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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 22: The Hunt


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Kelas looked up. "Oi, where've you be-- never mind. Long story short, that lot showed up out of nowhere and started calling for the Crimson Wielders' lives. When we let them know we couldn't let that happen, they attacked," she explained quietly. She sighed. "I didn't like fighting 'em either, but I couldn't let that woman kill Arrin, or any of the others."


Arrin sat down with a sigh, unsure of what to do. He obviously shouldn't have reminded Tessa of earlier, and he wasn't very good at comforting her, either. He guessed he'd just wait a bit. Maybe he could talk to Kelas about what he'd done earlier, but she didn't seem to be available for conversation at the moment.


Tobe trailed after Altion, determined to befriend his horse. He wasn't sure if the man had heard, but he seemed to be seeking an explanation, and maybe Tobe could figure out what was going on too. Kelas' explanation didn't really help much, admittedly, but maybe there was more coming.

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Luc Altair

Tessa finally seemed to be free of her current obligations, so with one last look around the area--seeing some more newcomers being handled by General Alex--Luc made his way over to the girl. "Tessa," he spoke, "During the fighting earlier I took care to try and knock some of the Templars unconscious. I'd like you to see if I succeeded and lend aid if they were grievously wounded." It was a bit more blunt than he'd like, but no route would be easy here.

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Altion gave a small sigh of acceptance. Though he did not approve of the slaughter, Arrin was her brother. He certainly could understand why she would do such a thing, though he found approval difficult to give. "At least he is safe then, Dame Kelas. I apologize for my absence. I was... feeling alone. For a plainswoman like yourself, I'm sure it is something you are guarded against. Alas, I lack such a ability. That is no excuse though. Will you please forgive my absence which has endangered the life of your brother?"

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"Ixion's shields...? Yeah, won't bother getting into that. The wyrmslayer probably helps too. Guess we're not as unprepared as I thought. That's a relief. If we can beat Helenos, we'll be one step closer to going--" he remarked, before feeling a pang of remorse. "... home..." the archer finished on a lower note.

... Wow, I never really considered that... Will I even be welcome? Distraught came over Chase, who frowned. I need to think... He closed his eyes and silently pondered what he'd do when everything came to a close, mentally panicking at the thought of returning home. Unaware of where he was going, he had been wandering around aimlessly in his plight and walked into Susann, startling him. He blinked a few times, and realized that he'd subconsciously come to Viveka for help. "... Viveka, Morgan said we're going to fight Helenos soon, and that made me realize... we're a lot closer to ending this than I thought, aren't we? It's been a while, but now... now I think we really have a chance, and well, that kinda scares me... because what happens then? What if we actually pull it off? I can't very well just go back to Eliyisma and expect to be forgiven, can I? What am I gonna do?"

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Horror Story

Adam lowered his head, was he really going to have to recall everything? He supposed he would have to eventually if he was going to get any help at all so he slowly began.

Adam: Everything was fine until we got word that Jace had started an uprising. We were expecting an all out attack but only one battalion of his men showed up hoping for a truce. We didn't really get a chance to talk since moments later arrows starting raining down all around us. Jace's men were wiped out along with half of ours right from the start. Those arrows kept raining down over the town killing everyone. We had no idea where they came from, but after Captain Edwards was injured, he sent me off. I think I'm ... the only one who made it out. Those weren't regular arrows though. They just ... turned into disgusting things and burrowed into the ground. One did something to my horse too ... (and then that man killed him ....)


Viveka couldn't catch all of the story before Chase approached her with an odd question. She thought it was odd at least. He seemed a bit worried about what would happen to him after all was said and done.

Viveka: Well the charges against you haven't been dealt with, and a slap on the wrist is just not going to happen even if the General's charges disappear. Unless you're willing to change your name and grow a mustache I don't think staying in Elyisima would be such a good idea.

Suddenly it occurred to her that he had shown up out of nowhere. She certainly would have preferred having him around earlier and she made sure to tell him that too.

Viveka: Hey, where were you during that battle? It would have helped out a lot if you could have shot Kamilla so she wouldn't escape. The swordsman got away too so I guess it doesn't make a difference. Anyway, try not to think about where you're going to end up just yet. You don't sound like you're ready to make a decision yet anyway.

