she added, addressing Pary without looking in his direction.

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OOC: Conrad has.... custom made armor that wasn't completely destroyed by Althea's attack :lol:

The general woke up groggily to find the road moving underneath him, his steadfast horse Thunderbolt walking along with the rest of the party. Those reformists and that valkyrie..... "At least someone decided that it would be best to leave the battlefield as soon as we were able to," he spoke, noting the progress of the sun across the horizon. "Who put me on my horse though?" Even with my armor removed, I doubt Viveka and Jasmine would have been able to carry me unconscious.

Sitting up in the saddle carefully, Conrad smiled flatly, feeling no jolts of pain coming from his wounds. The healers did their work well, riding in silence until the group stopped an hour or two later. Stepping onto solid ground, the general first removed the bulky armor from Thunderbolt's saddlebags. A powerful valkyrie indeed, to have dented my armor so thoroughly, pulling up on both edges of the chest plate with his hands while placing his left foot firmly on one of the dents. Repeating the process, Conrad managed to undent the majority of his armor relatively quickly.

Still holding his armor, General Conrad walked over to his captain. "I want to hear a report of all major events that occurred since the Reformists appeared. As you most likely know, I was knocked out early on by their leader and did not wake up till after we left the battlefield. You have permission to speak freely, Captain Viveka."

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One shield had a wielder for the time being. That was a start Lev figured and he began trying to think of who would be best as the other shield wielder.

Lev: Hmm ... Conrad? ... Fargo? Hmm

He hadn't gotten too far into candidates before Heinz arrived asking about the shields. Lev nodded.

Lev: According to that Adam kid, Altenau was struck by arrow barrages. The arrows apparently turned into ... something else. If they're repurposed tendrils then that dragon has a huge range advantage over us. We may need the shields just to push through and fight her.


Up until Conrad had requested a report, Viveka had been gently brushing Susann's mane cleaning the pegasus off. She turned to see her commanding officer back up to speed but quickly suppressed the smile that was creeping up.

Viveka: Things could have gone a bit better frankly. By last count four of them escaped so this probably isn't over. The swordsman, Kamilla, and the two monks. I accept the blame for Kamilla's escape. If I hadn't let my guard down or relied on Irina, we would have caught her. As for the rest of the reformists, they all died, that Valkyrie included. Tessa defeated her, and then some of the group buried the fallen. We didn't suffer any casualties ourselves fortunately.

She then tried to think forward to the post battle situation which she admittedly was a bit distracted from due to her own injuries and interactions. She herself had been injured but didn't want to include details like those since they were already dealt with, even though they were the most prominent memories of the events she had.

Viveka: From what I remember, that cavalier named Altion returned just before we left and he brought another cavalier with him.

She was going to need some help filling in the pieces so she quickly waved over to Jasmine. Her squad mate hurried over.

Viveka: Jasmine, what did that new cavalier tell the others? Were you listening?

Jasmine: His name is Adam. Altenau got taken over by an arrow attack apparently. We're heading there now since we suspect it's actually that Helenos person. This is what Lev told me during the trip mind you.

Viveka: Huh. Well since that battle we've been on the move and only stopped to rest for the night.

Jasmine: People are over there yelling about night shifts ... or Helenos ... or something.

Viveka: Altenau's not far from here so we're probably in for a huge fight come tomorrow. I doubt I'll be able to participate without a replacement set of armor.

With that statement she lowered her head slightly annoyed at her battle results. Jasmine hung her head as well. She already knew there was nothing she could do to help, not even lend her Captain her own armor. It was both the wrong size and an inferior type to boot.

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"If those arrows pierce any of our skin we should make sure to remove them immediately. I suspect Helenos is able to manipulate her tendrils through people, which makes anyone who has been afflicted for too long an enemy. Applying a staff to the wound should solve the problem in it's preliminary stages, but if it has progressed too much we may have little choice but to kill the afflicted one. Conrad would be a good choice for the other shield I think, we can not afford to lose him." Morgan said.


"At least there are some men of honor left in this world." Charlotte said to Derek, giving him a small smile. "I think I will retire now, bonne nuit."


