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The Mafia sticky (and my semi-leaving note)


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So, this thread is basically about two linked things. Firstly, passing on the control of the stickied thread (and I suppose 'leadership' of the mafia section, in a sense) and secondly, the reason for doing that, which is my continued decline in activity on SF.

So, the second of those things first. University life, coupled with my dying laptop, means that I don't post or do as much here as I used to, and that's going to continue. In fact, I don't think I'm going to sign up as a main player in any more SF mafia games, or really be nearly as active as I currently am. Which means this isn't goodbye, but is a 'don't expect to see me as often' post.

The second of these is the administrative problem this poses. Right now I've become the de facto leader of mafia here because I made the thread and generally play in every game, but I don't want to just grab a person and tell them they're in charge. Rather, I think we might as well do this the democratic way, since we've had me in charge up until now because I decided to get in charge in the first place (so nobody voted me in, although AFAIK nobody has complained about the way I'm maintaining things...).

I'll let people nominate themselves and we'll have a vote to put someone in charge (people that have played in a mafia game between 01/09/10 and 01/12/10 (DD/MM/YY format) will each get a single vote, because then it's more representative of the mafia community).

Basically, as well as maintaining the HQ thread, they'll also be in charge of ensuring games are of an adequate quality (i.e. in charge of making sure games on the waiting list are properly maintained), and possibly other things as they arise. In a way doing what I've been doing these past 6 months, but actually with people agreeing you're the man for the job :P.

I'm thinking we'll do this by a closed Single Transferable Vote, since that's a little fairer than a plurality vote despite needing more work. So here's a timetable for this:

Today until Friday: People nominating themselves to become the Mafia Subforum 'Godfather' (it works the theme :P). Just post here that you'd be interested and happy to step forward to fill the role, or even nominate someone else (this isn't voting, by the way), and I'll PM them and tell them they're wanted (if they haven't already seen the thread), and let them decide if they want to run in the 'election'

Saturday 11th until Friday 17th: Voting. For secrecy, send your results to me (I'll explain how STV works when you need to), and also if you're happy for your vote to be revealed at the end of the week (this is to prove that I don't try and fix the results, although I really have no intention of doing that :P)

Then on Saturday 18th I'll announce who won the vote and therefore the person taking over from me.

I... hope this all makes sense. And questions, post them here, otherwise, nominations are open (note: If I only get one nomination, they're going to take over by default. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing).

Finally once someone has taken over, I'll ask an admin about the easiest way to change the thread over (it's likely starting a new thread, only the first two posts really matter for long term information), and possibly even having a custom member group (unlikely, but it could help keep things organised... I'll make an argument for it :P)





Edited by I Eat Tables
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Three people have already nominated me so...

Sure, I'll take it if everyone wants me to.

EDIT: Even though some people have already nominated me, I'm going to toss in my own nomination... JB25.

The second of these is the administrative problem this poses. Right now I've become the de facto leader of mafia here because I made the thread and generally play in every game, but I don't want to just grab a person and tell them they're in charge. Rather, I think we might as well do this the democratic way, since we've had me in charge up until now because I decided to get in charge in the first place (so nobody voted me in, although AFAIK nobody has complained about the way I'm maintaining things...).

I want to comment on this.

Tables, most (if not all minus myself) people here are actually younger than you and have a lot of respect for you. As for me, even though I am your elder, I also have quite a lot of respect for you.

Even after we (community) decided to get to get this place organized, nobody has complained about it being an oligarchy. Because it's not. You've just been keeping the place running smoothly without attempting to exert power over anyone. Which is what is supposed to happen. Here's to hoping that the next person (possibly me) doesn't fuck up the good job you've been doing so far.

Edited by Cthulhu
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I'm glad you think so. And... yeah, I never really think about ages online. It doesn't really matter to me, all that matters is if you enjoy the game or not :P.

Anyway, I see Life, JB and Balcerzak being nominated so far, with JB already having commented. Those plus Levity would probably have been my first choices for nominations, but I'll leave things a little longer to see if anyone else is (nominated).

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inb4 Rein jumps in and votes for Bizz

Yes, we know. Lightning has a crush on Bizz.

Forgot about Bizz, to be honest but my vote still stays on JB. She's run Mafia games in the past, has a good head on her shoulders and managed to convince me to keep a spreadsheet in PTG going.

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inb4 Rein jumps in and votes for Bizz

... Dammit.

In all seriousness, I honestly think Bal would be good. He's pretty active and good with managing things from what I've seen, and he has the right idea when it comes to balance and things. So, yeah. I nominate Bal.

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Rein put it in good words

In all seriousness, I honestly think Life would be good. He's pretty active and good with managing things from what I've seen, and he has the right idea when it comes to balance and things. So, yeah. I nominate Life.

Edited by SlayerX
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Yes, we know. Lightning has a crush on Bizz.

Forgot about Bizz, to be honest but my vote still stays on JB. She's run Mafia games in the past, has a good head on her shoulders and managed to convince me to keep a spreadsheet in PTG going.

Unless you were referring to Bizz doing all of that.


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Unless you were referring to Bizz doing all of that.

I wasn't. I was referring to JB since she is, you know, a girl. You know that mythical being that doesn't usually frequent the internet?

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Forgot about Bizz

I'm easily forgettable

I think it should be Balcerzak, imo.

thinking of running another game in the future btw

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Hail to the beard, baby.

Yeah but the beard and voice don't match.

Bal, you're awesome and everything but when I heard your voice, I burst out into giggling. Seriously.

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