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Reika had started raining invectives at her, which Tessa did her best to simply ignore. If she wasn't feeling up to talking about how she thought should should have properly handled the situation with Arrin, then there was no way that the time and energy that would be involved in arguing with the prickly thief would be time well spent. She'd simply sighed, and made a note to try to handle it later. A few brief words in her defense were all she offered, before she let Alferis take over, as the fighter apparently felt he ought to intervene.

"I cannot say that I ever remember allowing myself to be walked all over," she managed rather brusquely.

Was that right, was that wrong? At the moment, she didn't really care. Arrin, had moved away a little bit, and was sitting down looking morose. She wasn't sure whether she'd infected him, passed along her previous foul mood. Maybe it was something else, she wondered. The thunder mage likely had his own issues to sort through... especially considering the revelation Althea had given. Mmm, yes. Some time alone will do him some good, she decided after a moment.

Having finished that assessment, she was approached by Luc coming forward in regards to her inquiry, about whether there were any further wounded.

"Count Altair!" she exclaimed, "Yes, by all means. Lead me to them, let me have a look. I can only hope your efforts were successful... at the very least more so than my own. If we can save even just one..." She reached out for his hand, bearing a hopeful expression.

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Kelas gave a one-shouldered shrug, attempting to not bother Isotov too much. "I dunno that being here woulda helped much," she replied. "As for where you were, I reckon if you were up to no good, you wouldn't tell me anyway, so no use pressing that. We all got out of it alive, though some people cut it kind of close," she added in a mutter, "so I guess what's done is done. If you want to help, I dunno, there might be people who need it," she concluded.


Tobe carefully approached Altion's horse and gave it a tentative pat on what looked to be an uninjured part of its neck. It seemed to be recovering from something, possibly neglect; maybe he could help out with it. He continued to pet the horse, inspecting its various small injuries. Yes, he'd found a way to help out, he thought.

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Altion bowed his head in submission to Kelas's suggestion before turning his head about to look over the various people. What was he to do? He didn't know about first aid, or how to heal with a stave. At most, he could lift someone up and carry them about on Gluebag, but that was it. He hung his head low in shame. "But I don't know how to help them. I'm useless to them. I don't know how to heal, or be a comfort. I wager you would be a better aid than I. Even if you don't know first aid, at least your smile doesn't make men scream in disgust. Kelas... I want to help, but I don't know how. I'm just a dumb kid in knights armor."


As Tobe's hand gently patted down upon Gluebag's mane, the steed quickly shook his neck and tried to pull away. Though unwounded and unmarred, possibly even recently healed from the lack of grooming, there was no shortage of wounds elsewhere from poor care. Saddle blankets that were set sloppily and poorly cleaned, stirrups that seemed to have been improperly adjusted, and a general mess of things. Yet, there had been some minor improvements, shown by scrapes and wounds starting to heal. It did not speak of a master whom didn't care, but rather one who did not know.

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This time, the healing was successful, and Aiya's eyes opened wearily, as she let out a groan.

"D-did it work...?" She asked no one in particular, as she moved to sit up.

'No sudden pains... no unnecessary bleeding...'

"I think I'm okay... what is happening now?"

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"I'm not in the best position to get up at the moment," Kelas pointed out. "And I'm not exactly in the best condition myself... tell you what, if you want to help, just see who's injured and then notify the healers. I think everyone's at least got some attention, we're all right over here, just tired," she added. "Or you can... I dunno, I dunno what else needs to be done right now."


Tobe finished inspecting the horse. "Yep, I got meself a project," he concluded. He looked around, double-checking the cavalry horses he'd convinced to follow him around. When the man was done talking with Kelas, Tobe would try and talk to him.

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Luc Altair

"Ah," Luc mouthed as Tessa responded. He expected an enthusiastic response but this was a fair bit more than that. "Very well," he said and lead the way to the two. He hadn't bothered to check on them personally, but they were still lain where Luc had struck at them--not too far apart. "The cavalier would be the more injured, I... misjudged my strength in the heat of the moment. The hit on the monk I have no doubt is a non-fatal blow." Luc looked at the two he had defeated and bit his lip. Ah, if only he had trained for such things. But all he could do was resolve to do better next time.