Poor Alex, her mother's dead and her father's a power-hungry maniac. I still don't know whether my parents are alive... At least we can try to get her mother's sword back the next time we see that Henry fellow. With these thoughts, Tristan checked on Bellerophon before preparing to sleep for the night.

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Luc Altair

After an oddly long time--mostly due to Luc's slow walking speed--the cavalier finally saw the person he wanted to meet. Reika. He walked up to the girl and spoke. "Was that first group your other contract?" He didn't have time for subtly at the moment.

The Fargo

"Jeez, all this arguing."

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That was it. The man just asked straight out. Reika was quite surprised at the man's directness. He was one of those smug, snake like jerks who would try to trick people up and would use many words when one was needed. He was probably direct before with her, but frankly, she couldn't quite remember when.

Oh she'd tell him all right. She was being paid a large sum for her info. Still, that didn't mean she was going to make it easy for a noble like him.

"Maybe they are, maybe they aren't."

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OOC: Gonna be gone for a day or two. Nothing major. Just gone for Holidays. At absolute worst (and this is assuming snowfall, Godzilla attacks, and a zombie outbreak), I will be back by Tuesday.

IC: "Second watch with Alf should be fine; and Pary, both you and I know that light magic doesn't work like that. You would need to maintain a constant stream of mana. A sixth circle TISME might be capable of maintaining that for a minute if the flow is low enough, a seventh maybe two, but even if Kaileen was still here aiding you, you couldn't last more than five before you dropped down too exhausted to move. You have no place on the watch. Please; stop making yourself to be some form of god."

Esphyr gave a small sigh before turning back to Alf. "You've held the night watch before I assume, right? I would suggest we not bring torches or, if we must, we mount them in a circle about the camp instead of carrying them. One thing I don't wanna do is be carrying something that tells any archers, mages, ninja, or anything of the like right where I am. Kelas, I would recommend you do the same and rely on your sharp archer eyes; though you knew that already, right?"


Altion gave a small sigh as he watched the group from afar. Already, there seemed to be a mass swelling of people, and he was sure that the need for one more was not appreciated. Yet, downwind from the group, he could hear with ease as their words carried on the cool evening air. As soon as he heard that he was to share the watch with Kelas, his heart skipped a beat, excitement and fear flowing through his body at once. He wasn't sure if the blood would flow to his head at the prospect of a chance to spend time alone with Kelas at last, hopefully without her berating him anymore for his lack of horsemanship, or down to his bowls at the notion of being alone with such a scary woman!


Down the road, as Kaileen rested, Henry Jr's eyes fluttered open. Restless grains of sleep tumbled from his eyes as he looked up at his mother. Though she was fast asleep, energy coursed through his limbs! He had seen wyverns! Wyverns and Horses and Pegasi! How could he sleep while such magnificent beasts lay only a short ways back? Every time his closed his eyes, he could see their many hues, every clasp of his mothers dress felt like the scales of the wondrous beasts, his nose smelt the scent of the horses as it lay buried into his mothers side, and he could even hear the sound of pegasi wings flapping in his mind. His senses were on fire with desire for the beasts! He had to go back! He had to see them again!

Carefully he slipped down and out from his mothers grasp, placing her hand upon her breast, before he turned about and hurried down the road. Magnificent beasts were awaiting! He had to see them one more time!


As Mana lay curled up in her bed, the quilts wrapped around her body as her wings lay flowing out across the sheets, the gentle embrace of sleep slowly enveloped her body and mind.

Mana was dressed in commoners clothes, a simple shirt and skirt woven of of linen cloth. A strange weight seemed to have been lifted from her shoulders. Reaching around back, she discovered why. Her wings were gone! Yet, despite the fact that outright fear and panic should have been sweeping over her body, she was oddly calm about the notion. She could feel the stumps where they had once been under the dress, but it was as if they had been removed a long time ago.

Mana: What on ear-

Mana's eyes flew wide open in shock as he words formed before her eyes; like a visible script!

Mana: I can see my own words now? Like a script before my eyes?

Yet, before she had the chance to question any further, the bleeting of sheep outside caught her attention. She felt oddly compelled to head outdoors. Opening a door which she couldn't remember having been there before or even recall what it had been made of, yet felt as if it had always been there and she knew exactly what it was made of, she went outside.