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With Kelas pulled into a conversation, a pointless one from what Iso could gather, he couldn't quite rest like he'd hoped to. So he opened his eyes and looked up to see Altion with his neglected horse and Tobe nearby. Strange, he thought Altion had simply vanished. His manner of speech had certainly sounded familiar though. Without raising off of Kelas he spoke up.

Iso: My thoughts exactly. We didn't have any casualties but there may still be people unaccounted for. It would speed things up if someone went around checking and then telling the healers ... except Charlotte, since she's taking a nap. Not sure what the hell we're going to do with these bodies though. (I guess we'll just leave them like the last bunch? I'm not going to ask where he's been, it doesn't seem like a very big deal.)


Susann finally spotted a familiar face it was Viveka's newborn child. She landed near him and the injured horse. She didn't recognize Gluebag and probably couldn't trust the marred wingless and certainly not magnificent stallion to watch over her rider's child. Coming closer she nickered softly to let the boy know she was there.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Whew. You're up," said Alf, relieved Aiya was mostly fine. Battered a little, but fine. "Thank god. For a minute there it almost looked like you were...Anyway, we're done with the battle. The leader's dead. We're doing clean up right now."

"Clean up? Bah! That's the problem with people here. Whenever they kill things, they make a mess out of themselves and then they have to go heal and stuff and it's boring."

"You usually don't have to do that Reika..."

"Yeah, well, it prevents us from moving on, especially since we stick around after we're done healing."

"I guess. Anyway Aiya, I'm really glad you're alive. Don't start dying on me anytime soon ok?"

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"I'll try to keep that in mind." Aiya replied to Alferis, pushing herself off of the ground with a spot of effort.

Looking herself over once again, Aiya seemed puzzled.

"I still have no idea why the healing didn't work earlier... I thought the goddess was angry at me... but I didn't have the chance to... do anything. Why would the healing succeed a few minutes later?"

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"As you command dame Kelas." said Altion, bowing slightly... before a pegasus landed right beside him. Startled by the sudden approach, Altion pulled back on Gluebag's reins, trying to pull away in shock, only then noticing that Tobe had, somehow, made his way over to the horse without his rider noticing. A wave of panic swept over Altion at the sudden realization that the child was so close! Pulling back as hard as he could on the reigns, he tried to get Gluebag to stop his motion, afraid that he would somehow hurt the child despite him being on the opposite side of the turn. You don't move about when you aren't sure of where someone is after all! As he pulled back upon the reigns, the faint creaking sound of worn leather being pushed to it's limits slowly filled the air. It was a sound that, despite his lack of horsemanship, Altion could recognize. As fast as he could, he let go of the reigns, despite his leaning back. Suddenly without a anchor for support, he rocked backwards and fell off of Gluebag, landing in a pile of armor.

A second later, he was up, his face red with rage. He pointed at the child as fury at the unknown approach coursed through his veins. "You!" he hissed, a nasty tone in his voice.


Despite the wonderful healing job done by Tessa, Esphyr did not pop right on up as some people seemed to expect. Between the stress of fighting and potentially losing Aiya and the blood lost during the fight, the mercenary girl was more than welcoming of even a few moments of rest. Yet, as the sounds of the world slowly filtered in through her ears and light pierced the sweet darkness of unconsciousness, she was forced to wake up.

Quietly rising up, she made no sound or notion to the others of her awakening. Looking out at Aiya, then looking about the field to ensure everyone else was either okay or being tended to, she stopped after a moment, satisfied. She knew what she had to do though. She had no scruples at all about leaving bodies out in the field to rot. The soul was gone unto the goddesses embrace, and common bandits deserved no respectful burial for their crimes. But these were no bandits. Despite their ill intent, they had been servants of the goddess. They deserved a proper burial.

Getting up to her feet, she quietly approached the closest dead man to her and picked him up by the hand. "Rest in the peace and glory, fallen servant of the light." she said quietly. It wasn't a official prayer, but she felt rude saying nothing at all. Slowly, she started to drag the body towards the others, gathering them for at least a respectful burial.

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"Goddess angry at you? What are you talking about?" said Alferis puzzled. "Maybe Tessa was just really tired is all? I don't know. Deus Ex Machina.

But anyway, you feeling ok know? You were hit pretty bad with that sword from that lady I think. Possibly. I got my eye gouged out by her but it got fixed now. Geez...hope we won't have to fight anymore of these Templar guys."

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As he led her along the way towards where the foes had fallen, Tessa judged Luc as good as any to ask about the Septimian funeral customs. "It may be untoward of me to ask, but... what is the customary way to care for the dead amongst members of the Reform branch of faith? It'd never come up when Kamilla was around, and..." they reached their destination, and she paused. Stating just a bit more, "Feel free to answer, if you would, but I probably won't talk myself a bit here while I'll be focusing on doing all that I can do," she then launched herself into work.

Following Luc's suggestion that the cavalier's wounds were more severe, she made him the priority target. However, as she arrived, her hopes were quickly dispelled. The count had misjudged his strength some, but the man could have been saved... had a healer gotten there in time. As it was, far too long had elapsed, and the templar had already expired. Frowning, Tessa picked herself up, and moved over to the monk, who was actually in quite fine condition, everything considered. The beginnings of a welt were already making themselves evident on the monk's forehead, where Luc must have hit him with the flat side of his halberd. That had clearly been the finishing blow, though there was a nasty gash along the light mage's side.

Once again, delving into prayers, she tending to the monk swiftly and accurately, pausing only for a moment between healing his side and moving toward the head wound, so that she could turn and cough for a few seconds. It seemed that she was again getting tired, and though she was on her second wind she was nearing the last of her strength. After holding her hand to her chest for a bit, she had quelled the spasms, and finished her task. Turning back to Luc with a smile on her face, she explained, "He'll live, he'll definitely live! Likely open his eyes with a raging headache in a minute or two, but it's a success."

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The unimpressive horse's rider began acting aggressively toward Viveka's little child and she couldn't allow that. If Viveka herself were there she would likely have stabbed the man with her hard stick thing. She needed to defend the little one and quickly whinnied at Altion while shoving him around with her head trying to brush him to a distance while moving herself closer to the child.

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Luc Altair

Tessa's question regarding funeral ceremonies for reformists was one that Luc couldn't answer. He was never the most religious man--despite his upbringing--and the rituals and culture associated with Directus tended to be rather different from his few excursions to other cities. If anything any reasonings Tessa could come up with would be closer than his own. But, since they were religious, would not Directus' method of burning the dead be applicable? After all, the reason the dead were burned was because Directus was the enemy of the demons of earth.

As he had contemplated the question, Tessa had begun her work. But quickly he saw her notice that the cavalier was a lost cause. Damn, since the man hadn't been showing any signs of weakening Luc had over-gauged his strength and struck too hard. Or was his own sluggishness to blame? Had he not futilely chased that other monk would this man be alive? It did not hold a grave mattering, but still, it would be something to hold unto. A strong arm is not indicative of a strong body.

But thankfully, the monk was in a better condition. Luc had been sure of his strength on those blows, so it came as a relief to hear Tessa's exclamations about it. "Ah, excellent. I'm glad that I managed to at least avoid this horror." Luc closed his eyes at his own reprimand. "Thank you for this, Tessa."

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"I was just tryin' t' help," Tobe protested, suppressing a laugh as Altion fell over. "Th' horse is kinna in a bad way... I was goin' t' ask if I could help out, see. Calm down, calm down, he en't doin' anythin'," he added to Susann, who had come to defend him against... something.

Kelas sighed as Altion promptly fell off his horse. "So much for quiet," she muttered. Without moving too much, she looked around. "At least it looks like everyone's healed who needs it. You doing all right?" she asked Isotov. She was tired, too, but she realized that they needed to get moving again soon.

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It had been quite some time since his encounter with the cavelier and Althea's defeat. Now the sun was setting and long shadows were cast from Lantos' hooves and Raemond's dismounting form. (There isn't much light left.) The metiphorical meaning of his thought hit him before the strand could continue. (That's right...) Sighing, he dismissed the memory of his friend being run through.

As he took some rations from his saddlebags, his mind continued. (I will have a better stance in the morning. Altenau isn't too far off, but I can feel the demonic presnese there.) As Lantos began to graze, Raemond patted the gelding's neck. "We'll stay here for the night," he told the horse then began nibbling on his own, small dinner.