Ixion stood under a tree. Up in the branches was a whole heard of sheep! Sheep with brilliant green wings and amber eyes!

Mana: Good morning Ixion dear! Lovely day? Those are sheep on there? Right?

Ixion: Yes.

Mana: Why are there sheep up in the trees?

Ixion: A fair question. Rather one that has been, in recent weeks, a lot on my mind. I believe that they are nesting.

Mana: Like birds?

Ixion: Exactly. That seems to be the key to the whole problem. It is my belief that these sheep are laboring under the misapprehension that they are birds. Observe their behavior. Take for example their behavior to try and grasp the tree branches and perch on their back legs. Also take note of their attempts to fly from tree to tree. Notice that they do not so much fly as plummet.

Right on que, one of the sheep launched itself into the air, its wings spread wide, only for the beast to plummet to the earth in every sense of the word. Mana recoiled in mild shock.

Ixion: Observe as well that ewe in that oak tree. She is clearly trying to teach her lamb to fly.

Also on que, the ewe leapt from the tree, plummeting to earth once again. Mana covered her eyes and turned away in shock.

Ixion: Talk about the blind leading the blind.

Mana: Why do they think they are birds?

Ixion: Another fair question. One thing is for sure. A sheep is not a creature of the air... yet. Even alchimizing them with your wings has not made them into such creatures yet.

Mana: You... alchimized me... With the sheep...

Ixion: No. Not you. Just your wings and spirit nature. The problem is, sheep are very dim, and even though having wings had granted them the ability to fly, they cannot wrap their mind about it. I'm afraid the experiment is a failure. On a totally unrelated note; how do you feel about eating mutton? Chicken?

Mana: Ixion! I turned Howard into a respectable physicist who designed a mechanical bull. I taught his brothers how to make it as well.

Ixion: And then they became our new overlords. Have you forgotten why we are on a farm instead of in my castle? We're hay farmers for our new minotaur overlords. We could have waited until they died from old age, but you had to go and ask me to make a female minotaur for Howard.

Mana bolted upright as the vestiges of the dream faded from her waking mind. "What the *beep*?" Her hands flew up to her throat, clasping it as the unnatural sound came forth from her mouth. "*beep*?"

Mana bolted upright as the last vestiges of both dreams faded from her mind. Quickly, her hands clasped her throat, feeling it for any restrictions before hurrying over to the window and looking outside. There were no sheep in the tree. Yet, as she turned her back to the window, a faint bleet slid into her ear. Spinning around, she almost launched herself out of the window in her nightgown, her amber eyes glancing wildly about for the slightest sign of wool.

"Did someone slip me spiritleaf when I wasn't looking?" she asked herself, her head and upper body sticking outside the window. "DID ANYONE SLIP ME SPIRITLEAF IN MY DINNER?!"

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"That may be true, but there are several factors involved. For one, a stronger light spell, such as my Divine spell would create a brighter light than a simple Light or Shine spell. Another thing to consider is if I use my Barrier staff first, strengthening my mana circuit, or using the staff itself as a type of anchor in the magic. As well as this."

Pary dug around in his bag. Not finding what he was looking for, he sat down on the ground, carefully taking things out. His hands touched the edge of a book, and he managed to take it out. "I bought this before we left. I was thinking of using it when we were attacked, but I was unsure how effective it would be against the Reformists. You may want to cover your eyes." Pary flipped through the pages, before reading through.

He raised a hand toward the sky, before shooting a large ball of light up. "Aura!"

The ball of light radiated like a second sun almost. The shadows in the woods, as well as those on the ground were almost non-existent. Beams of light fell everywhere, and it was so bright, everyone around could see it.

"I'm sure this will help in the event of a surprise attack?"

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"Pary! You bloody nincompoop! Why don't you just shoot a flaming arrow into the air announcing we're here?" hissed Esphyr in outrage. A swift slap across Pary's face sealed her contempt for the man as being so great as to wish bodily harm to him. "If I didn't know better, I would say you were trying to sell us out! Especially after I just told Alf not to carry a torch for fear of the light giving us away! Kelas; take this man off the watch. He's too thickheaded to be of any use. Not to mention his one idea for his nocturnal use would give him an effective usage time of five minutes at most." she said, turning her shoulder to the man.