After a large gulp of water, he placed the slugishly-disappearing ration back into his mouth a little ways and began humming to try to calm and sooth himself; his other hand still resting on Lantos' neck. After a moment, he realized that the music he thought he'd been remembering was actually coming at him from the direction of Altenau. Looking over, he saw a girl playing a lyre coming down the road. She wasn't a demon. How, then, had she escaped Altenau?

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Playing the lyre, Sadie tried to cheer herself up with playing, but it really didn't help at all. Altenau was destroyed. That was what she'd have to accept. It had been a good resting place for her over the years and she could count on it being somewhat safe. Now...

Spotting a figure in the distance, Sadie put away her lute and ran towards the man. He was dressed in robes and appeared to be a holy man of sorts.

Maybe he can help with those dead things moving around. I hope.

"Oh! Excuse me. Are you a priest by any chance?"

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Bellerophon noticed Susann whinnying near an unfortunate looking horse and the boy who took care of the lesser beings. He flew down and stood in between the horse and Susann and neighed aggresively. The female did not need to be bothered by this sad excuse of a creature, especially after her injuries.


Ronald opened his eyes slowly, victim to a massive headache. There was a blonde-haired girl standing over him with an armored man nearby. "What is going on?" he asked them. "Where am I?"

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"So, this is Anglenar. Looks like the dogs have set up a final line here... good. Let us see the strength of those elitist zealots when their backs are through the wall." An imposing man spoke to an entourage of close men, armoured in the Haltonian standard.

"How should we proceed then, General?" The voice came from a smaller man, two stars about his uniform.

"I've already got it all worked out, Raul." The larger man said confidently, plaving a friendly hand on the shoulder of his soldier.

"Set up the catapults... I can see the ballista atop the walls from here... those need to go down before the raids start... but that isn't the biggest problem we face." The man said with a sigh.

"That, would be TISME. If they act aggressively towards us, we will have to take them out... I think we all know the implications of that." The General stated solemnly.

"What do you suppose we do about it, General Roartz?" The Major General asked his superior, wondering if he had any ideas.


"Is it set up?" Roartz asked impatiently, as the sages worked about him.

"Indeed. Simply step into this spell circle, and your voice will be projected to the city of Anglenar, General." One man, appearing to be in his late thirties, stated, saluting the General.

"Wonderful. Then let us begin." Roartz said with glee, stepping into the circle.

Feeling the magical energy, Roartz was proud of the work his men had done. This was surely the best hope of keeping TISME from becoming tangled in the mess.

"Citizens of Anglenar. This is General Roartz of the Halton Military. At this moment, we are poised to launch an assault, and subjugate your city, however, this may not be necessary. And soldier who drops his or her lance, spear, axe, bow, or tome, will have their surrender welcomed, and their life spared I will personally assure your safety from my own men so long as you show no intent to threaten us. As for the TISME mages stationed here, the TISME building will be left untouched so long as it's inhabitants do not lash out against us. TISME involvement in this battle is against the interests of TISME's scholarly environment, as well as our own, and surely we can get along with that in mind. And so I speak once more. Drop your arms and welcome us, or keep them held, and prepare to fall at the hand of the Halton Empire... make your choice, Anglenar."

'Our catapults are poised to smash their walls at the first sign of hostility, and those damnable ballista with them. Once that's done, our Wyvern Storm troops can swarm in.'

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Tessa realized she must have entirely missed Luc's comments on how to service the dead, and she found herself having a little bit of trouble picking out his statement of gratitude. The throbbing in her right ear was picking up again, and since he was on that side of her... well that must be responsible for it, she surmised. If this turns into a major problem, I'll have to have Charlotte take a look at it, she resolved.

After the count had finished speaking, the troubadour replied, "No, no! Thank you. Choosing to exercise mercy in the heat of battle was most commendable. Especially when others were... not so inclined, or so able," she sighed a bit.

As she turned back to the patient, contemplating what to do with him now, the monk roused himself, before asking some basic questions. Tessa tried to break the news to him. "The battle is over. Your side was routed, and I'm unsure how many escaped or survived, but you still draw breath, so cherish that at least. As for the where? We're in the middle of... actually I have no idea." She confessed her ignorance. Geography had never been a strong point, and certainly not that of of foreign country she had never expected to find herself in. She looked at Luc to help fill in the blanks if he would.

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