"If almost any half-decent priest were aiding you, it would be better than your staff idea. You would be better giving the staff to me so I could beat stars into your head for you to see by."

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Chase remained awkwardly silent for a few moments before shaking his head and waling off mumbling, "I don't want to know, I don't want to know..." Ready to depart, he mounted Ava, slipped and fell once, cringing, and then managed to go to... wherever they were heading relatively uneventfully. I'm really out of it now, aren't I... I don't know a lot of people, I don't know where we're going, and I feel pretty weak...


ITT Pary fails being discreet forever

Chase proceeded to set up his belongings near an edge of the area chosen to camp, silently reflecting on what had occurred that day. Sitting on the ragged jumble of an excuse he used as a sleeping bag, he nearly drifted off and likely would have had the whole area not been suddenly illuminated. "Ugh, what now?!" he shouted, walking towards the source of the ray and saw Pary. "What," the hunter began, outraged, "in the name of hell are you doing? Are you TRYING to get us all killed? Someone could see this from a mile away! You're sending out a beacon to say "Hey, demons, we're right here if you want to end this thing right now! Esphyr's right. I'll take his watch," he said, indignant, mentally gaining much more respect for the crimson swordfighter.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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"Um, kiddo, we have a lot of watchmen already. I suggest getting some rest in the meantime. We're all going to need it," Alf said to Chase.

"You know you might as well paint a sign saying, "Here we are demons. Come and kill us please.""

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Luc Altair

No straight answer? Well, at least it was an answer. And one can always expect a non-answer to be the answer you want from a shifty person. "I'd prefer a yes or no answer." Luc's words were closey followed up by a flash of light that illuminated the whole area. What damnable act was that? If they were under attack there would already be sounds of combat.

The Fargo

"My eyes ow ow ow!" Fargo stumbled around blinded.

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"Yeah, it was. Double crossing scum. They attacked me along with you losers. Probably were planning it from the beginning too. I knew I couldn't trust them but that doesn't mean I can't be pissed off about it," Reika snarled.

"Oh and I had nothing to do with that woman joining there losing her memory and all that junk. I didn't even know about it anyway, so don't pin it on me."

As she finished speaking, the light shone and hit her in the eyes.

"Ow! Who the hell did that?"

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"We should be all right with just the campfire," Kelas was telling Esphyr, when the woods lit up. Without a second thought she crossed the clearing and grabbed Pary by the collar, signaling Amari to come back her up if necessary. The mare was there in an instant, ready to kick the staff-user if necessary. "Put that light out now," she snapped. "You gods-damned idiot. If anything were around here looking for us, they'll be here within minutes. I never said you could go on watch, because I knew you were going to pull some sort of stupid shit like this, and now I'm pretty sure you're actively trying to get us all killed. Morgan!" she called. "You might find this relevant!"

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Morgan attempted to ignore the racket while discussing strategy, but to no avail. A bright flash alerted her and she went towards the rest of the group.

"I do not see any reason to make racket about things we already knew." Morgan said, looking at Esphyr. "Nor do I see the need to reveal our presence to anyone within a several mile radius." she said, looking at Pary. "I do not know how you people normally prepare for upcoming mortal danger, but this sort of behavior is not appropriate in the least. Helenos probably knew of our coming anyway, since she can sense the Crimson Weapons, but we have now lost any element of surprise. We may have to go on the defensive now rather than the offensive, I would suggest everyone remain prepared for combat at all times." Morgan said to the group.

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"That's true. We should get to work while we can. So Ixion, what is the next step in your plan?" Damian replied, following the Dark Druid.

'Hmm... I wonder about what she said... her human nature allows such things? I will have to bring it up with her again later...'


Tessa seemed... off. She was hesitating, almost sheepishly... why could that be? Tessa's actions could do naught but turn Aiya's cheerful disposition to a far less joyous one.

"...probably could have done a better job,"

As Tessa mumbled those words, Aiya's mind began to race. Tessa's anxiety, almost guilty, she wouldn't even look Aiya in the eye... and then this?

Face blanched white, Aiya released Tessa's hand and instinctively shuffled backward slightly.

"T-Tessa... is there... still something wrong with me?" Aiya croaked out rather fearfully, Tessa's further inquiry completely lost on her.


As the Bolting spell struck down one of the Haltonian Riders, Roartz snarled with anger. Stepping back into the spell circle, he spoke again, his voice clearly angered.

"TISME mages, you should think well and hard about what you are doing. If you persist to attack us, then your building will be no haven for you. I gave you the gracious offer of complete neutrality, and you would throw it away like this?" Roartz inquired, anger continuing to build.

Edited by Azusa Nakano
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"If we aren't attacked, is there any good reason I shouldn't knock him out?" Kelas asked Morgan, not yet letting go of the potential traitor. "Maybe we don't get attacked this time, maybe he does it again until we do. Maybe he's just an idiot, but I don't trust him any further'n Arrin's cat could throw him."

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Heinz raised his eyes. "Tendril arrows?" he spoke out loud. Hopefully shouldn't be too difficult to avoid them... glad I'm not the one being slowed down by armor, although I suppose it provides more protection, frowning when Morgan continued Lev's explanation. "Glad we have these shields then." Since it's his wyvern that carried them, glancing quickly at Lev. As a flash of bright light erupted Heinz quickly narrowed his eyes. Damned mages, although it's probably not the fire one this time, walking back to where the rest of the party was.

"The priest?" he commented dryly. We could use some more sense in this group. Seeing the nomad talking angrily to the shaman, Heinz took a few steps closer to the scene. "Do you need someone to tie him up?" he inquired, figuring he should offer his services.

Edit: Reworded a little.

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As Mana called out, the closest group of mercenaries who could hear her looked over.

Sniper: Etain, spiritleaf is illegal in Irvinheim, and even if one of the boys was dumb enough to carry any on their person, they sure as hell wouldn't be "sharing". If you're having nightmares, take a walk ... or flight, or something.

Meanwhile Ixion continued his conversation with Damian.

Ixion: An inquiry first. Do you have any methods of incorporating that lance directly, or will I need to assist you there? That determines our next move.

Stephanie merely stood there, listening, worried about the other fortress guest.

Shine Camp

As the night pressed on, a soaring eagle flew through the night sky. The bird's eyes carried a thick azure glow, no normal eagle. It continued relying solely on the moonlight and the glow of the campfire to keep a very distant eye on the group. As a bright light appeared, it was immediately blinded and called out with the voice of a human!

Eagle: AH-GOD!!!

The eagle tried to cover its face with its wings only to end up tumbling down and crashing onto the ground with a loud thud. Picking itself up and letting its highly sensitive eyes readjust, it found itself still a safe distance from the camp. It shook its head off.

Eagle: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

The rest of the camp seemed to be caught off guard by the light as well. Inside one of the tents Iso was woken up by the flash and stuck his head out to see that there was nothing terribly wrong ... just Pary it seemed.

Iso: ... no.

The fire sage quickly went back to sleep. Irina and Kiev looked at the light as well, Irina gawking at the familiar sight, and Kiev tilting his head. That was the same light he saw at Ilyphina. Was he about to be shot again? He looked around at the party's archers nervously.

Irina: What's with the huge light? This isn't really the time to be luring enemies in.

Lev of course had simply followed Morgan over to the problem so he could see it with his own eyes. There was plenty to see, but little he really felt like commenting on. Susann meanwhile stared in utter shock at the great light in the sky. Was it a holy thing? Viveka and Jasmine were somewhat interrupted by the light and simply stared at it for a moment.

Jasmine: Whoooooa. We've got somebody in the party who can use the spotter trick?

Viveka: I guess, but ... this is really bad time, especially for a demonstration. Whoever did that basically just set off a flare in our own camp. We're in the plains too so it's even worse. The campfire can be slightly obscured by the tents and any elevation can help too but that light could be seen for at least three miles.

Jasmine: Four. Definitely four.

Viveka: ... oh ... right.

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"Knock him out or not, it should make little difference, just do not cause any permanent injuries." Morgan said to Kelas and Heinz.

"A more important matter is what will do once we get to Altenau. The villagers have probably been afflicted beyond the point of recovery by now. We will have to kill them to protect ourselves. I thought I would mention it since some of you get squeamish about such things." Morgan told the group.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The general nodded. "Maybe this group survives on something other than dumb luck after all," as a bright light enveloped the area.

"Or maybe not," he finished curtly, turning towards the other pegasus knight. "Fly to the nearest town on Illiam and see if you can find a suitable set of armor," he ordered, going over to his horse and removing a large pouch of gold before handing it to the woman. "Remove all identifying insignias as well and think up a reasonable excuse when you request the captain's measurements."

General Jackson addressed Captain Viveka. "It is unfortunate what has happened to your armor, but that cannot be helped if the battle is to be tomorrow.... or sooner. While we all may be alive from day to day," indicating the group with a wave of his hand. "You know better than to rely on them to finish off the job. Every individual is only loosely connected to the group by their own goals." As am I.

He paused for a second. "You should take the opportunity to put your skills to work and observe how Helenos attacks from the sidelines. Perhaps advise some of the party on how to counter them, if they should choose to listen," he said half-humoredly, although his eyes were serious. We cannot let a threat like Helenos escape unchecked as the Reformists did.


"I trust you can keep ahold of him then," quickly retrieving the rope from his saddlebags and looping it around one of the priest's wrists tightly. Too late to save them, eh? "Very well," he replied in response to Morgan's comment.

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Pegasus Knights

Viveka: Right. I'll do my best, sir ... though, getting some of these people to heed my advise is probably impossible. Though I am on good terms with some of the smarter ones. Having only a few ears will just have to be good enough for now.

Jasmine: And I'll try to hunt you down some new armor. Just one question though, is there an up to date map I can use? If there's a place really close by I could travel there.

Viveka: (Goddess dammit if Altenau's the only other town around here.) The one we brought with us should work just fine unless new towns sprang up in the last five years. I kind of doubt it. Just don't head true west since that's Altenau.

Jasmine: okay I'll check for somewhere nearby. If you aren't still here when I get back I'll head to Altenau and check there.

Viveka: I'm a bit concerned about you going to a place that got hit by arrow barrages. Keep your distance if you think we're not there, and make sure you check along our travel route before you actually go there.(If she ends up going to Altenau and we're not there then we're probably all dead, or captured, in which case we're better served if she comes back with an army.)

She nodded at Viv and then saluted both her and Conrad before heading over to Illiam who was looking at Susann, his incredibly stunned companion. She still stood there with a half dead appearance looking at where the light had been. Jasmine took note of it as she mounted up.

Jasmine: Viv, Sunny's out of it, just so you know.

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"Hmph." Pary grabbed the wrist that was not bound, and clutched it to his chest. "Release me." Pary shot another bright blast of light directly at the man's eyes, unable to be seen by many people. "I can take care of myself. I'm sure Helenos already knew we were coming. She's sent numerous traps after us before. It was naive to pretend we ever had an element of surprise. What's more, with Eric having been discovered as a demon, I'm sure Helenos will send him and Shanice's group that we did not kill after us, and even if they aren't working together they're probably still coming for us. I probably flushed them out of wherever they were hiding. I could have saved us getting massacred in our sleep, or the watch being taken out silently."

He walked over towards Viveka, where he had heard her complaining about her lack of armor. "Viveka, I believe I can help. I know of a town quiet close by."

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"Oh for the love of...asshole, it's not just that Helenos knows we're coming after her, it's that now she knows our exact location, not just the general one. What's more, those demons now know where we are and will probably attack us while we're weak. And if there are any bandit groups around here, now they know where we are as well. You might as well just tell them to go kill us right now."

Unfortunately as Alf made a move to restrain him, he ran off to somewhere else.

"Goddammit. Well...we probably need double shifts now. And never let him volunteer to go on watch again. What's done is done though...feh."

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"Night," Derek replied, as the princess walked away. The man went again to check on Ann, but just then, there was a brilliant flash of light, blinding him for a few moments. As it faded, he turned to the source - Pary -, and shook his head. However much the cavalier wanted to beat some sense into that priest, others were already dealing with him. Quickly, Derek drew his sword, and resigned himself to spend the whole night watching.

"Someone kill the fire," he said, before seeing the idiot priest walk over to Viveka as if nothing happened. "You! Drop the tome and stave. I don't want our night vision to be ruined again."

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